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How many phyla of multicellular animals do zoologists recognize today?


Pseudocoelomate animals have all but one of the following advantages over the acoelomates.

A better means of asexual reproduction

Flight in birds entails which of the following?

A cambered wing surface Reduction of air turbulence Prevention of stalling with a "wing slot" along the front of the wing Slotting between the primary feathers All of the above are correct

The Porifera have which of the following characteristics in common?

A cellular level of organization. Incipient tissues with a low level of integration. A unique water current system power on which they depend for food. A body with incurrent openings (called ostia) for water intake. All of above

Amphioxus not only has the five basic chordate features it also has which of the following?

A hepatic cecum that resembles the vertebrate pancreas A segmented muscular trunk

The freshwater fish that survived the Devonian period possessed...

A lung that developed as an outgrowth of the pharynx

Which of the following applies to the Reptilia?

A shelled (amniotic) egg Efficient jaws designed for crushing and gripping Various forms of copulatory organs, permitting internal fertilization A variety of water conservation strategies All of the above are correct

Which of the following is NOT present in the Annelida?

A true pseudocoelom

The biological contributions of the echinoderms include which of the following?

A water vascular system derived from a coelomic compartment A dermal endoskeleton composed of calcareous ossicles A hemal system A metamorphosis which changes a bilateral larva to a radial adult All of the above are correct

Characteristics of polychaetes include...

A well-defined head Parapodia No clitellum All of the above are correct

Which of the following would be characteristic of the sea anemone, Metridium?

Acontia threads, Pedal disc, Septa, Tentacles, all above right

In the cladistic classification of the chordates, which of the following groups is no longer recognized?

Agnatha Reptilia A and B are not recognized

Which of the following has contributed to the success of arthropods?

Air piped directly to cells Highly developed sensory organs Complex behavioral patterns Segmentation and efficient locomotor appendages All of the above are correct

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the Actinopterygii?

All have a heterocercal tail

The Devonian period could be characterized as a period of...

Alternating droughts and floods

Based on molecular and morphological evidence, the Apicomplexa, Ciliophora, and Dinoflagellata are often grouped together in the clade:


Members of the Phylum Ciliophora are the most structurally complex and diversely specialized of all the Protozoa. Which of the following genera is NOT a ciliate?


Two major branches of the tetrapod lineage are represented by the amphibians and the...


Which of the following is NOT correct about the amphibians?

Amphibians lack internal nostrils (choanae) and cannot breathe directly through the nose

When male frogs clasp females prior to mating the process is called:


Each podium is a hollow, muscular tube, the inner end of which is a muscular sac, or...


In Lake Baikal, there exists the world's only freshwater seal. It lives nowhere else. This is an example of

An endemic species

Which of the following generally correlates with an increase in anatomical complexity?

An increase in body size, More effective predation, Reduced energy cost of locomotion, Improved homeostasis (e.g., temperature regulation) , All of the above correalate

Which of the following is incorrect?

Anemones form some interesting mutualistic relationships with bacteria within their tissues.

Which of the following opposing pairs is mismatched?

Anterior-posterior, Dorsal—ventral, Distal—proximal, Medial—lateral, None of these are mismatched

The nemerteans have a complete digestive tract, unlike the Platyhelminthes, which means that they have a(n)...


In crustaceans and insects the cuticle forms ingrowths called __________that serve for muscle attachment.


Amoeboid cells that move about in the mesohyl and carry out a number of functions, including phagocytosis and spicule formation are called...


The primary flight muscles of insects such as flies and bees:

Are indirect Are asynchronous May beat 100 times per second or more All of the above are correct


Are mostly marine, but there are freshwater and terrestrial species Are primarily free-living with a few parasitic species Have a cephalothorax and two pairs of antennae All of the above are correct

The Oligochaeta...

Are primarily marine dwellers Have a prominent head Have separate sexes Have a trochophore larva None of the above is correct

There may be three different designs or levels of organization within the sponges. These levels or types of canal systems are described as...

Asconoid, Syconoid, Leuconoid All of the above are correct

Which of the following statements is NOT correct?

Because their metabolism is so fast, the heart rate of birds is relatively slow

Why are birds less diverse (in terms of modifications of appearance, not necessarily number of species) than mammals?

Because their modifications for flight limit the different forms and variations that are possible

Which one of the following groups does NOT belong to the Class Arachnida?


Interstitial cells are characterized by...

Being undifferentiated stem cells

The Phylum Gnathostomulida includes delicate wormlike animals that lack all but which of the following:

Bilateral symmetry

The free-swimming larva has cilia arranged in bands and is called a...


Which of the following statements concerning birds is NOT correct?

Birds are strictly ectothermic, producing heat only when flying

Where would you place a creature that has the following characters: can burrow in sediment; moves by means of "clapping" two valves together, lacks a radula; eyes with a retina; shell with an umbo?


Which of the following is NOT characteristic of the Phylum Echinodermata?

Blood-vascular system with closed circulation

Which of the following does not serve a respiratory function in arthropods?

Body surface Gills Tracheae Book lungs All of the above may serve as respiratory surfaces

The intestines of turbellarians can be...


Which of the following is a member of the Cephalochordates?


Which of the following statements is incorrect?

Brittle stars—Class Ophiuroidea Brittle stars—no pedicellariae or papulae Brittle stars—tube feet without suckers Brittle star microlenses—tiny, rounded structures on the aboral surface None of the above is incorrect

In crustaceans, the procuticle is also impregnated with...

Calcium salts

Reproductive strategies of anurans include which of the following?

Carrying developing larvae in a dorsal pouch Carrying eggs embedded in specialized brooding pouches Laying eggs under rocks or logs Froglets developing in a vocal pouch All of the above are correct

The members of which of the following orders often produce spermatophores?


Jellyfishes are characterized by what grade of organization?

Cell-tissue system

Which of the following is NOT correct?

Cellulose—easily digested by all mammalian herbivores

The most diverse group of mammals (in terms of number of species) is the...


Which of the following drives the passage of water (laden with oxygen and microscopic food) through the canals and spongocoel of the sponges?


Pigmented cells in the skin of some amphibians are called:


The dermis of many reptiles is provided with:


The sliding microtubule hypothesis explains...

Ciliary and flagellar action

The crustaceans that are sessile and enclosed in a shell of calcareous plates are called:


Which of the following is mismatched?

Class Cestoda—roundworms

The cocoon in the earthworm is produced by the...


When mating, earthworms extend their anterior ends from their burrows and bring their ventral surfaces together. They are held together by mucus secreted by their...


Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of all members of Mammalia?

Cloaca present in all groups

The tremendous species diversity of the insects results from a combination of valuable structural and physiological adaptations including all but which one of the following?

Closed circulatory system

The Phylum Cnidaria takes its name from special cells called ____. that contain stinging organelles called __.

Cnidocytes, nematocysts

Which of the following is mismatched?

Collencytes—secrete keratin

Which of the following transmits vibrations to the inner ear of amphibians?


The examination of the varying shapes and sizes of organisms, including their developmental origins is

Comparative morphology

Which of the following is a type of movement exhibited by snakes?

Concertina movement Rectilinear movement Sidewinding movement Lateral undulation All of the above are correct

Which of the following is NOT a form of asexual reproduction used by protists?


Paramecium reproduce by binary fission across kinetics but can have certain forms of sexual phenomenon called:

Conjugation and autogamy

Arthropods are similar to annelids in that they both have...

Conspicuous metamerism

Which of the following terms have to do with feathers?

Contour Quill Shaft Barbs All of the above terms have to do with feathers

Water enters into an ameba's body by osmosis and excess water is removed by the rhythmic filling and emptying of the...

