anatomy exam 3 iupui

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red fibers

"Slow Twitch" Fatigue resistant, aerobic metabolism Myoglobin: slow to contract, darker color, smaller

Fibularis longs

1 head; lateral (fibular)


2 heads

biceps femoris

2 heads ; lateral rotation


Connective tissue surrounding a fascicle


Connective tissue surrounding a muscle fiber


Contractile unit of muscle

white fibers

Fast-twitch muscle fibers. They are primarily anaerobic and fatigue more easily, bigger, pale, few mitochondria

tibial tuberosity

IT band

adductor longus

Letter F

Origin: Zygomatic Arch Insertion: Lateral surface and angle of mandibular ramus Action: Elevates mandible and closes jaw


sarcoplasmic reticulum

Organelle of the muscle fiber that stores calcium.


Origin: Alveorlar processes of maxilla and mandible opposite the molar teeth. Insertion: Blends into fibers of orbicularis oris. Action: Compresses cheek


Origin: Anterior superior iliac spine Insertion: Medial surface of tibia near tibial tuberosity Action: Flexes, abducts, and laterally rotates thigh at the hip; flexes knee

frontal belly

Origin: Epicranial aponeurosis Insertion: Skin of eyebrow and bridge of nose Action: raises eyebrows, wrinkles forehead


Origin: Fascia of the superior thorax between cartilage of second rib and acromion of scapula. Insertion: Mandible and skin of cheek Action: tenses skin of neck, depresses mandible


Origin: Fascia surrounding parotid salivary gland Insertion: Angle of mouth Action: Draws corner of mouth laterally


Origin: Incisive fossa of mandible Insertion: Skin of chin Action: Elevates and protrudes lower lip, pouting

orbicularis oris

Origin: Maxilla and mandible Insertion: Lips Action: compresses, purses lips

orbicularis oculi

Origin: Medial margin of orbit Insertion: Skin around eyelid Action: closes eye

occipital belly

Origin: Superior nuchal line and adjacent region of mastoid portion of the temporal bone Insertion: Epicranial aponeurosis Action: tenses and retracts scalp


Origin: Xiphoid process, ribs 7-12 and associated costal cartilages, and anterior surfaces of lumbar vertebrae. Insertion: Inferior surfaces of cartilages (ribs 5-7) and xiphoid process of sternum. Action: Depresses ribs, flexes vertebral column, and compresses abdomen.

zygomaticus major

Origin: Zygomatic bone near the zygomaticotemporal suture Insertion: Angle of mouth Action: retracts and elevates corner of mouth

zygomaticus minor

Origin: Zygomatic bone posterior to zygomaticomaxillary suture. Insertion: Upper lip Action: retracts and elevates upper lip

What makes up the femoral triangle?

Sartorius, adductor longus, inguinal ligament

linea alba

The "white line:" the tendinous median line on the ventral abdominal wall between the two rectus muscles

tendinous inscriptions

The Rectus abdominis is crossed by fibrous bands, three in number, which are named the


The ability of a material to bounce back after being disturbed

triceps brachii, anconeus

What are the elbow extensors?


Z disc to Z disc

move closer together

Z-lines _____ during contraction

slow (red) fibers

a marathoner would have more _____

fast (white) fibers

a sprinter would have more_____

Origin: Proximal dorsal surfaces of ulna and radius Insertion: Lateral margin of the metacarpal bone Action: Abducts and extends thumb and wrist

abductor pollicis longus


ability to be stretched


ability to shorten forcibly when stimulated

Origin: inferior ramus of pubis, anterior o adductor brevis Insertion: Linea aspera of femur Action: Adduction, flexion, and medial rotation at hip

adductor longus

What is the femoral triangle made up of?

adductor longus, sartorius, inguinal ligament

errector spinae

agonist = flext vertebral column 3 muscle groups: rectus abdominis, external oblique, internal oblque, transverse oblique

Origin: Posterior surface of lateral humerus Insertion: Lateral margin of olecranon and unlar shaft Action: Extension of elbow



apart of cervical region in the oblique group

inguinal ligament

aponeurosis of external oblique muscle

calcium ions

atp occurs with ______


attachment to movable bone, single


behind knee

anatomic leg

below knee (anterior, posterior, lateral)


between gastrosoleus

Origin: Short head from coracoid process; long head from the supraglenoid tubercle (both on the scapula) Insertion: Radial tuberosity Action: Flexion at elbow and shoulder; supination

biceps brachii

Origin: Ischial tuberosity and linea aspera of femur Insertion: Head of fibula, lateral condyle of tibia Action: flexion at knee; extension and lateral rotation at hip

biceps femoris

What are the hamstrings?

