CompTIA A+ 801 and 802 Comprehensive Set

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Network Components

(Starting at the client) -network adapter (or Network Interface Card - NIC) -Cable -Central network box (hub or switch)

Port Numbers

(common port numbers for TCP/IP Services on the Exam) -HTTP 80 -HTTPS 443 -FTP 20, 21 -POP3 110 -IMAP4 143 -SMTP 25 -DNS 53 -DHCP 67, 68 -Telnet 23 -SNMP 161 -NTP 123

Common Operational Problems: Critical Error Message or Crash

--BSoD (blue screen of death) --find the STOP code on the screen & look it up online

Floppy Drives and Disks

-1.44 MB of data -invented 1987 -Floppy Disk Drive connects via 2 cables: --4-pin mini power connector and a 34-pin ribbon cable to motherboard

2.1 speakers

-2 stands for the pair of stereo speakers or satellites -1 refers to the subwoofer (bass)

Reporting as a Security Measure

-2 tools in Windows will report problems to you so you can let the network admin or tech know to resolve them: Event Viewer Auditing

Common Operational Problems: Application will not Start or Load

-3 common causes 1. application was not installed correctly 2. version conflict 3. computer is experiencing memory access errors

Cache (CPU cache)

-A special kind of RAM -one way CPUs got beyond 4GHz -superfast RAM directly on the CPU -also found on the HD and other components on CPU: Level 1 (L1) - smallest, fastest Level 2 (L2) - bigger, slower Level 3 (L3) - biggest, slowest (found only on highest end CPUs) Bigger cache = More efficient CPU EXAM: cache is measured in KB and MB. L1 could be 512 KB, L2 <= 2 MB

Subnet Masking

-A subnet mask hides, or "masks," the network part of a system's IP address and leaves only the host part as the machine identifier. -A common subnet mask for a Class C IP address is Each section of the subnet mask can contain a number from 0 to 256, just like an IP address. Therefore, in the example above, the first three sections are full, meaning the IP addresses of computers within the subnet mask must be identical in the first three sections. For example, the IP addresses and would be in the same subnet, while would not. -A subnet mask such as can be used to split a network into two subnets

Enterprise Software

-Business and Goverment use, not individual -about display, manipulation, and storage of large amounts of often complex data and the support or automation of business processes with that data -performance|scalability|robustness -a collection of computer programs with common business applications, tools for modeling how the organization works, and development tools for building organization-specific applications

Disposal of IT Equipment: CRT Disposal

-CRTs emit radiatin -contain lead

Monitoring Your System: Task Manager

-CTRL+SHIFT+ESC or CTRL+ALT+DEL and select -view performance information about open applications and end any application tasks that are frozen or not responding -information on current processes, workload, network traffic, and network user status


-Contains hundreds or thousands of processors -are typically one-of-a kind, custom designs -often priced in the millions of dollars EX: Titan Cray @ Oak Ridge National Lab in TN -200 cabinets -speed of 17.59 petaflops (Quadrillion) calcs/ps

Maintaining Software

-Disk Cleanup -Backup -File Compression

Green IT: Energy Star

-EPA runs the program -certifies products that meet low-energy consumption standards -established to: --reduce greenhouse gases and other pollutants --make it easy for consumers to identify savings EX: Laser Printer must: --use @ least 25% less NRG than standard --allow duplex --run cooler --last longer without maintenance

Troubleshooting Your System

-Follow basic steps to troubleshoot common problems. -fix manually or with Microsoft Fix It -identify cause, tools, and methods to resolve

Satellite Technologies (WAN Transmission Media)

-Geosynchronous = 1 type of orbit for satellites; means they rotate at the same speed as the earth and are always in a fixed relation to the ground -home TV satellites are aimed at this type

Email in the Cloud

-Gmail allowing you to link accounts and reply from those accounts appropriately

Office Applications in the Cloud

-Google Apps is 1 example -a web-delivered service that is part of cloud computing

Browser Config: Cookies and Internet Cache

-IC is copies of graphics and other items cached locally to allow page to load more quickly next time AKA Temporary Internet Files -cookie is a small text file containing information about you --used to identify you as a registered user of a Web site, keep track of shopping basket goods, etc --also used to present different looks and content to different users and to track access to Web sites, including products you look at, even if you don't buy them --privacy and personal info concern but not executable (not a huge security threat) -some browsers and browser add-ins can be set to partially or completely block cookies