Contractile vacuoles

Hares, rabbits, and some rodents often eat their fecal pellets. This is known as...


Which of the following groups is most closely related to birds, at least in the cladistic sense?


Which of the following is NOT a correct statement?

Crocodiles are not known for any significant parental care

Which of the following groups was a survivor of the Mesozoic Era to the Recent, in particular the mass extinction that occurred at the CT boundary, probably due to the impact of an extraterrestrial body?


What are the closest living relatives to the archosaurs?

Crocodilians and birds

Which of the following is NOT correct?

Crocodilians—two-chambered heart

The Class Insect

Currently has more described species than all other groups of animals together

Which of the following matches is NOT correct?

Cycles of abundance—in population are rare in mammals

A dormant form in the life cycle of a protozoan is called a...


The members of the Phylum Apicomplexa generally share two features:

Cyst formation and an apical complex

Which of the following is involved in the discharge of fecal material in ciliates?


Echinoderm respiration is accomplished by which of the following?

Dermal branchiae Tube feet Respiratory tree Bursae All of the above are correct

A period of dormancy in the annual insectan life cycle is called...


Dinosaurs are classified in the...


Which of the following produce(s) distinctive "tests" or elaborate exoskeletons?

Difflugia, Arcella, Radiolarians, Foraminiferans, all of the above produce tests

The agents of red tide, which actually may be red, brown, yellow, or even colorless, are the...


Which of the following is incorrect?

Diploid amictic eggs—thick-shelled eggs produced by haploid females

Which of the following orders has its metathoracic wings modified into halteres for balance during flight (and because of this, members of this order appear to have only two wings).


Which of the following castes of honeybees develop parthenogenetically and as a result are haploid?


Which of the following pairs is incorrect?


Which of the following strategies is very successful in ecosystems with low productivity and warm climates, such as tropical deserts and grasslands.


The protozoan agent causing amoebic dysentery is...

Entamoeba histolytica

Which of the following is NOT a class of the Phylum Mollusca?


Which of the following terms or phrases is associated with mammalian reproduction?

Estrous cycle Menstruation Parental care All of the above are correct

Which of the following is NOT a physical characteristic that contributes to avian flight?

External ears

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the Reptilia?

External fertilization

Vultures, hawks, eagles, owls, and ospreys are birds with which of the following characteristics?

Eyes positioned in the front of the face Wings with slotting, alulas, and pronounced cambers Wings that provide high lift at low speed A generally predatory lifestyle All of the above are correct

A hydrostatic organ is highly developed in nematodes, and much functional morphology of nematodes can be best understood in the context of the extremely low hydrostatic pressure in the pseudocoel.


A skull having no temporal opening behind the orbits characterizes the synapsids.


A wide variety of animals make their homes in or on echinoderms, including parasitic or commensal algae, protozoa, ctenophores, turbellarians, cirripedians, copepods, decapods, snails, clams, polychaetes, fish, and amphibians.


After migrating downstream as a smolt, a sockeye salmon ranges many hundreds of miles over the Pacific for nearly 4 years, then returns almost unerringly to spawn in the headwaters of its parent stream where it mates and then returns to the ocean to complete the cycle.


All reptiles, except limbless members, have better body support than amphibians and more efficiently designed limbs for travel in the water.


All sharks are marine organisms.


All sponges are marine.


Although the origin of cnidarians and ctenophores is obscure, the most widely supported hypothesis today is that radiate phyla arose from a bi-symmetrical, planula-like ancestor.


Although they are elongate, sea cucumbers move quickly and are active predators of other echinoderms.


Amphibians respire by a positive-pressure mechanism, as opposed to the negative pressure of the amniotes. In other words, if you were a frog, it would take energy to expire, but relatively little energy to inspire.


Amphibians that are perennibranchiate have lungs in larval forms as well as lungs in the adult stages.


An axolotl is a perennibranchiate salamander throughout its entire life, no matter what the environmental conditions may be.


Antlers of the deer family Cervidae are branched and composed of solid bone. The horns of rhinoceros are similar structures attached directly to the skull.


As a group, sharks and their kin flourished during the Devonian and Carboniferous periods of the Mesozoic era but declined dangerously close to extinction at the end of the Mesozoic.


Because bird's feet are composed mostly of bone, tendon, and tough scaly skin, they can be easily frozen.


Because of their sessile nature, echinoderms are often the prey of other animals—including other echinoderms!


Because the reptiles do NOT contain all the ancestors of a single common ancestor, they are considered to be a polyphyletic group.


By the end of the Devonian, bony fishes had radiated extensively into two major groups, the ray-finned fishes (Class Actinopterygii) and the lobe-finned fishes (Class Sarcopterygii), the latter of which is represented by the sharks, rays, and chimaeras.


Currently, thinking is that the Subphylum Trilobita had its evolutionary origin before the Cambrian period, and living species today closely resemble those extinct species from 200 million years ago.


Eating raw snails causes Swimmer's Itch.


Echinoderms include organisms commonly called starfishes (sea stars), brittle stars, sea urchins, sea lilies, but not sea cucumbers, which belong to the Phylum Annelida.


Every year in the United States over 8,000 snakebites are recorded with over 1,000 deaths.


Fertilization in the hemichordates is external and some species have a ciliated amphiblastula larva.


For sexually reproducing populations, interbreeding is critical for maintaining a reproductive community. For organisms whose reproduction is strictly asexual, reproductive community entails occupation of a particular evolutionary niche.


Fossil and mtDNA evidence indicates that characteristics of Homo sapiens, as presently defined, arose in Africa about 20 million years ago.


From a cladistic perspective, the term reptile would NOT include both lizards and birds.


Gliding and flying evolved independently in several groups of mammals, including rodents, flying lemurs, and bats, but not marsupials.


If a protozoan produces gametes that are morphologically similar, they are called anisogametes.


In general, the larger the mammal, the greater the metabolic rate and the more it must consume relative to its body size.


In the squids, most of the shell has disappeared, leaving only a thin, horny strip called the pencil.


Insects can be phytophagous, saprophagous, predaceous, and parasitic, but not hyperparasitic.


Loss of lumbar ribs in cynodonts is not correlated with the evolution of a diaphragm.


Most turbellarians have a cellular, ciliated epidermis.


No fish is known to make extended excursions onto land.


Old World Monkeys and anthropoid apes are not sister taxa.


Only the African and the Australian lungfishes can live out of water for extended periods of time.


Perhaps a million species of mites exist in the world, inhabiting both terrestrial and aquatic habitats, but only a few are parasitic during one or more stages of their life cycle.


Pseudocoelomates have a coelom lined with peritoneum that formed from the embryonic blastocoel.


Pulmonate snails have a highly vascularized area in the intestines that serves as a lung.


Regardless of its relationship to other phyla, Annelida remains a well-accepted paraphyletic group.


Separation of the hydrostatic skeleton into a series of coelomic cavities greatly increases its efficiency because the force of local muscle contraction within a segment is transferred throughout the entire animal.


Several species of the genus Demodex inhabit the hair follicles and sebaceous glands of humans, often causing an intense dermatitis.


Some asteroids feed heavily on molluscs but Asterias is never a significant predator on commercially important clams and oysters.


Some polychaetes live most of the year as sexually immature animals called akinetes. An example of this is the palolo worm, which lives in burrows among coral reefs.


Some sea stars feed on small particles. Plankton and other organic particles are carried by the epidermal cilia to the ambulacral grooves and then to the madreporite.


