ch 10

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Gavel-to-gavel coverage of House and Senate sessions is provided by


__________ had the most profound impact of any modern event on the manner and substance of the press's conduct.


Local television stations that carry the programming of a national network are called


The press have a strong effect in

agenda setting.

The media shifted from mere description towards prescription, due to

all of the above

Most media coverage of Congress centers on

all of the above.

The effects of the increase in media mergers in recent years, so that each national television network is now a piece of a massive corporation, include

all of the above.

The media consist of the

all of the above.

The most influential national papers in this country are

all of the above.

The press have biases including

all of the above.

Despite Sullivan, the threat of libel litigation does persist in its deterrent effect on the press because

all of the above.v

The Federal Communications Commission is

an independent regulatory agency

The members of the Federal Communications Commission

are appointed by the president

Private ownership of the media in the United States makes the American news industry

dependent on advertising revenues.

In 1987 the FCC abolished the fairness doctrine on the grounds that

it was no longer necessary

The branch of government that is most difficult for the media to cover is the


The Nation is considered a __________ magazine.


The president receives the lion's share of press coverage, and

much of it is unfavorable.

A form of newspaper publishing during the early twentieth century concerned with reforming government and business conduct is called


The media have a(n) __________ effect on the opinions of most readers and viewers


The sort of sensational reporting characterized in the late nineteenth century by the New York Journal and the New York World is known as

yellow journalism

A form of journalism popular in the late nineteenth century that featured pictures, comics, color, and sensationalized, oversimplified news coverage was called

yellow journalism.

The congressional press corps has approximately __________ members.


Television network news is watched by __________% of Americans


Of the adult population, __________% read a daily newspaper.


Currently, approximately __________ of U.S. households are wired for cable TV.


Local television news is watched by __________% of Americans.


The FCC regulation that prohibits any company from owning more than one AM, one FM, or one television station in a single community is called the

7-7-7 rule.

The first newspaper was published in America in


Radio became widely available during the


The first governmental regulation of the electronic media came in


The first radio broadcast of an election occurred in


Television was introduced in the


The press secretary for Lyndon Baines Johnson was

Bill Moyers

Formal presidential news conferences are often held in the

East Room.

Interstate and foreign broadcast communication is regulated by the

Federal Communications Commission.

Which president is known for his radio "fireside chats" that informed citizens about important issues?

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Who was the first president to appear on television?

Franklin Roosevelt

The first president to have a press secretary was

Herbert Hoover.

The media often cover congressional investigations, among the most notorious of these was/were the

McCarthy hearings.

The first paper of the penny press was called the

New York Sun.

A factor that permits the modern press to undertake character investigations is a ruling by the Supreme Court that public officials would have to prove "actual malice" to win a libel suit. This has made it very hard for public officials to sue for libel. The case was

New York Times v. Sullivan.

The Supreme Court ruled that the government could not prevent the publication of classified documents in the case

New York Times v. United States

A new era of court coverage was ushered in by the

O.J. Simpson trial.

Among the publishers who promoted yellow journalism was

William Randolph Hearst.

The National Review is considered a __________ magazine.


Totally unsourced news is often referred to as

deep background.

Web based newspapers and information

do not cut into subscriptions or revenues for media outlets.

The FCC regulation requiring a broadcast station that gives or sells time to a candidate for public office to make available an equal amount of time under the same conditions to all candidates for that office is known as the

equal opportunities rule.

The press has a much greater impact on certain topics, for example,

events in foreign countries

The most controversial regulation promulgated by the Federal Communications Commission was the __________ that was in effect from 1949 to 1985.

fairness doctrine

The modern president __________ news conferences.

gives a limited number of

Between 1909 and 1994, the number of daily newspapers in the United States

increased substantially

When a source for a news story is referred to as a senior administration official or similarly vague reference, these sources have offered information

on background.

Among people age eighteen to twenty-nine, __________ read a newspaper daily


In New York Times v. Sullivan (1964), the Supreme Court ruled that

public figures need to prove "actual malice" to win libel suits.

The FCC regulation that requires stations to make their facilities available to all responsible elements in the community for the expression of conflicting views is known as the

reasonable access rule.

Television and radio are regulated by the federal government because

the airwaves are public property.

Recent press attention to the private activities and personalities of candidates is called

the character issue.

People who use media websites tend

to be highly informed voters who use the Web to update their information.

The main function of the mass media is

to make money like any other business.

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