Software Upgrades

-Initial Release -Tested by users, who provide feedback -Updated by: Patch: -fast, fixes problems, 1-2 over program life Service Pack: -bundle of patches, usually for an OS Upgrade -new program version that is purchased

Physical Controls (Access Control Methods)

-Locks -Physical Security of Hardware

Troubleshooting Your System: Error Correction Tools

-Microsoft provides software called Fix It -consists of automated scripts that provide users with the means to apply automated fixes, workarounds, and configuration changes -can avoid manual work and reduce problem solving time

Monitoring Networks

-Network Admin needs to monitor various aspects of a network -requires a lot of tuning and supervision -thresholds/tolerance for reporting must be set for every object -can take months to properly tune a system

Operating System

-OS is software that maintains control of hardware through the use of drivers -schedules and manages programs to run multiple apps at the same time (prior, computers could only do 1 at a time) -has a set of pre-written functions, called Application Programming Interfaces, to make software programming easier and less likely to have errors. -EX: email timestamping - the email program isn't allowed access to the internal clock, so it asks the OS for the current time

Protocol Characteristics

-Protocols can be divided into connection-oriented (allows data checking in the transport layer) and connectionless -connection-oriented AKA stateful are by far most used and ensure that the data is received properly; transmissions before and after actual message are considered overhead (opens/closes transmission) -connectionless AKA stateless protocols send data to the destination with no regard for whether it is received (bad for downloads or sharing) -good for quick exchanges or streaming (i.e. video or voice) but do not perform error checking EX: User Datagram Protocol, which is used for streaming media

Short Message Service (WAN Transmission Media)

-SMS (texting) -enabled by 2G cellular technology

Monitoring Networks: with SNMP

-Simple Network Management Protocol -connectionless application, so it can work with components from many vendors -SNMP manager is a device on the network with SNMP management software loaded on to it. -can configure, monitor, and troubleshoot the network -AGENTS are the devices that can be managed by the SNMP manager and can include routers, hubs, NICs, servers, and other compenents of intranets -SNMP uses ports 161 an 162


-Smaller form factor than laptops -smaller disks (HD) -lacks key laptop features such as optical drives -smaller screen NOTE: Laptops are being down-sized while maintaining memory and CPU power, almost becoming indistinguishable from netbook form factor. Meanwhile, the upsizing from PDAs to tablets is creating more netbook competition.

TCP/IP Services

-The World Wide Web -E-mail -FTP (File Transfer Protocol) -VoIP (Voice over IP) -each service requires a special application, each with special settings

Common printer connections

-USB -parallel

Preventing Network Attacks

-User Awareness and Education --password best practice -Software: Antivirus, Anti-Spyware, Anti-SPAM -Security Certificates -Encryption: Wireless, File

Advanced Switch Functions

-VLANs -Spanning Tree: avoids loops by ensuring that only one link is used at a time; provides redundancy if another switch goes down

Universal Serial Bus Speeds

-Variety! peripheral attachment, supported by every OS, hot-swappable -USB 1.1 has 2 stds: USB 1.1 and Hi-Speed USB -1.1 gets 1.5 (slow) or 12 (high) Mbps data transfer -USB 2.0 gets up to 480 Mbps & backward compatible -3 form factors: A, B (printer) , Mini (camera) -SuperSpeed USB 3.0 gets up to 5 Gbps; looks like 2.0 w/slight diffs and is blue (says faster than FireWire and eSata but probs isn't)

Windows printer

-Windows sees a printer as a program, not a physical device. -one "printer" may control many physical devices -spooler is a software that channels the print jobs from the PC to the printer

Event Viewer

-Windows's default tattletale program -Control Panel>Administrative Tools -view application or system errors

User Account Control

-XP almost forced an admin acct to be primary -UAC is a feature that enables standard users to do common tasks and provides a permissions dialog when standard users and administrators do certain things that could potentially harm the computer (like installing a program). -Vista and 7 function more like user accts in Mac and Linux and ask for admin pws to proceed