The Anthozoa, or "flower animals," are polyps with a flowerlike appearance. All species are characterized by a free-swimming medusoid form.


The Class Crinoidea includes sea lilies but not the feather stars.


The Class Enteropneusta, or acorn worms, are active marine animals that hide in burrows or sand flats of deep benthic areas.


The Mollusca range in size from almost microscopic to the giant squid Architeuthis with a body and tentacle length nearly 100 meters in length.


The Phylum Chordata belongs to the Deuterostomia branch of the Animal Kingdom and includes the phyla Echinodermata, Hemichordata, and the three lophophorate phyla (Phoronida, Ectoprocta, and Brachiopoda).


The Platyhelminthes are acoelomates with diploblastic tissues and bilateral symmetry.


The arrangement of microtubules within a flagella is similar to the internal structure of another organelle, the mitochondrion.


The biological species concept has several problems, one of them being the emphasis on interbreeding as the criterion of reproductive community.


The branches of a cladogram represent real lineages that occurred in the evolutionary past.


The circulatory system of reptiles is functionally divided into pulmonary and systemic circuits. In crocodilians there is a sinus venosus, two atria, but a ventricle that is not completely divided into two chambers.


The coelacanth and its relatives were believed to have been extinct for over 550 million years, since the advent of the Precambrian.


The cuticle is an outer covering secreted by the underlying epicuticle.


The endostyle and its derivative, the thyroid gland, are found not only in all chordates but also in many other animals.


The family name Petromyzontidae refers to the lamprey's habit of grasping a stone with its mouth to hold its position in a current.


The fused caudal vertebrae seen in frogs are called the pygostyle, which is similar to our "tailbone," the coccyx.


The hierarchical rankings within the Eukarya are as follows: Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Order, Class, Family, Genus, and Species


The hylid frogs have the most toxic skin secretions, which are used by natives in South America to coat their blowgun darts for hunting.


The iridiophores in the skin of frogs contain yellow, orange, or red pigments; the melanophores reflect the light striking the iridiophores.


The lateral line is present in all amphibians, although it is only fully functional in the aquatic species.


The madreporite is located on the oral surface, next to the mouth, and leads to the stone canal that then descends toward the ring canal.


The main ill effects of schistosomiasis result from the larval forms. The larvae of one species, S. haemotobium causes ulceration of the bladder wall with bloody urine and pain on urination.


The most common form of polygamy in birds, when it occurs, is polyandry.


The opercula of many teleosts diversified into powerful pharyngeal jaws for chewing, grinding, and crushing.


The perforated pharynx of Protochordates that originated as a suspension-feeding device served as the framework for subsequent evolution of true internal gills, but NOT a pharyngeal muscular pump or jaws.


The phylogenetic species concept includes sexually and asexually reproducing organisms and includes polyphyletic groups.


The postanal tail in humans is present as a vestigial structure comprising a series of small vertebrae and the end of the spinal column, called the flaccid.


The primary excretory waste of amphibians is uric acid.


The radiate phyla are characterized by the tissue level of organization, with an internal gastrovascular cavity, extracellular digestion, and a complete digestive tract (mouth-to-anus).


The rhopalium of Aurelia is a reproductive organ containing a hollow statocyst for equilibrium and one or two pits lined with sensory epithelium.


The similarity of birds and reptiles led Thomas Henry Huxley to call reptiles "glorified birds."


The structure in a frog ear that is similar to the mammalian cochlea is the utricle.


The two phyla Cnidaria and Ctenophora make up the radiate animals, which are characterized by primary radial or biradial symmetry, but evolved from an ancestor characterized by radial symmetry.


The xiphosurids are all extinct marine forms from the Cambrian. They had book gills but lacked a telson.


There are no freshwater medusoid cnidarians (cnidarians with a medusa).


Turbellarians such as "planaria" are exclusively marine.


Urochordates do not have a circulatory system or a nervous system.


While evidence is weighted towards the "flapping up" hypothesis, the debate regarding the evolution of bird flight has not been settled.


Birds are characterized as having which of the following?

Females with only the left ovary and oviduct Single bone in the middle ear A four-chambered heart Leg scales All of the above characterize birds

The skeletal (supporting) structure of sponges may contain which of the following?

Fibrillar collagen (a protein), Calcareous spicules, Siliceous spicules, Modified collagen called spongin All of the above

Decapod crustaceans typically have which of the following?

Five pairs of walking legs and three pairs of maxillipeds

Which of the following can be associated with the genus Euglena?

Flagella, Pellicle, Contractile vacuole, Stigma or "eyespot", All of the above are characteristics of the genus Euglena

The Platyhelminthes have ____________ that aid in osmoregulation and the excretion of nitrogenous wastes.

Flame cells

Some reticulopods make a protective shell or test. Those that construct this shell of calcium carbonate are the...


Amphioxus is a small translucent, fishlike animal that filters organic particles from seawater and exhibits the five distinctive hallmarks of the Phylum Chordata. Which of the following is NOT characteristic of this phylum?

Free-swimming amphiblastula larva

Which of the following is among the ecologically most jeopardized groups of molluscs in this country?

Freshwater bivalves

Which of the following derived characteristics is shared by dromeosaurs (e.g., Velociraptor) with birds?

Fused clavicles Lunate wrist bones Some species with feathers All of the above are correct

Sexual reproduction in Ciliophora typically involves which process?

Gametic meiosis

Which of the following is NOT correct?

Gastric mill—first part of the mandibles

A freshwater sponge (Spongillidae), produces an unusual overwintering "bud" for the survival of the harsh conditions of winter. This bud is called a...


In the Linnaean system of scientific nomenclature, a single species is identified by a binomial, which consists of the following:

Genus and species

Which of the following protozoan group does NOT cause disease in humans?

Giardia lamblia, Trypanosoma brucei gambiense, Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense, Trichomonas vaginalis, All of the

The ctenidium is the molluscan.....


The members of the Class Hexactinellida are also called:

Glass sponges

Some frogs hibernate during the winter and avoid the harmful effects of freezing by accumulating glycerol and;


The onset of reproduction in birds is synchronized with the seasons. Long day lengths stimulate the anterior lobe of the pituitary to release what hormone?

Gonadotropic hormone

All primates have which of the following characteristics?

Grasping fingers on all four limbs Flat fingernails instead of claws Excellent depth perception All of the above are correct

Which of the following are associated with aquatic mandibulates?

Green glands Nauplius larvae Mandibles Cephalothorax All of the above are associated with aquatic mandibulates

The members of this order are often viviparous:


Which of the following is NOT correct?

Harvestmen are quite venomous and should not be handled

Which of the following describes a "true" (eucoelomate or coelomate) body cavity?

Has a lining of mesoderm


Have an open circulatory system

The Chilopoda...

Have poison claws

Many polychaetes have respiratory pigments such as...

Hemoglobin Chlorocruorin Hemerythrin All of the above are correct

Phylogenetic systematics was first proposed by


Fish may be which of the following?

Herbivores Suspension-feeders Carnivores Parasites All of the above are correct

Which of the following was one of the earliest dinosaurs of the Late Triassic?


Leeches are members of the class...


The ratfish is a...


Which of the following is NOT correct?

Homo habilis—a fully erect hominid but undoubtedly incapable of any kind of speech

Birds and butterflies both have wings. However, they do not share a recent, common ancestor. Therefore the possession of wings in this case is called


Which of the following kills hundreds of millions of songbirds each year?

House cats Nest parasites Raccoons Habitat destruction (e.g., forest fragmentation) All of the above are correct

Which of the following is NOT matched correctly?

