Vocabulary For Computer Period

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Backspace key-

- moves the cursor to the left (backwards) one space at a time deleting characters.


a computer input device that uses a set of keys to put data into the computer

Delete key-

use to delete text to the right of the cursor

Tab key-

moves the cursor directly to a tab stop

Right shift key-

use to capitalize letters keyed with rthe lift hand

ALt (alternate key)-

use with other functions to access software options

Numeric lock-

used to activate the numeric keypad


used to enter information into a micro computer or to return the cursor to the beginning of a new line

Caps lock key-

used to key all capital letters

Left shift key-

usedto capitalize letters keyed with the right hand

Control key-

usually used with other keys to perform specific functions.

Random access memory (ram)-

Random access memory (ram)- temporary storage memory chips that form the computers primary work space; contents are lost if the power is distributed

Read only memory (rom)

Read only memory (rom)- storage memory chips that maintain their contents if the power is distributed. This form of primary storage chips have their stored content entered at the time of their fabrication and can be written only once.


a computer input device that can read text images, and bar codes and translate them into digital code


a computer input device used as a pointing and drawing instrument by selecting specific positions on the monitor display


a computer output device that uses a display screen to present the processed information


a lighted indicator on the display screen that shows a users exact position within a document


a line displayed on the monitor to request specific input from the user


a list of options available in a software program

Disk drive-

a mechanism that holds, spins, reads, and writes either magnetic or optical disks


a place to store information

Ten- keynumeric keyboard-

a set of keys that resembles a calculator and is used to enter numeric data

Cursor movement keys-

allow the cursor to be moved up, down, left, right within text

Insert key-

allows the user to insert text without deleting previously keyed text


instructions that are provided for the computer. A series of instructions that provide directions to perform a particular task as to a program or application

Space bar-

spaces the cursor one space at a time


the computer-generated information that is displayed to the user in some discernible form such as a screen display, printed page, or sound


the data that is entered into a computer; the act of entering data into a computer


the physical parts of the computer system that you can touch and feel as the keyboard, monitor, and computer case

Function keys-

those keys other than the alpha/numeric keys that allow a user to perform special functions such as auto centering

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