19.6: The Age of Napoleon (1799-1815)

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What was Napoleon's background?

*Birthplace:* Italian island of Corsica -Developed Character and studied in French Military school 1785 = commissioned to become a lieutenant in the French military because of military education -Wasn't liked in school bc he was short, Italian accent and was poor -Disliked by his peers in military school = isolated (not wealthy, and italian)

What was the outcome of Napoleon's Empire?

*Confederation of the Rhine:* Placed his brothers in Charge -able to rule Europe together by ruling it directly or indirectly through allies and placing brothers in Charge -*Louis XVIII:* comes back to the throne after Napoleon goes to St. Helena

How did the Catholic Church benefit from the Concordat?

*Gains of the Catholic Church:* -ability to dispose French bishops (not much of a power) -permitted to hold processions again and reopen seminaries -Pope Recognizes the French Revolution and the Civil constitution -Good for the people who liked religion -France went back to Gregorian Calendar

How did Napoleon benefit from the Concordat?

*Napoleon Gains more benefits than the Catholic Church:* -State still had the right to nominate bishops, clergy were still on state payroll -Protestant ministers were paid too = no "state religion" in france -Pope acknowledges accomplishment of the revolution = Church is no longer the enemy -People were allowed to keep their old church property (made people support the reign of Napoleon) -Church doesn't get its property back *Religious toleration:* France has no official relgion

How did Napoleon and Horatio Nelson work out against each other?

*Napoleon:* Brilliant Military Man but not navy - Napoleon hated GB = believed that the country is only interested in money *Horatio Nelson:* One of the best admirals from Britain -Made GB safe from Napoleon

What were the new Napoleonic Code?

*Napoleon:* thought he was a benevolent dictator -France never had a unified set of laws until Napoleon completed seven codes = The civil Code/ Napoleonic Code was the most important

Describe Napoleon's attack on Russia?

*Russia:* was a large country = French Soldiers were not used to the Terrain -weren't able to find food or shelter because the Russians kept retreating and setting towns/crops ablaze -Russians = knew they couldn't defeat France head on so they continued retreating -France couldn't have a supply line from France to Russia -Napoleon Enters russia with 600,000 Troops

What was the French Bureaucracy under Napoleon's empire?

*Strong central gov:* -No old system = 83 districts but no local officials and elected assemblies -*Prefects:* Napoleon's officials that supervised all aspects of the local government = were from the central government instead of the local people *tax collection system:* = more systematic and efficient -no tax exemption -Professional collectors paid by the state to deal with the tax payers

Describe Alexander I's strategy against Napoleon

-*Alexander I:* Had the policy of burning all the livestock and crops in Russia = napoleon would not have the food to provide for his troops -The french are drawn further and further into Russia -French soldiers are dying of starvation -

What was Napoleon's Grand Empire?

-3 Major Parts 1. French Empire = inner core 2. Dependent States 3. Allied States

How were the allied countries hurt by the continental system?

-Allied countries were Hurt (Russia, Portugal, Spain) -Started black market and piracy = risked going to England to buy goods -Napoleon = sent his brother to rule over Spain and Portugal

What was the Great Retreat?

-Barely any French Soldiers were alive = because of the terrible winter conditions -Enters with 600,000 men and left with 40,000 men -Napoleon is defeated in 1814 *Grand Alliance:* waits outside and defeats Napoleon outside of Russia *Prussia, Austria and England had more troops*

What was the French Legion of Honor?

-Based on Merit -Created by Napoleon = service to the state = rise through the ranks based on merits can be named a noble -Nobles didn't get any special privileges -new form of aristocracy -more of an honor people could add to their names

Where was Louis XVIII hiding during the French Revolution?

-Brother of Louis XVI -was hiding in England during the Revolution -Conservative = wanted to forget that the revolution ever happened -wanted to return to the old french ways

What were the symbols of the French Revolution?

-Costume - cockade (red, white, and blue) and trousers -Sans-culottes -Liberty trees -Wearing red, white, and blue Festivals

Describe Napoleon's government after the coup?

-Created a new Republic with a new legislative system that was declared *Bicameral:* assembly indirectly elected to reduce the role of elections *Executive power:* lied in three consuls = Napoleon became the first Consul *Consulate:* New government

What was the education system that Napoleon set up?

-Created education reform for boys = state system of education = started at the elementary level = works up to the university level -Purpose: Indoctrinate the young people with Napoleonic ideas = state system of brainwashing -Only subjects and teachers that are approved by the state are allowed to be teach *Mandatory schools:* untile the age of 12

What were the Allied States?

