Western Imperialism In Asia

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Sphere Of Influence

A country or area in which another country has power to affect developments, although having no formal authority


A group in the feudal system Below Shogun Above Samurai


1192-1867 A commander of a force One of the hereditary military dictators

Emperor Hong Wu

1328-1389 The founder and first emperor of the Ming Dynasty

Ming Dynasty

1368-1644 The ruling dynasty in China before the Qing dynasty

Zheng He

1371-1433 An explorer, diplomat, and fleet admiral during Chinas early Ming Dynasty

Tokugowa Shogunate

1600-1868 period of reestablishment after civil war trade, houses rich people increased

Dutch Learning

1640-1853 Japan only traded with the Dutch and did so to keep stabs on European advancements Dutch study increased in 1720 was ban on European books was lifted

Qing Dynasty (Manchu Dynasty)

1644 -1912 Last imperial dynasty Between the Ming Dynasty and the Republic of China

Emperor Kangxi

1654 -1722 Emperor of Qing dynasty Expanded the empire Wrote a dictionary Re strengthened the army Agreed to tolerance of Christians

Lin Zexu

1785-1858 A "drug czar" Appealed to Queen Victoria Demanded foreigners surrender all opium and sign a pledge to refrain from selling opium

Hong Xiuquan

1814-1865 Leader of Taiping rebellion Teacher

First Opium War

1839-1841 British wanted tea but China didn't want any goods from barbarians British offered China opium at a low price Chinese were getting addicted to tea and destroyed opium ship to stop trade of opium British were unhappy with that and as a result started war

Treaty Of Nanjing

1842 First unequal treaty abolished canton system, pay for war expenses, British people had more freedom in China and didn't have to follow laws like Chinese 5 trade ports were opened

The Taiping Rebellion

1850-1864 Christian movement to make classes and society equal Equal land distribution Leaders combine civil and military distributions 20 ml deaths --> Rise of regional powers Transfer of real power back to Chinese

Harris Treaty

1858 Banned opium opened 5 trade ports US able to live and trade in those ports


1868 Japanese term referring to industrial and financial business conglomerates in the Empire of Japan, whose influence and size allowed control over significant parts of the Japanese economy from the Meiji period until the end of World War II

Iwakura Mission

1871-1872 Meiji government officials went to Europe and the U.S. to convince West that Japan was unlike the rest of Asia Wanted to repel unequal treaties Sent 5 girls to US for 10 years Also went to prove themselves as normal people --> education for all sex Organization, planning, management skills Importance of hard work and merchants Rejected importance of religion

Satsuma Rebellion

1876-1877 Revolt of the Satsuma clan samurai against the modern Imperial army Saigo Takamori became a hero for the Japanese even though he was the leader of the rebels army The last Samurai

Sino-Japanese War

1894-1895 1868-Japan begins modernization 1876- Japan forced Korea to open 3 ports Japan and China agree not to send military into Korea Korean king asks for Chinese military -> Japan sends in army to fight Chinese Resulted in war and Chinese were kicked out of Korea

Treaty of Shimonoseki

1895 Japan gained Taiwan and Pescadores, gains foothold in Manchuria and opens more ports and rivers

Open Door Policy

1899 Declared that China should have an open market for all China should have control over their market Chinese gov would collect tariffs on trade Established by America b/c they were not part of Chinas big trade and thought by giving China the freedom to trade they would choose to trade with America

Boxer Uprising (Rebellion)

1900-1901 secret society of harmonious fists A rebellion in Beijing of Chinese who were upset about foreign influence Captured and killed foreigners 2500 troops were sent in to stop the rebellion

Russo-Japanese War

1904-1905 War between Russia and Japan over territory of Manchuria and Korea Japan attacked Russia and won forcing the West to view Japan as a major global power

Ito Hirobumi

1909 established the cabinet system of government and became the first prime minister of Japan in 1885 Lead the enactment of the constitution of the Empire of Japan Rules over Korea and was assassinate

The Meiji Restoration

A powerful group of samurai overthrew the Shogun. transformed the backwards Japan into the powerful modern country Started learning from the west Rapid modernization so they don't get colonized like China

Self Strengthening movement

A time of modernization while keeping Confucian value Used the west to modernize and strengthen their army College to train young diplomats Send people abroad to learn technology Small railroads and telegraph lines

Matthew Perry

American man who arrived in Edo bay in 1853 threatening a display of modern weapons to scare Japan into agreeing with a letter from president Fillmore saying they wanted: a fueling station for its merchant ships a commercial treaty permitting free trade a friendship

Hong Kong

Capital of China and was seized in perpetuity from China

Empress Dowager

Concubine of Emperor Opposed modernization in China Used naval funds to rebuild palace

Closed Country Edict of 1635

Japanese ships cant leave foreign countries Japanese people cant leave Japan or come back to Japan They wanted to stay isolated because it was the best way to preserver independence and culture

Lord Macartney

Macartney Mission 1793 British man who went on a mission to try and get the Chinese to trade tea, silk and porcelain for textiles, cutlery, pottery, clocks, scientific gadgets, musical instruments He failed


Modern name given to a large geographic region in Northeast Asia


Swore allegiance to Daimyo Protected the lord and his estate Conquered his lord's neighbors Loyal, honest, brave, disciplined, simple Buddhist life


The people living in the region Manchuria who formed the last dynasty of China (1644-1912)


The state of being exempted from from the jurisdiction of local law

Unequal Treaties

Treaty of Nanjing Treaties of Tianjin and Aigun Harris Treaty Kanagawa treaty 1854

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