Animal Nutrition FINAL

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Feed intake in fish ___

Can be impacted by body size

Glycolipids are esters of fatty acids with an alcohol that contains a ___ unit


The synthesis of ___ from non-carbohydrate sources such as amino acids is called "gluconeogenesis"

Carbohydrates (glucose)

Which of the following is a component of amino acids

Carboxyl group + amino group

Which of the following shows the correct anatomical order of mucosal tissue lining the stomach from the esophagus


Cellulose is digested by the action of enzyme called ___ , which is produced by rumen or gut microflora


All of the following hormones decrease the feed intake of animals, except (gastrin, ghrelin, peptide YY (PYY), glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP 1))


During ___ , glucose is synthesized from non-carbohydrate sources such as amino acids


Complete starch digestion in the small intestine will result in production of ___ that can be absorbed by brush border (intestinal epithelial cells)


Lactose is disaccharide with 1 molecule of ___ and 1 molecule of galactose


Monosaccharide units of sucrose

Glucose + Fructose

Pyruvate is produced during glycolysis of glucose and enter ___ in mitochondria for production of ATP

Krebs cycle

Which of the following reactions occur in mitochondria

Krebs cycle and electron transport chain

For inclusion of a certain feedstuff in the diet, ___ of that should be considered

Levels of toxins, Palatability, Cost

T/F The "parietal cells (oxyntic cells)" of stomach produce hydrochloric acid (HCl)


T/F The NRC feeding standards do not factor the individual differences among animals


T/F The best time for feeding young animals with colostrum is within a few hours after birth


T/F The higher the caloric density of diet the lower the feed intake


T/F The rumen pH in ruminants can be maintained at appropriate levels with contribution of saliva, which functions as a strong buffer


T/F Triglycerides are the storage form of fat in animal's body


T/F Urea cycle mainly occurs in the liver and is a process for the removal of ammonia from the body


T/F Vitamin B6 is important for making red blood cells


T/F Vitamin B6 is required for protein and amino acid metabolism


T/F Vitamin B6 plays a role in function of insulin


All of the following digestive enzymes are produced by the small intestine, except (trypsinogen, maltase, lactase, sucrase)


Which of the following is an energy-producing nutrient

(All) Protein, Carbohydrate, Lipid

The physical and chemical properties of triglycerides are influenced by

1. Chain length of the fatty acids 2. Number of double bonds in the fatty acids

The amino acid composition of proteins is influenced by

1. Genetic mutations 2. Protein source (animal vs. plant)

Which of the following influence the animal's nutrient requirements

1. The level of production 2. Age of the animal

Which of the following is the product of bacterial fermentation of feed in cecum and colon

1. Volatile fatty acids 2. Some of amino acids and vitamins

Vitamin A deficiency can cause

1. Xeropthalmia 2. Exophthalmia 3. Night blindness

International units are used to express the requirements of vitamin


The enzyme rennin is

A proteolytic enzyme

Amino acids are absorbed to small intestine through

Active transport

Leptin is secreted from ___ and ___ feed intake

Adipose tissue - decreases

Which of the following is classified as a nutrient (vitamins, inorganic elements, water)

All of the above

Which of the following molecules is classified as "sterol" (cholesterol, vitamin D, bile acids)

All of the above

The digestive enzyme of saliva is named ___ , which digests soluble carbohydrates such as starch


Which of the following can influence the feed intake of animals

Animal species, Body weight, Environmental factors

The nutrient requirements of animals are influenced by

Animals species / age / productivity

The deficiency signs of cobalt is similar to deficiency signs of vitamin


Submaxillary salivary glands are located at

Base of tongue

The deficiency of ___ in animal's body will result in decrease in enzyme "Ceruloplasmin" concentration, anemia and a condition called "sway-back"

Copper (Cu)

Trypsinogen is a proenzyme (inactive enzyme), which is converted to its active form -trypsin- by enzyme ___ produced by intestinal mucosa


T/F Bile is produced in gall bladder


T/F Emulsification of fats mainly occurs in the stomach


T/F Feed is any edible material that provides nutrients to humans


T/F The "nonessential nutrients" are not synthesized in sufficient amount in animal's body so they are required in the diet


T/F The enzyme cellulase, which hydrolyzes the glucose-4-beta-glucoside linkage of cellulose is primarily synthesized by intestinal mucosal cells rather than gut microflora


T/F The limitation of feeding animals with silage is its low palatability


T/F)Omnivores such as pigs have comparatively shorter small intestine than carnivores such as dogs


T/F Short-chain fatty acids are converted to triglycerides in intestinal cells before absorption

False, the are absorbed to the portal system in the small intestine

According to "compensatory growth" concept, energy restricted animals will have a ___ growth rate if they are fed with adequate diets


Which of the following is NOT the product of bacterial fermentation in cecum and colon (water-soluble vitamins, some amino acids, fat-soluble vitamins, volatile fatty acids)

