AP W. History (ch.1-36)

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How did Zhou grow strong enough to overcome Shang

Zhou military honed their skills waging campaigns against nomadic people in the west

Large kingdom of Interior and coastal east Africa that was one of best known



a pact with the Pope a Napolean that said that the Franch state would retain church lands seized during the revolution, but the state agreed to pay chlerics' salaries, recognize Roman Catholic Christianity as the preferred faith of France, and extend the freedom of religion to Protestant Christians and Jews.

First circumnavigated the world

Magnellan (not really)

Three groups of invadeers that pillaged Frankish realm at end of eightth century

Magyars, Vikings, Muslims

differences between early Buddhism and Mahayana Biddhism

Mahayan invented notion of boddhisatva

What American crops allowed Chinese farmers to take advantage of soils that previously had gone uncultivated?

Maize,sweet potatoes,peanuts

What tropical diseases did many slaves fall victim to?

Malaria, yellow fever

What replaced Ghana as the main power in west Africa?


Reason for collapse of Ming

Manchu invaders

Establishment of qing dynasty from

Manchu military prowess and Chinese support for Manchus.

What were the rulers of the Qing dynasty?


Manichaeism founder


What was the most important American crop that was brought to Africa?

Manioc was the most important.

Grew Islam in kingdom of Mali by creating schools, learning more, bulding mosques, etc.

Mansa Musa

(Jainism) only way souls could gain release from imprisonment and attain state of bliss

Purification from selfish behavior

2 Prominent monuments in Teotihuacan

Pyramid of Sun and Moon

Who reigned at the height of the Qing dynasty?


Dynasty that took power in China after Zhou


dynasty that unifed China


First emperor of China

Qin Shihuangdi

Holy book of Islam


Daoists devote their energies to


Father of modern India

Ram Mohan Roy

Who outfitted the ka'ba with Chinese silk cover


Adam Smith

Scottish philosopher who said society prospher when individuals pursued own economic interests (support capitalism)

How did Columbian Exchange increase global hum. pop. instead of decrease it

Spread of food crops and animals helped increase population more than disease hindering it

2 main sails used by european sailors during Age of Exploration

Square sails, triangular lateen sails

Two most important reformers of Monasteries

St. Basil of Caesarea in Byzantium and St. Benedict of Nursia in Italy

Napoleon died at

St.Helena Island in the South Atlantic Ocean

Why did civilians become targets in the war

The Great War established rules of engagement that made them targets. They were crucial to the war effort so they themselves became targets

wrote "white man's burden"

Rudyard Kipling

Why was Caesar assassinated?

Rule alienated elite class who considered him tyrant

How did steppe practices being about a succession problems

Ruler's relatives had a hot contest with family member to succeed the throne

Developments that reduced risks associated with travel and stimulated long-distance trade

Rulers invested heavily in construction of roads and bridges; Classical societies built large imperial states that sometimes bordered each other


Russanized form of the term Caesar to signify imperial status

country Golden Horde overtook



Sacred language of Aryan

Safavids trace ancestry to

Safi al-Din


Sage-king ordered 4 seasons of year, instituted uniform weights, measures, and units of time

Vasco de Gama

Sailed from Portugal to India around Africa

device of choice for spinning cotton

Samuel Crompton's mule

Olmec prominent cities

San Lorenzo, La Venta, Tres Zaportes

Took power after Parthians



Sanskrit term for rex (king)

Most famous of all Greek women poets


Shapur 1

Sasanid king stabiliozed western frontier and created buffer states between persia and romans

Frederick Barbosa

The red beard, vigerous gallant man who controlled German princes and controlled parts of Italy

caused central Asia to become open to European imperialism

The weakening of the Ottoman and Qing empires caused central Asia to become a political vacuum. This with competition between European states opened central Asia.

Who did African peoples devote most of their religious attention to?

They devoted it to powerful spirits who were thought to intervene directly in human affairs.

When did the United States abolish slavery?

They did in 1865.

Why did the kings of Kongo convert to Christianity?

They did this to establish closer commercial relations with Portuguese merchants and diplomatic relations with the Portuguese monarchy

Why didn't China, India, and Islamic lands not participate in balance-of power politics

They didn't have the forces and weapons they needed to maintain order within their boundaries and they rarely encountered foreign threats backed up with superior armaments

Why did Angolans embrace polygyny?

They embraced it because women made up more than two-thirds of the adult population in Angola.

Why did North American planters encourage their slaves to form families and bear children?

They encouraged it because the prices of fresh slaves from Africa rose dramatically.

Why didn't the Ming and Qing dynasties endorse technological innovation?

They feared it would lead to unsettling change.

Why was Egypt a more powerful state than Nubia

They had a greater flood plain

Why did Phoenicians sail so much

They had best ship; no agriculture, trade based

Why didn't Ming emperors want large number of foreginers in China

They just outsed the Mongols

Why were Mayan Priests crucial

They kept calendar and made sure planting at right times

How did merchants create new supplies of slaves when traditional sources proved insufficient to meet demand?

They raided villages, captured innocent individuals, and forced them into servitude.

Why did Confucian scholars look down on popular novels?

They saw it as crude fiction that had little to do with the realities of the world.

Why did Russian government decide to protect the "small peoples"

They saw the violence and disease sharply diminished the delivery of fur

Aztec bureaucracy

They simply conquered subjects and assessed tribute. They left local government And collection of tribute in hands of conquered people. They just received a plentiful of tribute.

How did the northern colonies still benefit from slaves

They still benefitted because they benefited from the building and outfitting of slave vessels and the seaports of New England was profitable from the istillation of rum. The chief ingredient in rum is from sugar produced by slaves in the south.

What did the shoguns do to European missionaries who refused to leave?

They tortured and executed them.

Approximately 2/3 of all slaves were young men between what ages?

They were between fourteen and thirty-four.

What were maroons?

They were runaway slaves who gathered in moutainous, forested, or swampy regions and built their own self-governing communities.

Who were the mean people?

They were slaves, indentured servants, entertainers,prostitutes, and other marginal groups.

Acted as satrap in Parthian Empire

Clan leaders

Persians and Medes organized themselves in


Renaissance architects designed buildings in what style

Classical Greek and Roman

Why didn't efforts at an imperial government work in India

Classical India fell under a sway of regional kingdoms

Those who prayed

Clergy of Roman Catholic church

fossil fuel that played a crucial role in the industrialization of BRITAIN


tactics the Dutch use aginst non-VOC merchants to gain monopoly over spice trade

Coen brought his naval power to bear on the islands and forced them to dleiver spices onlu to VOC merchants. They also mercilessly attacked people who sold their spices to merchants not associated with the VOC.


Collection of hymns, songs, prayers, and rituals

Seneca Falls Convention

Conference of feminists that passed twelve resolutions demanding women rights

Led to decline of Mycenaeans

Conflict with city of Troy in Anatolia; fell to ruins and couldn't keep stable government

High specialization in India


Main exports of India in long-distance trade

Cotton, aromatics, black pepper, pearls, and gems

emerged as political authority in Aryan Society

Council of Elders

How did having a large amount of skilled workers discourage technological innovation in China?

When employers needed to increase production, they found additional workers was less costly than making large investments in new technologies.

What were the British about to attak in the Opium War causing China to quickly sue for peace?

Grand Canal

greatest public works project during the Sui dynasty

Grand Canal

industrialization began in

Great Britain

Manila Galleons

Great Spanish ships

Ai Khanum

Greek Colony; hellenistic;; developed independent greek kingdom

What did Saint-Dominique become after declaring independence from France


Zen Buddhism

accepted by samurai and emphasized meditation and devotion

Why did Christianity appeal to lower classes

accorded dignity to ind. and endowed them with a sense of spiritual freedom more meaningful than wealth, power, or social prominence

Widespread popularity of tobacco from

addictive nature of nicotine


administrative center of upper egypt

Before the visigoths invaded the Roman empire they

adopted Roman law, contributed large numbers of soldier to Roman armies, driven further west by Huns, and converted to Christianity

du Chatelet's only fault (Volitaire)

being a woman

noble eightfold path calls for right

belief resolve, speech, behavior, occupation, effort, contemplation, meditation


believed in existence of god but denied supernatural teaching of Christianity; god set in motion and than sat back from intervening

what did socialist strongly disagree with one another about?

best means to reform society

why did death rates fall during early industrialization

better diets and improved disease control

only source of Christian religious authority according to Luther


Mussolini's fascist armed guards known as


trademen served as community leaders


Monsoon winds

blew from southwest in summer and from northeast in winter

Guru Kabir

blind weaver who most famous Bhati teacher

What did Bismark say would settle the great questions of the day?

blood and iron


born of indigenous and African parents

Why pope and emperor tension

both made large claims to authority in Christian Europe

Type of firearm replaced muskets

breech-loading firearms with rifled bores

How did Chinese merchants often gain official support for their enterprises?

bribery of government bureaucrats; profit-sharing arrangements with gentry families

major religion successful in attracting merchants as converts


How did music, art, literature, and religion work in favor of the capitalists according the Marx and Engles?

by amusing the working class and diverting their attention from their misery

How did merchants spread and pool risks of commercial investments

by entering in partnerships with other merchants

How did Mongols contribute to spread of technological ideals

by facilitating trade and bringing technological ideals with them on their conquests.

How did the Land and Freedom Party plan to pressure government into political reform?

by promoting the assasination of prominent officials

How did westward expansion in the United States heighten tensions over slavery?

by raising question of whether settlers could extend slavery to newly acquired territories

How did trade unions try to eliminate the abuses of early industrial society and improve the lives of workers

by seeking higher wages and better working conditions for their members

How did Julius Caesar build a reputation and win election to posts in the republican government

by spending enourmous sums of money sponsoring public spectacles

US investors tried to raise money by

calling in loans, liquidating investments

most visible expressions of imperial majesty

capital cities, royal palaces


capital of Nubia after Kerma


capital over flourishing Nubia; last capital

2 classes Marx and Engles believe capitalism divided people into

capitalists and proletarist

where did most African slaves come from

captives of war

completeted reconquista

capture of Granada

Source of Meso. slaves

captured enemies, indebt men, prisoners

Chivalric noble devoted to

cause of order, piety, Christian faith


central governing body of Communist party


central state planning agency

first goal of the Meiji leaders

centralize political power

Why did a large class of educated bureaucrats emerge

centralized imperial government needed large number of ad. officials

how long did it take lands to recover from the effects of the plague

century and more

How did Mumtaz Mahal die


_____ Influenced Italy a lot


Justinian's greatest construction project

church of Hagia Sophia

destroyed Toltec state

civil conflict, nomadic incursion

liberalism that emerged from Atlantic revolutions concerned with

civil rights

____ plagued Japan since 110s

civil wars


clans or groups of families claiming descent from common ancestor, later became groups of families who lived together in communities, organized own affairs, and allocated community property to individual families. Separating plots for family


class of traveling poets, minstrels, and entertainers whom aristocratic women enthusically patronized.

established new rhythms of work

clocks, machines, shop rules

led to ongoing wars between various countries during 17th and 18th centuries

commercial and political rivalries

What did Church of Rome provide people of W. Europe with

common religious and cultural heritage


community made of mostly peasants of common birth; several families who lived together, sharing land, tools, animals, crops, and work

Three maritime technological innovations that Arab and Persian mariners take from surrounding empires

compass(china), lateen saiks(se asia/inda), astrolabe-latitude(hellensic mediterranean

View St. Thomas had on Aristotle and Christian revelations

complementary authorities.

13th amendment

completely abolished slavery throughout the United States

Freud "laid at root of neurotic behavior"

conflict between conscious and unconscious mental processes

What did Japan borrow from China

confucian values, buddhist religion, system of writing, ideal of centralized imperial rule.

Han dynasty enrolled students in curriculum based on


Why did Bogomils and Cathars reject offical churches

considered them hopelessly corrupt

horizontal organization

consolidation or cooperation of independent countries in the same buisness

Liu Bang

constructed the most highly decentralized state in China's history to that point

most important economic development in later 19th century

construction of railroad line that linked all us regions and helped create an integrated national economy

Northern India after fall of Gupta empire

continuous tension, intermittent war, tubulent, almost chaotic

Locl chiefs strengthened their own authority and increased the influence of their communities in East Africa by

controlling and taxing trade within their jurisdiction

investiture contest

controversy over the appointment of church official in the late 11th and early 12th century

Matteo Ricci main goal

convert Chinese to Christianity

caused famine and starvation to increase during the little ice age

cooler temperatures and shorter growing seasons caused agricultural production decline

became most common form of buisness organization in industrial societies


The abbasid state was far more ___ than the Umayyad dynasty


Men in japan

could divorce wife where wife couldn't divorce husbands

Columbus believed

could sail to Asia by sailing west in Atlantic Ocean


councils with urban workers that organized strikes and negotiate with employers and government authority

serious problems paper money caused

counterfeit notes; government authorities printing currency representing more value than they acutal possessed in cash reserves

countries suffered the most from economic contractions

countries that depended on the export of a few primary products

Mobilization called

countries to the activation of military forces for imminent battle and the redirection of economic and social activities to support military effort

highest priority of Mahmud 2's reform programs

creation og more effective army


creator of world, humankind, and all else in universe (Inca society)


creature in homindae family ; human and human like organisms

principal beneficiaries of independence in Latin America

creole elites

Why did Bartolomeu Dias have to return home after sailing around Cape of Good Hope

crew was restless and forced him to return

Vasco de Gama

cruised from Portugal to India.


cult dedicated to Persian deity Mithras; only men welcomed

Greek Peninsula good for

cultivating olives and grapes

How did businesses react when they could not sell inventories?

cutbacks in production and layoffs

No-man's land

deadly territory between opposing trenches

Spanish American Empire focused on

extraction of sugar

Why was loess bringing harvests with wooden tools

extremely fertile and easy to work with

Why did China first emperor build roads?

facilitate communication and movement of armies

How did Mongols unexpectedly speed up the spread of the Bubonic Plague

facilitating trade and communications throughout Eurasia

T/F Japan had lots of natural resources


T/F threats of epidemic disease turned Chinese to Buddhism for personal salvation


t/f Ghana imposed Islam on their society


t/f Muhammad had a successor


t/f nomadic people didn't put deep loyalty to kins groups


most basic unit of social organization


Principal occupations in Spanish America apart from mining

farming, stock raising, craft production

Reason Germans entered into the Central Powers

fear of hostile France

peasants supported Bolsheviks

feared victory of White return monarch

How could commoners win recognition as nobles

from outstanding conduct, particularly by courageous behavior during war

How did Genghis Khan choose high military and political officials

from talents or loyalty to him

Merchanys in Japan

gained lots of wealth, low social status

found as most efficient means for mass execution


Government of India Act

gave India the institutions of self-governing state


gave Spanish emcomenderos(settlers) the right to compel Taino to work in their mines or fields

purpose of Christianity for the masses

gave meaning to ind. lives and bound together as coherent community

"Barracks emperors"

generals who seized power and held it briefly before being displaced by rivals

weakened British power in American colonies

geographic distance, inevitable inefficiency of a imperial bureaucracy

Why were polis' not communicating with each other


Brought end to Roman empire in west during fifth century

germanic invasions

Seven Years War

global conflict in that it took place in several distince geographic theaters and involved Asian, Amercian, and European people


god of fertility and destruction; brought life and took away when season passed

main good Ghana traded with Muslim merchants


economic nationalism

governments who turned their own resources and imposed high tariffs, lowered world trade

What did Russia and Poland provide instead of trade and production

grain and raw material

Khubilai Kai

grandson of Chinggis who was the most talented and ruled Yuan dynasty in China

What did patricians do to maintain integrity of Rome

granted Plebeians right to elect officials known as tributes

4 regional empires Genghis Khan's empire divided into

great Khans in China, Khanate of Chaghatai in Central Asia, ilkhans in Persia, Gordan Horde in Russia

What is in the tomb of the first emperor

great terra-cotta army of qin soldiers and cavalry

Missi dominici

group of imperial officers who traveled annually to all jurisdictions and reviewed the accounts of local authorities

brought about increasing specialization og labor in medieval Europe

growth of towns and cities

_____ formed for people in similar occupations(medivel Europe)


Japan and China viewed west as

hairy barbarians

Why didn't freed serfs like factory work?

it forced them to follow new routines and adapt to the rhythms of industrial machinery

Buddhism lost popularity in India because

it grew increasingly remote from the population at large

St. Cypian's view of the epidemic of 251 ce was that

it was a welcome event for servants of God


labor system that required peasants to provide labor services for landowners and prevented them from marrying or moving away without their landlord's permission.

