Week02 Quiz 1 - Commands
[Sobell] With this option of chmod command, Owner can read, and write the file; group and other can read the file. 0777 0755 0711 0644 0640
[Sobell] With this option of chmod command, Owner can read, write, and execute the file; group and other can read and execute the file. 0777 0755 0711 0644 0640
[Sobell] With this option of chmod command, Owner, group, and others can read, write, and execute the file. 0777 0755 0711 0644 0640
[Sobell] With ls command, use this option to list all the "dot" files (configuration files that begin with a period, such as .login or .profile). a. -a b. -b c. -dot d. -hidden e. -h
a. -a
[Sobell] This will print a calendar for a specified month and/or year. a. cal b. date c. time d. cat e. calc
a. cal
[Sobell] This reports any programs that you suspended and still have running or waiting in the background (if you had pressed Ctrl-z to suspend an editing session, for example). a. jobs b. ls c. cron d. batch e. ps
a. jobs
[Sobell] ___Creates a directory a. mkdir b. dir c. make d. directory e. makedir
a. mkdir
[Sobell] ___ Opens files, directories, and URLs a. open b. fileopen c. ofile d. fileopen e. fo
a. open
[Sobell] ___ creates a process that sleeps for a specified interval a. sleep b. pause c. sl d. slps e. psstop
a. sleep
[Sobell] ___ Displays information about logged-in users a. who b. display c. info d. file e. users
a. who
[Sobell] This compares sorted files a. ck b. comm c. compare d. cmp e. diff
b. comm
[Sobell] For each mounted file system, this reports the file system device, the number of blocks, the number of blocks available, and the directory where the file system is mounted. a. du b. df c. file d. fsck e. ls
b. df
[Sobell] This reports file system disk usage (i.e., the amount of space taken up on mounted file systems). a. disk b. df c. file d. fsck e. du
b. df
[Sobell] This (utility) evaluates an expression and sends the result to standard output. a. eval b. expr c. func d. run e. call
b. expr
[Sobell] This displays information about programs (i.e., processes) that are currently running. a. ls b. ps c. display d. dp e. lp
b. ps
[Sobell] ___ Displays information about files a. disp b. stat c. info d. file e. fileinfo
b. stat
[Sobell] ____ Converts standard input to command lines a. arg b. xargs c. stdin d command e. cv
b. xargs
[Sobell] With this option of chmod command, Owner can read, write, and execute the file; group and other can execute the file. a. 0777 b. 0755 c. 0711 d. 0644 e .0640
c. 0711
[Sobell] This searches for a pattern in files a. search b. pattern c. grep d. sr e. gpt
c. grep
[Sobell] This will list the files and the subdirectories in a directory. a. cat b. echo c. ls d. report e. less
c. ls
[Sobell] ___ Removes a file (deletes a link) a. de b. del c. rm d. rev e. mv
c. rm
[Sobell] ___ sorts and/or merges files a. merge b. mg c. sort d. srt d. filesort
c. sort
[Sobell] ___ dynamically displays process status a. status b. disps c. top d. nice e. process
c. top
[Sobell] This lists all users logged into the computer. a. usr b. lsusr c. w d. log e. lsuid
c. w
[Sobell] ___ Shows where in PATH a utility is located a. show b. where c. which d. locate e. ls
c. which
[Sobell] This outputs the contents of a text file. You can use it to read brief files or to concatenate files together. cal date time cat calc
[Sobell] This changes your current directory location. cd date time cat cdir
[Sobell] This changes the permission information associated with a file. cd date ch chmod chperm
[Sobell] This copies a file, preserving the original and creating an identical copy. cd date chmod cp copy
[Sobell] This creates an archive, restores files from an archive, or copies a directory hierarchy. cpio create arc arch adir
[Sobell] This selects characters or fields from input lines and writes them to standard output. select col cut field trim
[Sobell] This displays the differences between two files on a byte-by-byte basis. a. ls b. cat c. cm d. cmp e. ckf
d. cmp
[Sobell] This utility verifies the integrity of a filesystem and reports on and optionally repairs problems it finds. a. ls b. file c. fs d. fsck e. dsck
d. fsck
[Sobell] This joins lines from two files based on a common field a. combine b. cmb c. common d. join e jnfile
d. join
[Sobell] ____ keeps a set of programs current (to compile, link edit, clean, etc). a. compile b. program c. current d. make e. build
d. make
[Sobell] ___ Changes the priority of a command a. prior b. pspr c. char d. nice e. chpr
d. nice
[Sobell] ___ runs a command that keeps running after you log out a. run b. com c. hup d. nohup e. nohub
d. nohup
[Sobell] ___ Removes directories a. rm b. erase c. redir d. rmdir e. dir
d. rmdir
[Sobell] ___ Securely copies one or more files to or from a remote system a. cp b. secure c. rcp d. scp e. sync
d. scp
[Sobell] ___ Stores or retrieves files to/from an archive file a. store b. retrieve c. archive d. tar e. filearchive
d. tar
[Sobell] ____ displays information about local system users a. disp b. info c. user d. w e. dw
