Anthropology Chapter 9,10,11

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Bifacially flaked tools characterize the _______ stone tool industry.


Homo erectus represents a different kind of hominin than the more ancient African predecessors. One of the reasons is

An increased body size and robustness

The hominin fossils from Laetoli and Hadar are classified by most researchers as

Australopithecus afarensis

Neandertal skeletal remains indicate that they extended their range to the east, far into Central Asia, but as yet no remains have been found in


The first Chinese H. erectus discoveries were the result of the focus on locating

"Dragon bones" used as medicine and aphrodisiacs

Homo erectus discoveries from East Africa of firmly dated fossils have established the clear presence by

1.7 mya

The Homo erectus remains from Africa are dated to _____ years ago.

1.7-1 million

There is a very late surviving H. erectus group in Java that apparently managed to survive there until less than________years ago.


Neandertal fossil remains have been found to reach as far back as ________ years ago.


Homo erectus appeared in East Africa between ___ million years ago.

2.0 and 1.8

The earliest stone tools are dated to approximately

2.6 million years old

Africa sites evidence premodern H. sapien fossils that range from _________ years ago.


The estimated average cranial capacity for Homo habilis is

631 cm3

What is the range for estimated cranial capacities for Homo erectus?

700 to 1,250 cubic centimeters

The Middle Pleistocene began about _____ years ago and ended______years ago.

780,000, 125,000

The first Homo habilis fossils were found during the 1960's in

Olduvai Gorge

_______ relies on identifying changes in the orientation of the earth's geomagnetic poles.


The ________ epoch has been called the "Ice Age."


Which of the following statements is false?

Several definite Homo erectus fossils have been discovered in France.

The term hominin refers to a distinction made at what taxonomic level?


T/F: Except for some early Homo individuals, there is very little in the way of an evolutionary trend in increased body size or of marked greater encephalization.


T/F: Rates of development can be accurately reconstructed by examining dental growth markers.


T/F: Remains of early genus Homo have been found in both East and South Africa


_______ make the best samples for the K/Ar dating method.

Volcanic rocks

By far the largest collection of Homo erectus remains have been found at


Hominins have been variably defined as having which of the following?

a large brain, toolmaking abilities, adaptations for bipedalism

Compared to Homo erectus, the cranium of the earliest premodern Homo sapiens exhibit

a more rounded braincase

Neandertal crania are characterized by which of the following?

a projecting midface

Chinese paleoanthropologists argue that Asian premodern human fossils evidence both earlier and later characteristics. The more ancestral traits include

a sagittal ridge

Sahelanthropus has an unusual combination of characteristics, including

a small braincase, huge browridges, small vertical face, and lack of shearing canine/premolar arrangement

When compared to large-bodied earlier Homo specimens, Homo erectus relative brain size is

about the same

The fossil skeleton known as "Lucy" belongs to which species?


What is the average cranial capacity of H. erectus?

approximately 900 cubic centimeters

Dating methods indicating that something is older or more recent than something else

are called relative dating methods

The sum of the genetic, fossil, and archaeological evidence suggests that Neandertals

are closely related to modern humans

The earliest hominin traces

are primarily dental and cranial pieces

For humans, culture integrates an entire adaptive strategy involving all of the following except

biological components

Thermoluminescence dates

burned flint tools

Two forms of evidence help to confirm the hypothesis that H. erectus evolved in Africa. First, all of the earlier hominins come from Africa. Second,

by 1.7 mya there are well-dated fossils of H. erectus at East Turkana, in Kenya, and not long after at other sites in East Africa.

Radiometric dating techniques

can be used to determine the absolute age of organic materials

The tool technology of premodern Homo sapiens in the Middle Pleistocene

carried over from the Acheulian tools of Homo erectus with little change until near the end of the period

Which of the following would be best suited to the carbon-14 dating technique?

certain organic materials less than 75,000 years old

Mousterian culture evidences all of the following except

clear distinctions between Neandertals and early modern humans.

Some Neandertal physical characteristics may have arisen as adaptations to a ______ environment.


Homo erectus differs most distinctly from both early Homo and Homo sapiens in

cranial size

During glacial peaks, much of western Europe would have been

cut off from the rest of Eurasia

Potassium-40 ( 40 K)

decays to the gas, argon-40 ( 40 Ar)

The Middle Pleistocene humans are morphologically

diverse and broadly dispersed throughout time and space

Shanidar cave is extraordinary in that an individual in the burial

evidences a skull having received a crushing blow, probably causing blindness, and a blow to the right side rendering the right arm useless.

The most complete Homo erectus skeleton found to date is the Nariokotome specimen, which includes

facial bones, pelvis, most of the limb bones, ribs and vertebrae

Different stone tool industries coexisted in some areas for long periods during the Middle Pleistocene.


t/f: A nuchal torus refers to the projection of bone on the top of the cranium which is very common among Homo erectus.


t/f: All archaeologists agree that Homo erectus appears to have been an efficient big game hunter who rarely gathered wild plant foods.


t/f: An analysis of the WT 15000 specimen suggests it would only have been about 4 feet tall at maturity.


t/f: Chinese archaeologists point out that Chinese premodern H. sapiens specimens show no indications of genetic continuity with modern H. sapiens from China.


t/f: Kamaya Kimeu discovered the most complete Homo erectus at Zhoukoudian.


t/f: Neandertals are a fully separate biological species from modern humans and therefore theoretically incapable of fertilely interbreeding with modern people.


t/f: New evidence from Zhoukoudian cave has substantiated the long held notion that Homo erectus used controlled fire.


t/f: The Dmanisi cranial remains show that the very early European specimens had large brains.


t/f: The evolutionary roots of Neandertals are shrouded in mystery because there are no fossils from western Europe.