biceps femoris, semimembranosus, semitendinous

gluetus medius

black arrow (#13) ; shots are always given here


black arrow (#14)

orbicularis oris

black arrow (#23)


black arrow (#26)


black arrow (#28)


black arrow (#5)

pectoralis major

black arrow (#51)

serratus anterior

black arrow (#54)

rectus abdominis

black arrow (#56)

external oblique

black arrow (#57)

external intercostals

black arrow (#62)

internal intercostals

black arrow (#63)


black arrow (#88)

internal oblique

black line arrow

zygomaticus major

blue arrow


blue pointer

Origin: Anterior, distal surface of humerus Insertion: Ulnar tuberosity Action: Flexion at elbow


Origin: Ridge superior to the lateral epicondyle of humerus Insertion: Lateral margin of styloid process of radius Action: Flexion at eblow



bring the thighs closer together

striated, involuntary

cardiac muscle

posas major

comes from transverse processes of inferior thoracic and lumbar vertebrae and inserts on femur

Origin: Coracoid process Insertion: Medial margin of shaft of humerus Action: Adduction and flexion at shoulder


a band

dark area; extends length of the thick filaments, anisoprophic


deep and medial


deep and wide to semitendinosus


deep to clavicle

glueteus minimus

deep to gluteus medius

pectoralis minor

deep to pectoralis major

Origin: Clavicle and scapula (acromion and adjacent scapular spine) Insertion: Deltoid tuberosity of humerus Action: Whole muscle = abduction of shoulder; anterior part = flexion and medial rotation of humerus; posterior part = extension and lateral rotation of humerus.


Insertion: Hyoid bone Action: Depresses mandible, opening mouth, swallowing, elevates larynx


tibialis anterior

dorsiflex; lateral to tibial

doesn't change

during contraction the A band ____

Origin: Lateral supracondylar ridge of humerus Insertion: Base of second metacarpal bone Action: extends and abducts wrist

extensor carpi radialis longus

Origin: Via extensor tendon to lateral epicondyle of humerus and from intermuscular septa. Insertion: Posterior surface of proximal phalanx of little finger Action: Extension at joints of little finger; extension at wrist

extensor digiti minimi

Origin: Lateral epicondyle of humerus Insertion: Posterior surfaces of the phalanges, digits 2-5 Action: Extend fingers and wrist

extensor digitorum

Origin: Anterior surface of fibula Insertion: Superior surface, distal phalanx of great toe Action: Extension at joints of great toe; dorsiflexes ankle

extensor hallucis longus

Origin: Posterior surface of ulna and interosseous membrane Insertion: Posterior surface of proximal phalanx of index finger (2), with tendon of extensor digitorm Action: Extention and adduction at joints with index fingers

extensor indicis

Origin: Posterior and lateral surfaces of ulna and interosseous membrane Insertion: Base of distal phalanx of thumb Action: Extends thumb abducts wrist

extensor pollicis longus

Origin: Inferior border of each rib Insertion: Superior border of more inferior rib Action: Elevates ribs

external intercostals

Origin: External and inferior borders of ribs 5-12 Insertion: External oblique aponeuroses extending to linea alba and iliac crest Action: Compresses abdomen; depresses ribs; flexes, laterally flexes, or rotates vertebral column to the opposite side.

external oblique

inguinal ligament helps find...?

femoral artery, vein, and lymphatics

aductor longus forms part of...?

femoral triangle

adductors bring...

femur closer to the midline

gluteus maximus

fibers run horizontally

Origin: Head and proximal shaft of fibula Insertion: Base of first metatarsal bone and medial cuneiform Action: Eversion of foot and plantar flexion at ankle; supports ankle; supports longitudinal and transverse arches

fibularis longus

Origin: Medial epicondyle of humerus Insertion: Base of second and third metacarpal bones Action: flexes wrist and abducts hand

flexor carpi radialis

Origin: Medial epicondyle of humerus; adjacent medial surface of olecranon and anteromedial protion of ulna Action: Flexes and adducts wrist

flexor carpi unlaris

Origin: Posteromedial surface of tibia Intersection: INferior surface of distal phalanges toes 2-5 Action: Flexion of joints of toes 2-5; plantar flexes ankle

flexor digitorum longus

Origin: Medial and posterior surfaces of ulna, medial surfaces of coronoid process, and interosseous membrane. Insertion: Bases of distal phalanges of digits 2-5 Action: Flexion at distal interphalangeal joints, and to a lesser degree, proximal interphalangeal joints and wrists.

