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Carrying capacity is _____. the maximum population size that a particular environment can support the term used to describe the stress a population undergoes due to limited resources fixed for most species over most of their range most of the time seldom reached by marine producers and consumers because of the vast resources of the ocean determined by density and dispersion data


Imagine that you are managing a large game ranch. You know from historical accounts that a species of deer used to live there, but they have been extirpated. After doing some research to determine what might be an appropriately sized founding population, you reintroduce them. You then watch the population increase for several generations, and graph the number of individuals (vertical axis) against the number of generations (horizontal axis). With no natural predators impacting the population, the graph will likely appear as _____. a "J," increasing with each generation an "S" that ends with a vertical line an upside-down "U" a diagonal line, getting higher with each generation


In Canada in 2010, people between the ages of 45 and 54 made up the largest percentage of the population. What factor is most likely to have caused this bulge in the age pyramid? a surge in the birth rate after World War II ended in 1945 the increased availability of oral contraceptives in the 1950s and 1960s an increase in the death rate during World War I and the influenza epidemic of 1917 a decline in the birth rate during the Great Depression of the 1930s


The colors of the bars on the graphs indicate the life stage of the people in that age class. What does it mean if a bar is colored blue? (middle of pyramid) The people in that age class are of reproductive age. The people in that age class are past reproductive age. The answer cannot be determined from the graphs. The people in that age class have not yet reached reproductive age.


What would happen to the seasons if the Earth were tilted 35 degrees off its orbital plane instead of the usual 23.5 degrees? Winters and summers would be more severe. Winters and summers would be less severe. The seasons would disappear. The seasons would be shorter.


You observe two female fish of the same species breeding. One female lays 100 eggs and the other female lays 1000 eggs. Which one of the following is LEAST likely given the limits of fitness trade-offs? The eggs from the female laying 1000 eggs have larger yolks than the yolks of the eggs from the female laying 100 eggs. The female laying 100 eggs breeds more often than the female laying 1000 eggs. The female laying 1000 eggs is larger than the female laying 100 eggs. The female laying 100 eggs lives longer than the female laying 1000 eggs.


Which events would cause an increase in K? a main competitor for food is eliminated, increasing food availability wetlands are drained, decreasing the amount of available water offspring live longer an abandoned building creates more nesting areas a parking lot is built, shrinking the habitat a species with the same food requirements is introduced

A and D

In the lizard species L. vivipara, most females from the colder, mountainous part of the range live much longer than do individuals from warmer, lowland regions. Compared to the lowlands, what life-history trait is expected in lizards living in the mountains? See Section 51.2(Page 1073) . Decreased fecundity Equivalent fecundity Increased fecundity

A; Due to fitness trade-offs, the mountain population must strike a balance between survivorship and fecundity. Therefore, the mountain population exhibits higher survivorship but lower fecundity than lowland populations.

Which of the following best illustrates the order of events that occur during a viral infection? See Section 33.2 (Page 686). (1) entry; (2) transcription; (3) production of viral proteins; (4) replication of viral genome; (5) assembly of new virions (1) entry; (2) replication of viral genome; (3) production of viral proteins; (4) transcription; (5) assembly of new virions (1) entry; (2) replication of viral genome; (3) transcription; (4) production of viral proteins; (5) assembly of new virions (1) entry; (2) production of viral proteins; (3) replication of viral genome; (4) transcription; (5) assembly of new virions

A; For several viruses, transcription of the genome and assembly of viral proteins is required before the viral genome can be copied and packaged into new virions.

Which of these organisms has a survivorship curve similar to that of oysters? grasses humans robins elephantscats

A; Grasses, like oysters, have a relatively high mortality rate early in their life span, after which the mortality rate decreases.

Which of the following groups of organisms is among the most abundant on Earth? See Section 26.1 (Page 520). bacteria protozoa primates insects

A; In terms of cell numbers, bacteria far surpass any of the other organisms listed.

What is the significance of the Wallace line? See Section 49.2 (Page 1032). It divides two geographic regions that Wallace realized had quite different biota. It traced the journeys of Alfred Wallace, the first human credited with acting as an artificial dispersal agent for fauna. The Wallace line marks a geographical separation that Wallace inferred from DNA evidence. It demarcates where North American species leave off and Central and South American species begin.

A; It turns out that a deep-sea trench has kept Asia and Australia separated.

