BPK 340 Quiz #1

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McLintock focuses on what health problem?

"The issue of obesity is a complex one, in which home, school, community, government, media and the wider society all play a role."

What is the World Health Organization (1949) definition of health?

- "health is more than the absence of disease or infirmity (which means illness or disability), but is a complete state of mental, physical, and social well-being."

"Activity Energy Expenditure" (from the dietary study in Australia) comprises what percentage of "Total Energy Expenditure?"

- 20-40% of total energy expenditure

What are the estimated prevalence rates of obesity in Canada and in the United States?

- 2011 study reported 24% of Canadians considered obese. 34% americans considered obese. No real differences between male and female in Canada. USA women more like obese then men.

What does the author believe are the main causes of the current obesity epidemic?

- Availability and salience of food in the environment. Current food environment stimulates automatic reflexive responses that enhance the desire to eat and increase caloric intake. - Increasing urbanization and globalization, coupled with significant changes in the food environment

According the Canadian Fitness and Lifestyle Research Institute data, what was the trend in the amount of Canadians who are at least "moderately active?"

- Below 50% from 1994 to 2008. - Increasing from about 37% to 50% - Men are more likely to be active than women. Activity level generally declines with ago range, with the exception that men age 65+ are as active as men aged 45 to 64.

What attribute of communities most strongly predicts the fitness of their residents?

- Communities that allow people to move around by foot or bicycle as they go about their daily activities

What does the author think about the role of individual self-control and making wiser food choices in the current obesity epidemic?

- Dominant thinking about obesity is that prevention and treatment is a matter of self-control and individuals making wiser food choices. Implies that 30 years ago population had more self-control and made wiser choices and since then our collective capacity for self-control diminished. Suggest people in other countries with lower obesity rates have more self-control than americans.

What is the difference between 'fitness' and 'exercise'?

- Fitness is a capacity. Ex. Physical fitness is the capacity to meet the demands of sport, work, and life. Four components of fitness (4 S's): 1) Stamina, endurance, aerobic fitness 2) Strength and muscular endurance 3) Suppleness, flexibility 4) Slimness, body composition - Exercise is a process, the process that leads to fitness. Exercise can be defined as "a planned, structured, and repetitive program of physical activity intended to develop or maintain one or moe components of fitness."

What is the course policy regarding remarking?

- Instructor will remark without prejudice - sometimes the mark stays the same, increases, or decreases - The remark will cover the whole piece of work. Not just a specific question. - Do not wait till the end of the semester to ask for a remark. Ask within a week or two of the date of the original mark issue.

What is the instructor's expectation regarding ... Attendance?

- Not required to attend class. If you skip, don't expect repeated announcements, loaned lecture notes (from prof), handouts, or makeups for tests and activities. - IF you miss, ask a classmate to pick up materials - Contact professor if have extenuating circumstances

Prevalence of overweight and obesity in Europe varies from country to country. In general it is higher in what region of Europe?

- Southern Europe

The data reported in this reading indicate what time of day tend to be most active For children age 6 to 10?

- lunchtime

The data presented in the last two pages of this reading say that the following groups tend to be more or less active than the comparison group? Canadian South Asians

- significantly less likely to be active - compared to overall Canadian population

The data presented in the last two pages of this reading say that the following groups tend to be more or less active than the comparison group? People in the highest income category:

- significantly more likely to be active - compared to other income categories

Kottke, Wu & Hoffman argue that until we can find a molecular solution to obesity, the solution lies in creating .....?

....social and physical environments that make possible and reward physical acitivity and nutritional restraint.

A primary goal of modern social marketing and health communications campaigns is the long-term goal of changing.....?

...Social Norms.

A paragraph in this unit mentions what FOUR 'outcomes' of Canada on the Move?

1) 6% increase in those who heard about COTM 2) add 2000 steps increased 3x 3) Awareness of pedometers 4) Pedometer ownership

What FOUR things was the ParticipACTION brand intended to connote?

1) Activity 2) Health 3) Me 4) Time to get moving

What are the FIVE features typical of health communication campaigns?

1) Are goal oriented 2) Attempt to inform, persuade, or motivate change 3) Are aimed at well-defined, large audiences 4) Occur during a given time period 5) Involve an organized set of communication activities

What TWO 'strong new approaches' did the 'risk factor model' bring to health promotion?

1) At the population level, targeting interventions to groups at high risk of disease. 2) At the Individual level, raising awareness of the connection between health behaviours and health outcomes, and giving knowledge and skills that will help people to change their risky or unhealthy behaviours.

The author claims that the modern environment has more "food cues" than it used to. Give THREE examples of this, other than mass media such as TV.