Cellular Technology (WAN Transmission Media)

-a cell-style architecture is used to enable frequency reuse -Wi-Fi, Wi-MAX, and many other techs use the structure -typically used to describe Voice and Data services, but actually refers to the architecture of the transmitters -reuses frequencies without letting them interfere with each other

Circuit-Switching on a WAN

-a circuit-switched network provides a dedicated circuit path between source device and end device -packets are sent in order over one path -Main Advantages --data is ensured enough bandwidth and a dedicated path --all data sent over the same path in the correct order -Main Disadvantages --established connection cannot be used for any other transmission until connection is released, even if nothing is being transmitted --data can take only the path established by the circuit, even if a better, faster path becomes available -Circuit-switching technologies include: --ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) --POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service) --56 Kbps circuits (Switched 56) --Leased lines (including TI) --xDSL (all digital subscriber lines)

Voice over IP

-a collection of protocols that make phone calls over the data network possible -low network latency is important

Wi-Fi Alliance

-a group of 175 companies that create and design wireless networking products -certify products that conform to 802.11 (a, b, g, or n) as Wi-Fi certified

Domain Name

-a naming device "for humans" -part of a Uniform Resource Locator (URL). -consists of two parts: the site's host and a suffix that indicates the type of organization. (Example: -easy to remember and provide consistency for the user (IP address can change w/o affecting domain name.)

Communication Protocols

-a set of rules that governs how devices communicate with each other -there are hundreds of unique communication protocols in use for computers -two types: proprietary and standardized (aka Internet) --problem with proprietary is that devices might not be able to communicate with devices outside the company w/o fixes --TCP/IP is an example of standardized

Domain Name System

-a worldwide system of servers that maps names to IP addresses, and the way the numbers are grouped is called the IPv4 protocol -Domain and HOST names are resolved to IP addresses by the DNS, and the IP addresses are resolved to MAC addresses by the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) -Port 53

Data Storage in the Cloud

-about 1/2 the cost of a traditional Microsoft file server -doesn't require the buyer to do backups and maintenance


-actually a PC cam, but most common use is Internet communication, hence Webcam -VAST differences btwn cheap and expensive ones -image quality: 100,000 pixels to millions --1.3 million is highest w/o killing broadband -frame rate: 30 fps is considered the best -most use USB connections (Hi-Speed=make sure it is plugged into a 2.0 port) -many are built-in to monitors or laptops -Find the camera's program in systray, computer, or ctrl panel -Get the apps to recognize it and test it -in Windows, only 1 program can use it at once

Wireless Network Modes

-ad hoc -infrastructure

Ad Hoc Wireless Network Modes

-aka peer-to-peer -node is in direct contact with every other node -decentralized -each node needs the same SSID and a unique IP -suited for small groups (<12) -temporary study groups or business meetings -can't go beyond group (like to connect to the Internet)

Simple Peer-to-Peer Network Architecture

-all computers are connected together without a hierarchy -all resources are located on each individual's machine (a printer connected to one user's computer, for example) -need a different user account to access resources on each different computer--DECENTRALIZED authentication -easy to set up but it leaves all security, information backup, and performance to the end user

Session Layer of OSI

-allows applications functioning on devices to establish, manage, and terminate a dialog (or session) through a network -establishes sessions between users and token management (a service that controls which user's computer talks when during the current session by passing a software token back and forth). -establishes synchronization points, or backup points -AKA layer 5

Green IT: Use of Equipment: Voice over IP

-allows voice data to be carried as packets over IP networks -VOIP phones in place of traditional phones -headset in computer allows conference calls, Web conferences, and video conferences for less cost -eliminate need for telephone equipment, PBX (private branch exchange), and telephone wiring

Broadband over Powerlines

-an extension of HomePlug outside the home -for remote users (rural)

Single-Factor Authentication

-antiquated and inadequate -EX: username and password


-any device connected on a network (computer, printer, client, server, whatever)

Consolidating Drives: Cloud Computing

-apps and resources accessible via Internet AKA Saas "Software as a Service" -efficient use of energy by use of server farm

