Chapter 6

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As the farmer looked across her field, the parallel rows of young corn plants appeared to converge in the distance. This provided her with a distance cue known as:

linear perspective.

Railroad tracks appear to converge in the distance. This provides a cue for depth perception known as:

linear perspective.

Psychologists are skeptical about the existence of ESP because:

many apparent demonstrations of ESP have been shown to be a staged illusion.

When two familiar objects of equal size cast unequal retinal images, the object that casts the smaller retinal image will be perceived as being:

more distant than the other object.

Psychics who have worked with police departments in an effort to solve difficult crimes have demonstrated the value of:

none of the alternatives.

John Locke is to Immanuel Kant as ________ is to ________.

nurture; nature

In the absence of perceptual constancy:

objects would appear to change size as their distance from us changed.

Researchers who investigated telepathy found that when external distractions are reduced:

over many studies, none of the alternatives occur.

People perceive an adult-child pair as looking more alike when told they are parent and child. This best illustrates the impact of:

perceptual set.

Stereotypes are mental conceptions that can strongly influence the way we interpret the behaviors of individuals belonging to specific racial or ethnic groups. A stereotype is most similar to a:

perceptual set.

Psychics are unable to make millions of dollars betting on horse races. This undermines their claims to possess the power of:


Knowing about the effects of the perceived distance of objects on their perceived size helps us to understand:

all of the alternatives.

How do we perceive a pole that partially covers a wall?

as nearer

Berdine has developed cataracts in both eyes, preventing her from being able to identify even her mother's face. Berdine most clearly suffers a deficiency in:

bottom-up processing.

Although a few keys on the piano were broken, Shana couldn't prevent herself from mentally filling in the missing notes of the familiar melodies. This best illustrates the principle of:


The perceptual tendency to fill in gaps in order to perceive disconnected parts as a whole object is called:


Relative height is a cue involving our perception of objects higher in our field of vision as:

farther away.

Objects higher in our field of vision are perceived as ________ due to the principle of ________.

farther away; relative height

Rebecca was born with cataracts that were not surgically removed until she was 3 years old. As a result, Rebecca is most likely to:

have inadequate neural connections in her visual cortex.

Of two identical horizontal bars in the Ponzo illusion, the bar that is:

higher in the visual field appears to be longer because it appears to be farther away.

Experiments with distorted visual environments demonstrate that:

humans adapt readily, while lower animals typically do not.

Pedro recognized that his son was closer to him than his daughter because his son partially obstructed his view of his daughter. Pedro's perception was most clearly influenced by a distance cue known as:


Which of the following is a cue used by artists to convey depth on a flat canvas?


The monocular depth cue in which an object blocking another object is perceived as closer is:


The study of perception is primarily concerned with how we:

interpret sensory stimuli.

The sensory experience of bending one's knees or raising one's arms exemplifies:


The greatest difficulty facing contemporary parapsychology is the:

lack of a reproducible ESP phenomenon.

The Moon illusion refers to our tendency to perceive the Moon as unusually:

large when it is near the horizon.

The philosopher John Locke believed that people:

learn to perceive the world through experience.

An artist paints a tree orchard so that the parallel rows of trees converge at the top of the canvas. Which cue has the artist used to convey distance?

linear perspective

Infants who were exposed to the visual cliff

refused to cross over the "deep" side to their mothers

Distant trees were located closer to the top of the artist's canvas than were the nearby flowers. The artist was clearly using the distance cue known as:

relative height.

The depth cue that occurs when we watch stable objects at different distances as we are moving is:

relative motion.

Which of the following is not a monocular depth cue?

retinal disparity

The distance between our right and left eyes functions to provide us with a cue for depth perception known as:

retinal disparity.

The principles of connectedness and closure best illustrate that:

sensations are organized into meaningful patterns.

What enables you to feel yourself wiggling your toes even with your eyes closed?

sense of kinesthesis

Perception is the process by which:

sensory input is selected, organized, and interpreted.

As the retinal image of a horse galloping toward you becomes larger, it is unlikely that the horse will appear to grow larger. This best illustrates the importance of:

size constancy

Your friend tosses you a frisbee. You know that it is getting closer instead of larger because of:

size constancy.

The phenomenon of size constancy is based upon the close connection between an object's perceived ________ and its perceived ________.

size; distance

Because she mistakenly thought she was much closer to the mountain than she actually was, Fiona perceived the mountain to be ________ than it actually was.


