WHII.13/14- Cold War and Independence Movements

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What are some characteristics of the Republic of India today?

-World's largest democratic nation -Has a federal system similar to the United States

Where is DMZ in Korea?

38th Parallel

When did the mandates want to be independent?

After World War II

What was the problem in South Africa that Nelson Mandela worked to end?


Why was NATO founded?

As an alliance to fight communism

What country did East Pakistan become?


Who is the leader of Nationalist China [island of Taiwan]?

Chaing Kai-shek [Jiang Jieshi]

What methods did Gandhi use to work towards independence?

Civil disobedience and passive resistance

What is the idea of preventing the expansion of communism?


What ends the Cuban Missile Crisis?

Deterrence and peace negotiations

The ideological difference of the Cold War was democracy and free enterprise vs._________________.

Dictatorship and Communism

What does Margaret Thatcher do for Great Britain?

Encouraged trade, less government regulation of business

Who was Golda Meir?

First female Prime Minister of Israel

The mandate system was used to control what areas?

Former parts of the Ottoman Empire broken apart after World War I

What are some major countries that lost their colonies after World War II?

Great Britain, France, Portugal, and Belgium

What President came up with the idea of containment?

Harry Truman

What religious groups were in conflict after Indian independence?

Hindus and Muslims

Who is the leader of communist North Vietnam?

Ho Chi Minh

What was the most prized colony of the British Empire?


What organization worked towards an independent India?

Indian National Congress

Who is the Prime Minister of India during the Cold War era?

Indira Gandhi

Who worked to industrialize India and to write a new constitution?

Jawaharlal Neru

Who was the leader during Kenya's independence struggle that turned it violent?

Jomo Kenyatta

What did Gamal Abdul Nasser do for Egypt?

Leader during Suez Canal Crisis and built the Aswan High Dam

What is the Iron Curtain?

Line that divides Eastern Europe and communism from Western Europe and democracies

Who is the leader of Communist China [Mainland China]?

Ma Tse-tung [Mao Zedong]

Who is the British Prime Minister during the Cold War?

Margaret Thatcher

Who is the last president of the Soviet Union?

Mikhail Gorbachev

Who comes up with glasnost and perestroika?

Mikhail Gorbachev [Soviet Union]

What area did British India include?

Modern day India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh

Who was the leader of the independence movement in India?

Mohandas Gandhi

Who was the first black president of South Africa?

Nelson Mandela

Why is the breakup of the Soviet Union important to NATO?

New democratic countries = new allies

What is NATO?

North Atlantic Treaty Organization

What does Indira Gandhi develop in India?

Nuclear program

What is glasnost?

Openness of government; less censorship

What country did West Pakistan become?


What were the British mandates?

Palestine and Jordan

What was West Africa's independence transition like?


Why does USA get involved in Korean War?

Policy of containment and fear of Domino Theory

Why does USA get involved in Vietnam War?

Policy of containment and fear of Domino Theory

Who was Gamal Abdul Nasser?

President of Egypt

What did Deng Xiaoping do for China's economy?

Reformed to market economy and lead to economic growth

What is perestroika?

Restructuring the government to be more efficient

What is the term that means people can decide on their own government?

Self determination

Who does Indira Gandhi form a close relationship with?

Soviet Union

Who supported communist North Korea during the Korean War?

Soviet Union and China

What country did Ceylon become?

Sri Lanka

What was Kenya's independence transition like?

Started out peaceful but turned violent

Why is the Berlin Wall significant?

Symbolic of divisions between communist and democratic governments in the world

What were the French mandates?

Syria and Lebanon

What is the first sign that communism would not last in Europe?

Tearing down of Berlin Wall and Germany uniting into one country

The mandate system was created by what organization?

The League of Nations

What did India's new constitution outlaw?

The caste system

What were some reasons African colonies wanted independence?

To preserve their cultural and heritage; to stop imperial economic exploitation (Europeans took advantage of colonial economy)

What is the theory of deterrence?

Try to deter (or stop) the threat of nuclear war through peaceful means

Who does Margaret Thatcher work closely with during the Cold War?


The Cuban Missile Crisis was a tense situation between what two countries?


The Cold War was a rivalry between the US and who?


What international organized supported self-determination?

United Nations

What was the communism alliance?

Warsaw Pact

What is the Domino Theory?

When one country falls to communism, the other countries will also fall to communism

The mandate system was established after what world war?

World War I

The new boundaries for Europe after World War II were decided where?

Yalta Conference

What war did Golda Meir lead Israel during?

Yom Kippur Wars

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