Minimizing Risks: Damage to Equipment

-avoid spills -use a UPS -periodic cleaning of hardware -avoid physical trauma -safely minimize ESD

Satellite Phones (WAN Transmission Media)

-better signal in heavy terrain or isolated areas because they need only a clear view of the sky, not a ground-based tower -popular in the military -available to public from Globalstar and Iridium -$$$$

Availability (A of CIA Security Triad)

-broken down into Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting: Authentication - proving that you really are who you say you are Authorization - having proper permission to perform some function in a network Accounting - logging security events so access can be monitored

Wireless Access Point

-centrally connects wireless network nodes in the same way that a network hub or switch connects wired PCs -in a company, a WAP is connected by a wired cable to a switch and then to the network and requires rigorous authentication by the devices (nodes) -residential users typically have the WAP integrated into a router that is connected to the cable modem -many can also act as high-speed switches and Internet routers

Disk Cleanup Tools (Maintaining Software)

-chdsk.exe - verifies the logical integrity of files and can even repair file system data -sfc.exe - Finds corrupted system files and restores them -cleanmgr.exe - frees up space on hard drive by removing unnecessary files that are no longer in use (included in Windows) -defrag.exe - takes parts of files that are physically located in different parts of the disk and moves them together, which increases read/write performance (does not free-up space but organizes available space)

Green IT: Use of Equipment: Replacing Drives

-choose energy efficient -look for NRG Star

Maintenance of Equipment: Repairing Equipment

-choose items that can be repaired instead of needing replaced

Maintenance of Equipment: Managing Dust

-clean it -reduce heat -reduce workload on cooling fan

Hypertext Transfer Protocol

-communication between a Web browser and a Web server -port 80 -not secure without SSL (HTTPS = HTTP over SSL)

Common Operational Problems: Peripheral with Driver does not Function

-compatibility issue -check driver's minimum requirements

Accidental Misconfiguration (Security Threats)

-configuring browser/security settings incorrectly and exposing computer to risks

WAN connections

-connect multiple LANs -usually through a public network, such as a telephone system, leased lines, or satellites -service provider gives "end-to-end" service to each connected LAN

LAN Bridge

-connects 2 or more LANs at layer 2 (Data Link Layer) -extends a network range -are network layer protocol transparent -can separate traffic between departmental LANs, but unlike VLANs, still allow sharing of information without going through the router -considered legacy; replaced by switches

SCSI host adapter

-connects to motherboard -adds 2 SCSI connectors (internal, external)

Consolidating Drives: Virtualization

-consolidating services on one piece of hardware -saves money on purchase, maintenance, powering, and cooling

Disposal of IT Equipment: Battery Disposal

-contain hazmats such as mercury, cadmium, and lithium -Nickel-metal hydride batteries (NiMH) are considered to be more green; no heavy toxic metals

Application Layer of OSI

-contains the networking application protocol that is used to "Carry and present" the "payload" or data -is the protocol that defines the data that the user views while using applications -AKA layer 7

Web Browser Configuration for Protection

-cookies, Internet cache, plugins, add-ons, and firewall

Formatting a Hard Drive

-creates a files system for the drive

Partitioning a Hard Drive

-creates distinct sections on a hard drive. -each appears in Windows as a separate drive

Physical Layer of OSI

-creates the physical link between 2 devices -referred to as the PHY ("fie") -format varies more than any other layer due to many standardized and proprietary physical layers -has error-checking but different for each PHY type -AKA layer 1

Backup Tools (Maintaining Software)

-critical measure for preventing data loss -ntbackup.exe is a Windows backup utility, which backs up files not already marked as backed up -system and registry backups should be done Windows can do these with: -Last Known Good Configuration -Registry Backup -System Restore -Safe Mode -ASR (Automated System Recovery)

Cleaning Exterior Surfaces

-dampen a lint-free cloth or cotton swabs in mild household cleaner or rubbing alcohol -NO AMMONIA NEAR LASER PRINTERS


-defines a family of programs that run in the background on our PC, sending information about your browsing habits to the installing company -runs Distributed Computing applications -captures your keystrokes to steal passwords -reconfigures your settings -uses your contacts lists to propagate itself like a virus -hogs bandwidth -don't install programs it hides in (like custom cursor effects, etc) -install detection and removal software

