Community Exam 2 (6, 7, 12, 14, 18)

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A systematic investigation, including development, testing, and evaluation, designed to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge.


Grant money to support an ongoing research study, develop new hypotheses, or improve existing ideas. Normally there are no, or only very few, conditions associated with the award. The researcher is free to decide on the course of his or her research and to use the funds accordingly, subject only to the general conditions of the sponsor and the policies of the university or organization.

research grant

Which of the following compares and ranks perceived needs or those identified by the assessment data?

problem list

Patrick is a 5-year old boy living in an underdeveloped country and has been experiencing malnutrition for several months. An emergency feeding program recently brought over several types of oral rehydration therapy for Patrick. Which of the following is NOT a possible ingredient in a prepackaged solution? glucose, sodium, potassium, wheat


Who are often overlooked in heir contribution to prevent food insecurity and malnutrition worldwide?


The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Current Public Policy Agenda includes all of the following EXCEPT:

worldwide "wellness" policies for schools

Which of the following is coverage offered through one's own employment or a relative's employment?It may be offered by an employer or by a union.

Employment-based health insurance

Robert lives in a country that just experiences a disastrous war and drought that has caused a widespread lack of access to food in his and all of the surrounding communities. This situation is known as __.


Widespread lack of access to food due to a disaster or war that causes a collapse in the food production and marketing systems.


A service provided by a RD or nutrition professional that includes counseling, nutrition support, and nutrition assessment and screening to improvise people's health and quality of life.

medical nutrition therapy

Medicare legislation provides hospital and medical insurance to which of the following demographics? -Elderly persons -Permanently and totally disabled persons -People with ESRD -All of the Above

-All of the Above

The Affordable Care Act emphasizes coverage for preventative services and a reformed delivery system that includes which of the following? -primary care providers -medical homes -community-based health centers -all of the above

All of the above

Which of the following is a step in finding grant funding? -The nutritionist/grant seeker must have a clear idea of the project or program needing funding -The nutritionist/grant seeker must search for and locate potential grantors -The nutritionist/grant seeker must contact and apply for financial support -All of the above

All of the above

Sometimes nutritionists may need to submit proposals for activities such as which of the following?

All of the above (Travel, Training, Demonstration, Equipment and Service)

The Affordable Care Act states that health plans must offer a minimum level of benefits for inclusion in state exchanges, including all EXCEPT which of the following? -Inpatient -Outpatient -Cosmetic -Emergency


T or F A hypothesis is never a supposition or question that is raised to explain an event or guide investigation.


T or F An abstract is a way of showing relationships that are known, as well as ones that have not been investigated, but may be the focus of the project.


T or F An abstract justifies the project, builds the case for the project, and highlights the need for the project and the budget for the project.


T or F Deadlines for grant proposals are generally flexible


T or F Fee-for service plans are the traditional type of healthcare policy. The client determines a price for each type of service delivered, and then the insurance company pays the fee.


T or F It is important for the researcher to consider all of the people whose skills or knowledge will be needed when writing a grant proposal.


T or F It is not necessary to consider ethical issues when writing a grant proposal.


T or F Medicaid provides health care services for children under the age of 10.


T or F Nutrition research, nutrition monitoring, and nutrition policy are not interrelated.


T or F People in higher income households are more likely than those in lower income households to report their health status as fair or poor.


T or F The implementation phase of program planning is different from the execution of the program plan.


T or F The majority of foundations and corporations who regularly fund programs will not send out a request for grant application form.


T or F The concept of insurance is to combine the healthcare experiences of many enrollees in order to reduce expenses for any one individual to a manageable prepayment amount.


Which of the following is NOT a question a grant writer must address in order to be successful in obtaining funding? -What are the objectives/aims, how much will it cost, and what is the time line? -How much media coverage will your program generate? -What is the maximum amount of money the applicant can request? -What has already been accomplished in the research project or program?

How much media coverage will your program generate?

What is another name for a matching grant?


When adopting a successful strategy from prior policies, what benefits are you gaining?

Lower cost and decreased time expended

A joint federal/state/local program of health care for individuals whose income and resources are insufficient to pay for their care; it is governed by Title XIX of the federal Social Security Act and is administered by the states. Medicaid is the major source of payment for nursing home care of the elderly.


