Western Civ II study guide

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Whose ideas dominated the Congress and its "congress system?"

Prince Klemens von Metternich (foreign minister of austria)

what was the #1 effective locomotive

Rocket by george stephenson

what are the forces of change?

Liberalism, Nationalism, Socialism, Romanticism

what are the working class called


what impact did the railways have on British society

receded cost of shipping freight overland created mass markets created mass production created jobs for uban proletariat

how did industrialization impact working conditions for the average worker

required work discipline they were not used to resulted in child labor created "separate spheres" for men and women emboldened law makers to promote economic freedom

what are individual freedoms

speech, press, assembly, arbitrary arrest

what inventions made the creation of the cotton-textile factory possible?

spinning jenny (james hargreaves) water frame (richard arkwright)

how did workers respond to the changes in working conditions?

started the labor movement ignored combination acts and formed unions tried to from massive national unions and formed political groups

what did france look like under Louis Philippe

symbolically liberal in that he Accepted constitutional charter of 1814, adopted tricolor flag of revolution and expanded suffrage from 100,000 to 170,000 men BUT not revolutionary changed

what did thomas Malthus essay on the principle of population say

that population would always grow faster than food supply

according to marx, what were the three stages of the inevitable communist revolution

1. violent revolution by workers 2. consolidating the revolution 3. classless society

what was the turning point in the Greek war for independence?

1827 decision by Great Britain, France, and Russia to direct Ottomans to accept Greek independence

what was romanticism?

19th century cultural revolt against classicism and the Enlightenment

what is the Holy Alliance 1815

Alliance between Prussian, Austria, and Russia that vowed to crush forces of change wherever they popped up

what are British police called

Bobbies named after LIBERAL Prime minister robert peel

what are the middle class called


What other things were done that help avoid revolution in Britain

Chartist Movement and Anti-Corn Law League

What is the big idea that dominated this period from 1815-1850?


how did the revolution of 1848 play out in Prussia

Frederick William IV grants liberal constitution and promises to merge Prussia into new germany

Where did industrialization start?

Great Britain, england, scotland and wales

Who are the Great Powers

Great Britain, France, Austria, Prussia, Russia

in what countries did the forces of change manifest themselves in the early 1800s?

Greece, Great Britain, Ireland, France, Austria, Prussia

how did the liberals del toward the radical masses


in what book did marx outline his ideas on socialism

The communist Manifesto

what two forms of socialism dominated 1815-1850

Utopian socialism: 19th century movement that sought to overcome income inequality by appealing to middle class and state to help poor Marxism socialism: 19th century movement that sought to overcome income inequality by fomenting revolution of poor against middle class and state

why did demography become such an important subject in the 1800s?

b.c the population was exploding

why did steam power eventually lead to the railways

b/c steam engines were too heavy for 18th 19th century roads it increased steel production

why is unity within a national group so important?

bc it won't achieve its autonomy if its divided

what were the "agents" that spread industrialization on the european continent

british industrialists who illegally took ideas to the continent, european entrepreneurs, european governments and european banks

what were the consequences of this increased production of cotton thread and cotton clothes

cheaper cotton clothes-UNDERWEAR wages for weavers rose dramatically child labor

what did Marx predict would be the outcome of the industrial ages dialectic struggle

classless society (communist) why? because capitalism intensified the antagonisms that caused dialectical change

the steam engine provided power for

coal mines (to drain water) cotton spinning factories flour mills malt mills sugar mills iron mills THE FUNDAMENTAL BUILDING MATERIAL

what is representative government

constitutional monarchy

how did industrialization impact living conditions for the average worker from 1820-1870

consumed 50% more saw real wage increase diets became higher in calories and more diverse- dairy products, potatoes, fruits, vegetables, meat, beer clothing improved

how did the liberals opinion of the masses influence policy?

contributed to development of modern police forces liberals believed masses needed to be controlled

in what industry were the first large facroties created

cotton textile industry bc the putting out system couldn't keep up with demand

what was the chartist movement

demanded universal suffrage for males and it was rejected by Parliament but stated working class involvement in politics

so what caused the crop deficiencies of the late 1840s to become the Great Famine

demographic growth dependency on potato regid british policy of laissez faire

What is the balance of power concept

international equilibrium of political and military power that would discourage future aggression

how did the revolution of 1848 play out in Austria?

early revolutionary victories

what did Utopian socialists believe?