flexor digitorum profundus

Origin: Medial epicondyle of humerus; adjacent anterior surfaces of ulna and radius. Intersection: To bases of middle phalanges of digits 2-5 Action: Flexion at proximal interphalangeal, metacarpophalangeal, and wrist joints.

flexor digitorum superificalis

Origin: Femoral condyles Insertion: Calcaneus via calcaneal tendon Action: Plantar flexion at ankle; flexion at knee


Origin: Anterior iliac crest, lateral surface of ilium between posterior and anterior gluteal lines. Insertion: Greater trochanter of femur Action: Abduction and medial rotation at hip

glueteus medius

cyatic nerve runs down....

gluteous max

Origin: Iliac crest, posterior gluteal line, and lateral surface of ilium, sacrum, coccyx, and thoracolumbar fascia. Insertion: Iliotibial tract and gluteal tuberosity of femur Action: Extension and lateral rotation at hip; helps stabilize the extended knee; abduction at the hip (superior fibers only)

gluteus maximus

Origin: Lateral surface of ilium between inferior and anterior gluteal lines Insertion: Greater trochanter of femur Action: Abduction and medial rotation at hip

gluteus minimus

Origin: Inferior ramus of pubis Insertion: Medial surface of tibia inferior to medial condyle. Action: Flexion and medial rotation at knee; adduction and medial rotation at hip.



green arrow


group of three, pouching in of the sarcolemma


hyoid bone

Origin: Iliac fossa Insertion: Femur distal to lesser trochanter; tendon fused with that of psoas major. Action: Flexion at hip and/or lumbar intervertebral joints


what is thoracolumbar fascia made up of?

iliocostalis longissmus spinalis

get smaller

in the sliding filament theory, H and I band ______

gets larger

in the sliding filament theory, the zone of overlap ____


inferior to biceps brachii

rhomboid major

inferior to rhomboid minor

quadratus femoris

inferior to superior gemelli

teres major

inferior to teres minor

Origin: Infraspinatus fossa of scapula Insertion: Greater tubercle of humerus Action: Lateral rotation at shoulder


Origin: Superior border of each rib Insertion: Inferior border of the more superior rib Action: Depress ribs

internal intercostals

Origin: Thoracolumbar fascia and iliac crest Insertion: Inferior surfaces of ribs 9-12, costal cartilages 8-10, linea alba, and pubis. Action: Compresses abdomen; depresses ribs; flexes, laterally flexes, or rotates vertebral column to same side.

internal oblique

extensor carpi radialis longus

is an antagonist


jugular notch

tensor fasciae latae muscle

lateral muscle running its fibers gluteus maximus forming the IT band

Origin: Spinous processes of inferior thoracic and all lumbar vertebrae, ribs 8-12, and thoracolumbar fascia. Insertion: Floor of intertubercular sulcus of the humerus Action: Extends, adducts, and medially rotates the arm; draws the shoulder downward and backward

latissimus dorsi

extensor hallucis longus

leads to great toe

Origin: transverse processes of first four cervical vertabrae. Insertion: Vertebral border of scapula near superior angle. Action: Elevates scapula

levator scapulae

I band

light band

posterior cervical triangle

location of brachial plexus (separates anterior and middle scalenes)


longest muscle in body

h band

middle of A band; thick filaments only

m line

middle of sarcomere

cardiac muscle

mono or binucleated

muscle fiber

muscle cell


muscle that aids a prime mover in a movement and helps prevent rotation


muscles whose actions oppose agonist

actin filaments

myosin binding heads will turn towards _____

Origin: Lateral and medial margins of obturator foramen Insertion: Medial surface of greater trochanter Action: Lateral rotation and abduction of hip; helps to maintain stability and integrity of the hip

obturator internus

Origin: Superior border of the scapula near the scapular notch Insertion: Hyoid bone Action: Depresses hyoid bone and larynx


iliocostalis, longissimus, spinalis (I Like Spaghetti)

order of erector spinae group that extend erector spinae

muscle, fascicle, fiber/cell, myofibril, sarcomere

organization of muscle to sarcomere 5


origin , multiple

Origin: Medial epicondyle of humerus Insertion: Palmar aponeurosis and flexor retinaculum Action: flexion of wrist

palmaris longus

Origin: Superior ramus of pubis Insertion: Pectineal line inferior to lesser trochanter of femur Action: Flexion and adduction at hip