Hydranths—reproductive polyps

In tetrapod vertebrates the pharyngeal pouches give rise to several different structures, including all but which one of the following?


The first well-known fossil of a tetrapod was in the genus...


Mammals do NOT have which of the following?

Indirect flight muscles

Which of the following terms is associated with the Insecta?

Instar Tracheae Diapause Pupa All of the above are correct

Which of the following is incorrect?

Intestinal roundworm—Trichuris trichiura

The space surrounding or outside the body's cells is the...

Intracellular space

The typhlosole in the earthworm...

Is the area of the gut that increases the surface area for the absorption of food

Ecdysis in crustaceans...

Is the physiological process of molting and making a larger cuticle

What is the name of the specialized sensory organ found in snakes?

Jacobson's organ

Which of the following is lacking in the living jawless fishes?

Jaws Internal ossification Scales Paired fins All of the above are lacking in the living jawless fishes

The protein making up mammalian hair is called...


The largest group or taxa is the


Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the Platyhelminthes?

Lack of sense organs

There are two genera of spiders in the United States that can give severe or even fatal bites. These are...

Lactrodectus spp Loxoceles spp

Fish gills are composed of thin filaments, each covered with a thin epidermal membrane that is folded repeatedly into platelike...


Which of the following forms yields the greatest amount of surface area to volume ratio in a sponge?


The first person to classify animals in a way that still makes sense today was


Members of the family Plethodontidae are unusual in that many species completely lack...


The arthropods...

Make up more than 75 percent of all known species of animals Are more widely and more densely distributed throughout the world than members of all other phyla put together Are segmented eucoelomate protostomes with well-develop organ systems All of the above are correct

Which of the following is NOT correct?

Mallophaga—sucking lice

The mandibulate arthropods characteristically have...

Mandibles, antennae, and maxillae

Which of the following is NOT correct?

Members of the Class Monoplacophora are all extinct

Lying between the epidermis and gastrodermis of hydra is a gelantinous or jellylike middle layer called the...


Sponge cells are loosely arranged in a gelantinous matrix called...


The kidneys of amphibians are described as...


Wings in the insects appear on the...

Mesothorax Metathorax

Which of the following is incorrect?

Metamorphosis—the direct development of an adult from an egg

Each segment of the earthworm except the first three and the last one bears a pair of ...


Which of the following is a defensive strategy employed by insects?

Mimicry Aposematic coloration Crypsis Chemical defenses All of the above are defensive strategies

Members of the Phylum Retortamonada lack ...


To facilitate cutaneous respiration, the skin of amphibians is...

Moist and richly vascularized

Some evidence based on ribosomal RNA sequences supports monophyly of Arthropoda and the inclusion of Onychophora in the phylum. These data also suggest that crustaceans and insects form a...

Monophyletic group

Which of the following is NOT correct?

Most annelids have an internal supporting structure, the endoskeleton

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the Class Chondrichthyes?

Mouth is always terminal or apical in position

The propulsive mechanism of a fish is its trunk and tail musculature. The axial, locomotory musculature is composed of zigzag bands, called...


Which of the following is NOT correct?

Myxini—no brain but 12 pairs of cranial nerves

Which of the following is incorrect?

Nemertea—eversible proboscis

For rapid escape movements most annelids have one to several very large axons commonly called...

Neurosecretory axons Cerebral axons Ventral axons Typhlosolic axons None of the above is correct

Which of the following is NOT correct?

No arthropods are known to have a social structure

Which of the following is NOT correct?

Not all bats use echolocation to navigate, even though most bats have poor vision

Comparative biochemistry compares the sequences of amino acids in proteins as well as

Nucleotide sequences

Which of the following is NOT a stage in the life of a holometabolous insect?


Which of the following orders has members known as dragonflies?


Which of the following is NOT correct about sharks?

Odor detection—poorly developed in all sharks

Reptiles and birds share which of the following characteristics?

One middle ear bone, the stapes Excretion of nitrogenous wastes as uric acid A single occipital condyle A lower jaw composed of 5 or 6 bones All of the above are correct

The infective stage in the life cycle of an apicomplexan is the...


Which of the following is mismatched?

Operculum—an opening in the shell of a gastropod

Some characteristics typical of leeches would include which of the following?

Oral and posterior suckers, clitellum, no setae

Which of the following groups does NOT belong to the Subphylum Chelicerata?

Order Insecta

Echinoderms have no ability to...


As far as fishes are concerned, it is now recognized that bone occurs not only in the Osteichthyes, but also many other early fishes including which of the following?

Ostracoderms Placoderms Acanthodians All of the above are correct

The retention of larval characteristics, seen in some salamanders is called...


Which of the following is incorrect?

Parastic nematodes—have an advanced Krebs cycle for metabolism

Which of the following muscles are concerned with bird flight?

Pectoralis Supracoracoideus

The sea anemone may reproduce by which of the following methods?

Pedal laceration, Longitudinal fission, Budding, Sexual reproduction, all of above

Chelicerate arthropods possess which of the following?


Which of the following is found in the shell secreted by the mantle of a mollusc?

Periostracum (outer organic layer, composed of conchiolin) Prismatic layer (prisms of calcium carbonate in a protein matrix) Nacreous layer (continuously secreted by the mantle) All of the above are found in mollusc shells

When the Welland Ship Canal was built in 1829, which of the following invaded the Great Lakes and nearly devastated the fishing industry of that region?

Petromyzon marinus

Which of the following is NOT a description for how food is obtained or made by the Protozoa?

Phagotrophs, Saprozoic, Photosynthetic, Holozoic, all of the above correct

An alternative to Linnean taxonomy is called


Which of the following is an example of a truly colonial medusoid cnidarian composed of different types of polyps?

Physalia (Portuguese man-of-war)

Which of the following is NOT correct about the Class Asteroidea?

Pincerlike pedicellariae have tiny claws to grasp onto the substrate to hold the sea star in place

The agents of malaria, which kills one million people each year, are all in the genus...


Which of the following is mismatched?

Pneumatophore—primitive lungs

Which of the following widened the ecological possibilities available to the cnidarians?


Which of the following terms is NOT associated with reproduction in birds?


In the Crustacea, which of the following is under hormonal control?

Premolt period Postmolt period Change in body color Expression of sexual characteristics All of the above are correct

Ctenophores resemble cnidarians in all but one of the following ways:

Presence of comb plates and colloblasts

The Cnidaria are characterized by which of the following?

Primary radial symmetry, Tissue level of organization, At least two well-defined germ layers, True nerve cells that form a primitive "nerve net"

Endoparasitic acanthocephalans penetrate the host's intestinal wall with the spiny...


The first reasonable evidence for life on earth dates from approximately 3.5 billion years ago. These first cells were...

Prokaryotic, bacteria-like organisms

Primates are split into which two major lineages?

Prosimians and simians

Ecdysone is secreted by the...

Prothoracic glands

Additional evidence linking birds to dromeosaurs comes from recently described fossils with symmetrically vaned feathers from late Jurassic and early Cretaceous deposits in Liaoning Province, China. These spectacular fossils are dromeosaur-like theropods in the genera:

Protoarchaeopteryx Caudipteryx

How many phyla of multicellular animals do zoologists recognize today? Which of the following is NOT a level of organization in organismal complexity?

Protoplasmic grade of organization, Cellular grade of organization, Cell-tissue grade of organization, Tissue-organ grade of organization

Sponges with syconoid features would have which of the following?

Radial canals, Incurrent canals, Prosopyles, Apopyles, All of the above are correct

Some of the oldest known fossils of eukaryotic organisms that have been identified are members of the group called...