Network Architecture

-design of communications on a network -describes or models specifications for a network's physical components and their functional organization and configuration; it's operational principles and procedures; and the data formats used in its operation -There are 2 main types: Simple Peer-to-Peer and Client/Server (modern)


-designed for multiple user access -substantially faster CPU than a PC -very large data storage capacity -RAID (redundancy array of independent disks) and other redundancies built into components and power -high-power cooling fans -OS + Apps are Server Specific -the software is really what defines a server -- you can put Windows Server 2008 on a desktop and make it a server, not a good one

Card Services

-device drivers that recognize the function of a particular PC card and provides the specialized drivers necessary to make the card work -handled by Windows

Socket Services

-device drivers that support the PC Card socket -recognizes card insertion and removal -handled by BIOS

Browser Config: Firewall

-devices or software that protect an internal network from unauthorized access to/from Internet -hardware firewalls: hide IP addresses, block TCP/IP ports; most home offices use hardware firewalls, like a Linksys router. --many routers use Access Control Lists (ACLs) that can filter by port number, IP address, or several other attributes -Windows XP and later come with Windows Firewall

Safe Wire Placement (Maintain Hardware)

-don't put them where you can trip and kill the computer

Disposal of IT Equipment: Recycle or Reuse


Green IT: Use of Equipment: Printing Considerations

-duplex -reduces paper consumption -all NRG star must offer duplex -recycle -Fonts: switching from Arial to Century Gothic can save 31% more ink but uses more paper

ESD Equipment (Maintain Hardware)

-electro-static discharge -anti-static cloths, vacuums, bags -air ionizers -grounded wrist straps

Maintenance of Equipment: Heating and Cooling Office Space

-eliminate cool air leaks in server room -provide space between devices and face cool to cool and hot to hot to create cooling aisles -use energy efficient fans; change settings in BIOS

Terminal Server

-enables users to login and work with applications directly on the server -used with thin clients

Confidentiality (C of CIA Security Triad)

-ensuring that the data cannot be read by unauthorized individuals and is secured through encryption techniques


-ethernet over power lines w/in a home

MAC Address

-every device that communicates on a network has a unique MAC address -48-bit hexadecimal format -provides NO information for grouping -AKA: Physical Address (by Windows) -device will have one for each medium, so if you're connected on Ethernet and WiFi, you'll have 2 -1st 3 bytes (24-bits) are the OUI, last 3 bytes are assigned by the card manufacturer

Common Operational Problems: System or Application Lockup

-expressed as the system or application "hanging" or "freezing" -run Task Manager to end any processes that are not responding -choose Processes tab and end any processes monopolizing CPU -restart


-extend the range of a wireless LAN by gathering a weak or degraded signal from one end and putting a regenerated, full strength signal out the other

Flash-Based Storage

-faster and tougher than HDD -uses small memory chips similar to RAM but nonvolatile -found in phones, mp3 players, ebook readers, and GPS in addition to external drives


-focal point of any OS -communicates w/CPU -indicates what program is being used and what you want it to do -kernel is useless w/o programs


-folder in which Windows has been installed -usually C:\Windows -C:\Windows\System32 - all of Windows's most critical files and programs

Android OS

-for touchscreen devices such as tablets and smartphones -owned by Google with an open source community of developers -uses a Linux Kernel

Data Link Layer of OSI

-formats data according to the medium it will be sent over -takes "packets" from Network Layer and packages them into "frames" (contains an identifier that signals the beginning and end of the frame) -data is @ network card ready for transmission, and the data link layer knows if the physical layer is busy and waits to move the data -sending data over wireless requires completely different formatting than over a wired medium -AKA layer 2

VOIP as green

-fraction of the cost of phone -great for sales

Uniform Resource Locator

-full domain name + the protocol (

WAN Technologies

-function at the lower 3 layers of the OSI model (network, data link, and physical) -different and much more diverse than on a LAN


-generated by spyware -small programs that launch automatically when visiting certain web pages -can bring up competitor's ads on pages -many mimic legitimate pop-ups -security risk because they contain malware that is launched when it is clicked -close with ALT F4 instead of clicking -use ALT TAB to bring to front if needed