The lytic cycle is distinguished from lysogeny based upon which of the following? See Section 33.2 (Page 686). The lytic cycle kills the host, and lysogeny keeps the host alive. The lytic cycle releases viruses by bursting the cell, while lysogeny releases them by budding. Lysogeny occurs in a virus with an envelope and the lytic cycle occurs in naked (non-enveloped) viruses. The lytic cycle results in the incorporation of the viral DNA into the cell's genome, while lysogeny does not.

A; Once a virus enters lysogeny, viral gene expression is shut down and the host survives. Viruses in a lytic cycle kill the host when progeny virus particles burst through (i.e., lyse) the cells.

Which of these was the third of the major events that stimulated an increase in the size of the human population? the discovery of vaccines and the discovery of antibiotics the discovery of antibiotics the discovery of vaccines the Industrial Revolution the advent of agriculture

A; The advent of modern medicine is the third and most recent of the events listed here that have stimulated an increase in the population size of humans.

Which of these organisms has a survivorship curve similar to that of humans? elephants cats oysters grasses robins

A; The mortality rate of elephants, like that of humans, remains relatively low for much of their life span and then dramatically increases for older individuals.

What would happen to the range of cattle if the tsetse fly was eradicated? See Section 49.2 (Page 1032). Expand into the regions where the fly is now common Shrink and then go extinct Expand into regions currently not occupied by the fly No change in range

A; The tsetse fly appears to be preventing the cattle from establishing in this range.

Which of the following statements about Hadley cells is true? As warm air rises, air at the top of the atmosphere is pushed poleward and cools. The moisture in cool air condenses into clouds and precipitates because cool air holds more moisture than warm air. Warm air begins to cool as it starts to sink at about 30° North and South latitude. Warm air expands and rises from the surface of the atmosphere around the poles.

A; This cool air causes the cooler climates away from the equator.

Zootoca vivipara lizards maintain feeding and mating territories within their range. Based on these facts, what would you conclude? See Section 51.1 (Page 1072). Zootoca vivipara are likely uniformly distributed within their range. Zootoca vivipara are likely clumped in distribution within their range. Zootoca vivipara are likely haphazardly distributed within their range. Zootoca vivipara are likely randomly distributed within their range.

A; When negative interactions occur among individuals, such as competition for space and resources due to territoriality, uniform distributions typically result.

Oyster populations are primarily, if not exclusively, composed of adults prereproductive oysters larvae larval and juvenile oysters juveniles

A; Young oysters have a very high mortality rate; older oysters have a much lower mortality rate. Thus, most oyster populations consist primarily of older individuals.

How do you calculate the net reproductive rate (R0) for this population?

Add up all the values in the lxbx column (survivorship x fecundity) -> average number of offspring produced per female of age X

In the accompanying figure, which of the lines represents exponential growth?

All of the lines represent exponential growth; as long as it is J-shaped

Which of the following student-drawn niche models for a species of butterfly represents the most narrow tolerance of temperature?

At low temperatures, the number of individuals is very low. The number of individuals does not increase until moderate temperatures are reached, at which point the number of individuals is very high. As the temperature increases further, the number of individuals quickly decreases. This results in a graph line with a narrower peak than the other graphs shown.

Assuming that these populations are density dependent, what would be the likely outcome if the system depicted in the figure were allowed to continue? Populations would go extinct. Population growth would likely decrease. Population growth would continue to be discontinuous. Individual growth would continue to be indeterminate.


If the Earth were to reorient such that the North Pole always received direct sunlight (always faced the Sun), how would that change Earth's climate? The equators would get warmer. The South Pole would get colder. The equators would not change in climate. The North Pole would get more wind.


Random spacing patterns in plants such as the creosote bush are most often associated with the concentration of nutrients within the population's range chance the random distribution of seeds patterns of high humidity competitive interaction between individuals of the same population


Theoretically, which would be the most effective way to disrupt a Hadley cell? Extensively water the deserts. Remove all equatorial moisture and convection. Shift the Sun to apply direct rays 30 degrees south latitude. Heat the poles.


What are the two major factors determining the distribution of terrestrial biomes? temperature and light temperature and rainfall light and rainfall plants and animals temperature and plants


Which of these was the second of the major events that stimulated an increase in the size of the human population? the advent of agriculture the Industrial Revolution the discovery of vaccines the bubonic plague the discovery of antibiotics


Which events would cause a decrease in K? a main competitor for food is eliminated, increasing food availability wetlands are drained, decreasing the amount of available water offspring live longer an abandoned building creates more nesting areas a parking lot is built, shrinking the habitat a species with the same food requirements is introduced

B, E, F

What distinguishes bacteria from archaea? See Section 26.1 (Page 520). Only bacteria lack a membrane-bound nucleus to house the genetic material. Only bacteria have peptidoglycan in their cell walls. Only bacteria are unicellular. Only bacteria contain a circular chromosome.

