Warriors Don't Cry

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What were the officials discussing at the end of the school day?

How to get the kids out of the school. They though of giving one of the kids to the crowd and hanging one of them

Why did Mother Lois slap Melba?

She wanted her to listen and leave w/o her if she had to

What happened at the grocery store?

Patillo family was overcharged for rotten, old food and didn't have enough to pay for it. They were charged $22

What day was Melba born on?

Pearl Harbor Day, Dec. 7, 1941

Who sent the troops to the school?

President Eisenhower

How does Melba feel about integration after her interviews?

Pride to be a part of it

Who would Minnijean be staying with in New York?

Psychologist, Dr. Kenneth Clark

What type of flowers were in their flowerbed?

Purple and red 4 o'clocks

What do Melba and Grandma India do to not be recognized at the wrestling match?

Put makeup on

Where an when did Ernie graduate?

Quigley Stadium on May 27

Why did Melba say Cincinnati was the promised land?

She felt equal with white people

Why couldn't Minnijean come to Melba's birthday party?

She had a family event

Why was Melba's Christmas break not as relaxing?

She had a lot of integration meetings

How did Melba get away from the boy attacking her in CH.12?

She hit him in the crotch w/ her foot

What did Grandma tell Melba when Melba said she wanted to die?

She told her that's what the segregationists want, and that she couldn't face God's assignment for her

What is President Eisenhower referring to when he said "I will use the full power of the United States using whatever force necessary" (what does this foreshadow)?

The 101st

Who told Mother Luis what Melba needed to survive? What did she need?

The Janitor said he heard doctors saying Melba needed Epson Salts

What was the name of the professional women's sorority? What did they do on Christmas break?

The National Organization for Delta Sigma Theta, they hosted a Christmas Party in honor of the intergrationists

Who held a Christmas party for the integrationists?

The National Organization of Delta Sigma Theta, a professional women's sorority

Who is Gene Smith?

The assistant chief of the Little Rock Police Department

Why didn't Andy and his friends not attack Melba? What did Link say?

The bell rang Link said it was better to leave now and he'd help them get her later for sure

What did the boy do to Melba's eyes?

The boy dropped some kind of acid into her eyes

Where did Melba try to sneak out to when she wasn't allowed to leave the house?

The community center

What group did Minnijean want to be a part of?

The coral group in the Christmas program

When did Mrs. Healy die?

The day of Link's graduation

How was Mother Luis and Melba discriminated at the hospital?

The doctors wouldn't help Melba they ignored her

What did Minnijean want to try out for?

The glee club and the Christmas show

What was Mr. Henson an the bank calling them about?

The house and car payments

How did the Patillo's hide Link's car?

They covered it with a sheet

Why was a crowd gathered at the school?

They didn't want to integrate

What happened when Minnijean showed up for tryouts?

They had tricked her and changed the time

What did the girls in Ch.10 do to Melba?

They trapped her in a stall and threw flaming paper at her

Why didn't anyone but Vince show up at Melba's party?

They were at Ann's Christmas Party; they weren't friends with Melba anymore because they were afraid to go to her house; they didn't like that Melba was an integration person going to Central

What happened to the Black Reporters on the first day of school? Why?

They were beaten because people blamed them for distracting the crowd while the LR9 escaped

What was wrong with Papa Will and Mother Luis's relationship?

They were divorced

Why were the 101st at the school in Ch.10?

They were doing an experiment to see how the students would react w/o the 101st

Who were the men ringing the doorbell? What did they want?

They were men from the Office of the President of the United States, w/ a message from the Pres. to let Melba go back to school and she'll be protected

Who were Mutt and Jeff?

They were two men across the street from where Melba lived and they were spying on them

Why did no one show up to Melba's party?

They weren't friends with her anymore, they didn't like that she went to Central and where afraid to go to her house

What did the federal government decide to do in Ch. 11?

They wouldn't prosecute segregationist mob leaders

What did the girls do in the bathroom in Ch. 8?

They wrote a taunt on the mirror with lipstick

What toy did Conrad not want to give up?


Where does the NAACP say to meet for school?

Twelfth and Park

Who is Charlie?

Uncle Charlie, Mother Lois's brother

Who does Grandma think the phone call is at the end of Ch. 4?


Who showed up for Melba's party? What did they give her?

Vince; tiny gold hoop earrings

What did Melba say on Thanksgiving that caused a lot of teasing for her?

"Integrated Turkey"

How many troops were sent to the school?


What were 3 of Melba's New Year's Resolutions?

1.) Pray daily 2.) Stay alive till May 28 3.) Help Grandma with work

What are the troops sent to the school called?

101st Airborne Division

What is Little Rocks Population?


What street does Melba live on?

1121 Cross St.

Where is the school located?

14th and 16th on Park

What type of car does Link own?

1949 Chevy

How many students attended early morning chapel?


What is Little Rock's black population?


What is Melba's home room number?


How many people were watching the graduation?


How many whites were graduating?


What did Papa get the family for Christmas? Where did he hide it?

