CIS-Computer software and buying a computer
What is the correct order of steps to access the snipping tool in windows 10
-click the cortana or search button -type "snipping tool" -select the snipping tool desktop app -click "new" to start capture an image
Most word processing software can be used for which 3 of the following tasks
-creating documents -very simple desktop publishing -creating very basic web pages
Which two of the following methods will uninstall a program from a macintosh computer
-drag the program icon to the trash, click the finder, empty the trash -go to the launchpad, hold the program icon, click on the X
Which of the following are word processing programs
-google docs -pages for mac -microsoft word
Which of the following are commonly used database programs
-microsoft access -openoffice base
Select whats true about system software
-one of the most important types of system software is the operating system -system software refers to programs that offer ghe structure and hardware control necessary to run the computer and its peripheral devices
When you buy a new laptop, how much RAM should it come with?
Click the words below CLICK TO HIGHLIGHT that identify the amount of RAM the computer has
8GB Memory
Because it is a google product, downloading an app from the play store might require
A google login
A legal contract between the software manufacturer and the user of an application
A row in a database
An OS developed by google, that works well with gmail and is found on nearly all non-apple smartphones is
The most common methods of installing software onto a mac is to purchase a DVD or simply download it from the ___ store
Computers made by _____ have a reputation for easy use and a superb video interface
Data that is structured for printing and data interpretation
An application that navigates all of the files and folders on your mac is the
SSD drive
Flash drive
The android OS is owned and maintained by
Great choice for business majors and those looking to work in industry or for the government
Great choice for users with a lot of computer experience
Be careful to read all windows carefully when you ___ from the internet. You might inadvertently change your settings
Click on the storage amount that is equal to 1000 bytes
Kilobyte (KB)
Which of the following might be risky to uninstall from a windows PC laptop
Microsoft Works 6-9 Converter
Linux is owned by
No one
Network _____ systems (NOS) are designed to support the sharing of resources including databases, workstations, applications, and resources on a local area network (LAN). Businesses use NOS to administer and run their networks
Programs that offer the structure and hardware control is necessary to run the computer and its peripheral devices are called ____ software
Operating system
The diagonal measure of a monitor defines its
Screen size
Set of criteria used to extract data from a database
One way to uninstall an app from your android device is to first start at the homescreen and then click on
Paint 3D is included with the windows operating system
Be very cautious about _____ programs that were published by your computers manufacturer or your operating systems developer
The process of removing unwanted software from a computer is called ____
Primary key
Uniquely identifies each record in a database
a column in a database
great choice for google application users
A popular unix- like open source OS is
Applications that include tools used for structuring and managing data are called database ___ systems
The most commonly used operating system for laptop computers is
microsoft windows
A computer platform is commonly referred to as a (an) _____ system or OS.
software comes in various categories. One category is system software, which provides the instructions that hardware needs to operate (ios, android, windows, etc). Another category is game software (leauge of legends, hearthstone, angry birds, etc). Another category of software includes applications such as Office 365, iWork, QuickBooks, Googledocs, etc. This software is referred to as ____ software
single-user license
restricts the use of the software to one user at a time
site license
software is installed on the device of qualified users who request the software inside an organization
___ new laptop computers come with an optical drive installed
where data in a database is stored. Organized in rows and columns
Important considerations when purchasing a new tablet computer include
-the amount of RAM it has -whether the tablet has an HDMI port -the manufacturer of the tablet
Where would you click to capture an image using the snipping tool in microsoft windows
When adding a new hardware, such as a printer, to a computer, you often have to add associated software that allows the printer to work with your computer's operating system. This associated software is called a(an)
network license
Enable anyone on a network the right to use software
Excellent choice dor students interested in graphic design, music, and graphics.
Josh is taking an intro to computers course and needs to use microsoft office to complete a variety of assignments. He has purchased software now he must ____ it so he can start his assignments
The disc rotating inside an optical drives is read with a ____ beam within the optical drives read/write head
All of the following are common ports that are included with laptop computers except
____ computers are manufactured by apple
Android 10 replaced andriod ____ and ended googles tradition of naming operating systems after candy and deserts
The type of software applications that are used to create an assortment of documents are called word ____ programs
Programs that offer the structure and hardware control necessary to run the computer and its peripheral devices are called ___ software
Common presentation software programs include which of the following
-google slides -microsoft powerpoint -keynote for mac
Identify the strengths of linux
-linux is an operating system that is free to download and use -linux is open source software that can be modified by users -linux OS has solid security features and is less susceptible to viruses
Applications that include tools used for structuring and managing data are called database ____ systems