Peace of Westphalia

laif foundation for a system of independent, competing states after the Thirty years' war

why wasn't slave labor prominent in the northern colonies

land and climate were not suitable for the cultivation of labor-intensive cash crops

led to severe social tensions in Han dynasty

land concentrated in hands of small, wealthy class

What did Spanish and Portuguese peoples see the western hemisphere as

land to exploit and administer

Chinese influenced this in Japan

landscape paintings


large stadium adjacent to the imperial palace in Constantinople


large tents where nomadic turks lived

Pilgrimage Season

last month of Islamic Lunar calendar


last surviving structure(mound) in Mesoamerica in Cahokia, Illinois.

Jock Locke studied

law of politics (saw ind. rights)

Led to decline of the Abbasid empire

led by civil war over Abbasid authority and popular uprisings and peasant rebellions and provincial governors acting independently

Rights of Arab women

legally inerit property; divorce husbands on own initiative; engage in buisness ventures

Wuwei expectation for the state

less government the better

women tend to excel at resistance work

less suspect in eyes of occupying security forces and less subject to searches


letters of credit; root of the modern word check


levied special head tax on those who did not convert to Islam

Xunzi advocated


goals of National Assembly


personal rights individuals retained for themselves according to Locke

life, liberty, property

unalienable rights declared in the Declaration of Independence

life,liberty,pursuit of happiness


lightning war

aims of La Reforma

limit power of military and the Roman Catholic church in Mexican society

What were the "eight-legged essays"?

literary compositions with eight distinct sections-on questions posed by examiners.

legal disabilities women suffered along w/slaves

little access to education, could not enter professional occupations that required advanced education, legally deprived of right to vote

problem European merchants have in trying to sell goods in China

little demand for European products and restrictions and trade


living space for resettled Germans

Why did northernmost parts of europe escape plague's worst effects

long cold winters of Scandinavia discouraged proliferation of plague-bearing rodents and fleas

exhausted treasuries of the Islamic empires

long costly, and unproductive wars


looked for their own savior


love and adventure story about Prince Rmama and loyal wife Sita

advocates of nationalism demanded

loyalty and solidarity

two principal networks of trade routes used by merchants in long-distance

luxary goods on silk roads; bulk commodities on Indian Ocean

How Dutch ruled Indonesia

made alliances with local authorities to maintain order since Dutch were few in numbers

Most important navigational equiptment

magnetic compases and astrolobes

south-pointing needle

magnetic compass

Great Zimbabwe

magnificent stone complex

Goods exported from China

mainly purchased w/silver from Americas which supported economy and fueled manufacturing

function of all the police and the courts according to Marx and Engles

maintain capitalists in power and enable them to continue their exploitation of the Proletarist

3 policies led to success of early Tang dynasty

maintenance of well-articulated transportation/communication network, distribution of land according to equal-field system, reliance on bureaucracy based on merit

Heavy plows in Europe helped

make heewat in heavy moist soil of north Europe

Philosophers seeked to

make kings responsible to the people they governed

Aim of Tanzimat reformers

making Ottoman law acceptable to Europeans so they could hve capitulations lifted and recover Ottoman soverignty


male head of family

Constitute a village's ruling council

male heads of families

Indigenous people trapped furs and exchanged them for

manufactured goods

center of capitalist system


What did Herzl argue was the only defense for Jews against-Semitism?

mass migration of Jews from all over the world to a land that they could call their own

Shaped economic development throughout the Americas during 19th and early 20th centuries

mass migration, British investment

How did Mahmud 2 address problem of protesting Janissaries

massacring the protestors with troops loyal to the sultan

Thirty Years' War

massive continental conflict after the Holy Roman emperor attempted to force his Bohemian subjects to return to Roman Catholic church, main battle ground in Germany with many other independent states joining the fight for political, economic, and religious issues.

New socity emerged from mingling of Roman and Germanic traditions

medieval Europe


merchant who amassed a huge fortune from long-distance trading ventures

In England and Dutch, who were especially prominenet in political affairs and state building policy that favored maritime trade and the building of commercial empires oversea


What was the bottom level of the social hierarchy in Japan?


introduced Islam to sub-saharan africa


Inca did not generate a large class of

merchants and skilled artisans

Flocked to supply needs of daimyos


Placed pressure on Caste system (india)

migration, growing prominence, economic development, urbanization

Empires needed to invest in ______ to maintain trade routes that formed the silk roads

military forces, construction, and bureaucracies


military governor who ruled in place of emperor

2 ways Archaemenmid kept satraps from becoming ind.

military officers an tax collectors checked; new category of officers-imperior spies.


ming emperor launced naval expeditions


mixed; children of two different ancestry; i.e. nativie americans and europeans


modest fishing and market town in a stragetic site

Augustus's government was

monarchy disguised as a republic

African religion concerned itself with

more practical business of explaining, predicting, and controling the experiences ofn individuals and groups in the world.

How many people did the influenze pandemic leave dead following the war

more than 20 million

Romanovs in power for

more than 300 years

Eleanor of Aquitanine

most celebrated women of day who supported romantic poets and entertainment,

St, Tho,as Aquinas

most famous scholastic theologians

Ban Zhao

most famous women is Chinese history

St. Augustine

most important and influential figures of intellectual elites that took interest in China

Zhu Xi

most important representative of Song neo-Confucianism philosopher

Emilie de Chatelet

most notable scientist women of her age who was very intelligent and translated works and helped work on mathematic and scientific disvoeries


most prominent port in East Africa on Red Sea

Han Feizi

most systematic of Legalist theorists


mounted warrior who was specialized in use of force and art of fighting

Indian Removal Act of 1830

moved all native Americans west of the Mississippi River into "Indian Territory"/Oklahoma

Greek Fire

nasty incendiary weapon compounded of Sulphur, Lime, and Petroleum

Aboriginal people

native Australians

Felipe Guaman Poma de Ayala

native of Peri that fired 1,200 page letter about the horrible conditions of native people sent to King Phillip of Spain.

turning point in Pacific war

naval engagement near Midway islands


near pasargadae; administrative center of persians.

Why did pastoral peoples of central Asia move frequently

needed to maintain flock

What did Voltair say about the Holy Roman Empire

neither holy, nor Roman, nor an empire

School of National Learning

new ideology that placed great emphasis on Japan's unique historical experience and revival of indigenous culture;perhaps done in attempt to prevent any foreign influence from challenging tradition


night of broken glass

Did Scandanavians maintain a settlement in America long term


Did the Peace of Westphalia bring an end to the war


allowed Europeans to gain control of Phillippines

no central government and no organized resistance to the intrusion

Why were German natural resources, infrastructure, and productive capacity left unharmed during the war

no military engagement took place on German soil

"convention on the Rights and duties of States"

no state had the right to intervene in the internal or external affair of another

social classes generated by nomadic society

nobles, commoners


nomadic Turkish people who helped overcome Tang Dynasty


nomadic people from steppes of central Asia


nomadic people who herded in Arabia


nomadic people who were expert horsemen from modern Hungary

Walt Whitman described the United States as

not merely a nation but a teeming nation of nations

purpose of painting

not mirror but create reality

Why did Islamic empires experience military decline

not seek actively to improve military technologies

popular sovereignty

notion that legitimate political authority resides not in kings but rather in the people who make up a society

Papal Primacy

notion that the bishop of Rome was ultimate authority for all Christian churches

why was there a constant demand for more slaves

number of deaths in slave population usually exceeded number of births

where was it possible for dense populations to congregate


(Jainism) how did individuals attain purification under their beliefs

observing principle of Ahimsa or nonviolence to other living things or souls

How did lords and retainers mainly support themselves

on basis of surplu agricultural production that they commandeered from a subject peasantry.

most migrants to Latin American worked

on plantations

#husbands women can have


Every ton of sugar cost

one human life (slave)

first estate in old regime

one hundred thousand Roman Catholic clergy


only Pacific island that attracted substantial Spanish interest; Manila galleons went from Guam to Philllpines to New Spain (Mexico)

Emperor in Japan

only figurehead where shoguns sought to monopolize power

Developments that account for increase in agricultural yields (medival europe)

opening of new lands to cultivate, improved agricultural techniques, use of new tools and technologies, and introduction of new crops

What did the East India Company start selling in China to even the trade inequality between Chinese and European goods



opposed all forms of government and believed that individual freedom cannot be realized until all government is abolished

Why was Yongle significant

organized preparations of a vast encyclopedia that compiled all significant works of Chinese history, philosophy, and literature; Yongle Encyclopedia

How did Shi'aa sect originate?

originated as party supporting the appointment of ali and his descendants as caliphs

How did the Manchus preserve their own ethnic and cultural identity?

outlawed intermarriage between Mancchus and Chinese,forbade Chinese from traveling to Manchuria and from learning the Manchurian language.

gave nomadic peoples enourmous military power

outstanding calvalry forces


oval structures with tracks for chariot races that housed entertainment like gladiator fight, wild animals, and naval reenactments

role of bishops

overlook priests and govern the jurisdictions according to their best understanding of the Christian doctrine

result of depressed state of agriculture in 1920s

overproduction and falling prices

Zarathurstra was


After 100 ce, chinese writing most on


What new industry appeared in Islamic cities during the Abbasid era

paper manufacturing

Allowed Axum to maintain its independence and prosperity

participation in trading networks of Indian Ocean and Mediterranean Sea



Manchis mostly were

pastoral nomads

institution influenced lives of individuals and role in more ways

patriarchal family institution

Caused serious political and social tensions in Rome

patterns of land distribution

Simon Bolivar feared ____ more than war


Kshan empire

peaked under rule of Kanishka and played role in Silk road; nomads from central asia that created city-state after Mauryan decline

group made vast majority of Russian pop.


3 broad classes of commoners below gentry


Sciencentific revolution where

people began to base on reason


people who had posts becausedid not have family


people who weided civil and military power; elected by assembly of elite men and served one year terms

How did Indigenous peoples resist Spanish rule

rebellion, half-hearted work, retreat to the mountains andforests where Spanish power couldn't reach

Marshall Plan

rebuilt European economies through cooperation and capitalism, forestalling communist or Soviet influence on the devastated nations of Europe

Happened to Christian boys of devshirme

recieved special training, learned turkish, converted to Islam


reconquest of Spain

goal of Sufi mystic

recover intimacy between God and human soul, and to find the truth of divine knowledge and love through a direct personal experience of god


reduction in hostility


referred to self as Canaanites and land as Canaan. Big Trade economy


refers to major classes

How was merit determined for government officials during the Tang dynasty

reflections of performance on imperial civil service examinations

Peter I wanted

reform to be more like western Europe

Gracchi brothers known for being


How did Ivan the Great declare Russian independence from the Mongols

refused to acknowledge khan's supremacy


regional military leaders

opiate of the masses


Mahmud of Ghazni destroyed

religious buildings or Buddhism and Hinduism


religious specialists who possessed supernatural powers, communicated with the gods and nature spirits, involked divine aid on behalf of their communities, and informed their companions of their gods' will.

The mogols ____ people when their skill was needed other places


Mencius places most emphasis on what confucian virtue


Kellogg-Briand Pact

renounced war as instrument of national policy


reorganization, reform in the Ottoman Empire

Sacrament of Penance

required individuals to confess their sins to their priests and atone for them by penitential acts

Gautama searched forr what when he left his family

spiritual enlightenment, explanation for suffering,

Prince Henry of Portugal

sponsored a series of voyages down the west African coast

Main goal of shogun

stabilize realm and prevent return of civil war

What was the principal aim of the Tokugawa shoguns?

stabilize their realm and prevent return of civil war.

Because of monsoon winds trade happened in


What did caesar do after seizing power

started large-scale building projects, centralized military under his control, named himself dictator for life, distributed property to the veterans of his armies

facilitated transportation and distribution in the US

state governments built canals, private investors established steamship lines and railroad networks

replaced iron as key building material of industry


Cicero supported


Characteristics a port city needed

strategic location, maintain good order, resisted urge to levy excessive custom taxes

Legalists planned to harness the energy of their people by

strict and clear laws

What advantages did the British have at the beginning of the American Revolution

strong government w/clear lines of authority, most powerful navy in world, competent army, sizable pop. of loyalists in colonies, overall colonial pop. w/mixed sentiments about revolution

Xunzi believed best way to bring order to society

strong social dicipline

Kept Latin American from gaining economic independence and success enjoyed by N. America

struggled with the legacies of colonialism, slavery, economic dependence on single export

People who contradicted emperor's judgement

suffered from castration

Brazilian colonial life revolved around

sugar mill of the engenho


sugar mill;

Copernican universe

sun centered


sun-centered universe

What did the British rely on building to control the seas against the Germans

super battleships or dreadnoughts


superior individuals that took broad view of public affairs and did not allow personal interests to influence judgement

Helped aid Corte's conquest of Aztec

superior tech (weapons, horse); divisions amoung indigenous peoples; small pox

Capitalism believed

supply and demand determined prices

Virgin of Guadalupe

symbol of distinct Mexican faith and promise of salvation of Mexican Christianity; nation symbol

Scholastic Theology

synthesize beliefs and values of Christianity with the logic rigor of Greek Philosophy


system of agriculture. Mexica dredged a rich and fertile muck from the lake's bottom and built it up into small pots of lands. The Chimpas were very fertile

Writer about corruption of early Roman empire


townshend act

tax on a wide variety of imported goods

stamp act

tax on publications and legal documents

How did France and Spain develop new sources of finanace


How did Han Wudi pay for military ventures?

taxes and confiscating land from wealthy

majority of European migrants went to

temperate lands to work as free cultivators or industrial labor

Theoretically shogun ruled as

temporary stand-in for emperor

primary responsibility of women in nomadic societies

tend animals

type of occupations women dominated

textiles and decorative arts

What was the only ;pagan shrine not destroyed by Muhammad's followers on their return to Mecca

the Ka'ba

Germans tried to break the deadlock on the Western Front in 1916 at

the fortress of Verdun

Purpose of Spanish Inquisition

to ferret out those who secretly practiced Judaism or Islam but it was charged with the responsibility ti detect Protestant heresy in Spain

Why did Peter I and Russian observers tour western Europe

to learn western European administrative methods and military technology

Chola rulers require of local and village governments

to maintain order, deliver tax revenue on time

What was the principal concern of the Ming and Qing emperors?

to maintain stability in a large agrarian society.

principal mission of the League of Nations

to maintain world peace

Why did the British occupy Egypt in 1882

to protect British financial interests, ensure the safety of the Suez

Secret part of deal that led to Soviets removing nuclear misscles from Cuba

to remove US missiles from Turkey

Political challenge for rulers of eastern half of Roman Empire

to restore order following invasions

principle early result of Bantu migrations

to spread agriculture and herding to almost all parts of Africa

imon Bolivar's goal in S. America

to weld former Spanish colonies of South America into a great confederation like the United States

cash crop settlers in Virginia and Carolina focused on


Layed foundation for long-term political and social stability (japan)

tokugawa shoguns

What were quipu used for

track responsibilities, keep records, and keep historical information to remember.

generated wealth that financed the organization of citypstates on the coast and large kingdoms in the interior regions of east and Central Africa


Spanish policy in Philippines revolved around

trade and Christianity

What did Dutch mariners concentrate on instead of converting natives

trade in spices (cloves, nutmeg, mace)