A federal entitlement program of medical and healthcare coverage for the elderly, disables, and persons with end-stage renal disease, governed by Title XVIII of the federal Social Security Act and consisting of four parts: Part A for institutional and homecare, Part B for medical care, Part C Medicare advantage program, and Part D drug prescription program.


A type of private insurance coverage that may be purchased by an individual enrolled in Medicare to cover some needed services that are not covered by Medicare Parts A and B (ex, "gaps")


Which of the following is a type of private insurance coverage that may be purchased by an individual enrolled in Medicare to cover some needed services that are not covered by Medicare?


Which of the following is known as the Medicare Supplemental Insurance?


Michael wants to improve on the low-income nutrition education program he has developed in his community. He should apply for which type of grant?


A federal program that covers individuals who have incomes too high to qualify for state medical assistance but who cannot obtain private insurance. All states participate, but some do not cover dental.

State Children's Health Insurance Plan

What does TANF stand for?

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families

T or F A contract is a written agreement between a grantee and a third party to acquire routine goods and services.


T or F A preferred provider organization is a combination of traditional fee-for-service and an HMO. Similar to an HMO, clients use the physicians and hospitals that have agreed to give discounts to their insurer.


T or F A public health nutritionist found out recently that the relationship between malnutrition and infection is cyclical. Infection predisposes children to malnutrition, which impairs the immune defense system that predisposes children to infection.


T or F A retrovirus, HIV infects a cell and uses an enzyme called reverse transcriptase to transcribe the viral genome onto the cell's DNA, resulting in viral replication by the infected cell.


T or F A service grant is the money that supports activities and services to the community over and above those outreach programs already funded. This also could be accomplished through a block grant.


T or F A typical grant proposal includes an introductory overview of the proposal or background information, a statement of need, a project description, and a budget.


T or F Another way to decrease world hunger is to maintain the world's food supply for the long term by developing policies that promote sustainable agriculture.


T or F Budget justification is a description of the budget items requested and a rationale for why this expense is needed.


T or F Employment-based health insurance is coverage offered through one's own employment or a relative's employment. It may be offered by an employer or by a union.


T or F In the University of California Los Angeles' Small Grant Success Strategy, researchers found that the sustained intake of fruits and vegetables may be due to the positive cultural habits that the participants have retained, as well as the timing of the study at a critical point in their life.


T or F Individual practice association (IPA) is a type of healthcare provider organization composed of a group of independent practicing physicians who maintain their own offices and band together for the purpose of contracting their services to HMOs.


T or F Medicare Part A coverage is generally provided automatically and free of premiums to persons age 65 or over who are eligible for Social Security or Railroad Retirement benefits, whether they have claimed these monthly cash benefits or not.


T or F Medicare Part D coverage provides subsidized access to prescription drug insurance coverage on a voluntary basis upon payment of a premium.


T or F Program is a collection of activities intended to produce a particular outcome


T or F Some funding agencies may require the grant seeker to submit a letter of intent. The letter of intent follows many of the same procedures as the proposal, but it is limited to a few pages.


T or F Summative evaluation is conducted to assess program outcomes or as a follow-up to the results of the program activities.


T or F The Balanced Budget Act included a state opinion known as Programs of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE).


T or F The Medicare system is based on fee-for-service for paying physicians. Medicare pays an individual physician an amount that does not exceed the 75th percentile of charges by all physicians in a community.


T or F The main function of the Affordable Care Act is to produce private health insurance exchanges in every state. These exchanges will serve as a marketplace for consumers, offering local, standardized healthcare plans from a variety of providers.


T or F The nutritionist must anticipate unexpected events, such as reallocation of funds during the program, clients not responding to the invitation to participate in the intervention program, clients not cooperating fully (ex, not completing a questionnaire for evaluation of the program), or presentation slides not working.


T or F The people who are the hardest to reach are sometimes neglected in the planning phase of a nutrition program.


T or F To assess the extent of hunger in the community, a nutritionist may collect data on local food costs, household resources, and barriers that constrain individuals or families from obtaining adequate food.


T or F The United States spends a great deal of money on acute care and insufficient amounts on the promotion of health and prevention diseases.