A TV hidden on the front porch

Who was Derrick Noble?

A black president of the student body at Central

Who did Vince look like?

A caramel-colored James Darren

What was Melba's favorite Christmas gift?

A carved mahogany jewelry box

What happened to Melba after the pep rally?

A couple of football players tried to choke Melba and told her they were going to ruin her life

Who was Thurgood Marshall?

A famous lawyer, he was very confident and made Melba feel like she deserved to go to Central

What did Mrs. Healy wear?

A freshly starched, flowered cotton dress

What type of car does her mother drive?

A green Pontiac

What did Vince drive?

A new Chevy

Who was Judge Harry Lemley?

A segregationist judge of Hope, Arkansas that was asking for postponement of integration of public schools

Who was Nana Healy?

A servant to Link's family ever since she was little

What did someone throw at Melba on the stairs?

A stick of dynamite

What did Papa Will get the family for christmas

A tv that was hidden on the front porch

When were school officers elected?

April 24

Who is Daisy Bates?

Arkansas State president of the NAACP

Who is Central's archrival?

Baton Rouge

What did Grandma give Melba to help her get better from the flu?

Castor Oil

Who is Mrs. Huckaby?

Central High's vice-principle for girls

What is the name of the community center?

Dunbar Community Center

Who is the President?


How do the white reporters treat Melba?


What did Link do for Melba when she was outside the 16th street entrance of Central?

He helped Melba escape by letting her drive away in his car

What did the caller say the end of Ch.4?

He threatened to "get" Melba at midnight

How did Link have inside information about the segregationists?

His father makes him go to the segregationist meeting with him

What school did Melba use to go to?

Horace Mann

Why does Melba say she owns the reporters a favor?

If it weren't for them the LR9's story would be buried in the back of the newspapers

Why was Melba ill?

She feared going back to school

Who helped Elizabeth escape the mob?

Grace Lorch and Dr. Lorch

Who is Mr. Claxton?

Grandma's friend, they were going to meet at the wrestling match

What did Melba sacrifice for Easter?

Grapette soda

How much money was given to the police on the first day of school? Why?

$140, to encourage them to do their jobs

What age was Melba turning in CH. 12?

(Sweet) 16

Why were 3 of Melba's New Years resolutions?

-Pray Daily -Help Grandma India with work -Stay alive till May 28

List some abusive things that happened to Melba her fist day of school

-Woman slapped her -Woman spit on her -Mob of mothers attacked her -Loads of taunting and name calling -Girls hit her w/ ball

What party did Melba's friends from Central go to?

Ann's Annual Christmas Party

Where did 1/2 the 101st go?

Back to Kentucky to Camp Robinson

What was the name of the Bishop mother spoke to about her job?

Bishop O.J. Sherman

What did Conrad become?

Captain of the Arkansas State troopers

Who is Julie?

Clancy's wife, she was a music teacher

What was the Patillo's thanksgiving tradition?

Clean out and give away all the toys and cloths they didn't need or use

Who is Clark? What does he say?

Conrad's friend, he said Melba had died

What does Eisenhower tell Faubus he needs to do?


Where did Melba drop Link's car off at?

Double Deck Ice Cream

Who is the governor?


Who is Ronald Davies?

Federal judge

Why did the LR9 meet at Mrs. Bates?

For an "official" Thanksgiving

Who did Melba ride on the car with on the first real day of school?

Frank Smith

How did the LR9 escape the mob when leaving school?

Gene Smith helped them into the school basement, they got in two cars, and they drove away quickly through a side door

Who was Stan Opotowiski? What did he ask Melba to do?

He was part of the New York Post, he asked Melba to write for him

Why wasn't Melba's article totally true?

It made her day look like it was "okay"

Why was it bad that the newspapers were giving out personal things about the LR9?

It made it easier for kids at Central to taunt them

What do the NAACP call and say at the end of CH. 3

It's time to go to school

Why can't Melba go to the wrestling match?

It's too dangerous, she could be recognized

When would classes resume after Christmas break?

January 3rd

Who did Melba marry but then get divorced from?


What is the outcome of the hearing? Why?

Judge David's orders integration at Central, b/c Faubus sent those soldiers to the school to prevent (thwart) integration

What was Melba's daughter's name?


Who is Mrs. Clyde?

Leader of the League of Central High Mothers (doesn't want integration)

Who saved Melba from the rapist?

Marissa, she hit the back of the man's head with a leather book bag

When was the day the court ruled the Brown vs. the Board of Education?

May 17, 1954

What day does school end?

May 29

What happened to Melba in Ch.2 when walking home from school?

Melba walked alone home when she should of been in a group. A man attacked her and tried to rape her.

What was happening at the beginning of Ch. 12?

Melba was turning 16

Who is Mrs. Floyd?

Melba's Neighbor

Who is Danny?

Melba's assigned soldier

Who is Sarge?

Melba's friendly driver w/ a southern accent

Who is Clancy?

Melba's great-uncle; was an Episcopalian Priest

Why was Melba already very well educated?

Melba's mother is an English Teacher

Who is Mrs. Pickwick? How is she different from others?