Kingdom of Kongo actively participated in

trade networks

Most religion relied on what to spread

trade routes

three most important motives for long-distance travel between 1000-1500

trade, diplomacy, missionary activity

Muhammad occupation


Babur's great ambition

transform his inheritance into a glorious central Asian empire

basic aim of five-year plan

transform the Soviet Union from a predominantly agricultural country to a leading industrial power

Mexica received what from subject people


two hostile camps had Europe's major powers transformed themselves into by 1914

triple alliance and triple entente

Perssias linked India to Egypt into vast commercial zones (t/f)


T/F China did not import many goods


The first emperor burned the books from the previous dynasty(t/)


t/f Mali empire taxed trade that passed through


t/f Nomadic people had superior equestrian skills


t/f although Aby al-Abbas was a Sunni Arab, he readily allied with Shiahs to shatter the Umayyad Dynasty



truth and firmness

How long was pax romana?

two and a half centuries

Who did Tang Taizong kill to become emperor

two of his brothers

how long did it take central government in Spain to respond to communications from Mexico or Peru

two years


unavigable stretch of rapids and waterfalls


underground canal that led to enhanced agricultural production and pop. growth

Church officials considered interest

unearned and immoral profit


unified Mongols

Fernando of Aragon and Isabel of Castile

united 2 wealthiest and important Iberian relams with marriage; Catholic kings; destroyed Granada completed Reconquista;

Young Turks called for

universal suffrage, equality before law, freedom of religion, free public education, secularization of the states, and emancipation of women

Terra australis incognita

unknown southern land

What did African trade with lands of the Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean basins promote

urban development, organzation of large states and empires, introduction of new food crops and new religious beliefs intro sub-Saharan Africa

How did Chinese craftsman develop superior grades of metal

using coke instead of coal


vast military campaigns to recapture Jerusalem and other sites holy from Muslim rule

common features by fascist movements

veneration of state, devotion to strong leader, emphasis on ultranationalism, ethnocentralaism, militarism

People idealize elite rule after Great War because

viewed democracy as product of decay and lacking in positive values

where did war of American independence begin

village of Lexington near Boston

main reason for declining fertility in industrial lands

voluntary birth control through contraception

Why did Fernando and Isabel sponsor Christopher Columbus

wanted a place for spain in Asian Markets

Immediately after the dissolution of the Han empire in 220 C.E., China

was taken over by nomadic people

allowed Islamic government institutions to become dysfunctional and social order to break down

weak, negligent, and corrupt rulers.

Why were Gracchi brothers killed

wealthy and ruling class feared brothers might gain great influence in Roman affairs

Reason for theme system failure

wealthy lndowners acquired large estates

Lower classs forbidden to(japan)

wear luxuries

Rulers of Seleucid empire couldn;t control empire because

were considered foreigners, opposed by native persians'

caused Soviet to blockade Berlin

western powers decided to merge their occupation zones in Germany

Principal European visitors to Pacific Islands during the 19th century

whalers, merchants, missionaries

caused end of Directory in France

when a young general named Napoleon Bonaparte staged a coup d'etat and seized power

Putting-out system

where entrepenuers deliuved unfinished materials to rural households where the people finished it and got paid for their services. The entrepreneuer than sold the goods for a profit

Mita syste,

where they recruit workers for particularly difficult and dangerous chores that free laborers would not accept. Spanish authorities required each native villages to send 1/7 of its male population to workn for four months in the mines

foot binding

young girl's feet are tightly wrapped with strips of cloth that prevented natural growth of bones/ resulted in tiny-malformed curved feet

"No plays" embraced

zen buddhism

Religions influenced Manichaeism

zoroastrian, christianity, and buddhist

Hinduism formed by

Blending of Aryan and Dravidian

first introduced tanks


Iron Metallurgy

Cheaper metal and more abundant

What weakened Sargon's empire?

Chronic rebellion in city-states (resented imperial rule); invasion of people who wanted Mesopotamia's wealth


City of the sun; sun cult of Re

How did Pachacuti force Chimu to submit to Inca rule?

Did this by gaining control of waters that supplied Chimu's irrigation system

Wedge-Shapped Writting


Why is Jainism only followed by small minority of people

Difficult/impossible for most people to observe

Not a consequence of Greek colonization

Disrupted trade and commerce


Distinctive stepped pyramids that housed temples and were altars to the principle deity


Doctrine and teachings for Isrealites (hebrew for teaching)


Doctrine saying you get reincarnatied based on what you did


Doctrine that said death would go to world of fathers before being reincarnated

Which European countries held the most prosperous possessions in sub-Saharan Africa?

Dutch/ Netherlands; British/ England

Conquered Java and islands of Indonesia


Country conquested Java and monopolized spices

Dutch (VOC)

established Cape Town in 1652

Dutch East India Company

Two places with constitutional states

Dutch and English

first reported European sighting of Australia

Dutch sailors

group started rapid development of Italy (politically and economically)


Most hides went to



institutions of higher eduction in Islam empire

Brought down the Frankish Empire

internal power struggles, fresh series of devastating invasions

Powers of tributes

intervene in all political matters and possessed right to veto unfair measures

How did Turkish people organize themselves

into clans and tribes

How did Henry Ford improve manufacturing techniques in 1913

introducing an assembly line to automobile production

Why did Turkish invasions hasten the decline of Buddhism in India

invaders looted and destroyed Buddhist stupas and shrines

What were Chola rules mostly interested in

investing profits from domination of trade

Mesopotamia water system


China attempted to avoid military dominance of society by

placing civilian bureaucracies in the highest command positions

Reason lords reduced land available for game preserves for agriculture

it yielded a higher tax and it increased lords' wealth

What two forms of drama became popular in Japanese cities in the early seventeenth century?

kabuki theater,bunraku

trade in slaves from (silk road)

kidnapping victims; prisoners of war

purpose of the SS Einsatzgruppen

kill entire populations of Jews and Rom and non-Jewish slavs in newly occupied territories


king's representatives in the Americas and wielded considerable power;


kingdom based on island of Sumatra took over after Funan fall.


kingdom in south Vietnam and Cambodia who reflected Indian culture

Most prosporous of the Congolese states

kingdom of Kongo

Mycenaean society used


made it possible for the us to undergo rapid industrialization in the late nineteenth century

labor from abroad

how did plague generate social unrest

labor shortages

Silk roads included

land and sea lanes

Mahmud of Ghazni

leader of Turks in Afghanistan; determined warrior, patron of arts, destroyed India and followed Islam

class was the principal beneficiary of industrialization

middle class

The quran was ___ rapidly translated


Incas taught concept of

sin; reward/punishment based on life on earth

Many Africans recognized a

single, dominant creator god

How long did dictators hold power(rome)

six months)

What did racist thinkers seek to identify racial groups on the basis of

skin color, bone structure, nose shape, cranial capacity, other physical characteristics

Why was Portugal unable to sustain large seabourne empire for long

small population

By comparison, North American conflicts were more ____ than South American conflicts

smaller in scale

Who ended the dynasty

the Mongols

used as excuse to start a war nbetween China and Japan

the Mukden incident; Japanese blowing up rail on the Japanese built South Manchuria railroad of Mukden; accused china

Embarked on an expedition to find Dr. David Livingstone in Africa

Henry Morton Stanley

New monarchs

Henry VIII( England), King Louis XI and Francis I(France), and Fernando and Isabel (Spain)

Why did King Henry VIII come to conflict with pope

Henry wanted to divorce wife who didn't give him a male child; pope didn't allow him

conquered Aztecs

Hernan Cortes

2nd Japanese leader to unify


Describe the Chinese family.

Hierarchial, patriarchal,authoritarian

Egyptian Writing


What did Chola public life revolve around

Hindu temples that served as economic and social centers

Operation Barbaross

Hitler sent armed forces to invade Soviet Union; planned to invade and take over Soviet Union; failed

dar al-Islam

House of Islam

Diet made up of

House of Nobles, Elected Lower House

Chinese name for yellow river

Huang Hu

elected to be king of France after the last Carolingian died

Hugh Capet

Earliest human inhabitants of Americas lived by

Hunting and Gathering

Australia people lived by

Hunting and gathering

Men responsibility in Iroquois People

Hunting, fishing, and war

best-known Muslim traveler

Ibn Battuta

Great discovery of Parthians (military advantage)

If they fed horses Alfalfa during winter, animals would grow larger and stronger.

Mussolini's title

Il Duce "the leader"

Cities differ from Neolithic villages?

Larger and more complex (specialization); city controlled political, economic, and cultural life of larger regions.

Brought Period of Warring States

Last Centuries of Zhou

Where state-building process began


first fascism movement in


Made Malaka powerful state

the faith throughout the region and trade.

Group repeatedly led coups against government of Ottoman Empire during 17th and 18th centuries


countries formed Axis Powers

Japan, Germany, Italy

Supplied most of the domestic capital for the Meiji program of industrialization

Japanese Peasants


Japanese indigenous religion

most prominent advocate of political equality

Jean-Jacques Rosseau

Why did shang towns switch loyalty to Zhou

Last Shang king was criminal fool who gave himself to wine, women, tyranny, and greed


Kush's firt capital

Mongols found what religion of Tibet attractive

Lamaist Buddhism

Eric the Red's son

Leif Ericsson

Led Vikings/Scandinavians to newfoundland, Canada

Leif Ericsson

empire replaced kingdom of Ghana


Octavian's rival

Mark Anthony

Mexica human sacrifice victims from

Mexica criminals, tribute from neighboring cities, ranks of warriors captured on battlefield

where did most Mexica slaves come from

Mexica famililes who sold young to get out of financial distress; some from criminals


Mexica war god

Members of triple alliance of Aztec empire

Mexica, Texacoco, Thacopan

two main centers of authority Spanish established in Americas

Mexico (New Spain); Peru( New Castile)

Reegion of Mesoamerica

Mexico to Hondorus and El sALVADOR

Medieval period of Europe also known as

Middle Ages

started peasant rebellion for Mexican independence

Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla

What were most Spartan resources devote to?


Osman's followers

Ottoman or Osmanlis

Why did Bantu leave


Invented Inca administration system


Russian Mariners explored

Pacific Ocean

"land of the pure" according to Jinnah


Longest period of human existence


New state Theodore Roosevelt helped develop in Columbia in 1903


territory in central Italy that was ruled by popes

Papal State


Paper-like material


Party who didn't support Ali for caliphs

most famous Bolshevik slogan

Peace, Land, and Bread

What saved Romulus and Remus


Japanese learned about west from

Small Dutc community at Deshima

Compared with Mauyan, Gupta was

Smaller in size, less powerful and stable, less centralized, longer-lived

Saljuq turks overshadowed Abbasid caliphs as


captured Constantinople

Sultan Mehmed 2 known as Mehmed the conquerer

Islamic state Mahmud's successors established in India

Sultanate of Delhi

Ruled Turks


Where did Abraham come from (old test.)

Sumerian City of Ur

Lion prince


built Mai empire

Sundiata (lion prince)

T/F visigoths did not adopt official Roman language and social customs before invading the empire


T/F India traded with themselves


Royal Curriers travel royal road fro

Two Weeks

Kept Khubilai Khan from invading Japan


Why didn't the US ever join the league of nations

US senate rejected the idea

most important Mongol allies

Uighur Turks

Indo-European Homeland

Ukraine, Southern Russia

The governors of al-Andalus were

Umayyads Dynasty supporters

event ended Byzantine Empire

When Ottoman Turks captured Constantinople.

Word used to sum up the French military's master plan for war


How were Muhammad's teachings an economic threat?

attacked idolatry and threatened people that profited from many shrines to deities.

Hideyoshi died from

attacking Korea

Stalin's cleansing

attempt to kill of put in labor camps the people suspected of opposition to Stalin's administration

Purpose of Congress of Vienna

attempt to restore the prerevolutionary order


attitude of kindness and benevolence or sense of humanity

What emperors endorsed Hinduism


How did Gupta governmental organization differ from Mauryan empire

Guptas left government to local allies(like Persians)

family dominated Holy Roman Empire after 1438

Habsburg Family

Poetry in Japan done in


His pilgrimage to this city is known as


Dynasty after fall of Qin


Xiongnu fell into dissarry

Han dynasty extended reign into central Asia

Whose throne was the Peacock throne

Shah Jahan

Ao and Yin

Shang Capitals

atempted to harmonize Hindu writings into a single system of thought


Decentralized Administration of Zhou

Zhou rulers entrusted power to subordinates who returned allegiance, tribute, etc.

Most important Daoist work


What did the National Policy look to do?

attract migrants, protect nascent industries through tariffs, build national transportation system

Introduction of this caused a fresh migratory surge


Where did Martel turn back the Muslims

battle of Tours in central France

3 main religions that used silk roads to attract converts

buddhism, hinduism, christianity

US overcame sinking of merchant ships by Germans

built more "liberty ships" than Germans could sink

Critics of the first emperor of china(result)

burned alive

Consequence of Crusades

dealing with Musslim merchanys traded ideas, technologies, amd trade goods

economic recovery and well-being of Europe tied to

debts among allies, reparations paid by Germany annd Austria, flow of US funds to Europe

How did the population of Europe grow so rapidly without a dramatic increase in birthrates

decreasing morality

goal of Seneca Falls Convention

demand equal political and economic rights for US women

European political and social values promoted nationalist movements in India

democracy, individual freddom, equality

Johannes Kepler

demonstrated that planetary orbits were elliptical not circular as in Ptolemic theory


deputy; serves islamic community

How did May increase ag. potential after 4th cen.

designed silt traps

Why did Europeans venture onto the seas

desire to expand boundaries of Roman Catholic Christianity; desire to profit from commercial opportunities


destroying religious images amd prohibiting their use in churches

held power in Holy Roman Empire during later middle ages

german princes; italian city-states

Brought prosperity to China

global trade

Charvaka sect beliefs

gods were figments of imagination and brahmins were people who enriched themselves by hoodwinking others

Sultanate of Delhi depended on

goodwill of Hindu kings

Zhou ruler duties

govern conscientiously, observe high standard of honor and justice, maintain order/harmony throughout his realm

Mencius advocated

government should be organized through benevolence and humane actice

Egypt Climate after Ice Age

grassy steppe land with numerous lakes, rivers, and streams

Jati in calassical india

had their own courts nad controlled crime and solved disputes


hallucinogenic agent priests of Zoroastrian used

How did the British government show that it was not going to tolerate violence against machines

hanging 14 Luddites

Why did nationalist and communist in China join forces

have united front against Japan


ideaology grounded in the conviction that peasants rather than urban proletarians were the foundation for a successful revolution

Legalists devoted all attention to

the state

Domino theory

the strategic theory that rationalized worldwide US intervention on the assumption that if one country became communist, neighboring ones would collapse to communism the way a row of dominoes falls sequentially until none remains standing

Only time Spanish and Portuguese society ignored gender

when it came to punishing disobedient slaves

How did Charlemagne officially become an emperor

when pope proclaimed it and placed imperial crown on his head

Why did Chandragupta give up throne

Became a monk

Hittities Technological Innovations

Construction of light, chariots, iron refinement

Phoenicians called their land


Kings of France

Capetian kings


Capital of Egypt


Capitol of Qin dynasty

Purpose of Maya Warfare

Capture enemies in hand-to-hand combat on battlefield

architect of French absolutism

Cardinal Richelieu

first site of interaction between European and American peoples


only successful slave revolt in history took place in

Caribbean island of Hispaniola

Why did Manichaeism decline

ZOROASTRIAN LEADERS URGED sASANID RULERS TO SUPPRESS IT and Rome was suspicious of it wo they persecuted them


Zarathustrs works of hymns, works, on zoroastrian

Concept previously unknown but invented by mayan


Punic wars started when Romans

expanded to Sicily


nonviolence to other living things or souls

November crime

signing of the 1918 armistice

Incas called Cuzco?

"The Naval of the Universe"

Ming dynasty

"brilliant" Hongwu brought to destroy evidence of Mongols

Texas annexed into US in


End of Qing Dynasty


How long was the Great Wall?

