Using Assessment to Improve Instruction and Learning

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2. Alternative Assessment

Offer students more choices than they would have in taking a test or writing an essay. 1. Authentic Assessment 2. Alternative Assessment 3. Performance Assessment

4. placement assessment 2. formative assessment 3. diagnostic assessment 1. summative assessment

Place these is order 1. summative assessment 2. formative assessment 3. diagnostic assessment 4. placement assessment

1. Product Assessment

A ________________ gives students the chance to apply their knowledge in concrete ways 1. Product Assessment 2. Performance Assessment 3. Process Assessment

3. Write and enact a play focusing on everyday customs 5. Determine the most valuable natural resources of the area

A fourth-grade social studies teacher wants students to practice higher-order thinking and problem-solving skills while working on a unit focusing on ancient Greece and Rome. What are two appropriate assessment methods to meet this goal? Choose 2 answers 1. Summarize the sub-topics in the chapter 2. Locate the major land and water forms on a map 3. Write and enact a play focusing on everyday customs 4. Write a list of key words and terms found in the chapter 5. Determine the most valuable natural resources of the area

3. Process assessment

Activities students use to master the content 1. Content assessment 2. Product assessment 3. Process assessment

2. below a level where an assessment administered in English would be a valid measure of his or her content knowledge.

Although policies will vary, a student may be eligible for testing accommodations if the student is: 1. enrolled in an ELL program and receiving any type of support services from an ELL teacher. 2. below a level where an assessment administered in English would be a valid measure of his or her content knowledge. 3. already receiving instructional accommodations within his or her regular classroom. 4. at least two levels below proficiency on standardized assessments used by the school district.

Informal Assessment

Authentic Assessment and Alternative Assessment aka _______________

3. Placement

Before beginning a unit of study, Mr. Davies gives a quiz that focuses on prerequisite skills necessary for factoring. 1. Formative 2. Authentic 3. Placement 4. Summative

1. Portfolio assessment

Evaluation of collections of student work demonstrates progress over time. 1. Portfolio assessment 2. Authentic assessment 3. Summative assessment 4. Formative assessment

3. Norm-referenced assessment

Compares performance to other individuals 1. Formative assessment 2. Summative assessment 3. Norm-referenced assessment 4. Criterion-referenced assessment 5. Diagnostic assessment

4. Criterion-referenced assessment

Compares performance to specified achievement domain 1. Formative assessment 2. Summative assessment 3. Norm-referenced assessment 4. Criterion-referenced assessment 5. Diagnostic assessment

3. Placement assessment

Covers the intended learning outcomes of the planned instruction 1. Formative assessment 2. Authentic assessment 3. Placement assessment 4. Summative assessment

3. Placement

Determine if students have the prerequisite skills to begin the instructional sequence 1. Formative 2. Authentic 3. Placement 4. Summative

4. placement assessment

Determines someones readiness 1. summative assessment 2. formative assessment 3. diagnostic assessment 4. placement assessment

3. check students' progress on learning the material covered.

Mr. Su gives an assessment every day at the end of math instruction. He gives the assessment to: 1. assess if students are ready for a new unit. 2. determine final performance to assign a grade. 3. check students' progress on learning the material covered. 4. identify the sources of learning difficulty.

1. Selected-response

In a _________________ assessment, questions might include multiple choice, matching, and/or true and false 1. Selected-response 2. Constructed-response

3. Placement Assessment

To determine student performance at the beginning of instruction 1. Formative Assessment 2. Authentic Assessment 3. Placement Assessment 4. Summative Assessment

1. Authentic Assessment skills in a "real-life" context

Upon completion of the unit, students will be expected to accurately capture photographs using manual functions on a camera. The final assessment includes students demonstrating the skills of ISO, exposure, white balance, and aperture control, resulting in a properly exposed photograph. 1. Authentic Assessment 2. Alternative Assessment 3. Performance Assessment

1. Formative Assessment

Used during instruction to determine if students are making satisfactory progress 1. Formative Assessment 2. Authentic Assessment 3. Placement Assessment 4. Summative Assessment

1. Formative assessment

Used to monitor student learning during instruction 1. Formative assessment 2. Summative assessment 3. Norm-referenced assessment 4. Criterion-referenced assessment 5. Diagnostic assessment

5. Diagnostic assessment

Used to probe deep into the causes of learning deficiencies 1. Formative assessment 2. Summative assessment 3. Norm-referenced assessment 4. Criterion-referenced assessment 5. Diagnostic assessment

1. An assessment system provides multiple opportunities to measure aspects of desired performances.

What is a benefit of implementing a system of assessment? 1. An assessment system provides multiple opportunities to measure aspects of desired performances. 2. An assessment system is developed after the design of instructional strategies allowing the teacher flexibility with instruction. 3. An assessment system provides summative rather than formative data to assist the teacher in assigning grades for the learning unit. 4. An assessment system provides various types of formative assessments that can be compared directly to standardized test scores.