B; Bacteria and archaea share many similarities, but only bacteria have peptidoglycan-containing cell walls.

Biomes are major groupings of plant and animal communities that are defined by _____. See Section 49.4 (Page 1040). weather dominant vegetation type altitude net primary productivity

B; Biomes are defined by distinct abiotic characteristics and dominant types of vegetation.

Which of these is the largest terrestrial biome on Earth? tundra coniferous forest temperate broadleaf forest temperate grassland desert

B; Coniferous forests are the largest terrestrial biome on Earth. However, as a result of logging, they are disappearing at a very rapid rate.

Why does it take eight 8 to twelve 12 years for clinical signs of AIDS to appear? See Section 33.3 (Page 695). One must be infected several times prior to contracting AIDS. The decline in helper T cells takes place over a long period of time. HIV has a slow replication rate. It actually only takes two years for clinical signs to appear.

B; HIV causes cell death, and it takes time for a sufficient reduction in immune response for AIDS symptoms to appear.

Which location on Earth receives the most solar radiation per unit area? South Pole. Equator 30° North and South latitude. North Pole

B; The equator receives the most solar radiation per unit area because sunlight arrives almost perpendicular to Earth's surface there.

Which of these species typically has a mortality rate that remains fairly constant over an individual's life span? elephants robins oysters grasses humans

B; The mortality rate of robins remains relatively constant throughout their life span.

Conservationists will take snow geese off the endangered species list when the population hits 10,000. If populations are sustaining growth at r = 0.088 and the population in 2001 is 3000 individuals, in what year will snow geese be taken off the endangered species list? between 2009 and 2012 between 2012 and 2015 between 2106 and 2109 between 2015 and 2018

B; use the exponential growth for continuous breeding populations equation: Nt = Noe^rt 10000 = 3000 e^(0.088)(t) ln3.33 = 0.088t t = 13.68 yrs -> 2001 + 13.68 -> between 2012 and 2015

Assuming that current trends continue, predict how the age structure of Canada in 2030 will likely differ from that in 2010 (2010 structure shows decreasing exponential growth). The proportion of the population made up of children (ages 0-15) will increase. The proportion of the population made up of adults of reproductive age will increase. The proportion of the population made up of older adults (65+) will increase. The answer cannot be determined from the graph.


Broad-spectrum antibiotics inhibit the growth of most intestinal bacteria. Consequently, assuming that nothing is done to counter the reduction of intestinal bacteria, a hospital patient who is receiving broad-spectrum antibiotics is most likely to become ________. unable to synthesize peptidoglycan unable to fix carbon dioxide deficient in certain vitamins and nutrients unable to fix nitrogen antibiotic-resistant


Chemicals, secreted by soil fungi, which inhibit the growth of bacteria, are known as _____. antigens aflatoxins antibiotics antibodies hallucinogens


During exponential growth, a population always _____. cycles through time quickly reaches its carrying capacity grows at its maximum per capita rate grows by thousands of individuals loses some individuals to emigration


In the figure above, which direction will have a rain shadow? (figure shows moisture air blowing onshore from Pacific Ocean on the west side; dry air creating desert conditions on the east side) South North East West Both West and East


Often the growth cycle of one population has an effect on the cycle of another. As moose populations increase, for example, wolf populations also increase. Thus, if we are considering the logistic equation for the wolf population, ΔN/Δt=rN (K−N)/K , which of the factors accounts for the effect of the moose population? dt rN K r N


The accompanying graph shows data from a research study designed to test the hypothesis that both abiotic and biotic factors can affect the distribution of invasive Argentine ants. Using the graph, identify the statement that is best supported by the data. Biotic factors (e.g., competition) only affect the distribution of invasive Argentine ants. Abiotic factors (e.g., soil moisture) only affect the distribution of invasive Argentine ants. Both abiotic and biotic factors interact to affect the distribution of invasive Argentine ants. Neither abiotic nor biotic factors affect the distribution of invasive Argentine ants.


