American History Midterms Review

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Which of the following religious groups was particularly supportive of the War of 1898?


Because of the excesses of the Gilded Age, a major period of ________ occurred to _______ it.

Reform, counter

The ______________________ in foreign policy asserted the United States' right to intervene in Latin American nation to prevent others from doing so.

Roosevelt Corollary

The father of the muckrakers, and their style of writing, could be considered

Samuel McClure

The landmark Supreme Court case Plessy v. Fergusonestablished the legal precedent of

Separate but equal

This belief during the Progressive Era persuaded followers to pursue their ideals to effect the coming of the "Kingdom of God."

Social Gospel

The first progressive president was

Theodore Roosevelt

Which of the following was not a motive of reformers?

To abolish slavery

All of the following were major proponents of imperialism at the end of the 19th century except

Ulysses Grant

What book brought to light the abuses in the United States meatpacking industry in the early 20th century?

Upton Sinclair's The Jungle

_____ argued that the black response to racial prejudice should be ceaseless agitation

W.E.B. Du Bois

Once Theodore Roosevelt became president, his motto became

"Speak softly, and carry a big stick."

Which of the following would favor the policy of sound money?


In the second half the 19th century all of the following were found in the New West except


President Cleveland made the Panic of 1893 worse by

Convincing Congress to switch back to only minting gold

During the Gilded Age the real leaders of the United States could be said to be


Which of the following statements regarding settlers to the New West after the Civil War is most accurate?

Life was challenging for this diverse group of settlers.

Miners were drawn t Nevada's Comstock Lode by the discovery of _____ there in the 1850s.


Because of President Arthur's reform programs

he was not chosen by the Republicans as their candidate for a second term.

Overcrowded, filthy, and poorly maintained ___________ were where the poor of the urban areas lived.


As the South industrialized after the Civil War, it saw its greatest industrial gains in


During the Gilded Age, temperance organizations were best associated with

the Republic party

The practice by Republicans of reminding voters who caused the Civil War was known as

waving the bloody shirt

Frederick Jackson Turner's frontier thesis ignored all of the following groups except

white men

President Theodore Roosevelt intervened personally to break which strike

1902 coal strike

Theodore Roosevelt was all of the following on the eve of the War of 1898 except

A Pacifist

______ was a tax that had to be paid before a person could vote.

A Poll tax.

A common occurrence during the Gilded Age of politics was that members of Congress often

Accepted bribes

Which of the following statements regarding American imperialism at the end of the 19th century is inaccurate?

Americans believed that other cultures were superior

Turners frontier thesis argued that

Americas frontier had made it more democratic

Many Americans in the late 19th century assumed some races, like _________, were superior and other races, like ______________, were inferior.

Anglo-Saxons, Indians

Which of the following was not part of the "good government" movement of the Progressive Era?

Ending segregated schools

What organization was formed to prevent the Anglo-Saxon "race" from being "contaminated"?

Immigration Restriction League

What was the progressive approach to social problems

Investigate, educate, legislate

During the Progressive Era, who was considered a leading reformer?

Jane Adams

What affected African Americans' rights to vote in the South during the Gilded Age?

Jim Crow Laws removed their right to vote

One of the biggest political issues of the late 19th century was

Monetary issues

Which of the following statements most accurately represents Hawaiian attitudes toward American annexation in the 1890s?

Most native Hawaiians opposed American annexation.

Theodore Roosevelt's nickname during the 1900 presidential campaign was

Mr. Imperialism

The group of journalists who drew attention to the abuses in society and published them in stories were known collectively as


_____________________ was the name given to the violent racism against successful blacks that appeared in late 19th century.


Many in the South believed that they had lost the war because

The South relied too much on slavery and cotton cultivation

Need for reforming the workplace was brought to national attention in 1911 when a fire broke out at

The Triangle Shirtwaist factory

Which statement regarding the crop lien system is most accurate

The system was inefficient, corrupt, and racially unfair.

What was an example of the new types of entertainment that became popular during the Gilded Age?

Wild West traveling shows

Which United States president was responsible for the annexation of Hawaii?

William McKinley

Prominent American anti-imperialists at the end of the 19th century include all of the following except

William Seward

President ______________ argued that the United States must intervene to stabilize weak governments in the Western Hemisphere to keep European nations from doing so.


The reason that Woodrow Wilson won the presidency in 1912 was

because Taft and Roosevelt split the Republican vote.

Because of the Roosevelt-Taft feud, Theodore Roosevelt decided to

break a pledge he had made to not seek another term in office.

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