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extensor carpi radialis longus i?

base of 2nd metacarpal

extensor carpi ulnaris insertion?

base of 5th metacarpal

flexor carpi radialis i?

bases of 2nd and 3rd metacapals

flexor digitorum profundus i?

bases of distal phalanges of digits 2-5

extensor carpi radialis longus A?

extension and abduction flexion of forearm

extensor carpi ulnaris action?

extension and adduction

anconeus A?

extension and stabalization of the elbow joint

extensor digiti minimi action?

extension assists in abduction

extensor digitorum action?

extension of second through fifth digits assists extension of hand at wrist

extensor digiti minimi insertion?

extensor expansion of proximal phalanx of fifth digit

flexor carpi radialis a?

flexion and abduction of hand at wrist

flexor carpi ulnaris action?

flexion and adduction

flexor digitorum superficialis A?

flexion of 2nd-5th digits flexion of hand at wrist

flexor digitorum profundis a?

flexion of digits 2-5

brachioradialis A?

flexion of forearm at elbow assists in supination

palmaris longus action?

flexion of hand at wrist flexion of forearm at elbow

flexor carpi ulnaris orgin?

humeral head: medial epicondyle of humerous

flexor digitorum superficialis O?

humeral head: medial epicondyle of humerus ulnar head: coranoid process of ulna radial head:anterior oblique line of radius

pronator teres orgin?

humeral head: superior to medial epicondyle of humerous

extensor carpi ulnaris orgin?

lateral epicondyle of humerous

extensor digiti minimi orgin?

lateral epicondyle of humerous

extensor digitorum orgin?

lateral epicondyle of humerous

anconeus orgin?

lateral epicondyle of posterior humerous

extensor carpi radialis longus O?

lateral supracondylar crest of humerous

brachioradialis o?

lateral supracondylar ridge of humerous

flexor carpi radialis o?

medial epicondyle of humerous

palmaris longus orgin?

medial epicondyle of humerous via common flexor tendon

extensor digitorum insertion?

middle and distal phalanges of digits 2-5th

flexor digitorum superficialis I?

middle phalanges of second through fifth digits

anconeus insertion?

olecranon process lateral sufrace posterior ulna upper surface

flexor carpi ulnaris insertion?

pisiform, hamate, and base of fifth metacarpal

palmaris longus insertion?

plamar aponeurosis and flexor retina culum

pronator teres action?

pronation of forearm at elbow also assists in flexion of the forearm at elbow

flexor digitorum profundus o?

proximal 3/4ths of ulna interossious membrane

pronator teres insertion?

radius middle of lateral surface

brachioradialis i?

styloid process of radius

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