economic planning (not laissez faire) desire to help poor regulation of private property total emancipation of women

what was the idea of progress, or that people could improve their situations

economic progress=laissez faire "free hand" gave all citizens equal chance social progress= education for middle class and abolition of slavery

what were the main elements of Romanticism

emotional intensity, focused on metaphysical (the meaning of life) focus on nature, lack of order

unity is also achieved by

force: some people are FORCED against their will into the national groups the south during the civil war was forced into staying american

whats autonomy?

freedom to control your guture

how did france change from 1815-1830

from relatively liberal constitutional monarchy under Louis XVIII to increasingly conservative monarchy under Charles X

what eventually pushed Britain toward reform

growing middle class power (due to industrialization) and the Reform Bill of 1832

what were the consequences of the great famine

halted irish demographic growth 1 mill emigrated and 1,5 mil died late marriage widespread celibacy intensified anti-british feeling

what were the two main ideas of the communist manifesto

history was dialectal : history is a process whereby change comes from two antagonistic elements and their resolution in a new form the dialectal struggle marx saw everywhere was material: change has come from competing groups fighting for material wealth "dialectal materialism"

what was nationalism?

idea that a group has its own identity that unites it and that should result in autonomy

how did industrialization on the European continent compare to Brisih industrilization

in 1750 all countries were close together then british growth accelerated greatly there are variations in the timing and extent of industrialization on continent all of europe industrialized and india and china de-industralized

what was the anti-corn law league

irish potato famine inspired repeat, there was fear was without cheap imports, famine would hit Britain started liberal policy of free trade

how did industrialization impact social relations?

it created a new sense of class-consciousness

What was the significance of the Congress of Vienna (1814-1815)

it established the conservative European diplomatic system that would dominate the Restoration period

why did industrialization take place in Great Britain first

it had markets to sell products to effective leadership it had experienced the agricultural revolution labor force

what was the most fundamental and important advancement during industrialization

james Watts improvement of the seam engine

who drew up the major beliefs of Marxism socialism?

karl marx - influenced by Utopian socialists but disagreed with their idea that middle class and state would help poor

why did the revolution of 1848 ultimately fail?

lack of unity amongst revolutionaries, national groups, and conservatives re-grouped

Ten hours act of 1847

limited workday for women and children to 10 hours

how did the french revolution impact the British aristocracy?

made them want to protect their power/$$

what resulted from the Corn Laws

massive protests by urban laborers "battle of peterloo" in manchester but it increases class consciousness of english working class

what did 18th century irish society look like

mostly catholic, rented land from absentee english protestant landlords, poor population, population growth doubled and emigration=2 mil to Us

what is equality before law

no legally separate classes (or estates)

how did industrialization impact living conditions for the average worker from 1780 to 1820

no major gains for them so many people criticized industrialization

were contemporaries optimistic about this population growth


what did the expansion of franchise to middle class do

opposed to universal manhood suffrage and it opposed to women's suffrage largest because of physical differences-the uterus!

what was the Reform Bill of 1832

originally blocked by House of Lords until King threatened to create new lords to get it passed the bill created new boroughs that increased industrial representation and it increased male suffrage by 50%

what was classical liberalism?

political ideology that believed in ideas of the EARLY french revolution

unity is achieved by:

popular choice people willingly CHOOSE to be part of the national group americans before civil war all agreed to become Americans

what did david ricardo and the iron law of wages say

population growth would always mean that wages would sink to subsistence levels (just high enough so you would not starve)

what was the primary problem that had to be addressed before the factory system could expand into all industries?

the problem of energy. traditionally plans and animals supplied energy but wood supplies were vanishing SO THEY TURNED TO COAL

what was the result of Louis Philppee's lack of political reform

the revolutions of 1848

what gave people this sense of class-consciousness?

their job, their education, the things they bought

What happened to the forces of change that were introduced during the French Revolution

they would not go away and would bubble beneath the surface

what comprises a peoples identity

things that bind people together such as: cultural/racial, history, religion,

How was conservatism applied domestically?

through repression of liberalism and nationalism

What is meant by the term "restoration europe?"

time after the defeat of Napoleon when conservatives RESTORED many of the monarchies that were overthrown during the French Revolutionary period

What is conservatism

to keep things the way they are and that change equals disorder and chaos

what was the situation in Greece by the early 1820s

under ottoman turks since 15th century but maintained identity through language and Greek orthodox faith

where was nationalism most prevalent during 1815-1850

universities especially with German fraternities called Burshenshaften

What is the German confederation that was created

weak association of german states dominated by Austria and Prussia

Nationalist leaders often use symbols and ceremonies to promote these "rallying points"

with flags and independence days (fourth of july, bastille day)

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