1) Availability and affordability of food 2) technological advances in food preservation and packaging 3) decreases in food costs relative to total income

The 'success' of ParticipACTION is discussed in terms of what TWO main 'outcome measures'?

1) Awareness of campaign - high bran recognition 2) Activity Levels of Canadian Population

The model that BPK 340 uses is based on what FIVE things?

1) Engagement 2) Active Participation 3) Being mindful "Paying attention. Being "present" - vs. thinking about the past of the future. 4) Using and building on your resources. People have previous experiences and knowledge. A key principle in health promotion and in adult education is the help people become aware of and apply their own resources to make decisions, to learn, to move ahead. 5) Process (style) + content - Content - WHAT are we dealing with. Process - The WAY we do something.

List FOUR of the 10 "pathways" that support human responses to environmental cues to food.

1) Hardwired survival strategies 2) Natural tendency to conserve energy 3) Mirror Neurons 4) Inability to judge calorie content

The 'media studies approach' looked at Canada on the Move's media communication at what FOUR levels?

1) Inception 2) Production 3) Transmission 4) Reception

ParticipACTION declined/ended due to what THREE main factors?

1) Insufficient resources to continue in what had become a much more competitive communications and media environment 2) Drop in participACTION's creative quality 3) Loss of focus that its audience was the media not the public.

What FIVE 'domains of influence' does Kumanyika give in this model?

1) International - Globilization markets, development, mediaprograms & advertising 2) National/regional - transport, urbanization, health, social security, media & culture, education, food & nutrition 3) Community locality - public transport, public safety, health care, sanitation, Manufactured/imported food, Agriculture/gardens/local markets 4) Work/school/home - Leisure activity/facilities, labour, infections, worksite food & activity, family & home, school food & activity 5) Individual - energy expenditure, food intake: nutrient density

Kottke, Wu & Hoffman suggest that action is needed at what THREE levels?

1) Reasearch the molecular biology of obesity - develop better understanding of what leads to obesity, in environment that requires almost no physical activity and provides calories in accordance with desires. - Genetic and behavioural research - why some who were obese able to loose it. Better methods to increase self-efficacy of obese and overweight individuals who trying to lose weight 2) Teach people how to avoid obesity - adequate physical activity (450 min per week, at least moderately intense acitivty several times per week), Avoidance of calorie dense foods (high in fat and simple carbs), use of multiple strategies to reinforce maintenance of the desired physical activity and nutritional patterns. 3) Create environments that make it possible and rewarding for individuals to avoid obesity in the first place and to maintain weight loss if they were obese at one time.

McLintock makes many suggestions to deal with this problem. List at least 10 of these.

1) Require every school district to develop a "walking school bus" program for each of its elementary schools. 2) Develop a series of incentive to encourage older students to ride bikes to school. Ex. Free courses to those who bike 3) Ensure secure areas at school to lock bikes 4) Develop a spring bike to school week. Compete against schools 5) Expand school district anti-discrimination and harassment policies to prohibit harassment of overweight students. 6) Teachers, counselors, and coaches must focus only on the health aspects of weight control, not on appearance or athletic performance. 7) Don't emphasize competition, those who are not athletically inclined and overweight will be discouraged. 8) Emphasize participation and fun, not just winning. 9) Let students work in groups of similar skill sets. 10) Provide funding to encourage healthy eating, especially for lower income families who can't afford healthier foods. 11) Promote community kitchens for lower income families because bulk buying can reduce eating costs. Appropriate portion sizes. 12) Develop a program to reward restaraunts or other food outlets that emphasize healthy food and appropriate portion sizes. 13) Teach general nutrition for infants and children in prenatal classes. 14) Provide R&D funding to agriculture to make healthful foods taste better and convenient to prepare 15) Encourage food producers and marketers to provide nutritious foods in smaller portion sizes. 16) Propose federal legislation that would outlaw ads fro unhealthy foods on TV programs aimed at children. 17) Ensure necessary services available for children suffering from behaviour and emotion problems. 18) Study successful programs which helped children and adults lead active lives. 19) Unhealthy food must ultimately be seen as socially unacceptable.

What SIX elements should we look at to understand health communication campaigns? Show that you understand elements #1, 2, 4, and 5 with a couple of examples.

1) Target groups 2) Central Messages 3) Strategy 4) Tactics 5) Outcomes (results) 6) Costs (and ideally cost/benefit analysis) Ex. Health initiative to make better food choices 1) Target - Unhealthy eaters, manly obese individuals, could be kids - secondary - parents 2) Central Messages - Eating healthy can be fun to - eating healthy will give you better energy supply - eating healthy can be delicious too 4) TV commercials targeting children to emphasize how cool it is to eat healthy - Posters in school, universities, bus stops. Canada's Food Guide 5) Parents began to give healthier food options to their children. Made easier because children wanted the change. Helped reduced obesity rates in the population.