The uniquely derived rasping tongue of the Mollusca is called the...


For maximal absorption of dissolved oxygen from water, the flow of water is opposite to the direction of blood flow. Very active fishes, such as mackerel, can only obtain sufficient oxygen by continuously swimming forward to force water into the mouth and over the gills. This kind of forced ventilation is called...

Ram ventilation

Which of the following statements is correct?

Recent work adds credence to an old, much debated hypothesis that birds can detect and navigate by the earth's magnetic field

Bird migration does which of the following?

Reduces aggressive territorial behavior Favors homeostasis (by allowing birds to avoid climatic changes) Increases the amount of territory available for breeding Provides ample food for rearing young All of the above are correct

Sponges have a tremendous ability to repair injuries and to restore lost parts in a process called...


The species concept includes all of the following ideas, with the exception of

Reproductive community, Smallest distinct grouping, Common evolutionary descent and gene pool, Geographic range

Which of the following does NOT apply to the hemichordates?

Respiratory system of gill slits connecting the pharynx with the outside as in chordates No nephridia Some species with a dorsal nerve cord Proboscis, collar, and trunk subdivisions in most All of the above are correct

The first terrestrial tetrapods were probably the...


The most distinctive feature of the vertebral column of birds is its...


An investigator discovered an organism new to science with the following characteristics: a mouth surrounded by a rotary corona, flame cells, an eyespot; a complete digestive tract with a mouth followed by a mastax, then a complete stomach, intestine, and anus. After considering these characteristics, it would probably be classified as a(n)...


The perennibranchiate condition may occur in...


Which of the following matches is incorrect?

Sand dollars—no teeth

Nematodes may be which of the following?


Which of the following is mismatched?


The most common mating system in birds is...

Seasonal monogamy

Which of the following is NOT a form of reef?

Segmental reefs

If present, this feature in chordates is restricted to the outer body wall, head, and tail, and does not extend into the coelom.


The Annelida have bodies divided into similar rings called...


The early nautiloid and ammonoid shells were heavy but made buoyant by a series of gas chambers connected by a cord of living tissue called a...


Two different monophyletic groups that share common ancestry with each other more recently than either does with other taxa are known as

Sister groups

Gas exchange in the earthworm occurs through the...


Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the Class Sarcopterygii?

Skin covered with heavy scales covered with a thin enamel of keratin

Which one of the following is NOT a correct match?

Skin—composed of an epidermis covered by vibrissae

One of the intermediate hosts of the liver fluke (the host that is identified by the sporocyst and redia life stages) is a ...


Hymenopteran societies often exhibit polymorphism or caste differentiation. Which of the following is not a true caste?


One of the most ancient groups of Reptilia is represented by the Order ___________, which is now represented by the genus Sphenodon, the members of which still possesses a "third" or pineal eye.


Which of the following is NOT a form of symmetry?

Spherical, Radial, Biradial, and Bilateral are all forms of symmetry

All fishes are slightly heavier than water. To keep from sinking, sharks must always keep moving forward in the water and the presence of the asymmetrical heterocercal tail provides the necessary lift. What provides some of their buoyancy?

Squalene from the liver

With the exception of domestic fowl, which of the following have become some of the most abundant bird species on earth?

Starlings House sparrows B and C only

Radiates are the simplest animals to possess sense organs, include which of the following?

Statocysts, Ocelli

The scyphistoma of Aurelia forms a series of saucerlike buds called ephyrae by the process of...


Which of the following is mismatched?

Subclass Cirripedia—crabs, crayfish, and lobsters

Which one of the following diseases is NOT caused by filarial worms?

Swimmer's itch

Most of the caudal vertebrae in birds are fused into a pygostyle while many of the remaining terminal vertebrae in the trunk are fused as the...


The voice box of birds is also scientifically known as the ...


There is a tendency for somites to be combined into functional groups called...


The insect leg terminates in a...


The body disc, or calyx, of the sea lily is covered with a leathery skin called the...


Several extinct lineages plus the Lisamphibia, which contains modern amphibians, are placed in a group called...


Which of the following are suitable habitats for members of the Mollusca?

Terrestrial Freshwater Marine Estuary All of the above are suitable for some members of the Mollusca

Which of the following is NOT correct?

The Mollusca have metanephridia for a circulatory system

Which of the following is NOT correct?

The anterior chewing appendages on the head are called mandibles

Which of the following is NOT correct?

The bony, dermal armor of early fishes were modified in later fishes as fins

Which of the following is a highly toxic cubozoan?

The cubomedusa, Chironex fleckeri

Which of the following is NOT a biological contribution of fish?

The evolution of cellular bone The evolution of an enclosed brain and spinal cord The evolution of a vertebral column The evolution of true jaws with teeth, and paired pectoral and pelvic fins All of the above are correct

Which of the following statements is true?

The larva of lampreys bear a remarkable resemblance to amphioxus

Which of the following is correct?

The lobe-finned fishes are represented today by both the lungfishes and coelacanth, and include the sister group of the tetrapod

Which of the following statements is incorrect?

The major body space in arthropods is a blood-filled hemocoel

Which of the following is NOT correct?

The mammals comprise a large and diverse group of species, far exceeding the number of bird species

Which of the following statements is NOT correct?

The notochord is a flexible, rodlike structure made of bone that extends the length of the body

Insects are characterized by all but which one of the following?

The presence of chelicerae

Which of the following is NOT a correct statement?

The scolex is a harpoon-like structure that is used to spear prey.

Which of the following is NOT correct?

The tetrapod vertebrates—land vertebrates—arose from a common placoderm ancestor in the Devonian

Mammals descended from a group of mammal-like reptiles called...


Which of the following is NOT true about the Mollusca?

They are all protostomes They all have an "open" circulatory system They all have a muscular foot or modified foot of tentacles and arms They all have a mantle All of the above are correct

Which of the following is true about the Protozoa?

They are extremely diverse in terms of form and morphology. They are not monophyletic. Most species exhibit intracellular specialization. Some of them exhibit the simplest example of division of labor between cells. All of the above are correct.

Which of the following is NOT correct about echinoderms?

They are not closely related to the Hemichordata or the Chordata

Which of the following is a correct statement about the Order Decapoda?

They have three pairs of maxillipeds They have five pairs of walking legs The first walking leg is usually modified into large pincers (chelae) Crabs have a wider cephalothorax than crayfish and lobster All of the above are correct

Protozoa are a diverse assemblage of unicellular organisms with puzzling affinities. They are distinctly animal-like in several respects:

They lack a cell wall. Most have at least one motile stage (e.g., flagella, cilia) at some stage of their life cycles. Although a few are photosynthetic, most typically ingest their food. All are correct.

Which of the following is NOT a holometabolous order?


Which of the following insects is NOT of medical or economic importance?

Tiger Swallowtail butterfly

How do migratory birds navigate?

Topographical landmarks Sun-azimuth orientation North Star Earth's magnetic field All of the above are correct

Mental retardation of a child can be caused by infection of its mother by which of the following protozoans while changing a cat litter box when pregnant?


Which of the following is NOT correct?

Tracheal gills are found only on terrestrial nymphs

During a dissection, a zoologist made a cut beginning with the dorsal surface and concluded between the pectoral and pelvic appendages on the ventral surface. This cut would be described as a cut through which plane?


Which of the following is mismatched?

Trematodes—undergo sexual reproduction in their intermediate hosts

Which of the following most closely resembles the mammals, sharing with them several derived features of the skull and teeth?


The larva form of a polychaete annelid is called a(n)...


