World History- Indian Ocean Trade Network

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Despite the diversity of peoples involved in this trade network, which ones dominated the Indian ocean trade (especially in the western part of this trade)? Why?

Despite the diversity of peoples involved in the trade network, Muslim merchants dominate the Indian ocean trade. This is mostly because they had the money to build ships. Merchants were the main control of the trade and not political leaders because they knew the demands of the market.

Identify and briefly explain examples of the following that were transported across the Indian Ocean trade network (a) trade goods, (b) technologies, and (c) ideas.

One example of a trade good was wood that was used to build better houses. Wood became more available for more people because of cheap trade. A lot of the trade goods, like timber, animal hides and skin, ivory, and gold came from Africa. Swahili city states imported silk and porcelain from China. Cotton cloth was shipped from India, and spices and foodstuffs like rice were shipped from Southeast Asia. In Sri Lanka, black pepper was a primary export good, and coffee, books, and weapons came from Islam. These goods came from all over, and were all very unique to their geographic areas. Technology, like the magnetic compass from China also transported across the Indian Ocean trade network. This was very important for sailors to know where they are going. The astrolabe came from the Muslim sailors. This helped people navigate using the stars. Another technology was boats with stern-post rudders that made steering easier. Also, there was the triangular lateen sail that allowed ships to travel without strong wind. Ideas also traveled on Indian Ocean trade network, like the Islamic religion. This spread to Indonesia, and now there more Muslims in the Indonesia than any other country. The political rulers and elites wanted to have stronger connections for trade through economics and religion.

In what centuries did the Indian Ocean trade network surge?

The Indian Ocean trade network really started to surge between 1000 CE and 1200. The Indian Ocean trade started to surge again in the 14th and 15th centuries.

How was the Indian Ocean trade network similar to the Silk Road? How was it different?

The Indian Ocean trade network was similar to the Silk Road because they were both a network of trade roads that connected people who wanted goods to people who had the goods they wanted. There were a lot of Indian Ocean trade routes just like their were a lot of trade routes in the Silk Road. However, the Indian Ocean trade network was bigger, richer, and included a more diverse aspects. The Indian Ocean trade network is also a lot less famous than the Silk Road.

How was the Indian Ocean trade indispensable to the creation of certain city-states like Srivijaya and Swahili coast?

The Indian Ocean trade was absolutely necessary to the creation of certain city-states like Srivijaya and Swahili coast because without trade those places would not have existed. These cities could tax trade through import and export duties, and they could charge fees to get money to run their cities.

What civilizations/empires traded along this network?

The civilizations and empires that traded along this network included: Swahili, coast cities, Islamic empires in the Middle East, India, China, and Southeast Asia.

What special role did the monsoon winds play in the Indian Ocean trade network? Why were they so important?

The monsoon winds had the special role of taking the boats from place to place in the Indian Ocean trade network. These winds were very constant because they came with the seasons. This was very important because the sailors could always count on the winds to bring them to and from their destinations. The winds were so predictable that travel guides could even determine ideal times for sailors to travel. These predictable winds provided lower risks, which led to cheaper trade, which led to more trade. The winds were very important because they improved the whole system of trade.

What was the most amazing aspect of the Indian Ocean trade network?

The most amazing aspect of the Indian Ocean trade network was that the trade was very peaceful, except for a few pirates.

What is the main reason why trade is a pretty weak foundation for which to build a polity (state)? Explain

Trade is a pretty weak foundation for which to build a polity (state) because of high taxes motivating traders to find other trade routes. However, the main reason is that reliance on trade makes the city-state very vulnerable to the ups and downs in economy. There is competition between states, so a near by state might be waiting to take the place of another state by offering lower taxes. It is a very fragile system because if another state offers lower taxes, then the original state will go through a very rough patch in the economy.

What were the advantages that sea-borne trade had over land-based trade?

With sea-borne trade, merchants were able to sail without the need for protection from any state's navy. Also, merchants could trade goods like cotton cloth, foodstuffs, and timber. All of these were too heavy to trade over land-based trade. Sea trade allowed trade for a large market, it wasn't just elites that could use the goods.

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