Women and Crime

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While men still dominate most property crimes, the women's rate is growing and has been linked with the _______________________.

"feminization of poverty" (women's growing poverty rates)

A crime where the victim is there, a weapon is used, there is a threat and force. The motivation is financial and victims are usually strangers.


T or F. Female prisons used to teach offenders how to cook.


Clients of prostitutes are motivated by sexuality but may also have ________ from friends or wish for sexual exchange without ________.

pressure, obligation

These constitute a considerable amount of female arrests and convictions

property offenses of a minor nature

Mandatory arrest policies that have been implemented since the 1980s to deter male battery have resulted in which side effect?

An increase in women's arrests for domestic violence

T or F. Prostitution is granting nonmarital sexual access, established by mutual of agreement of the prostitutes, their clients, and their employers, for free.

False, for money.

T or F. Many early studies denied the Chivalry Hypothesis.

False, many early studies assumed it but later studies disputed it

T or F. There is reason to believe the incidence of prostitution has increased.

False, reason to believe it is decreasing (possibly due to more premarital sex) because amount of arrests for prostitution have decreased (but could be due to relaxed policing).

T or F. Research has shown that the chivalry hypothesis is the opposite of the "evil" women hypothesis.

False. They found that they are similar in that women are only sentenced worse if they don't conform to traditional gender roles and commit more serious crimes.

What are the three types of females gangs?

Female mixed- male and female Auxiliary- females associated through boyfriends Independent- female only gangs

Through 2002-2011 what % of crime rate did females increase and males decrease?

Females increased by 5.8% and Males decreased by 11%

This occurs anytime that the distance or gap between males and females rates is decreasing and their crime rates are becoming similar.


The disparity of crime rates between the sexes increases over time, with gender differences growing. What is this called?


Crimes that are equally likely to be committed by either sex?

Gender-neutral crimes

Crimes that are more likely committed by one sex than the other?

Gender-related crimes

A _______ (higher/lower) percent of men kill their partners and ex-partners than women.


T or F. Most of the customers of prostitutes are white.


T or F. Regular clientele view prostitution as a service occupation just like having your car serviced.


T or F. There are over a million prostitutes in Thailand.


% of homicides by females


One type of white collar crime


What are the four issues when looking at the nature and extend of women offending?

1) the extent to which women and girls commit these crimes 2) types of crimes committed 3) how the types and extent compare between males and females 4) Changes

Two points about women and drug selling?

1. tougher to break into market 2. occupy lowest levels in drug selling market

The 1913 Muncy Act required judges to sentence women who were ___ and older to an indeterminate sentence.

17 (this meant the judge had no way of adjusting his sentence for each circumstance)

What % of violent index crimes?


% of ALL females arrested


What percent of property crime arrests of females?


The average age of a prostitution customer is ___.


What percentage of prostitutes say they would stop if they could?


A crime of opportunity where the victim is not there, it's more likely to be young people and it's difficult to catch them.


What prompted the illegalization of drugs?

Concern about women using drugs.

Explain gender stability

Crime rates for men and women over time typically stay the same. As one goes up/down, so does the other. This means they co-vary.

What are the three processing hypotheses?

Equal Treatment: men and women equal Chivalry: discrimination against male offenders "Evil" Women: discrimination against women

(T/F) Males reported less contact with the crime processing system than the females


(T/F) Males were more likely than females to work with others in committing the burglary


(T/F) Opium, cocaine, and marijuana have always been illegal.


Men are most likely to use weapons such as guns or knives to commit homicide while females are more likely to use ___________ _________.

Household products

Pregnant mothers who are abusing drugs- name some of the issues?

It is hard for them to seek help because they don't want to be arrested. They may lose their baby because they are seen as unfit mothers, when the reality is that this may be a "social construction" in creating a mythical image of a "crack mother." We must question the legal, medical and social service assumption that illicit drug use equals poor parenting. (Boyd)

Another word for shoplifting or theft?


What are two examples of motivations for becoming a prostitute?

Running away from home (means to survive), drugs (means of supporting drug habits)

Gender-specific laws

Laws that have a bias depending on whether the offender is male or female

Gender-neutral laws

Laws that sentence men and women equally (maybe not enforced equally though)

_______ are more likely to commit sexual offenses against children.


Are women more likely to kill someone they know (boyfriends, ex-husbands) or strangers?

More likely to kill someone they know.

What is one trend in female juvenile offending?

Most offenses are minor without a clear victim

What kind of child abuse are females more likely to commit and why?

Non-sexual abuse such as neglect, cruelty and abandonment. Possibly due to amount of time women spend with children.

What is an example of a historical gender-specific law?