2,500 kilometers

Who succeedded Muhammad

Abu Bakr

Founder of Abbasid Dynasty

Abu al-Abbas

4.5 Billion

Age of Earth

,Meso:Gods were associated with


chief target of fur trade

American beavers

compilation of Confucius's sayings


Persians culturally close to


Mexica better known as


Aryan Social Structure

Caste System

Indus first to domesticate


Earliest Metal worked with


Irrigation or Drainage (Mesoamerica)


Who did Sultan Selim 3 threaten by remodeling army after Europes

Elite Janissary corps

Most slaves came from (china)

Enemy Warriors


First brought unified rule to Egypt

Kept Persians from success in Persian wars

Fraile line of supplies in harsh environment

Sold Louisiana territory

France/ Napoleon

Who exteneded Mongol rule to China

Genghis Khan


Germany's parliament building

Greek slaves from

Indebt men, prisoners of war, and slaves traded at market

Government of India act failed by

India's six hundred nominally soverign princes refused to cooperate amd Muslims feared Hindus would dominate national legislature

major deity of Inca

Inti (sun)

Turkish sultanate of Delhi

Islam authority from successors of Mahmud of Ghazni

Harihara and Bukka were _____ and converted to ______ after created Vijayanager

Islam; Hindu


Islamic Spain

First Christian emperor


Who were the earliest European slave traders?

It was Portuguese explorers.

Center of iron production and trade in Africa


brought pringing press to Ottoman empire

Jewish refugees from Spain

took control of the Guomindang after Sun Yatsen's death

Jiang Jieshi

first prime minister of Canada

John A Macdonald


June 6, 1944

symbol of islamic cultural unity


Mongol capital in China

Khanbaliq(city of the khans)

Why didn't British merchants want to transform Latin American states into dependent trading partners

Latin American offered no substantial market for British goods

returned centralized rule to China after first emperor's death

Lin Bang

Why were there pyramids?

Massive tombs

Most influential Indian scholars



Maurya and Gupta based in

Signed Pact of steel

May 1939


Most important political center between 4th and 9th century (Maya) wealthy bustling with multiple pyramids

Ruled Egypt

Muhammad Ali

neolithic age

New Stone Age

last large habitable region og the earth to recieve members of the human species

New Zealand

Who did the Abbasids clash frequently with

Nomadic people from Central Asia


Nubia war god

Black Thursday

October 24, 1929

What era were pyramids constructed (egypt)

Old Kingdom


Old Stone Age

led parliamentary forces in English Civil War

Oliver Cromwell


One of three sage kings; brought harmony to family and large China state

What percentage of slaves went to North American destinations?

Only 5 percent did.

Aryans Preserved works


Where Magnellen died



Philosohphers of Hellensic took no strong positions; sought equanimity and left contentious issues to others


Philosophers of Hellensic who were most influential. taught to aid others and lead virtuous ,lives.

Tyre, Sidon, Beirut, Byblos

Phoenician main cities


Phoenician main female deity for fertility

Tax in Mesoamerica

Portion of their harvests

dynasty replaced Hongwu's dynasty


Who led a resistance movement against the Portuguese in Angola for forty years?

Queen Nzinga led it.

Discouraged invaders from attacking Egypts/Nubia

Red Sea/Mediterranean sea/hostile deserts

Romanov Dynasty

Russia tsars family who held centralized government

Lenin's party

Russian Social Democratic Party

Took over Persia after Alexander's death


scientific racism

Social and cultural differences because scientic racism. It was the idea that humanity was divided into four races each with their own particular traits.


Social class of heredity and unchangeable status

Overcame Mali empire


How did Chandragupta die?

Starved himself to ddeath


State of perfect spiritual independence

Served as banks


Who restored native rule to China after the fall of the Yuan dynasty?

The Ming dynasty did. Hongwu founded the Ming.


The brief monotheism god of Egypt

Why was it impossible for the Chinese to organize large trading firms like the English East India Company or the VOC?

There wasn't government approval for large-scale commerical ventures. The government wanted to limit foreign merchants. With this, it was impossivle to have big ship yards and trading firms.

problems the Mongols face in Persia after Khubilai Khan's reign ended

They had trouble governing. They has excessive spending and overexploitation of the peasantry led to reduced revenue. Paper money also caused a problem.

three estates/classes of European society

Those who pray, Those who fight, and Those who work

Rome on what river

Tiber River

Countries made up French Indochina

Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos

group prevented Chinese from overrunning Vietnam


Empire Harihara and Bukka established


Group overpowered Guptas

White Huns

Confucius had students study

Works from Zhou dynasty


Writing of Mesopotamis; symbols written into wet clay that later dried

Gregory the wonderworker

a tireless missionary with a reputation for performing miracles who populated Christianity



dictatorship of the proletariat

abolish private parties and destroy capitalist order

What did the Convention do to Monarchy

abolished it

China has little innovation in

agricultural and industrial technologies

Mongol rulers stood _____ from Chineese subjects

apart( banned inter marriage, Chinese couldn't learn Mongol language, kill Chinese, etc.)

Why did Muhammad makes almsgiving a prime moral value in Islam

because of his difficult days of his youth

Tokugawa shogunate

began centralized feudalism

How did Zhen He seek to attin his goals

by diplomacy

How did overland travel mostly travel

camel caravan


camel-like beasts

Ghaznavid Turks

campaigned through India

most dramatic forms of rsistance during the war

campaigns of sabotage, armed assaults on occupation forces, assassinations

what did some island peoples resort to when food supples were lacking?



class of intellectuals who sought substantial political reform and through social change

most of Inca army made of

conquered people

Tamerlane was a conquerer or a governor or both


first step in the revisionist process of expanisionism and aggression

conquest of Manchuria

most crucial technological breakthrough of the early industrial era

development of a general-purpose steam engine

believed that witches derived power from



earliest evidence of reflectuve thought;

Ptolemaic Universe

earth center


earth-centered universe


enourmous plantations

drove Ottoman expansion

formidable military machine

Mencius' problem

he had naively optimistic view of human nature


helped with Greek democracy

Emperor Yongle organized expeditions for what purposes

impose imperial control over foregin trade with china; impress foreign people with power and might that Ming dynasty restored to China

How did individual merchants handle long-distance trade

in stages

William Harvey

iscovered human circulation system

What did Khubilai Khan ask the Polo Brothers to bring back from Europe

learned theologians to serve as authoritative sources of information of Christine doctine

What did Japan do after the League of Nations told it to stop aggressions in Manchuria

left League

"south pointing needle"

magnetic compass


mutually assured destruction

Muslim (meaning)

one who has submitted



revisionist powers

revised or overthrew the terms of the post-Great War peace; confronted nations that were committed to the international system and to the avoidance of another world war

staple foods government distribute throughout China

rice, wheat, millet

goal of Boxers

rid China of "foreign devils" and their influences

What did Constitution emphasize

rights of individuals


social ethinic that honored male strength, courage, aggressiveness, assertiveness, and cunning

most innfluential critics of industrialization


Mithraism was especially popular among


Romansa required what from conquered people

soldiers and military support


sparred by Pizarro until he delievered a large supply of gold and then he was killed


surgery conducted on a living organism

prominent source of food throughout many Pacific islands

sweet potatos

Schlieffen plan

swift knockout of France followed by defensive action against Russia

sugar act

tax on molasses

Emerged as spiritual leader of Christian communities in the western regions of Rome as Roman imperial authority crumbled

the Pope

Nestorians emphasize

the human as opposed to the divine nature of Jesus


the idea that people with same ethnic origins, language, and political ideals had the right to form sovereign states

Robespierre known as

the incorruptible

What happened to Silk Roads after decline of Han and Roman empires

there was less activity, but trade revived along the routes in the sixth century

Hideyoshi feared Europeans and Christians because

they began to refuse to follow orders because the orders were in direct conflict w/newly adapted faith

advantages of joint-stock companies

they enabled investors to realize handsome profits while limiting the risk to their investments.

Why did Bolsheviks execute Tsar Nicholas 2 and family

they feared that the Romanov family would fall into the hands of the whites, thereby strengthening counterevolutionary forces.

principal function of Mexica women

to bear children

Qin ended by

waves of revolts

Chinese River


serfdom abolished in Russia in


when did socialist finally gain control of a government

1917 in Russia

Length of Persian Royal Road

2,575 kilometers (1,600 miles)

When was Han Dynasty formally abolished

22 C.E.

How many successive military commanders were needed to unify unity and peace in Japan


Hitler stopped education at

9th grade


A sitting in front of; practice of disciples gathering to discuss religious issues

Where was the capital of Charlemagne's empire in Western Europe


What two major events were before and after the hellensic era

Alexander's death, and development/ expansion of roman empire

What happened to communities that did not report seeing crime (china legalist)

All members liable to punishment with actual violator

Walking Up-Right

Allowed Australopithecus (southern ape) to use arms for independent tasks

Principal gods in Egypt

Amon and Re (sun gods)

Evil spririt in zoroastrian

Angra Mainyu

Bordered Islamic Peninsula

Arabianb sea, persian gulf, red sea,

Nobunaga got rid of

Ashikaga shogun

guiding force behind Italian fascism

Benito Mussolini

terrorist group Gavrilo Princip member of

Black Hand

Why did gods shed blood(Americas)

Blood to water; to water crops

What is similar between the Minoan and Mycenaean societies

Both build palaces

How did Darius' invasion of India help unify India?

Bringing India under Persian role and introducing Persian techniques of administration

First European settlement in Australia

British penal colony

Common Japanese embraced



Buddhist community in western China

Reason Nobunaga took missionaries(Christian) under wing

Buddhist monks resisting Nobunaga's rise to power

"Paris of Americas"

Buenos Aires


Byzantine gold coin

Most powerful organizing feature of Indian society

Caste System

Most able of Peter's successors

Catherine II or Catherine the Great

Umayyad Dynasty

Centralized authority that favored Arab muslims

Hammurabi's improvement on Sargon

Centralized bureaucratic rule and regular taxation; Hammurabi stayed in same city

Louis the Pious

Charlemagne's only surviving son who lost control of local authorities

Charlemagne's grandfather

Charles Martel


Chief deity in Rig Veda, boisterous and violent character

slogan of self-strengthening movement

Chinese learning at the base, Western Learning for use

Why was Chinese silk better than other silk

Chinese silk was extremely fine because of advanced sericulture techniques

name of female banana look-alike of Carmen Miranda

Chiquita Banana


Chocolate in Mayan civilization

Tools of "Southern Ape"

Choppers, scrapppers, food prep. tools

Phillapines converted eventually to


What religion was most Arabs by Muhammad's time


2 religions of salvation in sub-Saharan Africa

Christianity and Islam

What does the word Varna mean?

Color; different castes

Most distinctive creations of Olmecs

Colossal human heads

Commanded US fleet to Japan in 1853

Commodore Matthew C. Perry


Common People


Community of Faith (Islam)

fuel for conflict between Aryans and Dravidians

Competition for land and resources


Compile of scriptures in holy book of zoroastrian religion

Who mistrusted Zheng He and argued that the expensive expeditions would be better use if devoted to agriculture

Confucian ministers


Confucian scholar that was vocacious reader organized flood-control and irrigation projects, looked after welfare, Mang emperor, conquerer who absorbed some southern China.

Who staffed the Ming and Qing dynasty bureaucracies?

Confucian scholars

3 Schools of Thoughts after Warring States

Confucianism, daoism, legalism

Ashoka's first major priority as emperor

Conquer Kalinga and bring under Mauryan control

emperor who allowed Christians to practice their faith openly for first time in Roman empire


Byzantion later became


New city ordered to be built by Constantine


Language of Ancient Egypt



Corporate body that supervised prices and wages in a given industry and provided welfare of the members and their families

When did Marie Gouze publish in 1791

Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female citizen

4 states part of union during Civil War

Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky, Missouri

Introduced Norman principles of government and land tenure to England

Duke William of Normandy

Assumption of Zhou Theory of Politics

Earthly Events tied close to Heavenly affairs

Mandate of Heaven

Earthly events related to events in Heaven; Zhou

Two rival communities that developed between church leaders in Byzantium and Western Europe

Eastern Orthodox Church and Roman Catholic church

Theories for Harappan decline

Ecological degradation; natural catastrophes

Society of Jesus

Effective missionary society

"Gift of the Nile"


Most Powerful land in Muslim World by 1820


led Seneca Falls Convention

Elizabeth Cady Stanton

led lower classes in Mexican Revolution

Emiliano Zapata, Francisco (Pancho) Villa

Implemented policy of iconoism

Emperor Leo the 3rd

Ordered workers to link existing barriers of massive defensive wall

Emperor Qin

Powerful joint-stock company formed by English

English East India Company

Most powerful European states

Europe, France, Spain


Exiles of Jewish community turned to this city.

Violation go Jati rule

Expulsion from larger group


Extremely fine powder-like soil depositied in plains; covers yellow river

T/F Tang have government official based on heredity


Mayan were filled with coorperative villages (T/F)

False, many wars


First use were Sumerian wheeled carts

Two places didn't like prospect of new powerful Holy Roman Empire

France and Ottoman empire

influenced Islamic empire

Greek, Persia, and India

After Nara period in Japan

Heian Japan.

Conquered Babylon


Beaver War

Iroquois(dutch) vs Hurons(French) where Iroquois sought to expand their hunting ground

What did most zoroastrians convert to


why did Islamic empires have to rely on foregin suppliers for military goods

Islamic empires didn't have large armaments industry

Where were Minoans located?

Island of Crete

Largest Egyptian pyramid


Reason Chinggis destroyed Persian region

Khwarazm shah killed Khan's envoys

What happened to Philip of Macedon

Killed by assassin

Who temporarily restored rule to most northern India

King Harsha

"sun king"

King Louis XIV

longest reign of any European monarch

King Louis XIV

Credited with invention of Sails

King Yu

King Assurbanipal

King of Assyrian; during conquest

King David and Solomen

Kings of Isrealites

What American crops did Portuguese ships bring to Africa?


After Yuan dynasty


Chaldean Empire

New Babylonian Empire

great African rivers

Nile, Niger Congo, Zambesi

founded Ottoman empire

Osman Bey

Holy Roman Empire was born when ______ proclaimed emperor by pope John 7th


Queen Hatshepsut

Ruler with stepson in Egypt

Two Kinds of years from Maya

Solar and Ritual

Islam Meaning


Hong's Dynasty


What was the principal purpose of marriage?

To continue to male line of descent.

Began rule of Tokugawa family


T/F Zheng He was an eunuch


Duke William of Normandy known as

William the Conquerer

Moses' God


Europeans called plague

black death

How did Franks gain support from the pope

by converting to Christianity


capital of Ghana


coherent vision of human nature, human society, and the larger world that proposes some particular form of political and social organization as ideal

Made travel over silk roads less safe than in earlier times

collapse of Mongol empire, spread of bubonic plague


cowboys, brave and independent ranchers

Most impressive structures of th woodlands

earth mounds


high significance of Chinese family

John Maynard Keynes felt fundamental cause of depression

inadequate demand

religion did Mahmud of Ghazni encourage



large number of Indian troops

What is in the Mosque

no furnature, only mats.rugs to kneel and pray

3 empires of Islamic world

ottoman, safavid, mughal

Where did the 1914 German push towards Paris come to a halt

river Marne

Most respected and influential of Hellenistic philosophers


Galileo Galileo

showed many astronomer things such as gravity, change in other planets, discoveries, etc

tea act

tax on tea


tolerence and nonviolence

best known Buddhist monastery

Monestery at Nalanda

Mughal is Persian for


Who fought in Punic wars

Rome vs. Carthaginaians


preferred boat by Persians, Arab and Indians


prejudice against Jews

Shankara believed

reason more than feelings


"the conquerer" Mahavira's disciples called him this (jainism)

devout Manichaeans known as

"the elect"

Dao means

"the way"; "the way of nature"; "the way of the cosmos"


"union" with Austria

Chingis Khan

"universal leader"

Homo Erectus

("UPRIGHT-WALKING HUMAN") Larger brains with tools like cleavers and hand axes. Couldn't use sophisticated language but could convey intentions and coordinate activity

How many Vedas


Period of the Warring State

403-221 b.c. violent last centuries of Zhou.

