In waging war against Japan, the United States relied mainly on a strategy of...
"island hopping" from the South Pacific to within striking distance of Japan
At the Yalta Conference (1945), there was...
an agreement to divide Germany into four military zones
Concerning the New Deal...
an anti-New Deal coalition moved to end many New Deal programs, and the president adapted to the new political environment
At the Casablanca Conference in January 1943, the Allies agreed to...
an invasion of Italy in the spring, invasion of France in 1944, and the concept of "unconditional surrender"
In World War II the Allied strategy, agreed upon by the U. S. and Great Britain, was to...
concentrate on defeating Germany first before turning on Japan
At the end of both World War I and World War II, the United States...
entered a period of extreme anti-communism that led to the persecution of many suspected radicals
During the Second World War, African Americans...
fought in a segregated military
The MAJOR reason President Truman used to justify his decision to drop the atomic bomb on Hiroshima in August 1945 was...
he felt it would shorten the war and eliminate the need for an invasion of Japan
Franklin D. Roosevelt departed from Woodrow Wilson's wartime practices when he...
included members of both political parties in the delegation to the San Francisco Conference
World War II brought about all of the following changes...
increasing the number of Americans who moved from rural areas to cities, accelerating long-developing social changes for black Americans, dramatic changes in the roles and expectations of women, accelerating the legal migration of Mexicans to southern California
To ensure that Russia would join the war against Japan, President Roosevelt in 1945...
made certain secret agreements concerning Russian territorial demands
Attitudes in the United States toward Jews fleeing persecution in Europe during World War II were reflected in the...
refusal to relax immigration restrictions for Jews
Issued by President Roosevelt in 1941, Executive Order No. 8802...
required defense industries to make jobs available without discrimination based on race, creed, color, or national origin
The Battles of the Coral Sea and Midway were significant in...
stemming the tide of Japanese advances in the Pacific
The following made the Soviet Union suspicious of the motives of the United States and Great Britain during World War II...
the delay in opening the second front in Europe
The Dumbarton Oaks Conference involved primarily...
the formation of the United Nations
The Yalta Conference produced agreements on all of the following topics...
the organization of the United Nations, the Soviet war declaration on Japan in exchange for Soviet possession of the Kurile Islands, a self-determination agreement for the war-torn countries of Eastern Europe
One of the most important domestic results of the war effort was...
the swift ending of the Great Depression
The United States during World War II adopted the strategies of...
unconditional surrender, an eventual second front by invading Europe, victory in the European area first, and support of de Gaulle's Free French forces
The increase in the number of Mexican Americans employed in the United States during the early 1940s resulted from...
wartime labor shortages
The development of the atomic bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima...
was the responsibility of the Manhattan Project team of scientists and engineers at Los Alamos, NM
During World War II, women...
work in factories, establish themselves as a vital part of the economy, participate in the war effort, define a new role in society