2. Reteach low scoring concepts 4. Plan differentiated activities

Sixty-eighty percent of the class did not meet mastery on an assessment at the end of a unit on figurative language. Which two instructional decisions would be appropriate based on the assessment results? Choose 2 answers 1. Assign end of the year grades 2. Reteach low scoring concepts 3. Regroup students for the next unit 4. Plan differentiated activities

1. 504 plan

Students with ___________ have a mental or physical disability but do not meet the criteria for exceptional education services 1. 504 plan 2. IEP

1. IEP

Students with ________________ have been evaluated and determined to have a disability and have been found to be eligible for accommodations 1. IEP 2. 504 plan

Special needs

Students with exceptionalities are students with

(a) certification of mastery

Summative assessments are concerned with (a) certification of mastery (b) diagnosis of errors (c) entry learning skills (d) progress during learning


TRUE-FALSE: A summative test evaluates terminal achievement of students.

2. Constructed-response

A performance-based assessment would be a _______________ assessment because the questions or tasks are open-ended 1. Selected-response 2. Constructed-response

Achievement Assessment

A procedure that is used to determine the degree to which individuals have achieved the intended learning outcomes of instruction. It includes both paper-and-pencil tests and performance assessments, plus judgments concerning learning progress.

3. Give students an animal and an environment to study and ask them to describe possible adaptations the animal may make

A science teacher wants to assess his students' higher-order thinking and problem-solving skills relating to animal adaptations. Which assessment option would achieve this goal? 1. Ask students to match a list of animals to the adaptations each made over time 2. Ask students to write a paragraph listing everything they know about animal adaptations 3. Give students an animal and an environment to study and ask them to describe possible adaptations the animal may make 4. Give students a paragraph to read about animal adaptation and ask them to answer multiple choice questions about the content

1. Provide hands-on activities that allow them to use the objects that are being defined in the unit

A sixth-grade class is working on a science chapter that has many new vocabulary words. The teacher notices that four students only knew 50% of the new definitions on the last formative assessment while all other students in the class scored 90% or higher. She decides that she needs to differentiate instruction to assist the struggling students. How can the teacher meet this goal? 1. Provide hands-on activities that allow them to use the objects that are being defined in the unit 2. Have the students complete a word search that contains each new vocabulary word in that unit 3. Assign the four students more homework to provide extra opportunities to practice the new vocabulary 4. Encourage the students to raise their hand and ask questions whenever they are confused about the meaning of a new word

3. Reteach the objective using another activity

A sixth-grade social studies teacher is concerned about whether or not the students are progressing satisfactorily through the current lesson on the locations of ancient river civilizations. When asking questions during a formative assessment, the teacher finds that most of the students do not know the answers. What would be an appropriate instructional decision based on the assessment results? 1. Reteach the same lesson 2. Proceed to the next lesson 3. Reteach the objective using another activity 4. Administer the same assessment the following day

2. Read written directions on the test aloud to the student

A student has a learning disability that makes processing and interpreting visual information difficult. The teacher wants to assess the student's problem-solving skills related to area and volume at the end of the unit. What is an appropriate accommodation for this student? 1. Reduce the number of questions on the test 2. Read written directions on the test aloud to the student 3. Allow the student to work on the test with a partner 4. Decrease the complexity of questions on the test

Diagnostic Assessment

A student in Mrs. Atzu's reading class is not progressing like the other students. Mrs. Atzu provides extra instruction for the student, but the student still does not make progress. Mrs. Atzu observes the student's performance and gives assessments to identify the nature of the learning difficulty. What type of assessment is this?