When did Visigoths sack Rome

410 C.E.

How long was Gutama in meditation

49 days

Medieval Period of European history

500-1500 C.E.

How long for both Maya calendars to go through all combinations

52 years


5th king of Uruk; greated hero figure of ancient mesopotamia, Sought to Fight death

Mesopotamia Number system based on

60 (hours; minutes)

date that will live in infamy

7 december 1941; attack on Pearl Harbor

How long did it take to make the Peacock throne

7 years

how long did caravan take to cross Sahara

70-90 days

Who delivered Allah's message to Muhammad

Gabriel (Jibreel)

What city was Songhay's power based in?


How did enourmous wealth bring challenge to traditional social order in India

Gave wealth to vaishyas and some shudras who became more wealthy than upper castes

Barrior to keep Mesoamerica and Andes from interacting

Geography (mountians)

built first steam-powered locomotive

George Stephenson

Sent Lenin back to Russia

German High Command

first use of poisonous gas by

German troops

official facor in the US decision to enter war

German's resumption of unrestricted submarine warfare in Feb 1917

Subgroup of Indo-European family Englsih is in


What kigdom emerged as important gold trading site in Africa


led unification movement in southern Italy

Giuseppe Garibaldi

Where are the pyramids located (Egypt)?



God known as preserver of world who intervened on behalf of virtous individuals


God of SKy represented by a hawk ; Egyptian

When did the last documented ship that carried slaves across the Atlantic arrive in Cuba?

It was in 1867.

Why did the emperor Kangxi order and end to the preaching of Christianity in China?

It was in response to the demand that missionaries in China had to suppress ancestor veneration and conduct services according to European standard.

balance-of-power politics

It was shifting alliances to ensure one state wouldn't dominate all the others. It was to prevent building empire and ensure Europe would remain a land of independent, soveregin, competing states.

What was the most dramatic form of resistance?

It was slave revolt.

Glorious Revolution

It was the change in power when parliament deposed King James II and invited his daughter Mary and her Dutch husband, William of Orange, to assume the throne. This caused the king to rule in cooperation with parliament.

What was the African diaspora?

It was the dispersal of African people and their descendents.

Catholic Reformation

It was the enourmous reform effort within their own church. They wanted to define points of doctrine to differenciate from the Protestant churches, persuade Protestants to return to the Roman Catholic church, and deepen the sense of spirituality and religious commitment in their own community.

Columbian Exchange

It was the global diffusion of plants, food crops animals, human populations, and disease pathogens that took place after voyages of exploration by Christopher Columbus and other European mariners.

English Reformation

It was the severed ties of English and Roman churches. English confiscated the church weath in England. This allowed Henry to increase the size of the state and add to its responsibilities.

What was the Middle Passage?

It was the trans-Atlantic journey aboard filthy and crowded slave ships.

What was Matteo Ricci's goal?

It was to convert China to Christianity

Purpose of audiencias

It was to hear appeals aginst the viceroys' decisions and policies and had the right to address their concerns directly to the Spanish king. Thhey also conducted review of viceroys' performance at the end of their terms and negative reviews could lead to severe punishments.

What was the purpose of plantations?

It was to profit from the production and export of commercial crops.

What was the Antonian movement?

It was where an aristocratic woman, Dona Beatriz proclaimed that St. Anthony of Padua possessed her and choose her to communicate his messages.


It was where philosophers abandoned Aristotelian philosophy, Christian theology, and other traditonally recognized authorities and they sought to subject the human world to purely rational analysis

Columbus was


Bronze Metallurgy

Mad eof Copper and Tin; only wealthy used

What did Olmecs use for tools


Dtermines jati


United Nations created in

October 1945

Best-known PanHellenic festivals

Olympic Games

Trancontinental Railroad of US ran from


Principal figure in expansion of Christianity beyond Judaism

Paul of Tarsus

formally recognized American independence

Peace of Paris

What were the three broad classes of commoners below the gentry according to Confucian tradition?

Peasants, artisans or workers,merchants

good Russians in search of in Siberia


Indentured Labor

Peopl with no future in Europe sold part of their working life for passage across Atlanta

Bantu Definition


Why was Christianity so highly accepted in Spanish America

People concluded that the Mexican gods abandoned them after conquests and epidemic diseases; they looked for missionaries for spiritual guidance


People who performed dirty or unpleasant work

Who led Athens during its most prosperous time


Earth during Ice Age

Very cold; Landbridge connected Americas to Asia; Variances in temp. and rainfall

Normans were descendants of


Leif called Canada this because of wild grapes


Most popular saint

Virgin MarySt. Dominic and St. Franscis founded mendicants

Led to decline of Minoan society

Volcanic eruptions, tidal waves, and earthquakes

Hittites innovations

War Chariots and Iron Metallergy

Led to population decline in northern China

War and Nomadic invasions

prevented ethnic and political differences from ripping Canada apart

War of 1912 that stimulated unity

Persian Wars

War of Persians and Greeks


Warehouse to store goods

What led to formation of ag. economies

Warming temps (more stable conditions; increased rainfall); Women took care of crops, Men domesticated Animals

Top of Mexica society


Soviet Union devloped to combat NATO

Warsaw Pact

best known Jewish uprising against Nazis at

Warsaw ghetto

Paul of Tarsus traveled from Palestine to Rome to

appeal hhis case

Why ddid the pope proclaim Otto emperor

appreciation for his aid to the church

Information from people of north Mexico from

archaeological discoveries

Charlmagne relied on

aristocratic deputies known as courts who held political, military, and legal authority

most important institution of Mongol state



array of small cords of various colors and lengths, all suspended from one large, thick cord

Francis Xavier in Japan

arrived to try to convert Japanes to Roman Catholism

How did conservatives view society

as an organism that changes slowly over the generation

Christian communities in Mesopotamia and Iran deeply influenced Christian practices in the Roman empire through their

ascetic values

Council of Trent

assembly of bishops, cardinals, other high church officials who met to address matters of doctrine and reform

Hanseatic League

association of trading cities stretching from Novgorod to London embracing all the significant commercial centers of Poland, northern Germany, and Scandinavia

most toltecs settled

at Tula


basic doctrine shared bu Buddhists of all sects (four noble truths and noble eightfold path)


beggars who had no personal possessions and begged for food when they preached

How did Diocletian attempt to deal with problem of vast size of Roman Empire

dividing empire into two administrative districts

Pope Gregory the 7th vs.

emperor Henry the 4th

Reason for Tang decline

emperor was careless and revolts started

How were emperors in Japan able to survive changing ruling parties

emperors not associated with ruling party; weren't subject to deposition during times of turmoil

Dividends that voyages of exploration pay

enabled European mariners to chart the world's ocean basins; develop an accurate understanding of world geography


end of rule of terror, partial liberalization of Soviet society

What did the north's victory in the Civil War do?

end slavery in US, ensured US remain politically united, enhanced authority of federal government

How were Buddhist monasteries important elements in local economies and Chinese communities

engaged in banking or money-lending activities; maintained schools that provided basic education

Where did all the revolution movements around the Atlanic Ocean basin dervie their inspiration and rationalization from?


Why did kings of France and England begin to levy taxes and assemble armies

enormous expenses they incurred during the Hundred Years' war

Purpose of Equal-field system

ensure equitable distribution of land and to avoid concentration of land property that had caused social problems earlier

(Plato) only way to understand true nature of virtue, other qualities

enter world of forms or ideas

How did Soviets handle the Hungarian call for independence

entered Budapest and crushed Hungarian uprising

What did the United States Constitution do?

entrusted responsibility for general issues to a federal government, reserved authority for local issues for individual states, provided for the admission of new states and territories to the confederation


epic about bloody civil war for control of northern India between two gorups of cousins

Long March

epic journey of 10,000 kilometers of Red army going against Gumindang forces

How did biological exchanges destroy human pop.

epidemic diseases

Why did Maya believe in shedding royal blood

essential for world survival

Why did Ming Government sponsor Zheng He's expedition

establish Chinese presence in Indian Ocean basin

What did Mahmud 2 do to make his authority more effective

established European-style ministries, constructed new roads, built telegraph lines, inaugurated a postal service

To govern over 70 distinct ethnic groups persians

established lines of communication ad centralized administration

How did Athenians relieve political and social tensions

establishing a government based on democratic principles


estate which produced foodstuffs for its own use and sale

concept of dao

eternal and unchanging principle that governs all the workings of the world

most important sacrament


three reasons for war expansion

european governments carried their animosities into their colonies, embroiling them; Europe's human reserves were not enough to satisfy the appetite of war; it assumed global significance because the desire and objectives of some principal actors entered the war(Japan,US,Ottoman)had little to do with the murder in Sarajevo who other issues that drove Europeans to battle

Main objective of triple alliance

exact tribute from subject people

type of punishment church courts imposed on convicted witches

excommunication, imprisonment

Turks encouraged

expansion and conquest


individuals of mixed European and indigenous ancestry


individuals that reached spiritual perfection and has nirvana but delayed to help others still struggling


individuals who by virtue of their innate abilities or extensive training had the power to mediate between humanity and supernatural beings

Who did the Meiji government look to for knowledge and expertise in strengthening Japan

industrial lands of Europe and United States

allowed some form of economic normality to return by 1920s

industrial productivity

material benefits that industrialization brought

inexpensive manufactured products, rising standards of living, population growth

What did "thinning out the rice shoots" refer to?


Makeup of Phillip 2's military force

infantry of small landowners and cavalry staffed by aristocrats holding large estates.

Kabuki (Japan)

influenced by "no plays" included comedy+melodrama is portraying family and historical events;women originally INVOLVED BUT LATER BANNED


informal but widely rrecognized code of ethics and behavior considered appropriate for nobles

Roman law said

innocent until proven guilty, defendant could challenge accusers before judge, judge enjoyed discretion in applying laws, judge could set aside laws


inns offering lodging for caravan merchants as well as food, water, and care for their animals.

three problems people had with he provisional government that allowed Lenin's party to gain power

insistence of continuing the war, inability to feed to population, refusal to undertake land reform

How did Christian leaders standardize their faith?

instituted a hierarchy of church officials


islamic holy law


islamic sect believed in following Allah

Spanish base of operations in the Caribbean

island of Hispaniola

Where did Chiang Kai-shek's national government of China flee to escape the communist forces?

island of Taiwan

Japan imposed what that caused internal trade to flourish


Chinese emperor dispatched Zhang Qian to central asia to

seek allies against the Xiongu

practice of lay investiture

selection and installation of church officials by lay rulers such as the emperors


sense of propriety, behave in appropriate manner

Grand canal

series of artificial; water-ways that ultimately reached from the south to China's imperial capital to the north

Where did political authority rest in Europe (ch.21)

series of regional states

put France on road to revolution

serious fiscal problems

Monroe Doctrine

served as justification for late US intervention in hemispheric affairs

"great war for empire"

seven years' war; global conflict that had deep implications for global affairs and laid foundation for 150 years of British imperial hegemony in the world

determined work roles in African socieites


Leaders of Beqouin tribes


demographic transition

shifting pattern of fertility and mortality

Tokugawa granted title of ____ by emperor



shrines housing relics of the Buddha and his first disciples

Vasco Nunez de Balboa

sighted Pacific Ocean in Panama


significant philosopher of Hinduism

What did Chinese trade for goods from other lands

silk, porcelain, lacquerware

Japan only had


most abundant American treasure


European merchants paid for Chinese goods

silver bullion

What did the Chinese get in return for most of their exports?

silver bullion

Characterized Spartan lifestyle

simplicity, frugality, austerity

Probably most destructive diseases that spread along the silk roads

smallpox and measles and bubonic plague

According to the manifesto of the Community Party, all human history has been the struggle between

social classes

Neolithic religion reflected

Fertility and sometimes with agriculture

Pope Innocent sent envoys to see if

Mongol khans would convert and join Europe against Muslims

If enemies resisted Mongols

Mongols slaughtered population

Justinian known as

"sleepless emperor"

Chinese emperor named

"son of Heavan"


"African" settlers from Europe that claimed the people and resources of the cape and farmed

Charles Martel's nickname

"Charles the Hammer"

Homo Sapiens

"Consciously Thinking Human" Well developed frontal lobe.


"Heaven" impersonal heavenly power (China)

Kong Fuzi known as

"Master Philopher King" or Confucius

Chagavad Gita

"song og the lord" expectations of Hinduism and promise of salvation

"Christ" means

"the anointed one"

Muslims called Christians and Jews

"People of the book"


"The southern ape"; Hominid who was short, hairy, with limited intelligence;


"The struggle" spiritual and moral obligations on Muslims requiring them to combat vice and evil/ spread Islam.


"children of God", untouchables caste


"city of victory"


"divine winds"


"earthshaker"; Inca ruler who was fierce warrior


"enlightened ruler" who took reins of power in Japan and reigned during the most eventful period in Japan's history


"farmers" settlers from Europe who took up the African land for farming


"foreign rulers" semetic people

Vardhamana Mahavira

"great hero" became enlightened and found Jainism

What were the daimyo?

"great names", powerful territorial lords who ruled most of Japan from their vast, hereditary landholdings.


"great soul"


"greater vehicle" less strict form of buddhism

Less zealous Manichaeans




Han Wudi known as

"martial emperor"

Mare Nostrum

"our sea" roman "lake" considered (The mediterranean)


"people with religious knowledge"


"persians" persian descendants in India




"recitation" holy Islamic book

volta do mar

"return to the sea"; strategy to sail with the sea winds instead of against them




"ruler" source of power with Turks

If enemies surrendered to Mongols

Mongols sparred their lives

What did Shang elites do with bronze

Monopolized it by controlling access to copper and tin ores

Did SE Asia exclusively follow Islam

No; also Buddhism and Hinduism.


Noble people; nomadic pastroal people speaking Indo-Europeon Languages

How far off was Maya calenar from now

17 seconds shorter than modern day

1st Japan leader to help unify


Owners had little economic incentive to improve conditions for slaves or increase birthrate because

Children required financial outlays for 12 years which was a loss in money

Gunpowder's homeland




Rulers of largest empire world had ever seen


Pact of Steel

Rome-Berlin axis allance between Germany and Italy

Ghandi married at


When did French people storm the Bastille

14 July 1789

When did Byzantium fall to Muslim Turkish invaders


Year smallpox reached Caribbean


At what point did the Spanish crown exert formal rule in the Americas


When was the Constitution drafted?


How long did it take to build the Taj Mahal

18 Years

When did Napoleon crown himself emperor of France


When did the British take over the Cape Colony


Founded City of Rome


cables for telegrams laid on the ocean floors for reliable communication


When did the US purchase Alaska from Russia


When did reconstruction take place in the US


tRANSCONTINENTAL Railroad completed in US in


Year Canadian transcontinental railroad completed


# Sultans killed by assassins


Panama Canal opened


When did Gandhi return to India


Year Italy switched sides


When did the US government officially establish the 4 time zones


Russian civil war


Hitler part try to overthrow Weimer Republic in


Lenin died


Hitler came to power


When did Germany withdraw from the League of Nations


year Japan withdraw League of Nations


When did Israel win recognition


NATO established


When did Soviet test first atomic bomb


Stalin died in


When did Fidel castro overthrow Cuban government


when did China conduct successful nuclear test


What were the three legs of triangular trade?

1st-Europe carried horses and European manufactured goods- mostly cloth and metalwares, especially firearms- that they exchanged in sub-Saharan Africa for slaves.; 2nd-Enslaved Africans went to the Cribean and American destinations; 3rd-Slaves were exchanged for mostly sugar and sometimes cash to Europe. Mostly raw materials were sold to Europe.

population of colonists estimated to be loyalists or Tories


Phonencian Alphabet

22 symbols representing consonents

# of European migrants that came to American shores between 1840 and 1914

25 million

About what percentage of African slaves did not survive the middle passage?

