Week 3: Autonomic Nervous System

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What is the sympathetic effect on heart rate?

: increase

Which of the following signs occurs in Horner's syndrome?

A, B, and C

Areas of the central nervous system (CNS) that modulate autonomic control include which of the following?

A, B, and C (Thalamus, hypothalamus, emotion/motivation system)

Which one of the following is NOT a characteristic of the autonomic efferent system?

Activation of effectors is usually voluntary.

Autonomic regulation of the heart is dependent on which one of the following?

Both A and B

Which statement is true regarding afferent autonomic pathway(s)?

Cranial nerves conveying autonomic afferent information include CN7, CN9, and CN10

Sympathetic activation does NOT produce which of the following?

Increased digestive activity

Through Afferent Pathways, information from visceral receptors enters the central nervous system by two routes. What are the two routes?

Into the brainstem and spinal cord

Where are the cell bodies of the sympathetic preganglionic neurons located?

Lateral horn of spinal cord T1-L2 levels

Which type of syncope is commonly triggered by emotional distress?


Parasympathetic preganglionic neurons are in the lateral horn of the spinal cord gray matter extending from ______.

S2-S4 and brainstem

During acute appendicitis, the contribution of the somatosensory nociceptive afferents is which of the following?

Signaling conscious awareness of pain in the umbilical region

Capacitance vessels include which of the following?

Skeletal muscle veins and venules

Drugs that block beta-1 (β1) receptors are used to treat which one of the following?


Which is true regarding the role of the adrenal gland in the autonomic nervous system?

The adrenal medulla releases both epinephrine and norepinephrine into the bloodstream. These bind to adrenergic receptors on their target organs.

True or False. Neglect is more severe and more persistent following right hemisphere damage.


Neurons that secrete epinephrine or norepinephrine are called ____.


Receptors on the effector organ that bind epinephrine or norepinephrine are called ____.


Information from visceral receptors entering the central nervous system are carried by which pathways?

afferent pathways

Which is true regarding the autonomic system?

all of these choices

Which autonomic neurons secrete acetylcholine?

all preganglionic neurons in the ANS

Norepinephrine can bind to which receptors?

alpha and beta adrenergic

Adrenergic receptors are grouped into two groups, ____ and ______.

alpha; beta

Which system maintains homeostasis by regulating the activity of internal organs and vasculature?

autonomic nervous system

What is the parasympathetic effect on heart rate?


What is the parasympathetic effect on pupil diameter?


What is the sympathetic effect on bowel and bladder emptying?


What is the sympathetic effect on pancreatic secretions?


Which cranial nerves convey autonomic afferent information?

facial, glossopharyngeal, vagus

The maintenance of an optimal, balanced internal environment , including body temperature and chemical composition of tissues, is called


What is the parasympathetic effect on GI tract peristalsis?


What is the parasympathetic effect on bowel and bladder emptying?


What is the parasympathetic effect on liver glycogen synthesis?


What is the parasympathetic effect on pancreatic secretions?


What is the parasympathetic effect on production of tears?


What is the sympathetic effect on bronchi diameter?


What is the sympathetic effect on force of heart contraction?


What is the sympathetic effect on lung blood vessel diameter?


What is the sympathetic effect on sweat production?


What is the sympathetic effect on thick salivary secretion?


Sympathetic efferent neurons innervate all of the following except:


Receptors on the effector organ that bind acetylcholine are called ____.


Which constituent of tobacco can activate receptors on the postsynaptic autonomic neurons and on the medulla?


Receptors on the postganglionic neuron that bind acetylcholine are called


Acetylcholine can bind to which receptors?

nicotinic and muscarinic

Which receptors respond to stimuli that threaten or damage tissue?


Craniosacral outflow refers to the _____.

parasympathetic nervous system

In regards to efferent pathways of the ANS, the neuron extending from the ganglion to the effector organ is called______.


In regards to efferent pathways of the ANS, the neuron extending from the central nervous system to the ganglion is called______.


In regards to central nervous system output, autonomic efferents innervate all of the following except_______.

skeletal muscle

In regards to central nervous system output, somatic efferents innervate _______.

skeletal muscle

Which is the main visceral sensory nucleus where most visceral information entering the brainstem via cranial nerves will converge?

solitary nucleus

Thoracolumbar outflow refers to the _____.

sympathetic nervous system

Efferent pathways of the autonomic nervous system are divided into _______and ________.

sympathetic; parasympathetic

What information is transmitted by the cranial nerves conveying autonomic afferents?

taste and information from the viscera

Connections from the central nervous system to autonomic effectors us a _____-neuron pathway.


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