Which of the following is NOT a skill necessary for successful partnerships with grant providers? -Networking -Coordination -Vocal arts performance -Cooperative learning

Vocal arts performance

Kyle is writing a grant proposal. Which of the following will NOT be one of the steps that he will take> -Locating grant money -Describing goals -Generating ideas -Writing a TSF

Writing a TSF

A sum of money the federal government gives to a state or local government. The federal government suggests a general purpose for the use of the money (ex, community services or social services) as authorized by legislation, but permits the state or local area to spend the money without meeting specific conditions.

block grant

A financial plan that shows expenses and income related to a specific service


A payment method in which each provider, such as an HMO, receives a flat annual fee for each individual, regardless of how often services are used.


The new structure of the Affordable Care Act focuses on preventative care and wellness, and a client-centered approach to treating and managing various:

chronic diseases

A visual way of demonstrating relationships that are known and ones that have not been investigated but that may be the focus of the project.

conceptual framework

A written agreement between a grantee and a third party to acquire foods and services. The contract could stipulate any number of things, such as that the grantee must submit a quarterly and/or final report when the project is completed, that there was a reduction in the amount requested, or that the president of the organization must sign the contract


A specified amount that an insured individual must pay for a specified service or procedure (ex, $20 for an office visit).


The analytic process whereby the costs and benefits of a program are identified and measured in monetary (dollar) terms.

cost-benefit analysis

The amount an individual must pay out-of-pocket, usually yearly on a calendar-year basis, before insurance will begin to cover expenses.


A grant given to show a new approach to delivering a community health program or demonstrating a technique.

demonstration grant

When designing an action plan you should consider creating a more __ environment and using communication as a technique.


Countries that have reached a stage of economic development characterized by the growth of industrialization. The amount of money made by the population (national income is enough to pay for schools, hospitals, and other services (domestic savings).

developed countries

Countries that have not reached the stage of economic development characterized by the growth of industrialization. The amount of money made (national income) is less than the amount of money needed to pay fos schools, hospitals, and other services (domestic savings)

developing countries

Coverage offered through one's own employment or the employment of a relative.

employment-based health insurance

A grant for small instruments for a start-up fund.

equipment grant

The traditional type of healthcare policy; the physician sets a price for each type of service delivered, and then the patient or his or her insurer pays this price.

fee-for-service plans

Noncompetitive awards based on a predetermined formula provided to grantees. The amount established by a formula based on certain criteria (ex, population, per capita income, poverty, service needs) that are written into the legislation and program regulations. These are directly awarded and administered in a department's program offices. These programs are sometimes referred to as state-administered programs.

formula grant

Money given to an individual or an organization for a need and that does not require repayment. Grants can be given out by foundations, governments, and the like. Grants to individuals can be either scholarships or donations.


Which of the following is a fund awarded to individuals or an organization for research, educational, or demonstration programs, in which monies are used to support new innovative programs or expand existing programs to meet community healthcare needs?


A written request for money (and occasionally for other resources)

grant proposal

Which of the following is a written request for money (and occasionally for other resources), in which writing it compels the nutritionist to create, define, and refine the research idea or community education program?

grant proposal

The organization or individual awarded a grant is called the:


The organization or individual awarded a grant or cooperative agreement by the grantor and who is legally responsible and accountable for the use of the funds provided and for the performance of the grant-supported project or activities.


A health maintenance organization that contracts with a medical group for the provision of healthcare services

group model

A broad term that includes both public and private payers who cover medical expenditures incurred by a defined population in a variety of settings.

health insurance

A managed care company that organizes and provides health care for its enrollees for a fixed prepaid premium.

health maintenance organization

The condition of an individual's physiological and psychological state, and his or her interaction with the environment.

health status

A supposition or question that is raised to explain an event or guide investigation.


Contribution of equipment, supplies, or other tangible resources, as distinguished from a monetary grant. Some organizations also may donate the use of office space or staff time as an in-kind contribution.


A type of healthcare provider organization composed of a group of independent practicing physicians who maintain their own offices and band together for the purpose of contracting their service HMOs. An IPA may contract with and provide services to both HMO and non-HMO plan participants

individual practice association

Which of the following is made up of private physicians in private offices who provide services to HMO members as well as clients with other forms of insurance?

individual practice associations

A plan in which individuals and organizations who are concerned about potential risks will pay premiums to an insurance company, who subsequently will reimburse them if there is a loss.


