World History Chapter 3

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A governor in Persia whose job was to protect the kingdom and rule each province. They were responsible for collecting taxes, providing justice, and recruiting soldiers.


A group of people from western Asia that invaded Egypt. They used horse-drawn war chariots and ruled Egypt for almost 100 years. The invasion of the Hyksos marked the end of the middle kingdom


A large political unit or state, usually under a single leader, that controls many people or territories.


A militaristic leader that expanded Egypt's border to the south by conquering the African Kingdom of Nubia.


After the collapse of the Assyrians, these peoples were ruled by Nebuchadnezzar II and Babylon was their main city. Babylon fell to the Persians after a short amount of time.


Amenhotep IV's other name.



Babylonian Empire

Developed after Amorites (nomadic warriors) invaded Mesopotamia, Hammurabi was the leader at the peak of this civilization. Babylon (Euphrates river) was their capital. Hammurabi's code

Sumerian Empire

Developed in Mesopotamia on the fertile crescent, this civilization became successful with the development of city states (theocracy - gov by divine authority). Although faced with the problems of the fertile crescent (flooding), they made solutions such as irrigation, mud and clay structures, etc. Record keeping (cuneiform)

Amenhotep III

During the reign of this man, the Egyptian empire reached its height . Construction of new buildings, temples, and statues of himself. At the end of his reign, he received challenge from the hittites.




Known for being the first woman Pharaoh. At first was regent for her stepson Thutmosis III but assumed the thrown. Lead many military expeditions, encouraged mining, and sent a trading expedition up the Nile. Was portrayed as a male to gain the respect of society.

Assyrian Empire

Lasting about only 100 years, this empire was short lived. Developed after taking over Kush, the they were known for their expertise in conquering other and expanding their empire. They used different military tactics and their military was large and disciplined. Despite their feats, they soon collapsed due to internal rebellion of rule.


Leader of the Akkadians who set up the first empire. His power was based on the militray. His empire included all of Mesopotamia and lands westward of the Mediterranean.

Ramses II

Made Egypt go back on the offensive and regain control of Canaan but were unable to restablish borders of their earlier empire. The Sea Peoples drove egypt back into their original boundaries. The New Kingdom collapsed shortly after his reign

Egyptian Empire

Marking the end of the middle kingdom, this civilization was formed after the Hyksos were driven out (skills and bronze from Hyksos). This empire was very militaristic and was considered the most powerful empire of its time (reached its height during Amenhotep III). Pharaohs ruled are were seen as gods. Amenhotep IV destroyed egypt with the introduction of the god Aten

Middle Kingdom

Middle Kingdom

New Kingdom

New Kingdom


Nomadic Indo-Europeans that took control of Babylon after the fall of the Assyrians. The Persians were very peaceful and Cyrus demonstrated wisdom and compassion. Cyrus worked to extend the territory of the Persian Empire. Darius made Persia the largest empire of its time and strengthened the government by dividing the empire into 20 provinces (satrapies) governors were called Satraps. Efficient communication system sustained the empire.


Notable ruler at the peak of the Babylonian Empire. He was responsible for writing law known as Hammurabi's code. They were the first known laws and used the principle "eye for an eye". For the time, these laws weren't as subjective as other civilizations but are seen as unfair today.


Nubia became an independent state known as Kush after the collapse of Egypt and the New Kingdom. Kush conquered Egypt for a short period of time but were driven out by the Assyrians and returned to their original lands. Kush became a trading city with its center at Meroe (iron ore). Kush made iron weapons (From Assyrians)

Old Kingdom

Old Kingdom


One of Sargon's successors. He was Sargon's grandson and continued the greatness of the Akkadian Empire. He declared himself a god and waged numerous military campaigns.


Persian ruler, extended the empire by adding a province in western India and then conquered Thrace making Persia the largest empire. He strengthened the government by dividing into 20 provinces called satrapies ruled by satraps.


Son Cyrus, successfully invaded Egypt.

Amenhotep IV

Son of Amenhotep III, less able to deal with Hittites. Started religious upheaval in Egypt by introducing the worship of Aten. Amenhotep later changed his name to Akhenaten (servant of Aten).

Nebuchadnezzar II

The Chaldean king who rebuilt Babylon after the collapse of the Assyrians as a center of his empire and made it one of the greatest cities of the ancient world.

Sea Peoples

The Group of people who drove the Egyptians back their old lands and Ended the Egyptian Empire. New Kingdom Collapsed.


The Pharaoh who was responsible for overthrowing the Hyksos. He reunited Egypt and established the New Kingdom. Also developed a more professional army for Egypt.


The boy-Pharaoh best known for his intact tomb. He undid the religious changes made by Akhenaten. Died due to incest.


The center trading city of Kush.


The most notable ruler of the Persians, was known for his wisdom and compassion in the conquest and organization of his empire. Had respect for other civilizations, especially Babylon

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