Chapter 15: Brain and Cranial Nerves

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CSF from the choroid plexus eventually leaves the ventricles and enters the ____ space


____ tracts link the cerebral cortex to the inferior brain and spinal cord

motor units

a lot of area on the motor homunculus is devoted to the hands because there are many ____ devoted to the muscles that move the hand and fingers


a sensory area known as the _____ association area allows us to identify objects when our eyes are closed

cerebrospinal fluid

all of the ventricles contain a liquid material called:


along the midline, between the cerebellar hemispheres is a narrow band of cortex known as the ____

decussation of the pyramids

as a result of _____, each cerebral hemisphere controls the voluntary movements of the opposite side of the body


each shallow depression between the folds of the cerebrum is called:

pia arachnoid dura

from deep to superficial the cranial meninges are the _____ mater ____ mater and ___ mater


most of the central white matter is grouped into bundles called

temperature pressure and pain touch

neurons in the somatosensory cortex receive somatic sensory information from which of the following


rostral is a synonymous with ____ meaning "toward the nose"

cranial bone periosteal layer of dura mater meningeal layer of dura mater arachnoid mater CSF in subarachnoid space pia mater

sequence the structures surrounding the brain from superficial to deep in a region where dural venous sinuses are absent

lateral ventricles interventricular foramen third ventricle cerebral aqueduct fourth ventricle subarachnoid space arachnoid villi dural venous sinuses

sequence the structures that CSF flow through, beginning with CSF production in the lateral ventricles and ending with its drainage into the blood


suppose you wake up from a nap and see the hands on the clock are set at 12:30, you smell food and hear your friends talking about being hungry. the ____ area interprets this information to mean that it is lunchtime


the ___ ensures that skeletal muscles carry out smooth, coordinated movements


the ___ is a principal and final relay point for sensory information


the ___ refers to paired oval masses that lie on each side of the third ventricle between the anterior commissure and the pineal gland

cerebral nuclei

the ____ are paired, irregular masses of gray matter buried deep within the central white matter in the basal region of the cerebral hemisphere


the ____ gland is an endocrine gland that secretes the hormone melatonin


the ____ is a small lobe deep to the lateral sulcus that is not visible unless the temporal lobe is reflected back


the ____ lets the cerebrum know where the sensory information came from such as when a nerve impulse comes from the eye


the ____ lobe of the cerebrum is the location of the postcentral gyrus


the ____ tracts extend between the cerebral hemisphere through axon bridges


the ____ ventricle is located between the pons/ medulla and the cerebellum


the _____ is in the anterior and inferior region of the diencephalon


the _____ lobe forms the posterior region of each hemisphere and immediately underlines the occipital bone

medulla oblongata

the ______ contains the nucleus cuneatus and the nucleus gracilis which relay sensory information to the thalamus

auditory association area

the ______ is located within the temporal lobe and interprets the characteristics of sound and store memories of sounds heard in the past

motor speech

the ________ area used to be called broca's area and is located in most individuals in the left front lobe

the term ganglia refers to clusters of cell bodies in the PNS

the cerebral nuclei are also called the basal nuclei and sometimes are incorrectly called the basal ganglia. Why is this incorrect


the cerebrum is composed of two large ____ which are easily identified on the superior aspect of brain

epithalamus thalamus hypothalamus

the components of the diencephalon include which of the following

arachnoid villi

the fingerlike extensions are arachnoid mater that project into the dural venous sinuses from the ____

voluntary motor functions planning and personality decision making verbal communication

the frontal lobe is primarily concerned with

occipital temporal parietal

the gnostic area is composed of regions of which of the following cerebral lobes


the habenular nuclei relay signals from the ___ system

primary motor

the innervation of the ____ cortex to various body parts can be diagrammed as a motor homunculus

corpus callosum

the largest of the white matter tracts that connect the cerebral hemispheres is the

vestibulocochlear accessory hypoglossal vagus glossopharyngeal

the medulla oblongata has which cranial nerves

spinal cord

the medulla oblongata is continuous with the _____ inferiorly


the neurons from the left primary motor cortex the skeletal muscles on the _____ side of the body


the outer surface of the cerebrum has a number of folds, each one is called a ____

white grey

the outside of the spinal cord is the _____ matter and inside is _____ matter

longitudinal fissure

the paired cerebral hemisphere are separated by a deep

pineal gland habenular nuclei

the posterior portion of the epithalamus is the location for which of the following

coordinating skilled activities moving the eyes while reading a book or playing the piano coordination learned activities

the premotor cortex has many functions including which of the following


the primary gustatory cortex is the


the primary olfactory cortex provides conscious awareness of

corpus callosum anterior commissure posterior commissure

the prominent commissural tracts that link the cerebral hemispheres include which of the following


the protectiv membranes that surround, stabilize and partition parts of the brain are called the cranial ______

shape of objects temperature texture pressure

the somatosensory association area is responsible for interpreting sensations to determine which of the following

fingers genitals lips

the somatosensory cortex has a lot of its area devoted to the

hearing smell

the temporal lobe is responsible for which of the following functions

septum pellucidum

the two lateral ventricles are separated by a thin membrane partition called the:


the type of tract that connects the primary motor cortex to the premotor area is a(n) _____ tract


the visual association area is located in the ____ lobe

understanding spoken words recognizing written words

the wernicke area is involved in which of the following

arbor vitae

the white matter of the cerebellum is called the ___ which means tree of life


three thick tracts called cerebellar ___ link the cerebellum with the brainstem


true or false: the CSF surround the brain and spinal cord


true or false: the blood pressure is regulated by autonomic nuclei within the medulla oblongata


true or false: the cerebellum is the third largest part of the brain


true or false: the cerebellum stores memories of previously learned movement patterns


true or false: the primary auditory cortex receives and processes auditory information


true or false: the ventricles of the brain are continuous with one another as well as with the central canal of the spinal cord

control of emotional behavior control of food and water intake regulation of circadian rhythms

which are functions of the hypothalamus


which of the following is not one of the major regions of the brain:


which of the meninges is the strongest


within the diencephalon is a smaller ventricle called the ____ ventricle


without the ____ the pianists movements would be choppy and sloppy as in banging an entire hand across the keyboard

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