Outdated laws concerning rape (i.e. rapist can marry rape victim without being charged, rape victims sentenced to death for adultery, etc.)

Crime trends appear to have stability for what two crimes?

Rape and weapons arrests

Dangers of Prostitution:

Rape, physical assault, medical dangers that they do not seek medical help for

What are the most common reasons men kill children?

Retaliation against mother or trying discipline children.

What are some pros of legalizing prostitution?

Safer career, able to go to police when assaulted, less of a stigma would make them more likely to seek medical help when needed

Females are more likely to kill in ________-_________ after history of abuse and threats.


Females are more likely to kill victims and commit _______ afterwards.


What are the most common reasons women kill children?

The child was unwanted, altruistic (killing the child to save them from something worse), psychotic (post partum depression- or depression after she gives birth)

T or F. Female gang members who acted like boys earned more respect.


T or F. More than 60% of prostitution customers are in committed relationships.


Why should one not rely solely on official crime statistics?

They may be a better reflection of bias than offending.

(T/F) Females and Males are equally likely to use drugs.


(T/F) Females were more likely than males to report being drug addicts.


(T/F) Males were more likely than females to admit to crimes in addition to the burlary.


T or F. Most laws are gender neutral.


The 1950s defined gangs based on large groups who engaged in ___________ conduct.


_________ are more likely to exchange sex for drugs.


Gender differences in white collar crime?

Women: usually clerical workers, 60% were bank tellers, more likely to work alone, motivated by family need, crimes are smaller Men: usually managers/admin, financial gains much larger, more likely to work with others.

Women tend to kill _____ children while men tend to kill _______ children. (Hint: age).

Younger, older.

Three conditions for prostitution:

activity has to have sexual significance for customer, economic transaction, emotional indifference

Four ways of female initiation that determine status:

being jumped in, sexed in, sex with someone with HIV, commit a crime

Police statistics indicate that the gender gap is _______ and the self-report data suggests that the gender gap is _______ or even ________.

closing, stable, diverging

The early definition of gangs loosely defined them as youth in inner-city neighborhoods participating in socially ________ delinquency


Which two offenses are gender neutral?

embezzlement and fraud

The status of the female gang member is not determined by how males see her but how other ________ see her.

female gang members

In terms of juvenile offenses, the more serious the crime, the ________ the gender gap in committing it.


College educated are ______ (more/less) likely to be prostitutes.


Crime trends appear to be convergent for what?

less serious property crimes, drug abuse violations, and running away

Female gang members commit slightly ______ (less/more) crime than males.

less. but likely to commit crimes to improve status.

Historically, females were mostly affiliated with _____ gangs but did not participate equally.


Majority of _____ offenders are more likely to have a record.


Female juvenile crimes tend to be ______, without a clear __________.

minor, victim

Crime trends appear to be divergent for what two crimes?

murder and non-negligent manslaughter

What are the three defining features of a youth gang?

mutual interests, identifiable leadership, planned acts to achieve specific purpose

Drug use among gangs is gender ______.


The 1980s defined gangs based on ____________ and illegal activities.


Which two offenses are female gender related offenses?

prostitution and running away (a status offense for minors)

Juvenile Girls report higher frequencies than boys in what three offenses?

running away, damaging school property, and carrying a hidden weapon

Top four reasons girls join gangs:

sense of belonging, protection, status, to escape from isolation and harsh environments

Crimes in which females are strongly represented?

sex work, running away, larceny/theft, fraud, and embezzlement

This is a stereotypical offense for women, but may be gender neutral or even male related.


Cyber prostitution

soliciting sex online via adult companion finder websites (i.e. Craig's List)

Hierarchy of prostitutes:

streetwalkers (arrested most), circuit travelers, bar prostitutes, house of prostitution, escorts or call girls (paid more)

What two things impact the crime rate?

the economy and crime policy

Divergent and convergent trends depend on what two things?

the type of crime and the study producing the data- important to look at the data source!!

Female gang members are more likely to have been abused by boys or come from _________ ________.

troubled homes

The media portrays female gang members as amoral, hyper ________, sex objects for male gang members.


Sex trafficking

when women and girls are lured from their home countries under false pretenses (a better life being a nanny, cook or maid) and sold into prostitution.

A financially motivated, nonviolent crime committed for illegal monetary gain.

white collar crime

Who is more likely to both use alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs, white youth or youth of color?

white youth

What is the 1st recorded death due to drugs?

wife of man who invented needles for drugs.

War on drugs in some ways has become a war on ___________. The increase in prison rates is due largely to _________________.

women, women and drugs

Profile of prostitutes:

young (most begin before 16), majority are white, prostitutes of color are disproportionately arrested, average career 4 years

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