25 percent did not.

Amount of US steel dedicated to the railroad industry in 1880s


how many languages spoken in sub-Saharan Africa


How long for caravans to travel Persian royal road

90 days

Who disrupted the Songhay's hold on power?

A Moroccan army disrupted it.

Umayyad conquested this part of India


led huns in invasion to Rome



Attributing supernatural powers to natural elements.

Japan surrender unconditionally

August 15, 1945

What caused the peasants to begin organizing revolts throughout China?

A series of famines

When did the Soviet Union and Germany sign the nonaggression pact

August 1939

When did US drop atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki

August 6, 1945; August 9, 1945


A special class of powerful officials sent out as emissaries of the central government to ensure that local officials implemented imperial policy

largest Nazi concentration camp



Era after invention of writing


Era before period of writing

Pax Romana

Era of Roman peace

Discovered Greenland

Eric the Red

only part of the world not participating in global networks of commercial relations with Europeans by 1750


China equivalent to official priesthood

Patriarchal head of family

Social Distinctions in Hunting/Gathering Society

Age, strength, courage, intelligence, etc.

Economic foundation of classical Persian society


Foundation of Ashoka's empire


New Guinea lived by


Zarathustra called supreme god

Ahura Mazda

(T/F) Did diseases carried from the silk roads cause the greatest population loss in India


Most important early surfis


who did the 12 infallible imama begin with


led Zanj Revolt

Ali Bin Muhammad

Parthians had a centralized government (t/f)


Romans didn't make the best roads (t/f)


T/F Islam was polytheistic


Edict of Milan

Allowed Christians to practice their faith openly in the Roman Empire

T/F Renassaince Humanist had nothing to do with religion or Christianity


T/F YThe mongols didn't keep trade routes safe


T/F Harsha used force and fear to suppress his rule

False; used personality

Deus Vult

God wills it

European trade focused where by 18th century

Atlantic Ocean basin

Reason east Asia didn't embrace Christianity

Asian people already possessed sophisticated religious and cultural traditions

Why Europeans were unsuccessful in forcing their wills on east hemisphere

Asian population large with powerful centralized states

Return imperial rule to Mesopotamia after Hitties attack


Who drove out Kushites from Egypt


Olmecs made calendar based on

Astronomical observations

Meso scholars devoted to study of

Astronomy and Math

Why is there no Zhou literature left

At end of dynasty, Qin destroyed books acept on medicine, agriculture, and divination

Who succeeded Philip of Macedon

Alexander of Macedon (the great)

Ended conflicts between Persia and Greek cities

Alexander the Macedon(great)

dynasty replaced Umayyads

Abbasid Dynasty

Cultural Capital of Hellenistic world.


Two powerhouses in Peloponnesian Wars

Athens and Sparta

Hunting and Gathering Prevented individuals from

Accumulating Wealth

Main reason for downfall of Mauryan empire

Acute financial and economic difficulties; couldn't get enough money to pay military


Administrative and Taxation districts governed by satraps

Great tragedians

Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides

Architect of Portugal aggressive policy in Indian Ocean

Afonso d'Alboquerque

4 main racial groups Gboineau divided humanity into

Africans, Asians, Native Peoples of Americas, EEuropeans

Principle meaure of welth in Aryan society

Amount of herds or cattle


Ancient Indian political handbook; manuel of use od power and principles of government.

Chavin Cult

Andean society became extremely complex; religion on wild animals and

Controlled Three Parts of Alexander's empire after his death

Antigonus(Greece and Macedon), Ptolemy(Egypt),Seleucus(former araemenid empire)

Bay of Pigs Invasion failed

April 1961

Date the US entered the war against Germany

April 6, 1917

Common language of Muslims



Arabic for "coasters" people of east African coast

Comedist(ancient greece)

Aristophanes; aimed to influence popular attitude

Seven Years' War placed


After Mauryan empire

Bactrian rule in northwestern India and then Kushan

Central authority of Abbasid


Where did Bantu settyle

Banks of rivers and forests

Most common grains in Persia

Barley, Wheat

Rounded Cape of Good Hope

Bartolomeu Dias

Hammurabai's Code

Based on Retaliation; social classes

Greek philosophy "rational" becaused

Based purely on reason

first large-scale victory for Soviets, turning point of war on Eastern front

Battle of Stalingrad

Ibn Battuta

Best known muslim traveler who used law degree to get many government positions in many Islamic lands

first universities

Bologna, Paris, Salerno


Brahmins (prisets, Kshatriyas (warriors and aristocrats),Vaishyas( cultivators, artisans, and merchant), Shudras (landless peasants)

What allowed Islamic empire to grow crops all year

Bringing in food from other places; caused surplus of food

Who did Russi fight in the Crimean War

Britain, France, Kingdom of Sardinia, Ottoman Empire

Dominant Ethnic groups in Canada

British Canadians, French Canadians

Revolution first broke out in

British colonies of North America

Imperial expansion began with

British conquest of India

Only reason the Ottoman Dynasty survived

British forces intervened out of fear that Ottoman collapse would result in a sudden and dangerous expansion of Russian influence.

what did industrial expansion begin with

British textiles

Metal replaced copper


What transferred Chinese Society during Shang

Bronze Metallurgy

Pharaoh Amenhotep 4

Brought Aten, monotheism to Egypt; capital at Akhetaten

What did Gautama become after recieving enlightment

Buddha "the enlightened one"

Major religion became more popular throughout all of east Asia during postclassical era


Religion Khubilai promoted


What religion did the common people of Japan embrace?


religions Turks converted to by sixth century

Buddhism, Nestorian Christianity, Manchaeism


Buddhism, christianity, manichaeism, zoroastrian

Why did Mexica believe the earth's moisture came from

By letting their blood flow, gods gave Earth moisture

How did the US get permission to establish trade with Japan

By training guns on the capital at Edo and demanding trade

Two halves of medieval Christendom

Byzantine empire in east; Germanic states that succeeded western Rome

Noble Eightfold path

Calls individuales to lead balanced moderate lives.

De Gama set up a trading post for Portugal at

Calicut (India)

Egypt conqued by (persians)


Arrival of what animal quickened pace opf communication and transportation across Sahara



Chandragupta's advisor with government advice in Arthashastra

Military Advantage Hyksos over Egyptians

Chariots (horses) and Bronze Weapons

Attempted to revive Holy Roman Empire (ch. 23)

Charles V

Chalemagne known as

Charles the great

Captain Cook

Charted much of Pacific and visited Hawaii

allowed China to avoid the Great Depression

China's large agrarian economy and small industrial sector were only connected marginally to the world economy

Yangzi River

Chinese population in this river and Yellow

Why did the Chinese hesitate to adopt Christianity?

Christianity's exclusivity; Chinese people honored many religions and Christianity claimed to be the only true religion.

Slowed Islamic expansion


Why did Roman authorities try to crush Christianity?

Christians refused to observe state cults that honored emperors as divine beings


Creater Nubia God

Popul Vuh

Creation myth that people created by water and maize

Sargon of Akkad

Creator of empire in Mesopotamia; King of Kish


Credited with tireing Yellow River flood waters; founded Xia dynasty

Why did Parliament have to restore English monarchy after Charles' death

Cromwell's Puritan regime took power that soon degenerated into a disagreeable dictatorship

Xerex reputation

Cruelty and insensitivity

Most popular religion in Roman Empire prior to Christianity

Cult of Isis

Bhakti Movement

Cult of love and devotion that ultimately sought to erase distinction between Hinduism and Islam

How did Maya sacrifice victims

Cutting off fingers or lacerting body to drain blood

Launched Persian Empire


"the shepherd" pers.





Daogejing(classic or the way and of virtue)

Greatest Archaemenid Emperor


Lawbook ofManu

Dealt with proper moral behavior and social relationships

Veneration of Ancestors

Deceased treated well because it was believed deceased entered realm where they could help the family.

Germany and Italy declared war on US on

December 11, 1941

Decline of Maya

Deserted city for unknown reason

Most notable humanist

Desiderius Erasmus of Rotterdam

Hinduism 4 principal aims of life

Dharma(obedience to religious and moral law), artha(pursuit of economic well-being and honest prosperity), kama(enjoyment of social, physical, and sexual pleasure), moksha(salvation fo soul)

types of ships preferred by Indian, Persian, and Arab sailors


Why did large animals become scarce in Americas

Didn't adapt well to warming climate; overhunting

How did Jainism challenge traditional social value in India

Didn't recognize caste system/ varnas/ jati


Diety oversaw sky and preserved cosmic order (aryan)

Why was Dona Marina important to Cortes

Dona Marina provided Cortes with intelligence and diplomatic as well as linguistic services. She helped him get information about attacks and helped him negociate with emissaries from Tenochtitlan.

Russia's first parliamentary institution


When did the Atlantic slave trade come to an end?

It came to an end in the early nineteenth century.

Japanese capital centered at



Egyptian informal writing


Egyptian pictograph writing


Egyptians preserved bodies and wrapped them in linen to preserve them for the next life

Specialization of Labor

Encouraged by a large number of people and food allowing people to do other enterprises.

How did Indian moralists seek to promote stability in the midst of urban growth and economic development

Encouraged strong patriarchal families and had a well social order with well-defined roles

Most prominenet to follow Portugal into Indian Ocean

English and Dutch mariners

Trenches on the Western Front ran from

English channel to Switzerland

Issac Newton

English mathematician who discovered many gravity and astronomy and mechanics

Anglican church

English's protestant with the king as leader of the church

Why did Athens and Corinth flourish during Hellenistic Era

Enormous volumes of trade passed through their ports

Why didn't Mughals place as much emphasis on foregin trade as Ottonmans and Safavids

Enourmous size and productivity of the domestic Indian economy, Mughal rulers concentrated on their land empire and had little interest in maritime affairs

Gender Relations in Paleolithic


Why were Persians and Medes so good militarily

Equestrian skills; expert archers who frequently raided wealthy lands of Mesopotamia

only indigenous African state to resist colonization successfully


Where did labor and investment capital for North American industrialization largely come from


Why did French and English settlers mostly marry within their ow groups

European women more numerous in north; saw Native Americans as inferior

Song Taizu

First song emeror

Meso. Priests recieved

Food, clothes, drinks from inhabitants

Absolute Monarchs

Form where kings had divine right

St. Ignatius Loyola

Founder of Society of Jesus

Increased maintained standing army to increase power over nobility

France and Spain

countries formed Allied powers

France, Britain, Soviet Union, China, United States

European powers sent aid to American colonists against British

France, Spain, Netherlands, several German principalities

Conquered Inca

Francisco Pizarro

Voltaire's real name

Francois-Marie Arouet

most successful and influential of Germanic people


Why did industrialists prefer free wage laborers over slaves?

Free wage laborers consumed the products of industrial manufacturers in large quantities while slave did not because they were too poor.

helped set stage for industrialization in Western Europe

French Revolution, Napoleonic wars

John Calvin

French lawyer who converted to Protestant Christianity; fled to Geneva, Switzerland where he established churchs in most prominently Netherlands and Scotland

When do Muslims worship?

Friday at noon

King of the four quarters of the world


Two Large cities in Harappan

Harappa; Mohenjo-Daro

Why did hunter/gatherers live in small groups

Hard to move with large groups; hard to feed large groups

Kingdom of Vijayanagar founded by

Harihara and Bukka

Collapse of Harsha's Kingdom

Harsha assassinated and left no heir

How did Werxes get his reputation

Harshly repressing rebellions

High point of Abbasid Dynasty

Harun al-Rashid

Why didn't Toussaint declare independence for Saint-Dominique from France?

He did not want to provoke Napoleon into attacking the island

Why didn't Cyrus launch campaign against Egypts?

He died

How did al-Ghazali feel about philosophy and human reasoning.

He held philosophy and human reasoning were vain pursuits that woould inevitably lead to confuscion rather than understanding.

How did Afonso d'Alboquerque seek to control Indian Ocean trade

He sought to by forcing merchant ships to purchase safe-conduct passes and present them at Portuguese trading posts.

Age of Alexander

Hellenistic Era

caused thirty years' war

Holy Roman emperor attempting to force his Bohemian subjects to return to the Roman Catholic church.

Odyssey and Illiad composed by


Learned to start/tend fire

Homo Erectus (upright-walking)

Fashioned clothes

Homo Sapiens

"Heavenly King"

Hong Xiuquan

led Taiping Rebellion

Hong Xiuquan

Indo-Europeans domesticated what?


When did the first shipment of African slaves go from west Africa directly to the Caribbean?

In 1518 the first shipment went.

How did the examination system encourage serious pursuits of a formal education?

It opened the door to honor, power, and rewards.

Where did early Bantu inhabit

Modern Nigeria and southern Cameroon

Author of Indika conveyed

Indianas were prosperous

Why did Locke believe rulers derived their authority from the consent of those whom they governed

Individuals voluntarily formed society and established government and if the subjects withdrew their concent they had the right to replace their rulers

Medes and Persians were

Indo-Europeans who migrated from central Asia to Persia

Harappan Society developed

Indus River Valley

Role of Mesopotamias Priests

Intervene with gods to ensure good fortune for society

Why couldn't Zhou control iron

Iron was cheaper and more widely distributed

religion most Turks converted to over long term


Scandinavians turned to

Islands of North Atlantic Ocean

Rulers of the Ethiopia's Solomonic dynasty claimed descent from

Israelite kings David and Solomon

Twelve tribes of Hebrew led by Moses


Renamed Constantinople


Turks renamed Constantinople


Ottoman capital city

Istanbul (Constantinople)

home front

It is the front of the people at their own houses and their own nations. It was citizens without uniform. It expressed the reality of the war hinged on how each nation mobilized its economy and activated its noncombatant citizens to support the war effort.

factory system

It is where there are a large number of workers under one roof to operate complicated machinery.

What did Renaissance refer to

It refers to a round of artistic and intellectual creativity that took place from the fourteenth to the sixteenth century and that reflected the continuing development of a sophisticated urban society, particualry in west Europe.

Doctrine of Lapse

It said that is an Indian ruler failed to produce a biological male heir to the throne, his territories lapsed to the company upon his death.

How long did the journey from Africa to the Americas take the slave ships?

It took four to six weeks.

Who was the most notable freed slave who drew attention to the abolitionist cause?

It was Olaudah Equianoo.

Spanish Armada

It was a huge flotilla consisting of 130 ships and 30,000 men sent by King Phillip of Spain to detrone the Protestant Queen Elizabeth. It failed however.

Hundred Years War

It was a protracted series of intermittent campaignd in which the warring factions sought control of lands in France. It was England vs. France.

Treaty of Tordesillas

It was a treaty that divided the world along the imaginary north-south line 370 keagues west of the Azores and Cape Verde Islands. It gave Spain all land west of the line not under Christian rule and gave Portugal all land east of the lands.

What caused relations between Portugal and the Kongo to deteriorate?

It was after Portuguese agents bagan to pursue opportunities south of Kongo.

Why was it more difficult for French and English missionaries to win converts

It was because they didn't conquer a settled population. The Native Americans frequently moved around the countryside. Also, they saw the Native Americans as inferior and didn't waste time converting.