A system that seeks to manage the cost of health care, the quality of that health care, and access to care; it is based on the belief that healthcare costs can be controlled by "managing" the way in which health care is delivered.

managed care

The amount of project costs that the organization, other sponsors, or the institution will contribute toward the project. Support may consist of money, equipment needed for the project, personnel (in-kind), or supplies.

matching grant

All of the following are aims of the Affordable Care Act EXCEPT: -expanding health insurance coverage to include uninsured Americans -improving the quality of coverage and health care -serving as a cost-saving mechanism -permitting insurance fraud

permitting insurance fraud

A healthcare plan that offers enrollees the option of receiving services from participating or nonparticipating providers.

point-of-service plan

A network of providers who agree to deliver services for a reduced fee; the providers generally incur no financial risk. The financial burden is on the patient rather than the providers.

preferred provider organization

A periodic payment required to keep an insurance policy requirement.


Most preferred provider organizations (PPOs) cover visits to the physician, well-baby care, immunizations, and mammograms, all of which are considered:

preventative care

Which of the following provides an alternative to institutional care for individuals age 55 or older who require a nursing facility level of care?

programs of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly

Grant money that supports activities and services to the community over and above those outreach programs already funded. This also could be accomplished through a block grant.

service grant

A health maintenance organization (HMO) that employs providers directly and the providers see members/enrollees in the HMO's own facilities.

staff model

Grant money to learn how to prepare a grant proposal and/or learn new techniques.

training grant

Grant money funding travel and related expenses outside of the state, community, or local area for the purposes of research, both basic and applied; to attend conferences; or to attend a workshop on how to write a grant proposal.

travel grant

Jeff lives in an underdeveloped country and is one of the estimated 1.4 billion poor people who live on how many US dollars a day or less?


Katrina is an underweight infant who was born to a malnourished mother. She fits into the ratio of underweight infants born by malnourished mothers, which is:

1 out of 6

In 1989, a minimal level of energy requirement for individuals at nutritional risk was set at:

1,900 kcal/person/day

In the United States, the prevalence of food insecurity decreased by what percentage from 2009 to 2010?

11.2 to 10.2%

The __ is established in recognition of the broad interests of AND members. Priorities are established areas where the association can work proactively on issues where dietetics professionals can make a unique contribution to the policy debate

AND public policy agenda

Individuals involved in the program may be included in which of the following categories? The population/community itself The change agents The sponsors and government representatives All of the above

All of the above

Jacob is a dietitian who is putting in an effort to prevent babies from acquiring HIV infection from their infected mothers. Which of the following is an effective strategy? Encourage safe feeding practices Encourage the use of antiretroviral drug during labor Encourage HIV-positive women to avoid unwanted pregnancies All of the above

All of the above

Joan is a community nutritionist who wants to prevent poverty and malnutrition. Which of the following could she do? Seek the participation of the community in a given project Raise awareness of the situation among the population Make efforts towards the mobilization of the masses to effectively empower the poor All of the above None of the above

All of the above

When setting a clear direction before starting your policy, you should do which of the following? -Establish points for possible compromise early -Be amenable to changes that may be necessary during the process -Work closely with the individuals that are responsible for implementing the program and those affected by the policy -All of the above

All of the above

Which of the following is a source of objective data? Birth and death certificates Census Bureau Medical records All of the above

All of the above

Eve is a woman living in sub-Saharan Africa.She has an HIV-related infection and is seeking counseling counseling to manage this condition. What steps are appropriate for her?

All of the above (observing food-medication interactions, educating herself on food and water safety issues, learning how to get an adequate amount of physical activity)

Many laws and regulations passed by local, state, and national officials affect nutrition programs and nutritional status of citizens. The following is/are what dietitians can do to influence the outcome of an election:

All of the above (write letters, volunteer as a legislative network liaison, donate time and money)

Amy consulted a dietitian recently to discuss her nutrition-related condition that may lead to diabetes if she doesn't make modest changes in her diet and physical activity level.What is this health condition?


Kelly is a dietitian developing a local wellness policy. She is currently reviewing the CDC's data on obesity trends. Which step is she undergoing?

Assessing the district's needs

A comprehensive summary of all federal regulations currently in force.

CFR (Code of Federal Regulations)

It is time for Kevin to take the next step in the development of his nutrition program and select a data-collection method. Which of the following is NOT a commonly used data-collection method in nutrition programs? Focus groups Surveys Medical record reviews Classrooms


Community nutrition students were required to identify the government agency responsible for administering the School Breakfast Program, which is the:

Department of Agriculture

A public health nutritionist needs to identify the organization that is responsible for regulating food and nutrition labeling, which is the:


T or F A feasibility study occurs during the program initiation phase and may not be accomplished before significant expenses are carried out.