Origin: cartilages of ribs. 2-6, body of sternum, and inferior, medial portion of clavicle. Insertion: crest of greater tubercle and lateral lip of intertubercular sulcus of humerus. Action: flexion, adduction, and medial rotation of humerus

pectoralis major

Origin: Anterior surfaces and superior margins of ribs 3-5 and fascia covering the associated external intercostal muscles. Insertion: Coracoid process of scapula. Action: Protracts and depresses shoulder; rotates scapula so glenoid cavity moves inferiorly (downward rotation); elevates ribs if scapula is stationary

pectoralis minor

Origin: Anterolateral surface of sacrum Insertion: Greater trochanter of femur Action: Lateral rotation and abduction of hip; helps to maintain stability and integrity of the hip


what laterally rotates the hip?

piriformis superior gamellius obturator internus inferior gemellius quadratic femoris

what is between gastrocnemius and soleus?



plasma membrane of a muscle cell

Origin: Lateral condyle of femur Insertion: Posterior surface of proximal tibial sheath. Action: Medial rotation of tibia (or lateral rotation of femur) at knee; flexion at knee


Origin: Anterior surfaces and transverse processes of vertebrae (T12-L5) Insertion: Lesser trochanter in company with iliacus Action: Flexion at hip and/or lumbar intervertebral joints

posas major

iliocostalis, longissmus, and spinalis are all...?

primary muscles that erect the spine or extend

t tubule

projection of the sarcolemma into the interior of the cell

Origin: Anterior and medial surfaces of distal ulna Insertion: Antherolater surface of distal portion of radius Action: Pronates forearm and hand by medial rotation of radius at radioulnar joints

pronator quadratus

Origin: Medial epicondyle of humerus and coronoid process of ulna Insertion: Middle of lateral surface of radius Action: pronates forearm and hand, medial rotation of radius, flexion at elbow

pronator teres

umbilicus goes down to...?

pubic symphysis

Origin: Lateral border of ischial tuberosity Insertion: Intertrochanteric crest of femur Action: Lateral rotation of hip

quadratus femoris

Origin: Superior surface of pubis around symphysis Insertion: Inferior surfaces of cartilages (ribs 5-7) and xiphoid process of sternum. Action: Depresses ribs, flexes vertebral column, compresses abdomen

rectus abdominis

Origin: Anterior inferior iliac spine and superior acetabular rim of ilium Insertion: Tibial tuberosity via quadriceps tendon, patella, and patellar ligament. Action: Extension at knee; flexion at hip

rectus femoris

what makes up the quadriceps femoris?

rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis

zygomaticus minor

red arrow


red box (cheek/side of mouth)


red box (chin)

prime movers, agonist

responsible for producing a particular movement

Origin: Spinous processes of superior thoracic vertebrae. Insertion: Vertebral border of scapula from spine to inferior angle. Action: Adducts and performs downward rotation of scapula.

rhomboid major

Origin: Spinous processes of vertebrae C7-T1 Insertion: Vertebral border of scapula Action: Adducts and performs downward rotation of scapula.

rhomboid minor

distal part of radius articulates with...

scaphoid and lunate

Origin: Ischial tuberosity Insertion: Posterior surface of medial condyle of tibia Action: Flexion at knee; extension and medial rotation at hip


Origin: Ischial tuberosity Insertion: Proximal, medial surface of tibia near tibial tuberosity Action: Flexion at knee; extension and medial rotation at hip


skeletal muscle

sentitial or multinucleated

Origin: Anterior and superior margins of ribs 1-8 or 1-9 Insertion: Anterior surface of vertebral border of scapula Action: Protracts shoulder; rotates scapula so glenoid cavity moves superiorly (upward rotation)

serratus anterior


site for palpation of carotid pulse; thyroid cartilage


site for palpation of submandibular gland and lymph nodes; angle of mandible above

voluntary, striated

skeletal muscle

involuntary, non-striated

smooth muscle

Origin: Head and proximal shaft of fibula, and adjacent posteromedial shaft of tibia Insertion: Calcaneus via calcaneal tendon (with gastrocnemius) Action: Plantar flexion at ankle; postural muscle when standing.