Great Prince Ivan III

Ivan the Great

Pottery and decore craft made with (MesoAmerica)


Rape of Nanjing

Japanese soldier came in with a sense of racial superority and inflamed by war passion and raped many women in Nanjing and killed people

eventually became unchallenged dictator of Soviet Union after Lenin

Joseph Stalin

Date Gavrilo Princip assasinated the Archduke Ferdinand

June 28, 1914

principal Roman god


constructed Angkor Wat

Khmer kings

cosolidated Mongol rule in China


Which Khan took a special liking to Marco Polo

Khubilai Khan

first declined Columbus' plan to find alternate route to Asia

King of Portugal


King who temporarily unified India after Gupta Empire

Kingdom in Africa that established Christian foothold

Kingdom of Acum

Allowed mariners to sail safely and reliably to all parts of Indian Ocean

Knowledge of monsoon winds

Most tightly centralized of early Bantu kingdoms


Ghana's capital and principle trading site


Name given to Dona Marina in Mexican history

La malinche (the traitor)

Most slaves from Portugese worked as


The lake that Tenochtitlan located

Lake Texacoco

advantages of Tenochtitlan's location

Lake harbored plentiful supplies of fish, frogs, and waterfoul; lake enabled Mexica to develop Chinampa; lake served as natural defense on all sides

Ultimate Wealth in Ag. Society


How did human foragers reach New World, Oceania

Land Bridge

Mesopotamia Def.

Land between the rivers

Persians adopted idea of standardized coins from

Land of Lydia

Founder of Daoism


Earliedt Austronesian people to sail out into Pacific Ocean


What caused Xia to lose power to Shang

Last Xia king was oppresive despot; technological and bronze advancement

Lex Talionis

Law of Retaliation


Less formal Aryan language

Scripts used by Minoans

Linear A

Epic of Gilgamesh

Literature of mythology. Recounted tales of Gilgamesh and Enkidu

largest city in the world by 1900


Netherlands got republic after

Long struggle for independence

Why did intellectuals and young city-dwellers view the war with euphoria

Many of them long expected war and sw it a s a liberating release of pressure that would resolve the various political, social, and economic crises that have been building for years.

emerged as leader of the communist movement during Long March

Mao Zedong

Maffeo Polo's son

Marco Polo

best known long-distance traveler of Mongol time

Marco Polo

Soviets lifted Berline blockade in

May 1949

Germany surrender unconditionally

May 8, 1945

Earliest Heirs of Olmecs


What did the Jesuits use to increase Chinese curiosity?

Mechanical devices.

What gender dominated pastoal society


Patriarchal Society

Men dominated public life and made decisions

Bottom of Social ladder in Japan and China


Who fell under suspicion as greedy profiteers (Mesoamerica)

Merchants and artisans

Assyrians appointed officers by

Merit, skill, bravery (not birth)

Ways Islam entered India

Military, Muslim Merchants,, migration/invasion of Turkish-speaking peoples from Central Asia

Clan took power over Japan in mid-twelfth century


The Great Wall was a ____________________ dynasty project.


dynasty Hongwu established


dynasty that filled void in China after Mongols


King of Minoen



Modern France

five Iroquois nations

Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, Seneca

Main Religious idea after Moses


Women has more/less rights in Vietnam compared to China


Muslims worship in


Shang Yang

Most notable of legalists men active in politics

Where did most African slaves go to?

Most went to the plantations in the tropical and subtropical regions of the western hemisphere.

"Seal of the prophets" final prophet


Order of Rule of Islam

Muhammad-Abu Bakr-Umar- Uthman(murdered)=Ali(Shi'ah)/Mu'Awiyah(Sunni)

stopped Mongol expansion to southwest

Muslim forces from Egypt


Muslim religious warriers

Spread Sugarcane


Five Pillars of Islam

Muslims must acknowledge Allah as the onlly god and Muhammad as his prophet; pray to Allah five times daily while facing Mecca (ka'ba); observe a fast during daylight hours during month of Ramadan; contribute alms for weak and poor; Those who are physically and financially able must undertake the hajj and make at least one pilgrimage to Mecca.


Muslims who called Spain home

policies of religious tolerance unpopular among Muslims because

Muslims worried that they would lose their religious identity and that toleration might lead to their absorption into Hindu society as another caste

Important social and cultural changes that took place in Post-Han China

Nomadic People increasingly adapted to Chinese environment; Confucian tradition lost much of its credibility

Semitic Peoples

Nomatic Herders speaking language in Semitic family; often adapted Sumerian ways

Founded English monarchy


founders of English monarchy


Direction Nile flows



North Atlantic Treaty Organization

Where Russians focused expansion effots

Northeastern Eurasia

Korea support by

Northern Soviet zone, southern US zone

Kingdom of Kush

Nubia Kingdom



caused Napoleon's empire to begin to unravel

Napoleon's invasion of Russia

Chinese influence more prominent in Japan during

Nara period

Hitler made only legal political party in Germany

National Socialist Party

two groups contented for power as China worked towards national identity

Nationalist Party, Communist Party


Nationalist People's Party

Rabban Sauma

Nestorian Christian priest sent as an envoy to the pope from Mongols to see if Europe would help Mongols invade Muslim lands

declared he achieved "peace for our time" when he returned from the Munich conference in 1938

Neville Chamberlain

FDR's plan for economic recovery

New Deal

Marco Polo's father and uncle

Niccolo and uncle Maffeo

took power after Stalin

Nikita Khrushchev

Principal source of water flowing through North Africa

Nile River

Did women in Africa have strict rules and veils as in Persia


Meroitic Writing

Nubia script

Reason Russian government had less motivation to spread religion than the Spanish had

Once Siberians converted to Christianity they were exempt from providing fur tribute

How many barracks emperors are known to have died of natural causes



One god

How did the moralists portray the Chinese people?

One large family where family values were extended to the larger society.

Lady Fu Hao

One of 64 wives of Shang King Wu Ding. Ding's favorite consort; lavish tomb in the palace. Did many executive decisions


One of busiesr city-states on east African coast


One of earliest known neolithic villagge; site of oasis

Captain James Cook

One of the most important Pacific explorers who led three expeditions in the Pacific. He charted much of the Pacific

Where did the only slave revolt to abolish slavery take place?

Only in the French sugar colony of Saint-Domingue did it work. It lated became Haiti.

Who weighted hearts (egypt) to determine immortality


Leader of Ottoman



Party who supported Ali and descendants as Caliphs

Cyrus ruled from


The Abbasid dynasty used what empire's administration techniques


Empire Greek poleis came in conflict with

Persians Empire

Egyptian Kings


Socrates' disciple


Most important institution to restoring political order in Greece



Political domination in Maya

Alexander the Great left__________ in India

Political vacuum

Two most important Christian authorities in the early middle ages

Pope (bishop of Rome) and Patriarch of Constantinople

Most responsible for chanting independent course for the Roman church

Pope Gregory the 1st

launched crusades

Pope Urban II

Most prominent is search for fresh resources


country built earliest trading-post empire


country claimed Brazil as part of its empire


What European nation used its naval power to subdue many main Swahili trade cities?

Portugal subdued them.

Who dominated trade between Europe and Asia(ch.21)

Portugese merchants and mariners

rejected Columbus' proposal to sail westward to Asia before he gained sponsorship in Spain

Portuguese court

stable food in highlands of South America


Neolithic Crafts

Pottery, Metallergy, Textile Production


Practice where widow joined husband in death

Kingdom of Axum

Principle Christian trade port on the east coast of Africa


Principle food source of Mesoamerica

Oracle Bone

Principle instrument used by fortune-tellers; has the Chinese writing preserved

2 ways Persian people went to slavery

Prisoners of war, indebt men

Foundation of all Islamic empires

Productive agricultural economies

Role of Helots

Provide agriculture and supply Spartians with food.

Ways Siberians reacted to Russians

Readily accepted trade; resented the ever-demand for tribute and resisted

European Christendom

Region that never experienced political unity but adopted Christianity as the dominent source of cultural authority

Mansa Musa

Reigned during high point of Mali empire and supported Islam by making Hajj

Aristotle relied on _____ to sort out mysteries of world

Rely on senses for information and reason to sort mysteries

An Lushan

Revolt leader left Tang dynasty weak

Parthian topped by

Revolt within empire

What did seabourne trade in Indian Ocean benefit from

Rhythms of the monsoon winds

Most important veda

Rig Veda

church became prominent throughout French Indochina

Roman Catholic church

John of Montecorvino

Roman Catholic missionary who worked to convert China to Christianity

Served as representatives of the crown and reinforced civil administrators

Roman Catholic priests

Empire desired Indian peper so much it developed direct trade routes

Roman empire

family of tsars ruled Russis in 19th century



Semifree serfs

What were helots

Servants of the Spartian State

Tuthmosis 3

Several campaigns to dominate any threats

What did Dona Beatriz teach?

She taught that Jesus Christ had been a black African man,Kongo was the true holy land of Christianity,heaven was for Africans

Pre-existing religions in Japan

Shinto, neo-confucism, zeh buddhism

Founder of Buddhism

Siddhartha Gautama

Romans desired what from China


How did Buddhism come to China

Silk Road

dynasty prevented China from being taking over entire Korean peninsula


What stopped Macedonian campaign into India

Soldiers refused to travel farther from home.

British attacked this to try to relieve the pressure from the German attack at Verdun


which dynasty returned centralized rule to China after Tang


ultimate German target

Soviet Union

Conquered Phillipines


Why no Mayan books today?

Spanish burned them


State out of cycle of reincarnation. Deep, dreamless sleep that was permanent liberation from physical incarnation

Venus Figurines

Statues that promoted fertility

Society set up in Greek Poleis is what way?

Strict Patriarchal family structure

2 major canals build to allow naval vessels to travel between world's seas and oceans quicker

Suez and Panama

Most effective agents of conversion to Islam

Sufi Mystics

Who developed a navy to patrol the Niger River and protect trade interests?

Sunni Ali of Songhay

The majority of Muslims belong to the ____ sect


Yangzi River Valley

Supported more intensive agriculture, rice cultivation

Darwin's theory of evolution slogan

Survival of the fittest

Lenin in exile


divine faith (Islamic)

Syncretic religion that foucesed attention on emperor as ruler common to religious, ethnic, and social groups of India

Most prominent people in the Caribbean region

Taino; also known as Arawaks

Two clans that fought in Japan

Taira and Minamoto

Dynasty created equal-field system


Dynasty replaced Sui


Tang Dynasty second empire(best)

Tang Taizong

What did New Kingdom build

Temples, palaces, statues

unifier of Mongols


Capital of Mexica society


largest early city in Mesoamerica


gained as a result of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

Texas, California, new Mexico

two principal Mexica gods

Tezcatlipoca "smoking mirror" Quetzalcoatl "feathered serpant"

Russia's departure from the war meant what for Germany?

That they could concentrate its resources on the western front solely


The Australopithecus whose one of the best-known prehistoric individuals. Her body was well preserved with the sand and mud that covered her body. 40% of her skeleton was found.

"The Rubber People"

The Olmecs

What dynasty did the Manchus declare after the fall of the Ming dynasty?

The Qing


Vereenigde OostIndische Compagnie (United East Indian Company from Dutch)

What was the "Son of Heaven"?

The emperor was considered the "son of Heaven". It was the idea that they were human beings designated by heavenly powers to maintain order on earth.

Location og King Louis XIV palace


Manifest Destiny

The idea that the United States was destined even divinely ordained to expand across the North American continenet fron the Atlantic seaboard to the Pacific and beyond.

King Nebuchadnezzar

The king who gained Babylon rule again; lavished wealth on city


The order with humans, monkeys, gorillas, etc

What did the Portuguese call the kingdom of Ndongo?

They called it Angola.

Where did most African slaves come from?

They came from war captives.

Explain the relationship between the shogun and the emperor in Japanese government

The shogun ruled as a temporary stand-in for the emperor theoretically. In fact, the emperor was only a figurehead and the shogun sought to monopolize power.

Mesopotamia Rivers

Tigris and Euphrates

Beliefs about souls of departed ancestors Africans held

They believed that the suls of the departed ancestors had the power to intervene in the lives and experiences of their descendants: the departed could shape evens to the advantage of descendants who behaved properly and honored their ancestors and bring misfortune as punishment for evil behavior and neglect of their ancestors' memory.

Temple of the Giant Jaguar

Tikal stepped pyramid


Timur the Lame a Turkish who conqued Parts of Persia

Reason Austria-Hungary entered Central Powers

To help give them a free hand in pursuing their Baltic interest without fear of a Russia intervention

Gran Colombia broke into

Venezuela, Columbia, Ecuador

3rd leader to unify Japan

Tokugawa leyasu

The town of Edo is known as _____________________ today.


Chola kingdom in Southern India relied on


Treaty took Russia out of the Great War

Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

Pueblo and Navajo

Tribes of people in American southwest

Korea had a ____ relation with China


Chichen Itza

Tried to dampen hostile instincts and tried to make a larger political framework for Mayan

New religions emerged to meet needs of changing tomes(india)


T/F Polytheistic Arabs were threatened by Muhammad's monotheism


T/F Song Dynasty mistrusted military leaders and placed emphasis on civil administration, industry, education, and arts


T/F The Mongols resisted assimilation to Chinese Culture


world's first socialist society

Union of Soviet Socialist Republic

Joint-stock company formed by Dutch merchants

United East India Company

Dutch proclaimed themselves this after beating the Spanish for independence

United Provinces

lend-lease program between United States and Britain

United States "lent" destroyers and other war goods to the British in return for the lease of naval bases

principal players of the cold war

United States and Soviet Union

two new imperialist powers emerged at the end of the 19th century

United States, Japan

five permanent members of the UN

United States, Soviet Union, Great Britain, France, China


Universal soul and foundation of all living things


Upper Indus Valley that straddles modern India and Pakistan

Earliest cities developed where?

Valley of Tigris and Euphrates rivers

One problem common to China, Ottoman, Russian, and Tokugawa Japan

Weak Military

How was education made available to girls?

Wealthy familites engaged the services of tutors that gave education to girls.

What did the Portuguese trade with local interior authorities in exchange for slaves?

Weapons were traded.

Patterns established in two main cities (Harappan)

Weights and Measurements, Architectual styles, brick sizes

first to describe "iron curtain"

Winston Churchill

Veda means

Wisdom or knowledge

Gender that most convicted of being witches


Supervised domestic affairs in Rome


Catholic schools based curricula on

Writtings in Latin


Wrote writings to target Franch monarchy and Roman Catholic church

only women chinese emperor

Wu Zhao

Darius's successor


Ancient Chinese Dynasties

Xia, Shang, Zhou



Brought back unified rule to China in 6th century

Yang Jian

Founder of Sui Dynasty

Yang Jian

State of Chu

Yangzi state appeared in the late Zhou Dynasty

What city did Muhammad go to when he was forced to leave Mecca?

Yathrib (Medina)

Event leading to collapse of Han dynasty

Yellow Turban Uprising

Did India influence southeast Asia a lot


Did Olmecs have pyramids


Did members of age grades perform tasks appropriate for their level and form allies with each other


dynasty Khubilai Khan established



a ceremonical precinct and temple structure. It had several terranced floors with a rock or coral wall designating the boundaries of the sacred space. Pacific Islands used them to worship their gods.

results of the civil war on the United States

abolition of slavery, strengthening of the federal state

main use for airplanes during the Great War

aerial reconnaissance


agreements that exempted European visitors from ottoman law and provided European powers with extraterritoriality

(Legalist) foundation of state's strength

agriculture and armed forces

Economic foundation of Roman empire

agriculture production

Jainist most important principle


The Blitz

air war; attacks by Germans by raining bombs on cities

How did Americans and British react to blockade of Berlin

air-lift designed to keep West Berlin's inhabitant alive, fed, warm


alcoholic drink from animal products by fermenting mare's milk into a potent concoction

four noble truths

all life involves suffering, desire is reason for suffering, elimination fo desire stops suffering, disciplined lifewith the Noble Eightfold Path brings elimination of desire

How did equal-field system work

allocated land in individuals and family according to fertility and recipient's needs; one fifth was hereditary and rest avaliable for redistribution

By "tyrants" greeks meant

ambitious politicians who gained power by irregular means

centerpiece of Witte's industrial policy for Russia

ambitious program of railroad construction


anti-Jewish riots

Difference between democratic and republican form of government

democratic form is where all citizens participate in political affairs while a republican form is where deegates represented the interests of various constituencies

Imported Diseases took their worst tolls in

densely populated areas (such as Aztec, inca)

Reson Sui Tangdi's construction projects generated hostility

dependence on high taxes and forced labor

Nuremberg laws

deprived German Jews of their citizenship and prohibited secual intercource and marriage between Jews and other Germans

Characteristics involved in state-building in middle ages

development of fresh sources of finanace(taxes) and maintenance of large standing armies

What were "self-ringing bells"?

devices brought by Europeans; mechanical clocks.