-Defeated by Napoleon and forced to join his struggle against Britain -Prussia, Austria, and Russia

Describe the inner core of the French Empire (France)

-Enlarged France extending to the Rhine and the western half of Italy

Describe Napoleon coming back to France?

-Escaped from Elba and took over France Again -other Rulers = assumed Napoleon would be a man of honor and stay on the Island -Napoleon gets on a ship and goes over to France -People in France greet Napoleon warmly *Louis XVII:* Quickly flees to England -Don't control the troops in France - doesn't want to die

What happened when the French Troops arrived in Moscow?

-Find the city in Fire = all the supplies in Moscow are burning -Also started to snow in September in Russia -Napoleon had no food to feed his men = couldn't follow the Russians

What were the important symbols of the revolution?

-First time people saw symbols for a revolution *In France;* What you say and wear = important symbolism -didn't see any mass symbolism prior to the revolutions -French revolution = created a culture around change -clothing, language, matters to how you support the cause

What was the Third Coalition?

-Formed 1803 - Napoleon had defeated: Austria, Prussia, Russia (Alexander 1) -Prussia Joined after Napoleon tried to reorganize the German States = Napoleon ends up crushing the pRussians

Describe the Financial system under Napoleon?

-France achieves a balanced budget due to the taxation of everyone = national bank of France

Why did the Continental system against GB fail?

-GB still could trade with the Americas, Mediterranean and some rebelling allied states -British market was hurt a little by the Continental system = but bc of other markets and the black market = economy wasn't destroyed -Wanted to weaken GB and then attack the country (didn't work)

Where was Napoleon sent the 2nd time?

-Island of Saint Helena (in South America 1,000 miles from No where) -South Atlantic = Brazil -Initially buried in St. Helena but his body was returned to Paris

How was Napoleon an enlightened absolute/despot?

-Legal equality, religious toleration, economic freedom -*Tried to destroy the old order:8 -Nobility and clergy lost their special privileges -Equality of opportunity, offices ope to latent, equality before the law = religious toleration -Helped develop the liberal traditions of the countries

Who was Napoleon's 2nd wife?

-Married an Austrian Princess -divorces his first wife to get a son -Napoleon II = "The Eaglet"

Describe the government and military positions under Napoleon?

-Meritocracy = based on their abilities -not based on the connections people had (no nobility) or birth -created a new aristocracy based on merit in the state service new aristocracy were from the bourgeoisie

What was the new tax collection system under Napoleon?

-More systematic collection of tax -Everyone has to pay taxes (no exemptions)

Describe Napoleon's rise in military power?

-Napolean rose quickly through the ranks of the military = became pretty popular = participated in many military operations -Married *Josphine de Beauharnais:* Rich infidel widow -was named Commander of the French Army in Italy when he scored many wins = Whipped his soldiers into shape -French troops trusted Napoleon bc of his energy, charm, ability to comprehend issues and make quick decisions = intelligent -was a military genius

What was the impact of Napoleon on the French Revolution?

-Napoleon brought the Revolution to an end (10 years later) = he was also a child of the revolution -French revolution = allowed him to rise in the military = had supreme power of France

Describe the Domestic policies of Emperor Napoleon?

-Napoleon claimed that he preserved the progress of the French Revolution -*Destroyed liberty* -Napoleon crowned himself (not the Pope - Napoleon was the only person who could get rid of his power) -*Revolution full circle:* France reverts back to an absolutist rule

How did Napoleon become the first Emperor of France?

-Napoleon directly controlled the entire executive authority of the government: influenced legislature, appointed members of the bureaucracy, controlled the army, conducted foreign affairs -Named *consul for life: 1802* *1804:* Napoleon becomes Emperor Napoleon I -Restored the monarchy, stabilizes the regime of the country = permanent position -became more dictatorial and autocratic

What was the Peace of Amiens?

-Napoleon stops fighting with the 2nd coalition because he realized that the war needed to stop in order for the revolution to be order *1802: Peace of Amiens:* France has new frontiers and client territories -peace did not last bc Britain and France both viewed it as temporary

Describe the Fall of Napoleon?

-Napoleon wants to fight against Russia who rebelled against the continental System -Napoleon believed that if Russia got out of the Continental system = the other country would follow in Russia footstep

What were some Revolutionary rights Napoleon took away during his Empire?

-Napoleon was abovev the law *Autocracy of Napoleon:* -had more power and control than Louis XVI -didn't mind using and abusing his power = no representative government *Trial without juries:* -Especially for political crimes: Treason, political intrigue -Return of torture under napoleon for trials -No freedom of press/speech =Very involved in the military (france will be at war the entirety of his reign) -Concordat = agreement with the Church (against enlightenment)

Describe the Battle of Waterloo?