To establish a link between a specific bacterium and a skin disease, researchers have shown that the bacterium was present in sick persons but not in healthy individuals. They isolated the bacterium in a pure culture and demonstrated that experimental healthy animals injected with this culture became sick. What other experiment do researchers need to perform to be absolutely sure that the bacterium is responsible for the disease? demonstrate that the bacterium belongs to the pathogenic lineage demonstrate that the bacterium is not able to live outside of humans or animals isolate bacterium from an infected sick animal and demonstrate that it is the same bacterium as the one used for infection


Which action influences the abiotic components of an organism's environment? Introduction of exotics. Interactions with offspring. Water pollution. Extinction of predators.


Which events would have no effect on K? a main competitor for food is eliminated, increasing food availability wetlands are drained, decreasing the amount of available water offspring live longer an abandoned building creates more nesting areas a parking lot is built, shrinking the habitat a species with the same food requirements is introduced


Which factors have permitted the human population to continue increasing despite using nonrenewable resources at an unsustainable rate? disease outbreaks famines expansion of high-density urban areas improvements in medical care

C and D; up to this point, technological advances have been able to obscure any obvious carrying capacity for human population size globally. But density-dependent factors such as competition for depleted resources and spread of disease are likely to cause the human population to decline. According to one estimate, it would take about 1.5 Earths to sustain the current population size.

Which of these biomes is characterized by little rainfall? temperate broadleaf forest coniferous forest desert temperate grassland tropical rain forest

C; Deserts are characterized by levels of rainfall less than 30 cm per year.

What is r max in a species like the giant panda? See Section 51.3 (Page 1077). It is unstable. It is high. It is low. It is zero.

C; Giant pandas have a low rate of increase for the population.

What terrestrial biome has dense plant biomass both aboveground and belowground? See Section 49.4 (Page 1040) . Subtropical desert Temperate forest Temperate grassland Tropical wet forest

C; Grassland plants are frequently burned, and grassland biomass is extremely dense both above and belowground.

Hadley cells explain why _____. See Section 49.3 (Page 1036). the poles are much colder than other areas rain shadows occur the tropics are much wetter than other regions seasonality in weather occurs

C; Hadley cells are driven in part by rising air at the equator. As the air rises and cools, rain falls.

Which biome is characterized by the presence of permafrost? taiga tropical forest tundra coniferous forest desert

C; Permafrost, permanently frozen subsoil, is a characteristic of tundra.

Where would a circulation cell be found? See Section 49.3 (Page 1036). Going from 60°S to the equator Going from 30°S to the South Pole Going from 60°S to 30°S Going from 30°N to 30°S.

C; These cells represent the rising and falling of hot and cold air.

Which biome is characterized by an extensive canopy that allows little light to penetrate to the ground and by the presence of epiphytes? temperate grassland coniferous forest tropical rain forest desert tundra

C; Two of the characteristics of a tropical rain forest are the presence of epiphytes and an extensive canopy that allows little light to penetrate to the ground.

Looking at the data in the accompanying figure, what can be said about survival and clutch size? (graph depicts line going down as clutch size increases) Animals with low survival tend to have smaller clutch sizes. Probability of survivorship does not correlate with clutch size. Large clutch size correlates with low survival. Animals with high survival tend to have larger clutch sizes.

C; large size correlates with with low survival

A population is growing exponentially and its instantaneous growth rate (r) is 0.02. Would the number of individuals added to the population (rN) be greatest at a population size (N) of 20, 500 or 1000? See Section 51.3 (Page 1077). 20 500 1000 All the populations would have the same number of individuals added to them since r is constant.

C; rN would be greatest at the highest N.

A population is growing exponentially and its instantaneous growth rate (r) is 0.02. Would the number of individuals added to the population (rN) be greatest at a population size (N) of 20, 500 or 1000? See Section 51.3 (Page 1077). All the populations would have the same number of individuals added to them since r is constant. 500 1000 20

C; rN would be greatest at the highest N.

It is estimated that a flock of wood buffalo crane should be able to sustain an r of 0.085 for the foreseeable future. If the flock currently contains 350 individuals, how long will it take for that population to double? less than 7 years more than 13 years between 7.0 and 9.0 years between 9.0 and 11.0 years between 11.0 and 13.0 years

C; use the exponential growth for continuous breeding populations equation: Nt = Noe^rt 700 = 350 e^(0.085)(t) ln2 = 0.085t t = 8.15 yrs

If 60 snow geese were alive in 1926 and 856 existed in 2001, what is r? 0.094 0.070 0.035

C; use the exponential growth for continuous breeding populations equation: Nt = Noe^rt 856 = 60e^(r)(2001-1926) ln14.27 = 75r r = 0.035