Melba's shorthand teacher, she is kind, she doesn't allow insults w/o reprimand (stern) and she cares about Melba

Who did Melba invite to her birthday party?

Minnijean and her friends from Horace Mann

Who did Melba invite to her birthday party?

Minnijean and her old friends from Horace Mann

What happened to the boys at lunch in Ch. 12? After this happened, what happened to Minnijean?

Minnijean spilled chili all over the boys heads; she was suspended

What is Grandma's shotgun called?

Mr. Higgenbottom

What was the grocer's name?

Mr. Waylan

Who was watching Melba's house across the street?

Mutt and Jeff

What school did Minnijean got a scholarship to?

New Lincoln in New York

What was Melba's job?

News reporter

Who was Jorumn Rickets?

Norwegian reporter who set up the meeting with Ernie, Minnijean, Melba and the segregationist student leaders

What does the NAACP say to do on Tuesday?

Not to attend school b/c of the riots

What were the soldiers instructed to do?

Not to get into any verbal or physical battles with the students

What did Melba want to wear to church on Easter?

Nylon stockings and heels

When and how did Grandma India die?

October 24, of leukemia

Where was Mother offered a job?


Who was the president of the Citizens Council? What did he do?

Reverend Westley Prudent, he issued a protest against the LR9 by telling students not the attend school

What award did Melba receive in Chicago?

Robert S. Abbot Award

How were the LR9 treated when the entered the courthouse?

Rudely, people Sao they stank

What did Sammy Dean Parker say about the LR9?

Said they didn't want to go to school and the NAACP were paying for them to go

What did Grandma tell Melba to do when people were taunting here?

Say "Thank you"

What are the troops at the school's nickname?

Screaming Eagles

When was school supposed to start?

Sept. 1957

When and where was the family's last picnic of the summer?

Sept. 2, Labor Day, at Auntie Mae's house

Why did Melba only invite certain people to her party?

She didn't want to feel like an integration person on her birthday

What did Melba have to do to get away from the mob at the school?

She drove the car away as fast as possible

What happened to Mother Luis's job?

She lost her job and the only way she could get it back was to take Melba out of Central

Why did Grandma India tell Melba to stop crying?

She said Gods warriors don't cry because they trust that he's always by their side

How did Melba get picked to go to Central? Why did she get in trouble b/c of this?

She signed a paper and didn't tell her family about it (they are mad b/c they are worried about her)

Why did Melba lie to her friends about what happened at the school?

She wanted to make her day not seem as bad

Why does Melba watch her mother drive?

She wants to get her drivers license when she turns 16

What was wrong with Melba when she was born?

She was born with an injured scalp

What happened to Minnijean at lunch?

She was corned by a group of boys, and then she accidentally spilled Chili on them

What happened to Minnijean at lunch in Ch. 12?

She was cornered by a group of boys. They were taunting, tripping, and kicking her.

What did the doctor say about Nana Healy?

She was dying

What classes was Melba struggling with, that used to be easy for her?

She was struggling with English, shorthand, and typing

What happened after Melba spilled chili on the boys?

She was suspended

What happened to Elizabeth at the school?

She was trying to get in, but the soldiers were blocking her way

What did the optometrist tell Melba?

She would need glasses

What did mother do to get her job back?

She wrote an article about how she had lost her job (Came out May 7)

Why did they ignore Thelma's heart problem in the courthouse?

So they wouldn't bring attention to it, and get her into trouble

What did governor Faubus send to the school?


What award did Melba receive in Cleveland?

Spingarn Medal

Who is Ted Posten?

Stan Opotowiski's co-worker

When Melba was four, what was the first act of segregation against her?

The man at the merry-go-round wouldn't let her ride Prancer

What did the news reporter ask Melba to do on her first day home from school? What happens after that?

The news reporter asked Melba to write an article about her first day of school, later on it makes it to the front page

Who is Jess Matthews?

The principle

How does Melba describe the school? How does that add to her fear?

The school has an eerie, ominous feeling, like it will swallow her whole. This adds to Melba's fear of how the school will treat her.

Who is Virgil Blossom?

The school superintendent

Who was Melba asked to speak for?

The students who attended early morning chapel

What did Melba tell Grandma and Mother so she could go meet Link at the bridge?

Thelma was having a big emergency

What were the rules for punishment?

There has to be an adult witness

How are the integration students similar?

They all have strict parents (most are teachers), they're hardworking, religious, studious, and have an unstable life

Why do the mob of mothers attack Melba?

They are angry their kids are going to school w/ blacks

What did Vince give Melba for her birthday?

Tiny gold hoop earrings

What does Vince ask Melba before church?

To be his girlfriend

Why do the Governor and The LR9 go to Court?

To discuss Central High

Why does Grandma keep watch?

To guard the family

What was Minnijean said to have done that got her expelled?

To have called a boy "white trash" and to have thrown a purse at a girl

What did Grandma arrange for Melba and her to do daily?

To pray w/ her, play games, read novels, talk about their troubles and work on projects

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