-Napoleon was against other Nations: England, Austria, Prussia -Was defeated at Waterloo by the English Duke of Wellington

What was Napoleon's interaction with the Catholic Church?

-Napoleon was not religious = recognized the need to make peace with the catholic church to stabilize his regime -Napoleon and the Catholic Church (Poe Pius VII) signed the Concordat to reestablish the Catholic Church in France = both sides Gained

Describe Napoleon's Struggle against Great Britain?

-Napoleon's empire was not long lasting because of Great Britain and Nationalism -Britain survived because of it's seapower = it ruled the waves and was invulnerable to attack -Napoleon could not defeat the Navy (Trafalgar) = 1805 *General Nelson:* lead the British Navy -The battle takes out the French Navy

Who was Johann Fichte?

-Proponent of German nationalism that stayed in the 19th C

How did Napoleon adopt the ideas of the Philosophes?

-Read the works of the philosophes and educated him in military tactics by studying the military greats -Read mostly Roussou - Alexander the great (military tactics) -Napoleon = brilliant person = able to absorb info quickly and make quick decisions *french revolution and Eu wars allowed him to broaden his opportunities*

How did Prussian reform?

-Reformed politics and military -Abolition of serfodom, election of city councils, creation of a larger standing army

How was Napoleon's rule an example of despotism?

-Rule was becoming more despot and arbitrary -New aristocracy = strong protection according to property rights = used conscriptions for the army -Shut down many newspapers and articles that criticized the government *Germaine De Stael:* established a salon in Paris and wrote novels/political works that denounced Napoleon's tyrannical rule -she was banished

Where was Napoleon initially sent?

-Sent to the island of Elba = Louis XVIII was restored to the throne -Grand alliance didn't kill Napoleon because he was an emperor = ma of honor (didn't want to kill Napoleon)

What was the Treaties of Tilsit?

-Signed by Napoleon and the rulers of Prussia and Austria -Ending the fighting and gave Napoleon the opportunity to create a new French Order

Describe the Dependent states in the French Empire?

-Spain, Netherlands, Italy, Swiss Republic, Warsaw, and the Confederation of the Rhine

Describe the Spanish Uprising against France?

-Supported by GB -Napoleon put a french King in Spain -Didn't like religious toleration and wanted a religious person -Spanish = from highest noble to peasants =start fighting against the French -Strong nationalism = united all of Spain -Had small groups of People destroying weapons of the soldiers = attacked small groups of soldiers -Spain started fighting in a gorilla warfare style

What is Nationalism?

-Unique cultural identity of a people based on a common language, religion, national symbol *French Nationalism:* Super strong in the mass armies and spread with the principles of the French Revolution -French Revolution = caused many other states to see the success of French Nationalism and model after them in opposition to France

How did Russia violate the Continental System?

-Violated the treaty in *1812* and begins openly trading with Britain

How did Napoleon return to France after 1797?

-Was a french war hero = given command of the army against Britain -Went to Egypt so he could reach India -Saw certain defeat bc Britain cut off army supplies and controlled the sea -Deserted his men and returned to Paris -Participated in Coup de'tat (1799) = Became a virtual dictator of France

What rights did women lose under Napoleon?

-Women were "less equal" in lawsuits and testimony = their property was under the control of their husbands -things became a lot worse for women -women couldn't own property = testimony in court was unreliable -Divorce was harder for a women to obtain -Undid the legislation that children could inherit property equally

What was the Continental System?

-used the Continental System to defeat Britain (1806-1807) -Attempted to prevent British goods from reaching the continent in order to weaken Britain's economy and war -Most countries in Europe were controlled by France -Resulted in Napoleon preventing trade for GB in Europe

What were the revolutionary gains in the Napoleonic Codes?

1. Equality of all male citizens before the law -except for Napoleon (didn't have to obey the law) 2. Right of individuals to chose their jobs 3. Religious toleration 4. Abolition of serfdom and feudalism 5. Property Rights 6. Protected interests of employers = no trade unions or strikes

How was Napoleon the absolute leader of the whole Europe?

1807 = Napoleon has allied or ruled over almost every European Country -Napoleon = keeps Europe divided up so that can't team up against each other

Describe the 100 days of France's rule?

Occurs during the Congress of Vienna -Majority of France welcomes back Napoleon = wanted back the old French Glory -Only had 100 days to organize an army to fight against the grand alliance

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