________ is typically a ________ factor because it affects the pythons the same way no matter whether there are few or many pythons. A ________ factor, such as ________, increases with increasing python density. Competition for Food Density Independent Cold Weather Density Dependent

Cold weather; density independent; density dependent; competition for food

Based on a comparison of the age-structure pyramids, which of the following would likely be a higher priority in Canada than in Niger? providing childhood vaccinations building new schools providing prenatal care providing long-term care for the elderly


In models of logistic population growth, _____. new individuals are added to the population most rapidly at the beginning of the population's growth carrying capacity is never reached new individuals are added to the population as N approaches K the population growth rate slows dramatically as N approaches K only density-dependent factors affect the rate of population growth


What do the bars on the age structure pyramid represent? birth rate or death rate for each age group the number of males and females born in different years the percentage of males and females in each age group the number of males and females in each age group


When the birth rate is equal to each woman producing exactly enough offspring to replace herself and her offspring's father, and the birth rate is sustained for a generation, then ________. r > 1 0 < r < 1 r = 1 r = 0 and there is zero population growth population size is at carrying capacity


Which aspects of a region's climate have the most impact on plants and animals? Moisture and wind. Sunlight and wind. Soil composition and temperature. Temperature and moisture.


Which of the following could be a density-independent factor limiting human population growth? epidemic of measles famines Ebola infections earthquakes


Which of the following traits do archaeans and bacteria share? presence of plasma membrane lack of a nuclear envelope composition of the cell wall both A and B both B and C


Exponential growth of a population is represented by ΔN/Δt = rN/K rN(K+N) rNrN N−K/K rmaxN

D -> slope of line on graph represented by rmaxN

Is this population of fish represented by the following set growing, stable, or declining? See Section 51.2 (Page 1073). X - 1; lx= 0.650; mx = 0.00 X - 2; lx = 0.520; mx = 0.15 X - 3; lx = 0.225; mx = 1.65 X - 4; lx = 0.005; mx = 3.50 Growing, since R0 > 0 Stable, since R0 is equal to 1 Growing since R0 >1 Declining, since R0 < 1

D; A R0 less than 1 will result in a declining population.

Which of the following parts in the human body cannot be infected by a virus? See Section 33.1 (Page 684). Blood cells Brain Skeletal muscle None of the listed responses are correct.

D; All tissues and cells in the human body can be infected by at least one kind of virus.

Where would you place L. vivipara populations from Austria and Brittany on this Life History Continuum? See Section 51.2 (Page 1073). (left = high fecundity, right = low fecundity) Austrian population on the left side and Brittany population on the right side Both populations on the right since they are the same species Both populations on the left since they are the same species Brittany populations on the left side and Austrian populations on the right side

D; Individuals in the population in the cold environment (Austria) tend to have fewer offspring and longer lifespans than the individuals in the warmer environment.

Robert Koch is best known for which of the following contributions? See Section 26.1 (Page 520). Identifying distinctions between bacteria and archaea Discovering the first antibiotic put into clinical use Discovery of bacteria Establishing a link between microbes and disease

D; Koch proposed four criteria that needed to be met for a specific microbe to be identified as the causative agent of a specific disease. Koch first fulfilled his criteria with the bacterium responsible for anthrax.

What are rain shadows? Wet regions on the leeward side of mountain ranges. Wet regions on the windward side of mountain ranges. Dry regions on the windward side of mountain ranges. Dry regions on the leeward side of mountain ranges.

D; Rain shadows are dry regions on the leeward side of mountain ranges that result when an air mass releases its moisture on the windward side of the range and then is carried by winds to the leeward side.

Does the North Pole have a lot of precipitation? See Section 49.3 (Page 1036). Yes, due to predominantly sinking air No, due to predominantly rising air Yes, due to predominantly rising air No, due to predominately sinking air

D; Sinking air tends to dry as it warms up.

Which desert is caused by a Hadley cell? Patagonian Desert in Argentina. Desert next to the Rockies. Atacama Desert in Chile. Sahara Desert in Africa.

D; The Sahara Desert is caused by a Hadley cell; it is not the result of topography, since there are no extensive North-South mountain ranges in Africa.

Which biome is the most productive? See Section 49.4 (Page 1040). Temperate forest Tropical dry forest Desert Tropical wet forest

D; The abundance of water and warmth make these the most productive environment.