d. w
[Sobell] This displays the current day, date, time, and year. cal date time cat calc
[Sobell] This reports disk usage (i.e., the amount of space taken up by a group of files). du df file fsck ls
[Sobell] This will make a new subdirectory. a. dir b. make c. subdir d. newdir e mkdir
e mkdir
[Sobell] With this option of chmod command, Owner can read, and write the file; group can read the file, and other cannot access the file. a. 0777 b. 0755 c. 0711 d. 0644 e. 0640
e. 0640
[Sobell] This configures the source code automatically. a. script b. source c. make d. package e. configure
e. configure
[Sobell] To output the permissions of the files in the working directory, which of the following commands will do it? a. ls -l | cut -col2-10 b. ls -l | cut 2-10 c. ls | col 2-10 d. ls | select -c2 -c10 e. ls -l | cut -c2-10
e. ls -l | cut -c2-10
[Sobell] ___ joins corresponding lines from files a. joins b. jn c. copy d. cp e. paste
e. paste
[Sobell] ___ check file types and compare values a. evaluate b. exps c. set d. run e. test
e. test
[Sobell] ___ creates a file or changes a file's access and/or modification time a. create b. file c. ch d. make e. touch
e. touch
[Sobell] ____ Displays unique lines from a file a. disp b. display c. lines d. comm e. uniq
e. uniq
[Sobell] ___ Displays the number of lines, words, and bytes in one or more files a. count b. display c. word d. more e. wc
e. wc
[Sobell] If you use this , you also get the IP numbers or computer names of the terminals they are using. a. usr b. lsusr c. w d. log e. who
e. who
[Sobell] This displays the classification of a file display cat file class size
[Sobell] This lists all of the files within a directory and its subdirectories that match a set of conditions. [Sobell] This is most commonly used to find all of the files that have a certain name. ls file grep find dir
[Sobell] This utility displays the usernames of users, together with their full names, terminal device numbers, times they logged in, and other information. ls finger usr display usrinfo
[Sobell] This ___ will compile C and C++ programs compile cm cmp gcc gcpp
[Sobell] The ___ utility compresses files, the ___ utility restores files compressed with gzip, and the ___ utility displays files compressed with this utility. zip, unzip, zcat gzip, gunzip, zcat gnuzip, gnunzip, gcat zip, uzip, zcat gzip, guzip, gcat
gzip, gunzip, zcat
[Sobell] This displays the beginning of a file display head cat echo begin
[Sobell] This terminates a process by PID kill terminate pskill stop procterm
[Sobell] Use this as a last resort to destroy any jobs or programs that you suspended and are unable to restart. jobs ls kill batch ps
[Sobell] This display the contents of a file one screen at a time, waiting for you to press the Spacebar between screens. [Sobell] This lets you read text without it scrolling quickly off your screen. cat echo ls report less
[Sobell] This displays text files, one screen at a time scr display echo cat less
[Sobell] This makes a link to a file link makelink lnk ln filelink
[Sobell] This sends files to printers lpr send printer pr prnt
[Sobell] ___ displays information about one or more files display disp file list ls
[Sobell] ___ displays documentation for utilities doc do man disp file
[Sobell] ___Creates a filesystem on a device mkdir mk make mkfs fs
[Sobell] This will move a file. cp mv move mf mvfile
[Sobell] ___Renames or moves a file ren rm mv file ls
[Sobell] ___ numbers lines from a file number line ln fileline nl
[Sobell] ___ Dumps the contents of a file dump dp dd od dpf
[Sobell] ___ creates an archive, restores files from an archive, or copies a directory hierarchy arch rst dir hier pax
[Sobell] ___ displays process status display process proc ps pss
[Sobell] ___ changes the priority of a process change chps prio renice redo
[Sobell] This will remove (delete) a file. des del delete erase rm
[Sobell] This will remove (delete) a subdirectory. del dd rmdir rm erase
[Sobell] ___ Securely copies files and directory hierarchies over a network cp secure rcp rsync sync
[Sobell] ___ edits a file non-interactively edit ed vi red sed
[Sobell] This displays or changes various settings and options associated with your Unix session. echo pwd path set env
[Sobell] ____ divides a file into sections divide split slice cut sect
[Sobell] ___ securely runs a program or opens a shell on a remote system ssh srun rsh rmt remote
[Sobell] ____ displays strings of printable characters from files disp file echo dspr strings
[Sobell] ___ displays or sets terminal parameters set term parm stty setterm
[Sobell] ___ displays the last part (tail) of a file head tail last filecat lpart
[Sobell] ___ copies standard input to standard output and one or more files copy cp stdin split tee
[Sobell] ___ replaces specified characters rep tr trans replace char
[Sobell] ___ specifies the file-creation permissions mask mask chmod chperm file umask
[Sobell] If you use This , you also get a list of what they (the users) are doing. usr lsusr w log who