Termite colonies contain several castes, consisting of fertile individuals, both males and females, and sterile individuals. Reproductive individuals and soldiers secrete inhibiting pheromones that pass throughout the colony to nymphs through a mutual feeding process called:


What is the most serious threat to migratory songbird populations?

Tropical rainforest deforestation

A few spiders have a segmented abdomen; this is an ancestral characteristic.


A meshwork of parenchyma cells, developed from the mesoderm, fills the spaces between muscles and the visceral organs.


A polytypic species contains one subspecies whose subspecific name is a repetition of the species epithet and one or more additional subspecies whose names differ.


A taxon is considered to be monophyletic if it includes the most recent common ancestor and all descendants of that ancestor.


All chondrichthans have internal fertilization, but sharks may be oviparous, ovoviviparous, or viviparous.


All turtles are oviparous.


All vertebrate forelimbs are homologous because they are derived from a pentadactyl limb of a common ancestor.


Although calcification may be extensive in their skeletons, bone is entirely absent throughout the class, even though the Chondrichthyes are derived from ancestors with well-developed bone.


Although hunters kill millions of game birds each year, none of the 74 game bird species legally hunted is threatened or endangered.


Although members of the phylum Cnidaria are more highly organized than sponges, they are still relatively simple animals. However, many cnidarians are very effective predators that are able to kill and eat prey that are much more highly organized, swift, and intelligent than they are.


Although there are water striders in the genus Halobates that surf the ocean waves, there are no truly marine insects that live under the water.


Although they have the simplest organization of all the Metazoa, the sponges do exhibit a higher level of morphological and physiological integration than that found in protozoan colonies.


Among the Crustacea, the Remipedia seem to have the most ancestral characteristics, with 25-38 trunk segments all bearing paired, biramous swimming appendages that are essentially alike.


Amphibians are the only living vertebrates that have a transition from water to land in both their ontogeny and phylogeny.


Amphibians that have no larval development are said to have direct development—that is, they hatch from the egg as miniature versions of the adults.


An ancestral character shared by members of a clade is called a symplesiomorphy.


An endoskeleton permits continuous growth without molting and also provides an efficient framework for muscle attachment.


An examination of the bony elements of the paired fins of lobe-finned fishes shows that they broadly resemble the homologous structures of amphibian limbs.


An ink sac that empties into the rectum of many cephalopods contains an ink gland that secretes sepia, a dark fluid containing the pigment melanin.


Annelids belong to the lophotrochozoan protostome branch of the animal kingdom.


Annelids have a double transport system: coelomic fluid and circulatory system.


Arachnid tagmata consist of a cephalothorax and abdomen.


Asexual reproduction in Volvox occurs in late spring and summer when specialized diploid reproductive cells divide to form young colonies that remain in the mother colony until they are large enough to escape. Sexual reproduction occurs largely in autumn when haploid sex cells develop as environmental conditions worsen. The fertilized ova may encyst and survive the winter.


Attached forms of echinoderms were once plentiful, as documented by the fossil record, but today the only attached forms are in the Class Crinoidea.


Because altricial birds lay relatively small eggs with minimal yolk supplies, a mother has a relatively small investment in her eggs, and as a result, eggs lost to predation or extreme weather conditions are easily replaced.


Birds, because of their intense metabolism, are voracious feeders.


Both lobe-finned fishes and early tetrapods such as Acanthostega and Ichthyostega shared several characteristics of skull, teeth, and pectoral girdle.


Cephalopods swim by forcefully expelling water from the mantle cavity through a ventral funnel, like jet propulsion.


Charles Darwin showed how earthworms enrich soil by bringing subsoil to the surface and mixing it with the topsoil. Their activities are important in the aeration of the soil.


Close to the origin of vertebrates is the 530-million-year-old animal known as Haikouella. The mix of vertebrate and protochordate characters in this animal suggests that the evolution of "vertebrate" soft characters may have preceded the evolution of an endoskeleton.


Compared with annelids, the somites of arthropods are more specialized for a variety of purposes.


Coral reefs are some of the most productive of all ecosystems, and they have a diversity of life forms rivaled only by the tropical rain forests. Of all earth's reefs, the Great Barrier Reef of Australia is the longest and the most diverse in terms of numbers of species.


Current molecular evidence supports a phylogenetic relationship of mesozoans and flatworms and the inclusion of Mesozoa in the superphylum Lophotrochozoa.


Deep-sea fishes must have a pressure in their swim bladders exceeding 240 atmospheres, which exceeds the pressure in a fully charged steel gas cylinder.


Dinosaurs likely had considerably more complex parental care than most other reptilian groups. This would make sense, because even today, two living groups, birds and crocodilians, are members of the clade Archosauria in which extensive parental care is the norm.


Diversity among mollusks is related to their adaptations to different habitats and modes of life.


During metamorphosis feather stars become sessile and stalked, but after several months they detach and become free moving.


Echinoderm adults have radial symmetry but their larvae are bilateral.


Echinoids are known for several kinds of pedicellariae, some of which are three jawed and mounted on long stalks, others of which bear poison glands with toxin that paralyzes their prey.


Echinoids have a compact body enclosed in an endoskeletal test, or shell, and they lack arms.


Ecologically, the chordates are among the most adaptable of organic groups and they have evolved numerous forms to occupy most habitats.


Errant polychaetes are mostly predators and scavengers whereas sedentary polychaetes feed on suspended particles or are deposit feeders.


Even the saliva of harmless snakes possesses limited toxic qualities, and it is logical that there was a natural selection for this toxic tendency as snakes evolved.


Feathers were also present in some theropod dinosaurs although it is likely that these feathers were not capable of supporting the animals in flight.


Fertilization is internal in the cartilaginous fishes.


Foraminiferans are of great practical importance because they are responsible for many limestone and chalk deposits.


Free-living turbellarians are never parastic.


Gestation is brief in marsupials, and therefore all marsupials give birth to tiny young that are effectively still embryos, both anatomically and physiologically.


Hagfishes and lampreys have been assigned to separate vertebrate classes, which means that the name "agnatha" is a paraphyletic assemblage of jawless fishes.


Hemichordates have the typical tricoelomate structure of deuterostomes.


Hemichordates share characters with both echinoderms and chordates, although sequence analysis of 18 SrDNA suggests that the Enteropneusta are not a monophyletic group, and that hemichordates are the sister group to echinoderms rather than chordates.


Hox genes are highly diverse throughout almost all Metazoa and control expression of other genes determining body axis and morphogenesis along the body axis


In deuterostomes, mesoderm forms by an entercoelous plan where cells from the central portion of the gut lining begin to grow outward as pouches expanding in the blastocoel.


In most freshwater clams fertilization is internal and the fertilized eggs develop into glochidia.


In the life cycle of Obelia, they bud from a reproductive polyp called a gonangium.


Instead of a toothed mouth, the jaws of chimaeras bear large flat plates in their jaws, the upper one of which is completely fused to the cranium.


Isopods are one of the few crustacean groups to have successfully invaded terrestrial habitats in addition to freshwater and seawater habitats.


It has been difficult to estimate the phylogeny of the chordates because all the earliest Protochordates were probably soft-bodied creatures that were not easily fossilized.


It is estimated that nearly 1.2 billion people are infected worldwide with Ascaris lumbricoides.


Larvae of the genus Trombicula are called chiggers or redbugs. The inflamed welt and intense itching that follows their bite is not the result of the chigger burrowing into the skin, but due to a hardened tube formed around the chelicerae as the host human reacts to the bite.


Legs of the insects are often modified for special purposes.


Less than 20 percent of all snakes are venomous, although venomous species outnumber nonvenomous species by four-to-one in Australia.


