Vet Science Fall Final Study Guide

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When taking a patient history, which question would be the best to ask?

"How much water does Fluffy drink daily?"

Match the suffixes on the left with the correct meaning on the right.

-penia Correct match: deficiency of -oma Correct match: tumor -tomy Correct match: cutting, incision -cyte Correct match: cell -scope Correct match: an instrument for examining -ectomy Correct match: to surgically remove -logy Correct match: the study of -itis Correct match: inflammation -pnea Correct match: breathing -emia Correct match: blood condition

Directions: Use this word bank fill in the term that corresponds with the number on the drawings. Some words will not be used.

1 Correct Answer: Caudal 2 Correct match: Dorsal 3 Correct match: Ventral 4 Correct Answer: Cranial 5 Correct match: Dendrite 6 Correct match: axon 7 Correct match: Myelin 8 Correct match: Thoracic vertebrae 9Correct Answer: Femur 10 Correct Answer: Ulna 11 Correct Answer: Skull 12 Correct Answer: Metacarpals 13 Correct Answer: Scapula 14 Correct Answer: Coccygeal vertebrae 15 Correct Answer: Fibula 16 Correct Answer: Epiglottis 17 Correct Answer: Alveoli 18 Correct Answer: Trachea 19Correct match:Bronchi 20 Correct match:Semitendinous 21 Correct match: Masseter 22 Correct match: External abdominal oblique 23 Correct match: Cerebellum 24 Correct match: Cerebrum 25 Correct match: Meninges 26 Correct match:Medulla

The average temperature and pulse rates for a dog are:

102 ̊ and 70-120 beats/min.

The average respiration rate far a cat is:

20-30 breaths/min.

Explain what an MSDS is and what information can be found there.

A Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) is a document that contains information on the potential hazards (health, fire, reactivity, and environmental) and how to work safely with the chemical product.

Explain the function of skeletal muscle

Your skeletal muscles move your bones, so they play a vital role in everyday activities.

There are 12 general areas that should be examined during a physical exam. List four of those areas and a sign of illness that might be seen in that area.

Eyes- Pink Eye Respiratory-Bronchitis Digestive- Diarrhea Nervous System-Seizure disorders Ears-Otitis externa

A cat you are restraining bites you. What disease could you get and how can you prevent it?

If a cat bites you, you could get rabies. You can prevent this by wearing better protection or using better restraing instruments.

Describe how to perform a common dog or cat restraint and explain when this restraint would be used.

Keep your back straight and wear a back brace for more support. Place one hand under the dog's neck and onto the head. Pass your other arm under the dog's abdomen, close to the hindlimbs, and place your hand on the flank on the far side. Hold the dog towards yourself, supporting the dog by cradling it between your arms and body. You have to put a collar on the dog always, if the dog is being very agressive use a muzzle. Always speak in a slow soft tone so the done is comfortable.

The mop for the kennel broke so Kevin uses the mop from the surgery room to finish cleaning. Did Kevin do the right thing? Why or why not?

Kevin is doing the wrong thing. If an animals with a contagious illness was taken into surgery room, there is a chance that the illness will spread to all the animals when he cleans using that that mop.

Match the prefixes on the left with the correct meaning on the right.

Mal-Correct match: bad, poor Hypo-Correct match: insufficient, abnormally low A-, an-Correct match: without, lack of, not Tachy-Correct match: abnormally fast Poly-Correct match: many, much, multiple Brady-Correct match: abnormally slow Anti-Correct match: against, opposing De-Correct match: down, from Dys-Correct match: difficulty Hyper-Correct match: excessive, abnormally high

Match the roots on the left with the correct meaning on the right.

Ot/o Correct match: ear Trache/o Correct match: trachea Cephal/o Correct match: head Cardi/o Correct match: heart Nas/o Correct match: nose Mamm/o Correct match: mammary gland Ophthalm/o Correct match: eye Thorac/o Correct match: thorax Dent/o, dent/i Correct match: teeth Steth/o Correct match: chest

Directions: Match the definitions on the right with the correct words in the column on the left.

Otoscope- an instrument designed for visual examination of the eardrum Dyspnea- Difficulty breathing Cyanosis- a bluish discoloration Palpation-Using touch to examine underlying body structures. Arrhythmia -irregular heartbeat Ophthalmoscope- an instrument for inspecting the retina and other parts of the eye Gastrointestinal- the stomach and intestines. Also called GI. Eupnea- Normal breathing Murmur- Abnormal heart sounds produced by improper blood flow through the heart Tachycardia- An increased pulse rate seen with fear, pain, exercise, and disease

Describe the procedure for taking the temperature of an animal.

Shake down the thermometer. Lubricate the tip with petroleum jelly to ease insertion. For small dogs and cats, the thermometer should be advanced slowly about an inch. For larger dogs, insert the thermometer about 2-3 inches into the rectum.

What are sharps and how should they be disposed?

Sharps could be anything that can peirce human skin such as syringes and needles. You must first close the sharps properly and then discard them in the hazdorus waste jar. If you don't throw them way properly there is a chance for contamination.

List three signs of a healthy animal.

Shiny Coat Bright Eyes Clean Ears

Name two bones or groups of bones that are part of the axial skeleton.

Skull and Atlas

Why is it important to use a regional approach when performing a physical exam?

So the animal isn't alarmed when the vet approaches , and so they don't miss anything

Name one place in the body that is lined with smooth muscle.

The Liver

Explain the difference between voluntary and involuntary muscles.

Voluntary muscles can be controlled by our conscious thought, e.g. the muscles in our hands as we catch a ball. Involuntary muscles, like those that control the beating of the heart, do not require conscious thought to make them move even though their action is still controlled by the nervous system.

Match the definitions or examples on the right with the correct words in the column on the left.

Zoonotic hazard Sterilization Physical hazard Physical hazard Cleaning Ultrasound Filtration Cold sterilization Autoclave Biological hazard Chemical hazard

Variations in an animal's TPR may occur due to:

all of the above

What are the parts of the central nervous system?

brain and spinal cord


instrument used for visual examination of the eye


fast, rapid



List the three types of muscles

skeletal, smooth, cardiac


study of the heart

What is the function of the respiratory system?

supplies the body with oxygen and disposes of carbon dioxide

What is the peripheral nervous system?

the sensory and motor neurons that connect the central nervous system to the rest of the body

What is the function of the nervous system?

transmits messages to and from the brain to regulate all of the body and its systems.


tumor, swelling

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