According to Legend; who did Virgin Mary appear before in Mexico City

devout peasant Juan Diego

Why did guilds discourage competition and technological innovation

did not seek to realize profits as to protect the market and preserve their members' places in society

financial difficulties led to collapse of Yuan Dynasty

didn't maintain adequate reserves that backed up paper money

Why did Buddhism appeal to lower castes

didn't recognize social distinctions

Most Mongol conquests lost within a century

dificult to adjust to administrators

Why did the upper-class women wear veils

discourage men from other houses

discovery caused Caribbean to become an afterthought for the Spanish Empire

discovery of rich silver in Mexico and Peru

purpose of Wannsee Conference

discuss and coordinate implementation of final solution; to get rid of Jews

common denominator among various schools of art after Great war

disdain for realism and concern for freedom and expression


disease that claimed lots of victims and survivors gained immunity


disengagement from the competitive exertions and active involvment in affairs of the world (Daoism)

led to series of strikes and demonstrations in Petrograd in 1917

disintegrated armies, mutinies, food shortages

Pizarro arrived in Inca empire during

dispute between Huascar and Atahualpa


districts with prominent cities in Rome that were presided by Bishops

How did Catherine improve government efficientcy

dividing empire into fifty provinces, promoted economic development, worked to improve condition of serfs

Why first crusade quickly successful

division and disarray in ranks of Muslim foes

vertical organization

dominate all facets of a single industry

Kingdom of Chucuito

dominated highlands region around lake Titicca


domination of European powers

foundation of economic growth and social development in medieval Europe

dramatic increase in agricultural yields

purpose of Truman doctrine

draw battle lines of cold war; divided between free (democratic) and enslaved (communist); committed US to anti-communist

Freud held key to deepest recesses of human psyche



economic system where private parties make their goods and services available on a fresh market and seek to take advantage of market conditions to profit from their activities

Home to arts and theater in Japan

edo and Osaka

the "spark" that ignited the war between the states in the U.S.

election of Abraham Lincoln to the presidency in 1860


elite class determined by birth

main point of Russian reforms

emancipation of serfs

Prince Henry the Navigator

embarked on a series of campaigns to spread Christianity and increase Portuguese influence on the seas

third estate in old regime

embraced rest of population;24 million serfs, free peasants, urban residents from laborers, artisans, shopkeepers, physicians, bankers, and attorneys

Harapan concern for


Kebra Negast (Glory of Kings)

fictional work showed lineage of David and Solomon to kings of Ethiopia


fifth of the silver production that was reserved for the crown

Confucius believed best way to promote good government

fill positions with individuals who were both well educated and extraordinary conscientious

two problems developed due to Song administration

financial, military

Mandated use of common script throughout China

first emperor(qin)

Twelve Tables

first set og laws; framework for Roman social order

length of cold war

five decades

spread plague from one victim to another


how did high incomes foster economic development?

flourishing markets, encouraged entrepenuers to counteract high wages and labor scarcity by inventing labor-saving technologies

How long did Caesar claim dictator title?

for life

What did the Japanese government do to control foreign relations?

forbade Japanese from going abroad on pain of death,prohibited construction of large ships,expelled Europeans from Japan,prohibited foreign merchants from trading in Japanese ports,forbade import of foreign books

economic development in Ottoman Empire dependent on

foreign loans

led Congress of Vienna

foreign prime minister of Austria, Prince Klemens von Metternich


forest dwellers of central Africa


form of government where delegates represented the interests of various constituencies

Number of People Jacobins executed w/ guillotine between 1793-1794

forty thousand people

# wives a man can have


second estate in old regime

four hundred thousand nobles


four officials that administer roman empire(one emperor and lieutentent per half of Romnan empire)

Wilson's plan for a just and enduring postwar peace settlement called

fourteen points

Emancipation Proclamation

freed slaves in those states that had rebelled

How did US respond to Japanese invasion of French Indochina?

freezing Japanese assets in the United States and by imposing complete embargo on oil

WWhy didn't Charles V not extend his authority throughout Europe

he had to devote his attention and energy to the Luthern movement and to imperial princes who took advantage of the religious controversy to assert their independence. Also he didn't have ambition to extend military. He didn't build a massive administrative center but let lands keep their laws and customs; also foreign challenges

Why did Aurangzeb break with Akbar's policy of religious toleration

he was devout Muslim which saw Islam as exclusive

What allowed Alexander the Great to beat Persian military

heavier arms and more sophisticated military tactics

Reason for fall of Sui

high taxes and forces labor

Manichaeism promoted

highly ascetic lifestyle, breif struggle between the forces of good and evil, possibility of individual salvation, and a strict moral code of behavior

Thervada Buddhism

hinayana"lesser vehicle" older stricter buddhism

Justinian'z most significant political contribution

his codification of Roman law

What did Ashoka write in his rock and pillar edicts?

his policies and decrees

Tamerlanes empire dissolved by

his sons got into conquest from loose organization

Justinian ruled with

his wife, Theodora


holy rituals that bring spiritual blessings on observants


holy scripture of Isrealites; Hebrew for doctrine or teaching


holy war

Why did Hindus in lower castes convert to Islam

hoped to escape discrimination by converting to a faith that recognized equality

Reason Lenin was sent back to Russia

hoping that this committed antiwar activist would stir up trouble and bring about Russia's withdrawal from the war

only thing Gaucho needed to survive


Made it possible for European farmers to increase amount of land they work

horseshoe and horse collar

_____ system to control daimyos


What were Samurai given in exchange for police and military services

huge agricultural surplus and labor services of peasants


human beings who led such exemplary lives that God held them in special esteem.

most destructive violence in early modern Europe apart from wars

hunt for witches

Roosevelt Corollary

it exerted the U.S. right to intervene in the domestic affairs of nations within the hemisphere if they demonstrated an inability to maintain security deemed unnecessary to protect U.S. investments

North's view on succession

illegal insurrection and act of betrayal

mandarins -

imperial officers who traveled throughout the land and oversaw implementation of government policies

Inca administration

implemented taxes to support Inca; organized system of state-owned storehouses to stock agriculture surplus and craft products; also began extensive road networks


importance in morals, education, hierarchial order.

Lamaist Buddhism recognized Mongol khans as

incarnations of the Buddha

determined degree of comfort and security offered by city life


Economic growth in Jpan with

increased agricultural production

What did economic growth in Japan have its roots in?

increased agricultural production

allowed rapid population expansion in China

increased agricultural production

how did biological exchanges enlarge pop.

increased food supples and richer diets (new food traded to new parts of world)

How did Portuguese traders change the nature of the slave trade

increased its volume and sent slaves to new destinations

did Axum communicate with the larger Christian world or stay independent


major source of labor for the haciendas

indigenous population

Tokugawa did this to Christians

persecuted them.

How did rulers of 3 empires regard their holdings

personal possessions by right of conquest


philoshers of Hellenistic who believed pleasure as the greatest good. quiet satisfaction

Reasons impossible to follow development of Harappan

physical remain underwater; can't decipher writing

Maya writing



piests offered ritual meal commemoration Jesus' last meal with disciples before his death

How was theme system organized

placing an imperial province under the authority of a general who assumed responsibility for both its military defense and its civil administration

Early goal of Ghaznavids campaigns


slavic peoples



policy where emperor not only ruled as secular lord but also played prominent role in religious affairs

Roman Forum

political and civic center filled with temples and public buildings where leading citizens tended to government buisness

English civil war

political and religious disputes between kings and parliament

Qing and Ming dynasties favored _____ over technological innovation

political and social stability

why did German industrialization proceed slowly

political instability resulting from competition between many German states


political movement that holds that the Jewish people constitute a nation and have the right to their own national homeland

What forms did Europeans work to bring "civilization" to their subject peoples

political order and social stability

How did Roman administrators interpret Jesus' teachings about kingdom of God

political overtones of a threat

Reasons it was crucial to maintain colonies if they are not economically successful

political reasons, military reasons

According to educated subjects of Ottoman, biggest problem facing the empire

political structure that vested unchecked power in the sultan

led to conflict between Bantu villages

population growth strained resources with few lands avaliable for migrant to settle

Reason for Greeks colonizing other parts

population pressure

society of Etruscans ruled by

powerful kings

greatest attraction of the Americas from the Spanish perspectice

precious metals


preserver of world; god who observed universe from heavens and occasionally entered human form to resist evil or communicate tachings

Invading Huns contributed to the fall of the western Roman empire by

pressing the Germanic peoples into the western Roman empire

led to reassessment of US foreign policy in Latin America during the late 1920s and 1930s

pressure of Great Depression, instability of global politics

Ming government worked to

prevent Chinese subjects from dealing w/foreign peoples

Delian league created to

prevent further Persian invasion

new tech. that benefited Luther's cause

printing press

Played a role in French and English colonial efforts

private investors

Joint-stock companies were

privately owned

Rapid population growth drove

process of equally rapid urbanization


process that transformed agrarian and handicraft-centered economies distinguished by industry and machiene manufacture

How did the powerful eunuchs win the favor of the later Ming emperors?

procuring concubines for them,providing for their amusement

What did Portuguese concentrate their efforts in Brazil on

production and export of sugar


professional singers and storytellers in Africa

Financed powerful Chola navy

profits from trade in Indian Ocean

Why did Hindus embrace new cults

promised salvation

Why did Ethiopian Christians carry amulets or charms

protection against menacing spirits.

May Fourth Movement

protests against foriegn, Japanese, interference

St. Scholastica

provided guidance for the religious lives of women living in convents

Keynes thought government providing public work projects would ease depression by

provinding jobs

Hideyoshi did what to unify Japan

punished those who betrayed Nobunga, using military power and diplomacy made alliances with remaining daimyos & became military master

Color reserved for imperial use only


According to Cicero, highest public duty of each individual

pursuit of justice

stock bought "on margin"

putting up as little as 3 percent of a stock's price in cash and borrowing the remainder from brokers and banks or by mortgaging their homes.

Where did Hitler make the French sign armistice after German invasion of France in WW2


effects machine production had on economics

raised worker productivity, encouraged economic specialization, promoted the growth of large-scale enterprise

industrial society encouraged women to (by late 19th century)

raising children, managment of home, preservation of traditional family values

How did England get new sources of taxes

raising fines and fees for royal services

those who fought

ranks of nobles with education focused on military art

transformed Japan into a major imperial power

rapid industrialization

caused equal-field system to start to break down

rapidly rising population place pressure on avaliable land and bribes and Buddhist monasteries took some land out of the system all together.

President Lincoln's primary aim during the Civil War

restoration of the union

After Wang Mang usurped the throne of the Han he attempted to

restore land that had been taken from the royal family

How did the governments maintain the spirit of the home front and counter threats to national unity

restriction of civil liberties, censorship of bad news, and vilification of the enemy through propoganda campaigns.

according to declaration of independence, what right do the people have if the government infringes on ind. rights

right to alter or abolish it, and institute new government


ritual prostration in which subordinates knelt before the emperor and touched their foreheads to the ground

first steam-powered locomotive


Iberian exploration by

royal government support


ruled at height of Qing dynastu

main classes in Inca society

rulers, aristocrats, priests, and peasant cultivatos

social classes deveolped in complex African societies

ruling elites, military nobles, administrative officials, religious authorities, wealthy merchants, artisans, buisness entrepreneurs, common people, peasants, slaves

factors provided a large supply of cheap labor for growing factories

rural overpopulation, declining job opportunities, and financial difficulties of small farmers

Slash-and-burn cultivation

sLASH BARK OR TREE, BURN TREE TO GROUND, made fertile weed-free patch

Issues that embassies to Baghdad dealt with

safety of Christian pilgrims, his relationship with Muslim neighbors, policy towards Byzantine empire

(Ramanuja) where did genuine bliss come from

salvation and identification of individuals with their gods

Only people allowed to serve in military and hold gov; jobs(japan)

samurai,upper nobility

Bhagavad Gita

sanskrit for "The Lord's Song"

Why might have Ashoka seen Buddhism as appealing

saw it as faith that could unify his culturally diverse and far-flung realm


sayings attributed to Muhmmad and accounts of the prophets deeds


scholars interested in humanities-literature, history, and moral philosophy

motives prompted Europeans to explore the world's oceans

search for basic resources and lands suitable for cultivation of cash crops, desire to establish new trade routes to Asian markets, and aspiration to expand influence of Christianity

Second Reich

second Germn Empire,following Holy Roman Empire

complicated dquest for independence from Britain rule in India

secretarian differences between Hindu and Muslims

Which kind of courts condemned and executed the vast majority of witches


What did Martin Luther attack

the sale of indulgences (excused ind. From doing penance for their sins) as an individual

Why were social lives of Arab women put under strict control of their male guardians

to ensure legitimacy of heirs.

Why did the 12th imam go into hiding

to escape persecution

Jewish people didn't get along with imperial regimes because

they had difficulty recognizing emperors as divine

Why did steamships and railroads lower transportation costs?

they had the capacity to carry huge cargoes

Why did Spanish and Portuguese men so readily enter into relationships with indigenous and African women

they readily did so because there were so few European women avaliable in the Americas

Why didn't European mariners make an effort to establish permanent settlements in Australia

they reported there were no reasons to make an effort in Australia

Why didn't Confucius address religious questions?

they thought it was beyong the capacity of moral human intelligence

Why did Mesoamerican peoples practice human sacrifices

they thought it was essential to world's survival. It was devotion to war god Huitzilopochtili who needed human sacrifice to remain pleased

Most destructive European conflict before world War II

thirty years' war

line divided Korea

thirty-eighth parallel of longitude


those born in Americas of Iberian parents


those who came from the Iberian peninsula

those who worked

those who cultivated as peasants on land dependent on lords

Under ancient regime/old regime in France; how many estates


Describe the kowtow.

three kneelings and nine head knockings

how did early Bantu peoples mostly govern themselves

through family and kinship groups

Akbar took power by

throwing Adham Khan, commander of the Mughal army, out the window twice

monsoon winds in Indian Ocean

tied southeast Asia, India, Arabia, and east Africa together in a maritime trade route

Railroad Time

time where all railroad clocks read precisely the same time in the four North American "zones"

Japan's economy was similar

to China during their commercial revolution

(Middle Kingdom) what responsibility did China have?

to bring order to subordinate lands through a system of tributary relationships.

What did charters grant trading companies the rights to do

to buy, to sell, build trading posts, to make war in companies' interests

Mendicants wanted

to champion spiritual over materialistic values

goal of trusts and cartels

to control supply of a product and hence its price in the marketplace

Hopeful goal of the blockades

to deny food to populations hoping that a starving mass would force their government to capitulate

Why did settler kill hundred of thouands of bison

to destroy the economy of the Plains Indians and to destroy the native cultural tradtions

purpose of the Berlin West Africa Conference

to devise the ground rules for the colonization of Africa

WEWhy did women wear veils (islam)

to discourage attention of men from other households

Capitalism emerged

with active support of government authorities who saw capitalism best suited to their individual and collective interests

why did unemployment initially affect women less than men

women made 2/3-3/4 salary of men for same work

Why was the Tale of Genji written in Japanese and not Chinese

women rarely recieved formal Chinese style education (women writer)

product manufacturing concentrated on (medieval europe)

wool textiles

Jati often took forms of

workers' guilds

How did slaves resist their owners?

working slowly for their masters, sabotaged plantation equiptment or work routines, running away from a plantation community


worship in spirits in nature, national religion w/emperor divine

Confucian moralists saw armed forces as

wretched but necessary evil

Did Europe develop more superior military technology than Asia because of competing states


Later crusades after the first weren't as successful


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