Light, thin, flexible cycloid and ctenoid scales in the bony fishes replaced the heavy dermal armor of primitive ray-finned fishes.


Like birds, mammals possess both endothermy and homeothermy.


Male spiders mate "indirectly" by transferring a small drop of sperm via pedipalps to the seminal receptacles of a female.


Malpighian tubules, rather than nephridia, are used as part of the insectan excretory system.


Mammals may have sweat, scent, sebaceous, and mammary glands in their skin.


Many millipedes are slow moving, but when threatened roll into a coil and sometimes secrete toxic or repellent fluids from repugnatorial glands.


Many zoologists believe that early echinoderms were sessile and evolved radiality as an adaptation to sessile existence.


Members of the Class Diplopoda have two pairs of legs on each abdominal segment.


Members of the Phylum Ctenophora take their name from the eight rows of comblike plates they bear for locomotion


Members of the Phylum Gastrotricha are ventrally flattened animals that are somewhat like rotifers except that they lack a corona and mastax.


Metamerism may have evolved independently in the deuterostome lineages, and perhaps twice in protostomes, including annelids.


Metamorphosis in sea stars involves a dramatic reorganization of a bilateral larva into a radial juvenile. The anteroposterior axis of the larva is lost, and what was the left side becomes the oral surface and the larval right side becomes the aboral surface.


Microscopic toothlike fossils called conodonts are now known to belong to a vertebrate group.


Molecular phylogenetic results place four phyla classified as deuterostomes in the Protostomia, with two major monophyletic groups called the Ecdysozoa and Lophotrochozoa.


Most amphibians have a forelimb with four digits and a rear limb with five digits.


Most bats are nocturnal or crepuscular in behavior, thus occupying a niche largely uninhabited by birds.


Most larger frogs are solitary during most of the year, except during the breeding period, which is typically in the spring...


Most mammals have a highly developed placenta, mammary glands, and an advanced nervous system.


Most migratory birds have well-established routes trending north and south.


Most species of acarines transfer sperm directly and develop a larva having six legs and one or more eight-legged nymphal stages before the adult stage is reached.


Nematodes are the most important pseudocoelomate animals, both in terms of numbers and their impact on humans.


Nemerteans show some derived features absent from flatworms. One of these is the eversible proboscis and its sheath, for which there are no counterparts among any other phylum.


Nest parasites such as the brown-headed cowbird and the European cuckoo build no nests at all but simply lay their eggs in the nests of birds smaller than themselves.


Octopods are capable of observational learning by observing one another.


Of all the Mollusca, only gastropods undergo torsion.


Old World monkeys are classified as cercopithecoids and lack the grasping tail of the New World ceboid monkeys.


One copy of Hox genes is found in Amphioxus and other invertebrates whereas living gnathostomes have four copies. It is proposed that these additional copies of body-plan controlling genes provided the genetic material to evolve a more complex kind of animal.


One strange group of fossil echinoderms, the Calcichordata, has pharyngeal slits and other chordate attributes such as a postanal tail. However, the calcichordates had a hard skeleton, likely of calcium carbonate, whereas that of vertebrates is composed of calcium phosphate.


Only the last therapsid subgroup to evolve, the cynodonts, survived to enter the Mesozoic era.


Ossicles are penetrated by a meshwork of spaces, usually filled with fibers and dermal cells; together this meshwork structure is called a stereom and it is unique to echinoderms.


Pelycosaurs somewhat resemble lizards but are not closely related to them. In addition, Pelycosaurs are not a monophyletic group.


Perhaps one reason explaining why monogamy is much more common among birds than among mammals is that male and female birds are equally adept at most aspects of parental care.


Phylogenetic analysis depends upon finding among organisms, shared features that are inherited from a common ancestor.


Platyhelminthes, Nemertea, and Gnathostomulida are the simplest animals that have primary bilateral symmetry.


Recent enzyme electrophoretic analyses of eel larvae confirmed not only the existence of separate European and American species of these fish, but also that both species spawn in partially overlapping areas of the Sargasso Sea.


Recent molecular genetic studies indicate that human populations have formed a single evolutionary lineage for the past 1.7 million years.


Reptiles and birds share several derived characters, including several skull characteristics and a largely aglandular skin with a special type of harder keratin called beta keratin.


Reptiles are a paraphyletic group because they do not include all descendants of their most recent common ancestor.


Reptilian lungs are better developed than those of amphibians.


Rhipidistians are of special importance because they include the ancestors of tetrapods, and in cladistic terms, are therefore a paraphyletic group.


Scientists know more about the molecular biology of sea urchin development than that of almost any other embryonic system.


Sea daisies, Class Concentricycloidea, are the most recently describe class of echinoderms, with only three species described to date.


Some descendants of Precambrian acoelomate organisms evolved a more elegant arrangement for a body cavity: a fluid-filled space within the mesoderm, called the coelom. A true coelom means that the space was lined with mesoderm and that mesodermal membranes, the mesenteries, suspended the organs.


Some insects can memorize and perform in sequence tasks involving multiple signals in various sensory areas.


Some investigators believe that a planuloid ancestor may have given rise to one branch of sessile organisms and one bilaterally symmetrical branch.


Some species of sea star can regenerate a complete new sea star from a detached arm containing just twenty percent of the central disc.


Sponges originated before the Cambrian Period.


Swarming by the palolo worm may be adaptive because the synchronous maturation of all the epitokes ensures the maximum number of fertilized eggs.


Sweat glands are classified as eccrine and apocrine glands.


The Class Malacostraca is the largest class of Crustacea and shows tremendous diversity.


The Deuterostomia are almost certainly a natural grouping of interrelated animals.


The Entoprocta comprise a small phylum containing only 150 species of tiny, sessile animals that resemble hydroid cnidarians but have ciliated tentacles.


The Hemichordata are marine animals once considered to be a subphylum of chordates because they had gill slits and a rudimentary notochord. However, the so-called notochord is not homologous with that of chordates.


The Mesozoa and Parazoa may be said to belong to a cellular level of organization.


The Phyla Platyhelminthes, Nemertea, and Gnathostomulida are not much more complex in organization than radiates except in their bilateral symmetry.


The Phylum Chlorophyta includes both single-celled algae and colonial forms. Volvox is an example.


The Phylum Porifera is an ancient group, remote phylogenetically from other metazoan groups, although some evidence suggests that they are a sister group to the Eumetazoa. Their adaptive radiation is centered on elaboration of the water circulation and filter feeding system.


The Porifera are the simplest of multicellular animals and share basal ancestry with the Metazoa, as determined by molecular evidence


The Subphylum Vertebrata (Craniata) is a monophyletic group whose members typically possess both an exoskeleton and endoskeleton of cartilage or bone.


The ability to spin silk is central to a spider's life, as it is in some other arachnids and many insects.


The adaptive radiation demonstrated by crustaceans is great.


The amniotic egg of reptiles permits rapid development of large young in relatively dry environments.


The anterior end of the nerve cord became enlarged as a tripartite brain in the vertebrates.


The archosaurs comprise dinosaurs and their relatives, as well as living crocodilians and birds.


The axoneme of flagella and cilia (also called undulipodia) contains 9 pairs of longitudinal microtubules arranged in a circle around 2 central microtubules in the classic "9 + 2" microtubule pattern.


The barb of a cnidocyte may explode at an acceleration greater than 40,000 times the pull of gravity.


The broadest category in the system of classification, below kingdom, is the phylum.


The cephalopods are renowned for their amazing invertebrate intelligence.


The coelom of Mollusca is reduced to a partial coelom around the gonads, the kidneys, and the heart (the pericardial membrane).


