bio ch 8 & 9

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Place the four stages of the thylakoid reactions in the correct order starting with the first stage at the top.

1. primary photoevent 2. charge separation 3. electron transport 4. chemiosmosis

Consider the net equation that describes the Calvin cycle. How many NADPH are needed to synthesize the two net G3P molecules that can be used to make a glucose molecule?


How many different types of photosystems are found in chloroplasts?


How many types of photosystems are found in chloroplasts?


Typically, it is considered that the net gain of the Calvin cycle is(are) ________ molecule(s) of G3P.


How many molecules of CO2 need to be bound to molecules of RuBP to produce 12 molecules of PGA in the Calvin cycle?


In the Calvin cycle, _______ molecules of CO2 are bound to the same number of RuBP molecules to produce 12 molecules of PGA.


Which of the following are parts of a chlorophyll molecule?

A porphyrin ring A hydrocarbon tail

The electron transport chain directly associated with photosystem II is used to generate __, while the electron transport chain directly associated with photosystem I is used to generate __.


How does the structure of chlorophyll enable its photosynthetic function?

An electron can be delocalized across the porphyrin ring, allowing it to absorb energy.

Which of the following organisms have only one photosystem?

Anoxygenic bacteria

Why is the Calvin cycle also known as C3 photosynthesis?

Because the first molecule in the cycle has 3 carbon atoms.

According to the generalized equation for photosynthesis proposed by van Niel, CO2 + 2H2A + light energy yields which of the following?

CH2O + H2O + 2A

What molecule is released during photorespiration?

Carbon dioxide

Oxygenic photosynthesis is found in cyanobacteria, seven groups of algae, and essentially all land plants.

Carbon fixation involves using the protons and electrons generated by the splitting of what molecule to convert CO2 into organic matter?

Which of the following pairs is matched incorrectly?

Chlorophyll b:main photosynthetic pigment in plants.

What is transferred out of the reaction center?

Excited electrons.

Which photosystem's main function is to generate high-energy electrons for the synthesis of ATP?

Photosystem II

Which of the following are phases of the Calvin cycle?

Regeneration of ribulose bisphosphate Carbon fixation Reduction and carbohydrate production

What is ultimately the main source of energy for almost all living cells on Earth?

The Sun

True or false: Glucose is the primary output of the Calvin cycle.

The primary output of the Calvin Cycle is G3P. Two molecules of G3P can then be used to make glucose.

Which of these statements are true about the relationship between photosynthesis and cell respiration?

The products of cell respiration are the reactants of photosynthesis. The products of photosynthesis are the reactants of cell respiration.

Which of the following is an accurate description of carotenoids?

They are made of carbon rings connected to carbon chains with alternating single and double bonds.

The production of one molecule of O2 during photosynthesis requires how many chlorophyll molecules?


A photon of light has properties of both

a particle and a wave.

Chlorophyll _______ is the main photosynthetic pigment in plants as it converts light energy into chemical energy; chlorophyll _______ acts as an accessory pigment.

a; b

In plants, each photosystem is a network of chlorophyll ________ molecules, accessory ______ and associated proteins.

a; pigments

A graph depicting the efficiency of photon absorption by a pigment molecule as a function of photon wavelength is known as the

absorption spectrum of the pigment

Photophosphorylation produces _________, which stores chemical energy that can be used for the Calvin cycle. Carbon fixation also requires reducing power, which is provided by __________ produced by photosystem I.

atp; nadph

The ATP needed in the Calvin cycle comes from

both cyclic and noncyclic photophosphorylation

The light-_______ reactions of photosynthesis occur on membranes.


In the reaction center, excited _______ (is)are transferred out of the photosystem.


In the visible spectrum, light energy may be absorbed by boosting _______ to higher atomic energy levels, sometimes called energy shells.


In the light-harvesting complex of the chloroplast, it is excitation ________, not the electrons themselves, that pass from one pigment molecule to the next.


The ATP synthases of chloroplasts and mitochondria are

evolutionary related

True or false: The mechanism of ATP synthesis in the ATP synthase of chloroplasts is fundamentally different from the one used in the ATP synthase of mitochondria.


True or false: The light-dependent reactions of photosynthesizing bacteria take place in the chloroplasts.

false, bacteria do not have chloroplasts

The process in which electrons from water move through PSII and PSI and ultimately to NADPH is also known as ________ photophosphorylation.