1. Provide a scribe for the student to record student answers 2. Provide the student with the assessment in larger print to make it easier to read

A student in a seventh-grade class has a disability that makes reading comprehension challenging. What would be an appropriate assessment accommodation for this student during a standardized test as established by an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) team? Choose 2 answers 1. Provide a scribe for the student to record student answers 2. Provide the student with the assessment in larger print to make it easier to read 3. Have the student participate in a classroom discussion on the topic of the reading 4. Have the student create a poster or design a model relating to the topic

2. Alternative Assessment

A title for performance assessments that emphasizes that these assessment methods provide an different approach to traditional paper-and-pencil testing. 1. Authentic Assessment 2. Alternative Assessment 3. Performance Assessment

1. Authentic Assessment

A title for performance assessments that stresses the importance of focusing on the application of understandings and skills to real problems in "real-world" contextual settings. 1. Authentic Assessment 2. Alternative Assessment 3. Performance Assessment

1. summative assessment

A weekly spelling quiz is an example of which type of assessment? 1. summative assessment 2. formative assessment 3. diagnostic assessment 4. placement assessment

2. Standardized Assessment

A(n) ___________ assessment may not accurately measure an English language learner's content knowledge or abilities 1. Informal Assessment 2. Standardized Assessment

1. Informal Assessment

A(n) _____________ assessment can provide a more well-rounded picture of the student's skills and ongoing progress 1. Informal Assessment 2. Standardized Assessment

5. Diagnostic assessment

Are the students having difficulty in addition because they don't know certain number combinations or because they don't know how to carry? 1. Formative assessment 2. Summative assessment 3. Norm-referenced assessment 4. Criterion-referenced assessment 5. Diagnostic assessment

2. Alternative Assessment

As an educator, you are tired of standard paper and pencil exams. Instead, you have elected to experiment with a simulation where students demonstrate their abilities to complete an experiment. 1. Authentic Assessment 2. Alternative Assessment 3. Performance Assessment

4. They may test only basic concepts or skills.

As you prepare the formative assessment on the four seasons, you locate online banks of assessments and/or assessment items. Although these resources may be helpful, what limitation might they also possess? 1. The questions may be too challenging for first grade students. 2. The questions may lack helpful visual aids that would benefit younger students. 3. They may not reflect the diversity in your educational setting. 4. They may test only basic concepts or skills.

4. Summative

Assess learning outcomes following the instructional sequence 1. Formative 2. Authentic 3. Placement 4. Summative

1. Authentic Assessment

Assessment of students' knowledge and skills in a "real-life" context. 1. Authentic Assessment 2. Alternative Assessment 3. Performance Assessment

3. Performance Assessment

Assessments requiring students to demonstrate their achievement of understandings and skills by actually performing a task or set of tasks (e.g., writing a story, giving a speech, conducting an experiment, operating a machine). 1. Authentic Assessment 2. Alternative Assessment 3. Performance Assessment

2. Product assessment

Methods students use to demonstrate learning 1. Content assessment 2. Product assessment 3. Process assessment

1. Content assessment

Knowledge and skills students need to master 1. Content assessment 2. Product assessment 3. Process assessment

2. Formal Assessment

Pre-planned, systematic attempt to assess what students have learned 1. Informal Assessment 2. Formal Assessment

1. Traditional Assessment

Refers to the types of assessments generally found in classrooms: multiple choice, true-false, or matching objective exams or fill-in-the-blank, short-answer, or essay exams 1. Traditional Assessment 2. Authentic Assessment

(b) development and use

The extent to which achievement tests contribute to improved learning and instruction is determined largely by the principles underlying their (a) development and evaluation (b) development and use (c) research and development (d) use and evaluation

3. Process Assessment

The goal of a _____________ assessment is to allow students to demonstrate their thinking, reasoning, and/or motivation 1. Product Assessment 2. Performance Assessment 3. Process Assessment

Product, Performance, and Process?

The three types of performance-based assessments are what?

performance-based assessment and portfolio assessment

There are two commonly used informal methods: _______________-based assessment and p_____________ assessment

2. Performance Assessment

When students apply their knowledge under the observation of the teacher, this is known as a _________________ 1. Product Assessment 2. Performance Assessment 3. Process Assessment

1. Using homogeneous flexible grouping to group students with similar needs

Which of these strategies can be used for differentiating content to accommodate varying reading levels? 1. Using homogeneous flexible grouping to group students with similar needs 2. Adding more time to the learning tasks for students to better comprehend 3. Providing more formative tests to assess student progress 4. Ensuring the classroom environment is free of distraction

(d) paper-and-pencil test

Which type of assessment is most suitable for evaluating a student's level of knowledge? (a) process checklist (b) product review (c) questionnaire (d) paper-and-pencil test

3. Performance Assessment

You have designed an assessment requiring students to demonstrate the skills required for writing a story. Students must write an original story including all necessary components of plot composition. 1. Authentic Assessment 2. Alternative Assessment 3. Performance Assessment

1. Traditional Assessment

______________ Assessment may only test skills themselves, rather than the application of those skills 1. Traditional Assessment 2. Authentic Assessment

2. Constructed-response

________________ tests might include short answer or essay questions, or other open-ended questions 1. Selected-response 2. Constructed-response

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