For YOURSELF give THREE examples of things that you do regularly that would count as 'active living' but NOT as exercise

1) Working as a trainer doing active rehab - This is meaningful and satisfying to me because - Helps other people rehab the injuries to health and gets them feeling good about moving. Challenging to me - gives me the opportunity to experiment with movement to help other people progress injuries, challenging because not 2 people are the same and what works with one person may not work for the other. 2) Walking up Burnaby mountain to class if the weather permits - Helps the environment, nice views and peaceful 3) Swimming at the beach - feels good to enjoy the weather and ocean, relaxing to float in the water

Dietary studies in Australia have concluded that there was an increase in average per capita energy intake of 3 to 4% over the period from 1983 to 1995. The energy imbalance caused by a 3 to 4% increase in caloric intake would theoretically cause a person to gain how much body mass in a year?

1kg per year until equilibrium is reached, when the higher energy expenditure at a higher body mass equals energy intake.

Suggest a fifth measure that could have been used to test the success of Canada on the Move.

5) Overall activity level of the nation,

How does the Canadian Fitness and Lifestyle Research Institute define "moderately active"?

> 90 MET-minutes/day, equivalent to about 30 minutes of walking

The World Health Organization has recommended that for Asian populations, a classification of "overweight" should be given if BMI exceeds what level?

>23 BMI

What is the trend in obesity in Europe (this means in what way is prevalence of obesity changing over time)?

A marked trend towards increasing levels of adult overweight and obesity can be found throughout Europe.

In this context, what is a 'model'?

A model is a perspective, or a way of looking a things.

Kumanyika (The 'causal web' of obesity) asserts that Too much focus has been placed on interventions directed at the individual and based on knowledge and skills, and that a new strategy should focus on what type of intervention?

A new strategy that enables individual behaviour through environmental intervention to reinforce factors supporting healthy lifestyles and to change those factors preventing or prohibiting healthy lifestyles.

How does this unit define 'active living'?

Active Living is "a way of life in which meaningful and satisfying physical activity becomes an integral part of everyday living."

What is the difference between ''exercise' and 'physical activity'

Activity is also a process. If the intent of activity is to develop fitness, it would be classified as exercise. If the intent was different, it would be classified as physical activity, which is any voluntary movement.

BPK 340 does not use the 'dependent model' of education. What model DOES it use?

BPK 340 uses an Experimental Model.

What province has the highest percentage of those who report being at least moderately active?

British Columbia 57%

What it mean that ParticipACTION "levered support?"

Building personal relationships with the media

Dietary studies in Australia have concluded that there was an increase in average per capita energy intake of 3 to 4% over the period from 1983 to 1995. What nutrient category accounted for this increase?


What demographic factors are associated with lower levels of physical activity in Canadian children?

Children in the atlantic provinces take fewer steps daily - Girls take less steps then boys - # of steps decreases with age - Low income homes - Children who don't participate in organized physical activity

Physical inactivity appears to be both a cause and a ............. of obesity.


What is the instructor's expectation regarding ... Food or beverages in class?

Consuming food and beverages in class in permitted.

What does the author call for as a solution?

Cues and techniques that promote automatic behaviours can be made transparent with clearly understandable warnings. Regulations addressing food cues, food availability, portion sizes, and advertising are needed. Society needs to act as a whole to reshape the environment to improve the quality and quantity of food we obtain, since the present environment makes it too difficult for most people to do by themselves.

Dietary studies in Australia have concluded that there was an increase in average per capita energy intake of 3 to 4% over the period from 1983 to 1995. What method was used to arrive at these figures?

Energy intake was estimated from 24-hour intake and food frequency data, collected by dietitians at in-home interviews.

What is the instructor's expectation regarding ... Hours to spend working on the course outside of class time each week?

Expect to spend about 5 hours a week working on your own.

What is the trend in prevalence of obesity in North America?

Increasing rates in both Canada and the United States

Canada on the Move involved a strategic partnership between the Canadian Institutes of Health Research and what large corporation?

Kellogg Canada and several other partners

The data reported in this reading indicate what time of day tend to be most active For adolescents and older teenagers?

Late afternoon (3:00 to 5:00pm)

What does the instructor expect you to do if you want to check your text messages during a class break?

Leave the room to use electronic devices whether it is during class or during the breaks.

What demographic factors are associated with lower levels of physical activity in Canadian adults?

Living in the north (Yukon, NWT, Nunavet) - Men are more active then women, Activity level declines with age

The 'causal web' of obesity is compatible with what 'model'?

Looks like Green's Preced/Proceed model. Takes the ecological model approach.

McLintock argues that the solution to obesity may lie along the same lines as tobacco use and drinking-and-driving. Explain.