In chloroplasts, electrons ejected from the photosystems do not return to them, which is known as

noncyclic photophosphorylation.

Anoxygenic bacteria have how many photosystems?


For an electron to absorb light energy, it must absorb a(n) ________ that contains enough energy to overcome the energy difference between the orbital the electron is in, and the one to which it will be boosted.


The enzyme rubisco has more than one activity. Because of this, most plants also perform ________, which consumes oxygen and liberates carbon dioxide. This process can lower the net benefit from photosynthesis.


In all photosynthetic organisms studied to date, except one class of photosynthetic bacteria, light is captured by clusters of chlorophyll and accessory pigment molecules, which together are called


Almost all photosynthetic organisms capture light using


In a chlorophyll molecule, an excited electron can follow a path around several atoms in the ______ ring, meaning it is delocalized, and thus able to absorb light energy.


Recent studies with the atomic force microscope have shown that PSI and the ATP synthase are not randomly distributed in thylakoid membranes, rather, they seem concentrated

primarily in the connections between grana (the stroma lamellae).

The first stage of the thylakoid (or light-dependent) reactions is the

primary photoevent

The reaction center in chloroplasts is a transmembrane ________pigment complex.


In a photosystem, chlorophyll a molecules are found in a matrix of


A leaf that appears to be green to the human eye contains pigment molecules that are

reflecting green light

The range and efficiency of photons that a pigment molecule is capable of absorbing constitute its characteristic absorption


When photosynthesis results in the accumulation of G3P in the stroma faster, the G3P is used to make glucose 1-P which is then used to make

starch grains

During times of intensive photosynthesis, chloroplast can store glucose in the form of

starch grains.

In hot, arid conditions, specialized openings in the leaf called ________ close to conserve water, cutting off the supply of carbon dioxide entering the leaf.


Most plants transport the fixed carbon in the form of the transport sugar


Once a photon is captured by the light harvesting complex, the pigments in it transfer

the energy of excited electrons but not electrons themselves.

In bacteria, light-dependent reactions take place in which of the following?

the plasma membrane

In the Fall, aspen leaves change from a green color to a lovely yellow color. Seasonal color changes in a leaf happen because

the quantity of chlorophyll in a leaf declines, unmasking the carotenoids.

The inner (internal) membrane of the chloroplast is also called the ________ membrane.


The internal membrane of the chloroplast is also known as the

thylakoid membrane.

Jan Baptista _____ _______performed an experiment for which he grew a willow tree in a pot for several years, during which time he kept an exact record of changes in the weight of the soil.

van helmont

Which of the following wavelengths of light are preferentially absorbed by chlorophyll molecules?

violet blue and red

How is the reaction center positioned in the membrane?

It is a transmembrane complex.

Which of the following represent the phases of the Calvin cycle?

(1) carbon fixation; (2) reduction and carbohydrate production; (3) regeneration of ribulose bisphosphate

Which of the following is the primary output of the Calvin cycle?


Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate formed during the Calvin cycle is an important compound in which of the following stages of cell respiration?


In van Niel's generalized equation of photosynthesis, which of the following is the donor of electrons?


Carbon fixation involves using the protons and electrons generated by the splitting of what molecule to convert CO2 into organic matter?


Which of the following describes van Helmont's experiment?

He grew a willow in a pot keeping an exact record of the weight of the soil and the tree over several years.

When you take into account the net equation of the Calvin cycle, how many ATP molecules are needed to synthesize two G3P molecules?

In order to produce 2 G3P molecules in the Calvin cycle, 12 molecules of NADPH are needed, as well as 18 molecules of ATP.

According to recent studies, where are PSII and the b6-f complexes located?

In the grana and in borders between the grana and the stroma lamellae

Where do the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis occur in the chloroplast?

In the thylakoid membrane.

Plants that only fix carbon using the Calvin cycle are also known as __________ plants


The Calvin cycle is also known as _______ photosynthesis because the first intermediate of the cycle contains three carbon atoms.


van Niel introduced the term ______ _______ to denote the process of converting CO2into organic matter using the electrons and protons resulting from the splitting of water.

carbon fixation

________ are accessory photosynthetic pigments that consist of carbon rings linked to chains with alternating single and double bonds.


The two most important classes of pigments in chloroplasts are chlorophylls and


______are accessory photosynthetic pigments that consist of carbon rings linked to chains with alternating single and double bonds.


In photosynthesis, ________ molecules preferentially absorb violet-blue and red light.


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