T or F Planning nutritional and dietary classes is not one of the roles of a nutritionist.


T or F State government policymaking structures and processes are not comparable to those of the federal government.


T or F With Medicare's new policy toward obesity, medical nutrition therapy can qualify as an antiobesity intervention without specific approval from Congress.


A weekly publication that contains all regulations, proposed regulations, and the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)

Federal Register

Which federal agency regulates the content of food advertisements and truth-in-labeling laws?

Federal Trade Commission

The components of Michael's diet have put him at risk for nutrition-related chronic heart conditions. His diet is most likely high in all but which of the following? fiber, cholesterol, sodium, saturated fat


Researchers have established the deficiencies of energy, protein, and micronutrients negatively affect the immune system and other normal body functions. In addition, the medications taken by patients with __ induce diabetes-like states, high blood cholesterol, and a fat storage disorder called lipodystrophy, which are best treated with MNT intervention.


The specific changes in body composition inducing refeeding are determined by the existing metabolic state, body composition, and the composition of the refeeding diet. Angela, the dietitian, has a severely malnourished client at risk for refeeding syndrome. Which of the following predisposes the client to an increase in extracellular volume and edema?

High sodium and carbohydrate diet

Injection of a killed or inactivated organism into the body to stimulate the immune system to develop antibodies against an active disease-causing organism.


A major goal of program evaluation does NOT include determining which of the following? Efficiency Effectiveness Impact Importance

Importance: determining whether the program has the necessary political sway to create press coverage

Matt is currently living in poverty and hasn't had any food in 3 days. According to the inadequate dietary intake and cycle of disease model, all but which of the following are possible symptoms that Matt might experience immediately following inadequate food and nutrient intake?


Which of the following does NOT account for most preventable maternal deaths? T2DM Infectious diseases Blood loss Unsafe abortions


T or F In feeding programs, the procedures of frequent feeding with high-energy, milk-based diets were successfully introduces into refugee situations in the 1970s.


T or F Program planning is an act of formulating a program for a definite course of action, a process of exploring a situation, deciding on the circumstance, and designing actions to create the desired outcome.


T or F State health agencies may provide services through district or regional offices in states where there are no official local public health agencies.


T or F Subjective data analysis involves the collection and analysis of data on the various clients' perceived needs.


A concise statement of the methods, activities, or intervention strategies to be undertaken.

action plan

Which of the following is a concise statement of the methods, activities, or intervention strategies for a primary, secondary, and/or tertiary prevention program?

action plan

In program implementation, a nutritionist must consider: -the quality of the program implementation -how to keep the program on track -the back-up plans for unexpected situations -all of the above

all of the above

Omari is a dietitian and wants to help establish a basic primary healthcare infrastructure in South Asia. She should focus on which of the following? immunization against preventable diseases, family planning, maternal nutrition, breastfeeding, all of the above

all of the above

When working with children in a refugee camp, a dietitian can provide blended foods, which include: corn-soya blend wheat-soya blend all of the above none of the above

all of the above

In July 2004, DHHS announced a new Medicare coverage policy "that would remove barriers to covering __ interventions if scientific and medical evidence demonstrated their effectiveness in improving Medicare beneficiaries' health outcomes"


Which of the following is NOT a step in how local districts can create and implement a local wellness policy?

avoid publicity

Which of the following is defined as the methods used to determine whether a service is needed and likely to be used, whether it is conducted as planned, whether the service actually helps the purpose, and whether objectives are carried out or planned activities are completed?


The following are the 3 branches of the government:

executive, judicial, legislative

Which of the following is NOT one one of the goals developed by the USDA's Community Food Security Initiative to reduce hunger by half by 2015? highlight innovative community solutions to hunger, improve coordination between existing antihunger programs, extend community trade of biofuels, increase public awareness of the causes and consequences of food insecurity

extend community trade of biofuels

Jacob, a dietitian, wants to unite with political leaders and concerned citizens to propose a policy change for nutrition-related issues. Some issues that need policy change in the community are:

food safety, obesity, food security

To have access to an adequate amount of food at all times that is safe, nutritious, and culturally appropriate for an active and healthy life.

food security

A position in the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND) that is appointed or elected by the state affiliate to serve as the primary communicator between AND members and the congressperson.

grassroots liaison

In which phase of the program planning process must the clients, providers, and administrators select the best plan to solve the original problem?