Fat-soluble vitamins

What components do make the triglycerides

Fatty acids and glycerol

Fats can be stored in the body during which cycle

Feast cycle

Sucrase breaks down sucrose to ___ and glucose


The ___ of feed samples is measured by bomb calorimeter

Gross energy

All of the following are components of maintenance energy, except (growth, basal metabolism, thermic effect of food, physical activity)


In stomach, ___ allows the conversion inactive pepsinogen to active pepsin


Macro- and micro-elements make the ___ compounds of animal feed


The requirements of animals for vitamins A, D, and E are expressed by

International units (IU)

Stillbirths, abortions, resorbed fetuses, dry skin and brittle hair are signs of ___ deficiency


Copper deficiency may cause anemia in animals as the copper function is related with metabolism of


In ruminants, saliva ___

Is the source of nitrogen, phosphorus, and sodium

Nutrient absorption mainly occurs in ___ and ileum segments of small intestine


Which of the following fatty acids is an essential fatty acid

Linoleic acid, Arachidonic acid, Linolenic acid

The ___ in an enzyme, which is present in the endothelium (wall) of blood vessels and is involved in digestion of ___

Lipoprotein Lipase - Lipoproteins

All of the following are true digestive organs, except (stomach, small intestine, liver, large intesine)


Which of the following organs store the highest amount of vitamin A in animal's body


Which of the following nutrients are inorganic compounds of animal feed (macro-elements, vitamins, micro-elements)

Macro-elements, Micro-elements

Which of the following enzymes is produced in small intestine and is involved in carbohydrate digestion


Emulsification of fats by bile can form structures in gastrointestinal tract that are called ___ , which improves the digestion of fats


All of the following are organic compounds in animal feed, except (proteins, vitamin, micro-elements, carbohydrates)


Carbohydrates need to be converted to ___ before they can be absorbed in the small intestine


The ___ nutrients can be synthesized in animal's body and are not required to be added in the diet when we keep the animals at the maintenance level


Palatability of feed is influenced by its

Odor, Texture, Temperature

Deformation of bones due to deficiency of calcium in adult animals is called


Saliva is secreted from three pairs of glands including 1) ___ , 2) sub-maxillary, 3) sublingual


The glucose is transported from intestinal fluid in the gut to capillary cells by ___ mechanisms

Passive diffusion

All of the following are proteolytic enzymes of pancreas, except (pepsin, trypsinogen, chymotrypsinogen, procarboxypeptidase)


Which of the following is a proteolytic enzyme secreted from the stomach


The ___ cells in fundus region of the stomach produce proteolytic enzymes such as pepsin


The ____ cells of the fundus gland region of stomach produce proteolytic enzymes

Peptic (body chief or chief)

Chylomicrons are mix of lipids (triglycerides, phospholipids, and cholesterol) and ___


Which of the following organs is usually considered the "true stomach" of birds and is responsible for secretion of gastric juice (crop, proventriculus, gizzard, abomasum)


The active form of vitamin A is called


Chylomicrons leave the enterocytes by ___ and enter the lacteals

Reverse pinocytosis

The ___ is part of enzyme "glutathione peroxidase", which catabolizes the peroxides producing from tissue lipid oxidations

Selenium (Se)

Which of the following hormones stimulates the secretion of IGF-1


All of the following are associated digestive organs, except (liver, pancreas, salivary glands, stomach)


The coenzyme form of vitamin B1 is


Molybdenum toxicity can cause diarrhea in cattle, a condition which is called


The palatability of feed is determined by its

Texture, Taste, Odor

T/F Silage is commonly used for dairy cows


During moderate nutrients deficiency in pregnancy, mother's body will give

The whole priority to fetus

Which of the following statements is correct about "rennin and pepsin"

They are produced in stomach and have proteolytic functions

The carrier of iron in blood is called


Adipose tissue mainly stores


T/F Active immunity is acquired from the antibodies produced in the animal's body


T/F Amylolytic enzymes are associated with carbohydrates digestion, but lipolytic enzymes are related with lipids digestion


T/F Both low temperatures and low humidity increase the feed intake


T/F Cardiac and pylori regions of stomach mainly produce mucus to protect the lining of the stomach from gastric secretions


T/F Glucagon stimulates the synthesis of glucose from noncarbohydrate sources (gluconeogenesis) when the level of blood sugar is low


T/F Linear chain of glucose molecules from amylose, while both linear and branched chain of glucose molecules make amylopectin


T/F Na-Glucose cotransporters transport the glucose against its concentration gradient from gut lumen to epithelial cells


T/F One main product of silage is lactic acid


T/F Silage can reduce the amount of toxic materials in forage


Cobalt (Co) functions as a component of

Vitamin B12

All of the following can mitigate the lead toxicity, except (vitamin E, vitamin D, iron, calcium)

Vitamin D

Mercury toxicity could be prevented by increasing the level of dietary ___

Vitamin E

The products of digestion of cellulose in the digestive tract are

Volatile fatty acids

The ___ makes up the majority of body composition in adult mammals


Parakeratosis in pig is a sign of ___ deficiency

Zinc (Zn)

Which of the following minerals is required for normal bone formation

Zinc, Copper, Manganese

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