Ch. 5 Listening- #1

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what is critical listening?

Critical Listening is the process of listening to evaluate the quality, appropriateness, value, and importance of the information you hear

what is Critical Thinking?

Critical thinking is a mental process of making judgments about the conclusions presented in what you see, hear, and read. your goal as a critical listener is to assess the quality of the information and the validity of the conclusions presented


- is a formal system of rules applied to reach a conclusion -a speaker is logical if he or she offers appropriate evidence to reach a valid, well-reasoned conclusion.

be a selfish listener

- the fourth step of listening -if you become angry or emotional your listening comprehension decreases. -dont let a speaker's language close down your mind

monitor your emotional reaction to a message

-the third step of listening

differences bet. speech rate and thought rate

-fifth barriers to effective listening most people talk at a rate of 125 words a minute but are able to listen up to 700 words a minute.

information overload

-first barriers to effective listening -delivering a message that is clear and easy to understand

listen for pleasure

-first listening goals -just enjoy what you hear -observe how effective speakers gain and maintain your attention and keep you interested in their messages


-fourth barriers to effective listening as a speaker, use your opening statements to grab the audience's attention so they will listen to your message. -use careful language, sound reasoning, and convincing evidence that your listeners will find credible

listen with your eyes as well as your ears

-interpret the speaker's expressions, posture, and gestures in the context of the speaker's words;

stay on task

-invest time in listening and make a conscious, mindful effort to listen -remind yourself why the message can be helpful or important to you


-is the process of drawing a conclusion from evidence within the logical framework of the arguments. -as a critical listener , review the logic and reasoning used to reach a conclusion. -if a speaker wants to change your behavior, listen especially carefully to the logic or structure of the arguments presented.

differences bet. speech rate and thought rate

-listen more effectively by mentally summarizing what the speaker is saying from time to time. -as a speaker, be aware of your listeners' tendency to stop paying attention. be well organized and make your major ideas clear.

listen to empathize

-listen. pay attention to both the details of the message and the major ideas -imagine. visualize how you would feel if you had experience what the speaker experienced -check. check your understanding by asking questions to clarify what you heard and by summarizing what you think you heard

listen with your eyes as well as your ears

-look for the cues that show the speaker's level of power, attitude toward listeners, and responsiveness to listeners. -a good view can increase your level of attention and improve your understanding

personal concerns

-second barriers to effective listening -as a speaker, focus on maintaining your audience's attention and use occasional "wake-up" messages such as " NOW LISTEN CAREFULLY, BECAUSE...."

listen for major ideas

-the fifth step of listening -listen for major ideas and principle -facts and examples to support major ideas -try to mentally summarize the major idea that the specific facts support

listen with your eyes as well as your ears

-the first step of listening -nonverbal clues play a major rule in communicating a speaker's emotions and messages

listen to empathize

-the second listening goals -stop. give your attention to the speaker -look. make eye contact and pay attention to nonverbal cues that reveal emotions

stay on task

-the second step of listening -good listeners are open-minded

listen for information

-the third listening goals

listen to evaluate

-the third listening goals -you make a judgment and make certain you link thee details to major ideas. -mentally summarize the information -compare unfamiliar and familiar information to ideas and concepts

outside distractions

-third barriers to effective listening AS A LISTENER, DO YOUR BEST TO CONTROL THE LISTENING SITUATION. 1)move to another seat 2)close the blinds 3)turn up the heat 4)turn off the lights 5)close the door 6)do whatever is necessary to minimize distractions

information overload

-using interesting and vivid supporting material to keep your listeners listening -building redundancy into your message so that if listeners miss an idea the first time you present it, perhaps they will catch it during your concluding remarks.

*active listener

-who remains alert and mentally re-sorts, rephrases, and repeats key information when listening to a speech

*what are the two guidelines for ethical listening?

1) communicate your expectations and feedback 2) demonstrate sensitivity to and tolerance of differences

The five barriers to effective listening?

1) information overload 2) personal concerns 3) outside distractions 4) prejudice 5) differences bet. speech rate and thought rate

What are the four listening goals?

1) listen for pleasure 2) listen to empathize 3) listen to evaluate 4) listen for information

what are the five steps of listening?

1) listen with your eyes as well as your ears 2) stay on task 3) monitor your emotional reaction to a message 4) be a selfish listener 5) listen for major ideas

*how to develop your listening skills

1) practice listing to speeches 2) music 3) programs with demanding content

*what are the four steps to be an active speaker?

1) re-sort disorganized or disjointed ideas -figure our ways to rearrange them into a new, more logical pattern ex. put a series of examples into chronological order 2) rephrase or summarize what the speaker is saying -listen for main ideas, and then put them into your own words 3) repeat key points you want to remember -go back to essential ideas and restate them to yourself 4) look for "informational handles" provided by the speaker, in the form of previews, transitions, signposts, and summary statements

*what are the four listening style

1) relational-oriented listeners-are comfortable listening to others express feelings and emotions 2) task -oriented listeners -listen for actions that need to be taken. -tend to be skeptical and prefer being given evidence to support recommendations for action 3)analytical-oriented listeners -prefer to listen to complex information laced with facts and details -they reject messages that dont have adequate support 4)critical-oriented listeners -spend time evaluating messages -they are likely to catch inconsistencies and errors in the reasoning and evidence used to reach a conclusion


1) select or single our a message from several competing messages. - As a speaker, motivate listeners to select your message 2) attend to - focus on, the message 3) understand, or assign meaning to the message 4) remember ideas and information 5) respond- or react with behavior that demonstrates you listened to the message.

What are the basic skills in Critical Listening and Critical Thinking?

1) separate facts from inferences -FACTS, are info. that has been proven true by direct observation -INFERENCE, is a conclusion based on partial info. or an evaluation that has not been directly observed

What are the basic skills in Critical Listening and Critical Thinking?

1) separate facts from inferences 2) evaluate the quality of evidence 3) evaluate the underlying logic and reasoning

What are the basic skills in Critical Listening and Critical Thinking?

2) evaluate the quality of evidence -EVIDENCE, consists of the facts, examples, opinions, and statistics that a speaker uses to support a conclusion. -A)EXAMPLES, some speakers support a conclusion with examples. or in conclusion speakers provide question -B)OPINION, is a quoted comment from someone. to be a credible source, the person quoted must have the credentials, experience, and skill to make an observation about the topic at hand. -C)STATISTIC, is a number that summarizes a collection of examples. are the statistics reliable, unbiased, recent, representative, and valid?

What are the basic skills in Critical Listening and Critical Thinking?

3) evaluate the underlying logic and reasoning A) LOGIC B) REASONING-

listening barriers

are created when you fail to perform any of these activities effectively: 1) information overload -working memory theory of listening, we find it harder to concentrate on and remember messages when our working memory is full. 2) personal concerns 3) outside distractions 4) prejudice 5) differences bet. speech rate and thought rate

*1) communicate your expectations and feedback

as an audience you have the responsibility to: 1) know the information and ideas you want to get 2) expect a coherent, organized, and competently delivered presentation 3)communicate your objectives, and react to the speaker's message and delivery through appropriate nonverbal and verbal feedback 4)if a question-and-answer period follows the speech, ask any questions you still have about the speaker's topic or point of view.

*2) demonstrate sensitivity to and tolerance of differences

as an audience, it is important for you to exercise social and cultural awareness and tolerance 1) be attentive and courteous 2) remember that different cultures have different styles of speaking 3) try to understand the needs, goals, and interests of both the speaker and other audience members so that you can judge how to react appropriately and ethically as a listener

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