If two objects cast retinal images of the same size, the object that appears to be closer is perceived as ________ the object that appears to be more distant.

smaller than

Parapsychology refers to the:

study of phenomena such as ESP and psychokinesis.

________ processing refers to how the physical characteristics of stimuli influence their interpretation.


Pedro recognized that his son was closer to him than his daughter because his son partially obstructed his view of his daughter. Pedro's perception was most clearly influenced by a distance cue known as:


Lenore had been blind from birth. Immediately after corrective eye surgery, she could visually perceive figure-ground relationships. This fact would serve to support the position advanced by:


The ability of newly hatched chicks to perceive depth best serves to support the views of:


Who emphasized that perceptual understanding comes from inborn ways of organizing sensory experience?


According to the philosopher ________, we learn to perceive the world.


Research with distorting goggles best supports the view of human perception advanced by:


The predictions of leading psychics are:

Often ambiguous prophecies later interpreted to match actual events, no more accurate than guesses made by others, and nearly always inaccurate. (All of the above)

The existence of convincing scientific evidence that ESP is possible would pose the greatest challenge to the:

contemporary scientific understanding of human nature.

Although Sue Yen sees her chemistry professor several times a week, she didn't recognize the professor when she saw her in the grocery store. This best illustrates the importance of:

context effects.

The horizon Moon appears to shrink in size if it is viewed through a narrow tube that eliminates the perception of distance cues. This best illustrates the importance of:

context effects.

When Rick learned that many students had received a failing grade on the midterm exam, he was no longer disappointed by his C grade. His experience best illustrates the importance of:

context effects.

The perception of the letter "t" as two intersecting lines rather than as four nonintersecting lines illustrates the principle of:


Immanuel Kant and John Locke would have been most likely to disagree about the extent to which perception is influenced by:

cultural experience.

As her friend Milo walks toward her, Noriko perceives his size as remaining constant because his perceived distance ________ at the same time that her retinal image of him ________.

decreases; increases

The visual cliff is a laboratory device for testing ________ in infants.

depth perception

The perceived size of an object is most strongly influenced by that object's perceived:


When the Moon is near the horizon, it appears larger than when it is high in the sky. This effect is primarily a result of:

distance cues, which make the horizon Moon seem farther away.

The ability to see objects in three dimensions is most essential for making judgments of:


The brain breaks vision into separate dimensions such as color, depth, movement, and form, and works on each aspect simultaneously. This is called:

parallel processing.

Although he was wearing a pair of glasses that shifted the apparent location of objects 20 degrees to his right, Lars was still able to play tennis very effectively. This best illustrates the value of:

perceptual adaptation.

As we move, viewed objects cast changing shapes on our retinas, although we do not perceive the objects as changing. This is part of the phenomenon of:

perceptual constancy.

Each time you see your car, it projects a different image on the retinas of your eyes, yet you do not perceive it as changing. This is because of:

perceptual constancy.

The fact that we recognize objects as having a consistent form regardless of changing viewing angles illustrates:

perceptual constancy.

The tendency to hear the steady drip of a leaky sink faucet as if it were a repeating rhythm of two or more beats best illustrates:

perceptual organization.

After hearing rumors about the outbreak of an infectious disease, Alyosha began to perceive his normal aches and pains as diseaserelated symptoms. His reaction best illustrates the impact of:

perceptual set.

After hearing that Bryce had served a prison sentence, Janet began to perceive his friendly behavior as insincere and manipulative. This best illustrates the impact of:

perceptual set.

After learning that her new college roommate had experienced several episodes of depression during her high school years, Erin incorrectly perceived her roommate's laughter as artificial and phony. This best illustrates the impact of:

perceptual set.

Although carpenter Smith perceived a briefly viewed object as a screwdriver, police officer Wesson perceived the same object as a knife. This illustrates that perception is guided by

perceptual set.

The semicircular canals are most directly relevant to:

the vestibular sense.

Patients' negative expectations about the outcome of a surgical procedure can increase their postoperative experience of pain. This best illustrates the importance of:

top-down processing.

Racial and ethnic stereotypes can sometimes bias our perceptions of others' behaviors. This best illustrates the impact of:

top-down processing.

Adults who are born blind but later have their vision restored:

typically fail to recognize familiar objects.

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