The coelom of arthropods is reduced in the adults and the circulatory system is open with only a weakly developed dorsal heart.


The crustaceans are the only arthropods with two pairs of antennae.


The digestive tract of most vertebrates that are carnivores is shorter than the digestive tract of herbivores.


The earliest simian fossils appeared in Africa in late Eocene deposits, some 40 million years ago.


The earliest vertebrates were an assemblage of jawless agnathan fishes, the Ostracoderms, one group of which gave rise to the jawed gnathostomes.


The evolution of feathers was the single most important event leading to the capacity for flight in birds.


The gills of fish are the most effective respiratory devices in the animal kingdom for extracting oxygen from a medium that is 800 times as dense as air yet contains less than five percent the concentration of oxygen as air.


The human liver fluke, Clonorchis sinensis, infects humans who swim or bathe in contaminated water.


The large pseudopodia known as "lobopodia" contain both endoplasm and ectoplasm and may be used for locomotion?


The life cycle of Aurelia, a scyphozoan, could be described as follows: ciliated planula larva, scyphistoma, strobila, ephyra larva, medusa, sexual reproduction and zygote, ciliated planula larva.


The major lineages of neopterygians are the teleosts, the modern bony fishes, with a diversity of nearly 24,000 species.


The means of infection of the Chinese liver fluke, Clonorchis sinensis, is via metacercariae ingested by eating raw fish.


The muscular system of arthropods consists of antagonistic muscles called flexors and extensors


The nervous system of echinoderms consists of a nerve ring with a radial nerve to each arm and an epidermal nerve plexus.


The origin of the first single-cell eukaryotes probably came about through a process called symbiogenesis whereby one prokaryote engulfed but did not ingest another.


The secondary palate, which separates the air passageway from the food passageway, enables mammals to hold and partially break down food in their mouths without interrupting breathing.


The skin of a frog, although loosely attached to the body, is typical of most terrestrial vertebrates, having an outer epidermis and an underlying dermis.


The so-called "excretory organs" of aquatic mandibulates really regulate ionic and osmotic composition of body fluids.


The thyroid gland is derived in the evolutionary sense from the endostyle.


The trabecular reticulum of the Hexactinellida is the largest, continuous syncytial tissue known in the Metazoa.


The two great lineages of "dinosaurs" are the Ornithischia and the Saurischia.


The vivid color of feathers is of two kinds: pigmentary and structural.


The water-vascular system is a characteristic shared by echinoderms and many other groups but as a hydraulic system it is developed to a greater degree only in echinoderms.


The worldwide shark fishery is experiencing unprecedented pressure, in part driven by high prices for shark fins.


There are more species of fish than all other groups of vertebrates combined.


There are two basic types or forms in some groups of cnidarians. These two basic forms are called the medusa and the polyp.


There are two surviving genera of early neopterygians, represented by the bowfin and the gar.


There is both embryological and molecular evidence that the Mollusca share a common ancestor with the annelids, even though there is debate as to where mollusks arose within the lophotrochozoa.


To prevent water from being drawn out of the body osmotically, elasmobranches retain nitrogenous compounds, especially urea and trimethlamine oxide, which when combined with the blood salts, raise the blood solute concentration to exceed that of seawater.


Today fish are recognized as aquatic vertebrates with gills, appendages (if present, in the form of fins) and usually a skin covered in scales of dermal origin. However, fish do NOT comprise a monophyletic group.


Toxoplasmosis typically does not cause disease symptoms in healthy humans, but may pose a threat to HIV-infected persons and pregnant women.


True bloodsucking leeches including the so-called medicinal leech Hirudo medicinalis have "jaws" for cutting tissues.


True horns, found in members of the family Bovidae, are hollow sheaths of keratinized epidermis that embrace a core of bone arising from the skull.


True placental mammals are always viviparous.


Tubifex is an alternate host necessary in the life cycle of Myxobolus cerebralis, a parasite that causes a very serious condition in rainbow trout called whirling disease in North America


Tunicates of the Class Thaliacea are called salps; they are nearly transparent and may form chain-like colonies.


Two competing hypotheses for the origin of the Metazoa are the syncyticial ciliate hypothesis and the colonial flagellate hypothesis, but the ribosomal RNA analyses generally support the colonial flagellate hypothesis.


Unique among vertebrates, turtle limbs and limb girdles are located inside the ribs.


Unlike any other vertebrate, the body fluids of hagfishes are in osmotic equilibrium with seawater, as in most marine invertebrates.


Unlike birds, very few mammals make regular seasonal migrations. More mammalian migrators are found in North America than on any other continent.


Virtually every species of vertebrate and many invertebrates serve as hosts for one or more types of parasitic nematodes.


We now know that the branches of arthropod limbs are determined genetically.


When giant toads were introduced to Queensland, Australia and southern Florida to control agricultural pests, they began spreading rapidly and produced numerous ecological problems, including the displacement of native anurans.


When inverted, a sea star bends its rays until some of the tubes reach the substratum and attach as an anchor; then it slowly rolls over.


When irritated, many species of sea cucumbers can cast out part of their viscera by a strong muscular contraction that may even rupture the body wall.


While dinosaurs became diverse and abundant, all nonmammalian synapsid groups became extinct.


With the evolution of a new jaw joint between the dentary and squamosal bones in mammals, bones of the previous jaw joint—the articular and quadrate—continued their gradual reduction in size and became relocated in the middle ear, where they became the malleus and incus, respectively.


Without a swim bladder, bony fishes sink because their tissues are denser than water. To compensate and achieve at least neutral buoyancy, they displace additional water by a volume of gas in a swim bladder.


Members of the family Bufonidae are colloquially called:

True frogs

The Phylum Porifera does NOT have which of the following characteristics?

True tissues and organs

African sleeping sickness and Chagas Disease are both caused by protozoa in the genus.


Which of the following is NOT correct?

Turtles descended from one of the earliest anapsid lineages Turtles are enclosed in a dorsal carapace and ventral plastron A turtle cannot expand its chest to breathe Many aquatic turtles obtain enough oxygen by pumping water in and out of a vascularized mouth cavity, which allows them to remain submerged for long periods of time All of the above are correct

The hearts of amphibians have:

Two atria and one ventricle

Which of the following is incorrect?

Typhlosole—guides food into the rectum

Insects are classified as...


Which of the following is NOT correct?

Urochordates are filter feeders as adults but do not have an endostyle

Rhombozoans live in the kidneys of benthic cephalopods such as octopuses, cuttlefishes, and squids. Their adults are called:


Which of the following is mismatched?

Visual reception—proprioception receptors on the head

Which of the following first appeared in the Reptilia?

Waterproof skin Waterproof egg Amniotic egg Keratinized skin All of the above are correct

A potentially disastrous ecological event occurred when ____________were introduced into the Great Lakes.

Zebra mussels

Which of the following improvements in jaw design gave the reptiles an advantage over the amphibians?

aws producing greater static force More muscular jaws Jaws that were arranged for better mechanical leverage All of the above are correct

Which of the following is NOT correct?

he Garstang hypothesis suggests that the chordate ancestral stock was derived by retaining into adulthood the larval form of sessile tunicate-like animals Paedomorphosis, the displacement of ancestral larval or juvenile features into a descendant adult, can be produced by three different evolutionary-development processes: neoteny, progenesis, and post-displacement In body form, appearance, life habit, and many anatomical details, the ammocoete larva resembles amphioxus The earliest known cephalochordates are now believed to be two fossils recently discovered in the early Cambrian fossils beds in China All of the above are correct

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