Making unhealthy foods socially unacceptable such as smoking. Educational programs targeting children, students, adults. Eventually, celebrities might go public to explain why they won't make any more ads for junk-food products.

How do measured rates of obesity compare with self-reported rates?

Measured rates of obesity are more than 50% higher than rates based on self-report.

What region of Canada has the lowest percentage of those who report being at least moderately active?

Newfoundland 43%

What is the instructor's expectation regarding ... Using electronic devices such as smart phones and laptops in class?

No texting or surfing in class; if you want to use your electronic devices for anything other than taking notes during class time - including breaks - please do that outside of the room.

Does this course have a website at which you can get lecture notes? Why or why not?

No website. Process of taking notes helps learning. Especially hand-written notes.

Kumanyika (The 'causal web' of obesity) asserts that Obesity is not primarily a MEDICAL problem, but instead is anchored in what?

Obesity is deeply anchored in society and culture.

According to the Institute of Medicine, how much physical activity is required to avoid weight gain?

One hour of daily moderate physical activity is required to prevent weight gain in adults and obesity in children

According to Kottke, Wu & Hoffman, what are the important research questions regarding obesity and overweight?

Reasearch the molecular biology of obesity - develop better understanding of what leads to obesity, in environment that requires almost no physical activity and provides calories in accordance with desires. - Genetic and behavioural research - why some who were obese able to loose it. Better methods to increase self-efficacy of obese and overweight individuals who trying to lose weight

Kottke, Wu & Hoffman (from the U.S.A.) say that everyone will be affected by rising obesity rates. What do they mean?

Rising prevalence of obesity will increase the rates of diabetes, hypertension, cancer, heart disease, osteoarthritis, and other diseases. The obesity epidemic will increase health care costs, and employers and government agencies will pass on at least some of these increases to consumers. Faced with inadequate resources to pay for all resources to pay for care, consumer will concentrate on symptomatic care neglecting preventative and risk factor control. This will result in increase of unnecessary illness, health care costs, and disability - widening gap between need for health care and resources available to pay for it. - disabled patients will turn to non disabled friends for financial assistance - decrease in demand for health care products - decrease in volunteer work - Challenge to find healthy workers - Increased poverty and disability rates

What was the career background of the person hired in 1971 to lead Sport Participation Canada -- the new agency that would later be named ParticipACTION?

Russ Kirby had a marketing background and he took this approach with ParticipACTION.

The data presented in the last two pages of this reading say that the following groups tend to be more or less active than the comparison group? Immigrants to Canada

Significantly less likely to be active and more likely to be inactive

The data presented in the last two pages of this reading say that the following groups tend to be more or less active than the comparison group? Aboriginal Canadians living off-reserve

Significantly more likely to be active compared to overall Canadian population

Part of the success of ParticipACTION was that its messages were__________, _____________, and could be easily _______________.

Simple, practiacal, incorporated into daily life.

What does it mean to say that that Saskatchewan in Motion 'leads from the back'?

Small number of paid staff that lever support by facilitating and catalyzing the activity of others rather than initiate programs themselves

With what target market did ParticipACTION start?

The group that was most ready for action

ParticipACTION was also smart to realize that its market wasn't the general public but was whom?

The media

Why are the solutions posed by this new strategy referred to as 'passive' solutions

They achieve objectives for the good of society and the people in it without requiring individual behaviour change and perhaps even without the knowledge of the individual.

How is "health communication" different than "health education?"

Traditional health education is designed to give people information. Health communication attempts to persuade people to take action

BMI is derived from height and weight. What one anthropometric measure is a more effective tool for identifying abdominal obesity than BMI?

Waist Circumference

On what days of the week did children and youth tend to be most active?

Weekdays than on weekends (57 vs. 47 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity per day)

What does this unit say about combining promotion of physical activity with health promotion aimed at disease prevention?

Were problematic. Better to focus on a single doable behaviour. Piggy backed messages are more complex and potentially unclear, no longer a single market. - ex. People ignoring both messages because they are non-smokers. - Including negative risk factors can undermine the have fun, socialize, feel to get active campaign.

If your final grade is close to a cutpoint for the next higher letter grade and you ask the instructor to 'bump you up' or let you do extra work to earn the higher grade, what will he do?

You may ask to have your final exam remarked. But please do not ask the professor to bump you up or let you fo extra work to earn a higher grade.

The data presented in the last two pages of this reading say that the following groups tend to be more or less active than the comparison group? Canadian East Asians (Chinese, Korean, Japanese, etc.)

significantly less likely to be active compared to overall Canadian population

Approximately what fraction of Canadians reports being at least moderately physical activity?

~ half of Canadians report being at least moderately active

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