Which of the following data collection methods is a nondirective research technique in which the participant is invited to "tell me the story about your health condition, starting with when you first noticed anything was wrong," and the only prompts used are "tell me more about that" or "what happened next?"

in-depth interview

An elected state affiliate member of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND) who organizes and mobilizes AND members at the state level to become involved in federal public policy issues.

legislative network coordinator

__ are elected by each state affiliate; they organize and mobilize AND members at the state level to become involved in federal public policy issues; they are main liaisons between the state affiliate and AND government relations staff

legislative network coordinators

Gabriel is a 9 year old boy who lives in Nicaragua. He has trouble finding clean water, and he eats mostly food made with corn. He may even go a few days without eating. What situation is Gabriel experiencing that is defined as poor nutritional status due to dietary intake either above or below the optimal level?


Poor nutritional status due to dietary intake either above or below the optimal level.


A group of individuals united by similar interests that represents corporations, trade associations, ideological group, labor unions, or member association is called a:

political action committee

Working irregular hours, irregular days, rotating hours, or days, weekend days, and regular evening or night hours.

nonstandard work schedule

The process of adding one or more nutrients to commonly consumed foods in an attempt to increase their nutrient content.


__ information is used to determine dietary habits, identify high-risk population groups to plan public health intervention programs, and initiate food assistance awareness efforts

nutrition monitoring and examination

The four components that form the foundation of the U.S. nutrition policy are:

nutrition research, nutrition education, nutrition assistance, nutrition information

A shift in dietary habit from a diet high in complex carbohydrates and fiber to a diet higher in fat, saturated fat, and sugar; this occurs as incomes increase.

nutrition transition

The collection and analysis of available demographic and health statistics to prepare a community diagnosis and problem list.

objective data analysis

Which of the following involves collecting and analyzing data from available demographic and health statistics to prepare the community diagnosis and problem list?

objective data analysis

A framework for making decisions that guide actions to help the public.


A group of individuals united by similar interests or issues.

political action committee

A collection of activities intended to produce particular results.


An ongoing process from the beginning of the planning phase until a program ends.

program evaluation

The process of putting a program into action.

program implementation

The process of exploring a situation, deciding on a more desirable situation, and designing actions to create the desired situation.

program planning

Greg works for an international development agency that is trying to create nutrition policies and programs for developing nations. One of the problems that he has encountered is how to prevent the undesirable effects of nutrition transition, and at the same time, do which of the following?

promote economic growth

Ensuring an adequate general food supply is a major public health priority when disaster strikes. Usually, feeding programs that are provided for victims of disasters are divided into two common categories. A feeding program for treatment of severely malnourished individuals called:

therapeutic feeding

Victor gave a presentation about a policy that influences funding priorities for research and for development of new food products, which is:

science policy

The action of administrative bodies such as the U.S. Department of Agriculture interpreting the law and providing the detailed regulations or rules that set a policy into effect after a law is passed.

secondary legislation

All of the following are different types of public policies that can impact food, nutrition, and health EXCEPT:

security policy

In developing countries, nutrition transition, which is a shift from a diet high in complex carbohydrates and fiber to a diet high in fat, saturated fat, and sugar, is due to a:

shift in income

The concept of sustainable agriculture is inspired by three general areas of concern. Stephanie is a scientist and is currently trying to find ways to help farmers reduce the undesirable impact of agriculture on land, water, and wildlife resources. What should she not be concerned with?

social factors

Anthony gave a presentation about a policy that influences food assistance programs for low income individuals, which is:

socioeconomic policy

Permanently established committees that create and approve legislation, authorize programs, and oversee program implementation

standing committees

A decrease in linear growth rate that is an indicator of inadequate nutrient intake in children.


The collection and analysis of data on various clients that are observable and measurable, such as listening to radio stations, watching local television coverage, and interviewing key informants/community leaders.

subjective data analysis

Which data collection tool is useful for identifying issues of importance and achieving consensus when it is not practical for people to meet face to face?


The government can use different tools to influence policies and the lives of citizens. Some of the tools is/are:

taxes and tax incentives, price supports for commodities, financial support

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