Insertion: Mastoid region of skull and lateral portion of superior nuchal line. Action: together they flex the neck; alone one side bends neck toward shoulder and turns face to opposite side.


what is between the anterior cervical and posterior cervical triangle?

sternocleidomastoif muscle

Origin: Clavicle and manubrium Insertion: Hyoid bone Action: Depresses hyoid bone and larynx


Origin: Dorsal surface of manubrium and first costal cartilage Insertion: Thyroid cartilage of larynx Action: Depresses hyoid bone and larynx


surface anatomy

study of anatomical landmarks on the exterior of human body; regional approach

Origin: First rib Insertion: Clavicle (inferior border) Action: Depresses and protracts shoulder


Origin: Subscapular fossa of scapula Insertion: Lesser tubercle of humerus Action: medial rotation at shoulder


Origin: Ischial spine Insertion: Medial surface of greater trochanter via tendon of obturatior internus Action: Lateral rotation and abduction of hip; helps to maintain stability and integrity of the hip

superior gemelli

rhomboid minor

superior to rhomboid major

teres minor

superior to teres major

Origin: Lateral epicondyle of humerus and ridge near radial notch of ulna. Insertion: Anterolateral surface of radius distal to the radial tuberosity. supinates forearm, lateral rotation of radius


Divisions of anterior cervical triangle

suprahyoid triangle (SHT) superior carotid triangle (SCT) inferior carotid triangle (ICT)

Origin: Supraspinatus fossa of scapula Insertion: Greater tubercle of humerus Action: Abduction at shoulder



surrounds entire muscle

Flexor carpi radialis and flexor carpi ulnaris are both...?


lateral and medial malleous articulates with...

talus (why lower extremities are more stable than upper extremities.

Origin: Along temporal lines of skull Insertion: Coronoid process of mandible Action: Elevates mandible and closes jaw


Origin: Inferior angle of scapula Insertion: Medial lip of intertubercular sulcus of humerus Action: Extension and medial rotation at shoulder.

teres major

Origin: Lateral border of scapula Insertion: Greater tubercle of humerus Action: Lateral rotation and adduction at shoulder

teres minor

zone of overlap

the densest, darkest area on a light micrograph where thick and thin filaments overlap


thick filament


thin filaments

Origin: Lateral condyle and proximal shaft of tibia Insertion: Base of first metatarsal bone and medial cuneiform Action: Dorsiflexion at ankle; inversion of foot

tibialis anterior

Origin: Cartilages of ribs 6-12, iliac crest, and thoracolumbar fasica. Insertion: Linea alba and pubis Action: Compresses abdomen

transverse abdominis

Origin: Occipital bone, ligamentum nuchae, and spinous processes of thoracic vertebrae. Action: Depends on active region and state of other muscles; may elevate, retract, depress, or rotate scapula upward and/or clavicle; can also extend neck.


Origin: Humerus and/or scapula Insertion: olecranon of ulna Action: Extension at elbow

triceps brachii

prime mover and extends the elbow

triceps brachii

gastrocnemious and soleus form....?

triceps sherly group = forms achilles tendon

Origin: Anterior and inferior to greater trochanter of femur and along linea aspera (proximal half) Insertion: Tibial tuberosity via quadriceps tendon, patella, and patellar ligament. Action: Extension at knee; flexion at hip

vastus lateralis

Origin: Entire length of linea aspera of femur Insertion: Tibial tuberosity via quadriceps tendon, patella, and patellar ligament. Action: Extension at knee; flexion at hip

vastus medialis

rectus femoris

weak hip flexor

biceps brachii, brachialis, brachioradialis

what are the flexors of the elbow?

flexor carpi radialis, flexor carpi ulnaris, palmaris longus

what are the flexors of the wrist?

masseter, temporal

what are the muscles of mastification

teres minor, supraspinatus, infraspinatus, subscapularis

what are the rotator cuff muscles?


what holds tropomyosin in place

frontal belly

white arrow (#1)

occipital belly

white arrow (#18)

orbicularis oculi

white arrow (#2)


white arrow (#27)

transverse abdominis

yellow box

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