Estimate total population size in a mark-recapture study in which 200 individuals were initially marked, and you recaptured 150 of which 50 were marked. See Section 51.1 (Page 1072). 630 530 67 600

D; This is a simple method for field biologists to determine rough population estimates. Pop Size = (200 x 150) / 50 = 600

How does the viral replicative cycle more closely resemble car mass production over cell reproduction? See Section 33.2 (Page 686). A single controller gene constructs the entire viral genome. Each viral particle is customized on the "assembly line." A single integrated unit divides itself in two. Virions are assembled from pre-manufactured parts.

D; This results in massive numbers of progeny produced per generation.

Does this experiment show that CD4 is the only membrane protein required for HIV entry? See Section 33.2 (Page 686). Yes, because the antibody to a protein other than CD4 was used. Yes, because unbound cells are infected by HIV. No, the experiment shows that HIV does not utilize CD4 as a receptor. No, because the experiment does not test other membrane proteins.

D; this is a characteristic of the lytic cycle.

According to the logistic growth equation, dN/dt = rmaxN (K−N)/K, the birth rate (b) approaches zero as N approaches K. the population grows exponentially when K is small. the number of individuals added per unit time is greatest when N is close to zero. the per capita growth rate (r) increases as N approaches K. population growth is zero when N equals K.


Natural selection involves energetic trade-offs between _____. producing large numbers of gametes when employing internal fertilization versus fewer numbers of gametes when employing external fertilization increasing the number of individuals produced during each reproductive episode and a corresponding decrease in parental care the emigration of individuals when they are no longer reproductively capable or committing suicide choosing how many offspring to produce over the course of a lifetime and how long to live high survival rates of offspring and the cost of parental care


The numbers between the bars (in the middle of the age structure pyramids) serve as the y-axis. What do these numbers represent? the population of males and females the percentage of the population in each age class the total population, in millions the number of people born in a particular year the age classes, in 5-year ranges


Which of these was the first of the major events that stimulated an increase in the size of the human population? the bubonic plague the discovery of vaccines the Industrial Revolution the discovery of antibiotics the advent of agriculture


Why do populations grow more slowly as they approach their carrying capacity? Individuals voluntarily stop mating so that overcrowding does not occur. Density-independent factors lead to fewer births and increased mortality. The incoming energy decreases in populations experiencing a high rate of increase. Hormonal changes promote higher death rates in crowded populations. Density-dependent factors lead to fewer births and increased mortality.


True or false? Weather is defined as the prevailing long-term atmospheric conditions in a particular region.

False; Climate is defined as the prevailing long-term weather conditions in a particular region; weather is defined as the short-term atmospheric conditions of temperature, sunlight, moisture, and wind.

A population is correctly defined as having which of the following characteristics? I. inhabiting the same general area II. belonging to the same species III. possessing a constant and uniform density and dispersion

I and II

Where will the weather be drier? I. near 30° N II. near 30° S III. near the Equator

I and II

Where will the weather be wetter? I. near 30° N II. near 30° S III. near the Equator


In the accompanying figure, which of the lines represents the highest per capita rate increase (r)?

Line A; the line that has the most extreme curve upwards

Determine which age class year would hurt the population growth most if it were wiped out by disease.

The age class with the highest value of lxbx (survivorship x fecundity) -> average number of offspring produced per female of age X)

Based on the diagrams in the figure shown and on the large population of baby boomers in the United States, which graph best reflects U.S. population in 20 years?

The diagram that represents stable population growth

Which of these graphs shows the correct labels and relationships for the independent and dependent variables for a population growth curve?

The independent variable is time on the x-axis and the dependent variable is population size on the y-axis.

Describe the shapes of logistic vs exponential growth patterns.

The logistic growth of the population produces an S-shaped curve. If this population underwent exponential growth rather than logistic growth, the curve would be J-shaped.

Which of the following student-drawn niche models represents a species of lungfish that lives mostly in shallow water?

This niche model represents a species of lungfish that lives mostly in shallow water. The highest proportion of individuals occurs at depths of less than 3 meters, drops to 0.1 at 3 meters, and then to 0 at 6 meters.

Which of these niche models shows the predicted northern expansion of this species (shown in blue) due to climate change?

This niche model shows the predicted northern expansion of the palm tree species because the predicted curve (blue) is shifted to the right--toward higher latitudes--of the present-day curve (green).

In the figure, which of the following survivorship curves most applies to humans living in developed countries?

Type I

What part of the graph represents carrying capacity (K)?

Where the line is flat horizontally (represents stable population size); carrying capacity (K) is the maximum population an environment can support

What part of the graph represents the most rapid population growth?

Where the slope is the greatest

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