Adaptive advantages of bipedalism include the following except

further refinements to capabilities used for swimming

There is some evidence to suggest that Neandertals accomplished all of the following except

had language capabilities equivalent to modern humans

In general, the cranium of Homo erectus

has a pentagonal shape when viewed from behind

Fossil evidence for early hominin foot structure

has come from South and East African sites

Relative dating techniques

include biostratigraphy

Supposed grave goods found in Neandertal burials

include bone and stone tools, along with animal bones

The Mousterian stone tool tradition

is not always associated with just Neandertals, since sometimes it is found with modern humans.

The task of interpreting early hominin evolution

is still not complete

During glacial periods, the climate in Africa became

more arid

The genetic evidence from Neandertal remains that is used in studying most Neandertal fossils is in the form of


One interpretation of the genetic evidence is that the intermixing of the Neandertal and the modern human lineages

occurred between 80,000 and 50,000 years ago

Paleoanthropologists consider__________________ to be the immediate predecessors to modern Homo sapiens.

premodern Homo sapiens

Remains evidencing Middle Pleistocene culture indicate that premodern Homo sapiens

presumably hunted large animals, perhaps horses

Anatomical changes in hominins indicative of habitual bipedal locomotion include

shortening and broadening of the pelvis

What is the dating method that uses the principle that undisturbed underlying geologic deposits are older than overlying geologic deposits?

stratigraphic dating

Which of the following is not a chromometric dating method?


Since abundant remains of animal bones are found at their sites paleoanthropologists have described Neandertals as

successful small game hunters, but not necessarily as successful large game hunters as modern humans.

Until recently, H. erectus sites outside of Africa all have shown dates later than the earliest finds of species in Africa. This has led paleoanthropologists to assume that

the hominins who migrated to Asia and Europe descended from earlier African ancestors

Australopithecus afarensis specimens from Laetoli and Hadar are

the largest well-studied collection of early hominins

t/f: All analyses have shown that Homo erectus hominins represent a different hominin than their more ancient African predecessors.


t/f: Genetic evidence suggests that Neandertal DNA is remarkably similar to modern humans.


t/f: Given the newest dates for the Ngandong Homo erectus material on Java, it is possible that Homo erectus could have existed contemporaneously with Homo sapiens.


t/f: H. erectus was the first species with a cranial capacity approaching H. sapiens.


t/f: It now appears likely that cultural traditions relating to stone tool technology were largely equivalent over the full geographical range of H. erectus and its contemporaries.


t/f: Premodern Homo sapiens continued to live in caves and open-air sites, but may also have increased their use of caves.


t/f: Recent genetic evidence confirms that some interbreeding took place between Neandertals and H. sapiens sometime between 80,000 and 50,000.


t/f: The Acheulian biface or "hand axe" is a basic tool of the Acheulian tradition.


t/f: The main effect of fluctuating climates in Africa during the Pleistocene was to change rainfall patterns.


t/f: The mean cranial capacity for Homo erectus is 900 cm3


t/f: The premodern human fossils from Africa and Europe are more similar to each other than they are to the hominids from Asia.


t/f: When African migrants came into contact with premodern humans living in Eurasia, some interbreeding occurred.


Before hominins made stone tools, they probably

used sticks or other perishable materials

Evidence from Zhoukoudian suggests that Homo erectus

was a scavenger

Neandertal brain size

was larger, on average, than that of modern humans

The term Homo ergaster

was suggested to be used to refer to African Homo erectus specimens

Which of the following methods are not used to identify hominin fossil sites?

water reside analysis

At Zhoukoudian, there is now thought to be evidence that Homo erectus

were victims of hungry giant hyenas

Evidence for animal butchering is

widespread in Homo erectus sites

Some assumptions about the hunting capabilities of premodern humans have been challenged by an interesting archaeological find at Schöningen. What did they find interesting

wood spears

The Nariokotome Homo erectus specimen

would have reached an adult height of around 6 feet

The earliest australopith fossils come from

East Africa

While many theorists stayed home and debated the merits of natural selection and the likely course of human evolution, this young Dutch anatomist enlisted in the Dutch East Indian Army, having decided to go find evidence of it.

Eugene Dubois

The majority of Neandertal fossils been found in _____________where they have been most studied


T/F: A clear evolutionary picture is possible for organizing all the early hominins.


T/F: Although excavations at Olduvai Gorge have yielded abundant archaeological traces, no hominin remains have ever been found there.


T/F: Because organic materials such as sticks and bones are usually well preserved in the archaeological record, we have good evidence of the earliest stages of hominin cultural modifications.


T/F: Carbon-14 dating is a relative dating method used to date rocks and minerals.


T/F: Habitual bipedalism is the only form of hominin terrestrial locomotion.


T/F: Hominin emergence is characterized by the simultaneous appearance of bipedalism, toolmaking behavior, and a large brain.


What can be said about the dispersal of Middle Pleistocene hominins?

For the first time Europe became more permanently and densely occupied

If an isotope has a half-life of 4 billion years, then in 4 billion years what will happen?

Half of the original amount will still be present.

Thermoluminescence can be used on which of the following?

Heated materials such as burned flint

Thus far, there is agreement that all hominins found outside Africa are members of which genus?


_________ may have been contemporaneous with australopiths but had a significantly larger brain.

Homo habilis

What is paleoanthropology?

It is defined as the study of early humans.

What is the term for the stone tool technology most often associated with the Neandertals that extended across Europe and North Africa, into the former Soviet Union, Israel, Iran, central Asia and possibly China?


Upper Pleistocene premodern Homo sapiens that have their evolutionary roots in western Europe include


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