Crossover Cable Connections

-has 568A at one end and 568B at the other end -used to connect like devices EX: -PC to PC -Router Ethernet port to Router Ethernet port -PC to router Ethernet port -Switch to Switch -Hub to Hub -Hub to Switch

Straight-Through Cable Connections

-has the same standard at both ends -used to connect unlike devices EX: -PC to Hub -PC to Switch -Router Ethernet port to Hub -Router Ethernet port to Switch

Ethernet Ports

-have a transmit port (Tx) and a receive port (Rx) -Tx must connect to Rx at the other end

-PCMCIA card (PC Card)

-hot-swappable or hot-pluggable -68-pin -parallel --comes in 2 types: 16-bit (2 functions) and CardBus (32-bit, 8 functions) ---3 physical sizes Type I, II, and III ---2 Type II ports stacked can take 2 type I or IIs or a Type III -power = 3.3 V or 5.0 V -requires socket or card services to run

Common Operational Problems: Input Device will not Function

-if caused by hardware, could be related to a malfunctioning port on the computer, cable integrity, a connection problem (VERY COMMON), or the malfunctioning of the device (such as a wireless mouse with a weak battery)

Common Operational Problems: Cannot Login to Network

-if caused by hardware, most likely related to a cable that is loose or damaged, a switch port that is malfunctioning, a switch or router that is down, or an Ethernet adaptor card that is malfunctioning

Quarantine (Resolve Security Breach Step 2)

-if it can't be eliminated, quarantine it

Advanced Network Troubleshooting: Cable Testers

-if you suspect a bad cable, you can use a simple cable tester to check it -2-piece system: tester and responder -push button to test PHYSICAL LAYER

Parental controls

-in Vista, limit and monitor activities of any acct -Activity Reporting logs apps, websites, files downloaded, etc --can block sites by type or URL or only allow certain sites --limit time logged in and when

Green IT: Reparable Equipment

-include as many elements as possible that can be repaired

Cookies (Security Threats)

-info stored in your browser that can reveal passwords, usernames, Internet activity -can facilitate identity theft, cyber-spying, or other criminal activity

Data Destruction

-intentionally or accidentally erasing or corrupting data or using the data elsewhere

Device Driver

-interface between hardware and OS -provided by the hardware manufacturer, although OSes frequently include drivers for common hardware like keyboards

Game Controllers

-joystick -gamepad -force feedback game controllers are output as well as input devices -all modern ones plug into USB -decent force feedback ones need their own power as well -ancient ones had a dedicated port, usually as part of the sound car, called a MIDI/joystick port (had 15-pin sockets in 2 rows)

Thin Client

-keyboard, mouse, monitor, and a small box that enables authentication to the terminal server -cheaper, a lot less electricity than fat-client networks

Virus Prevention

-know the source of any software before you download it -run antivirus shields and swords -keep those programs' definition files up to date -pay to update the actual programs (engines) periodically

ping -l

-l is the switch that allows you to identify the # of bytes per ping

Heating and Cooling Office Space: Telecommuting

-laptops -remote login -reduces emissions, heating, cooling, lighting, etc


-learns the network address of every machine connected to it -reads the recipient address on the frames, sending them along only the appropriate connection -full-duplex -operates at layer 2 (data link), so it can understand Mac addresses

Internet Service Provider

-leases connections to the Internet from one of the backbone networks and, in turn, rents a portion of those connections to you

Cleaning Contacts and Connections

-lint-free cloth or paint brush

Products for cleaning hardware

-lint-free cloths -small vacuums -compressed air canisters -various liquid cleaning compounds (citrus-based are environmentally friendly -- to find green ones); specific ones for specific devices -never apply liquid to equipment; apply to cloth

Global Positioning System (WAN Transmission Media)

-listens to at least 3 satellites to calculate location, and a 4th for altitude -satellites it listens to are constantly broadcasting timing information -the delay of time between transmissions from one satellite vs another helps to calc location -GPS units are receive only

Minimizing Risks: Data Loss

-lock computer or logoff when away -run up-to-date security software -backup regularly to a different drive

Physical Controls (Access Control Methods)

-lock doors, secured drawers, etc -logout when leaving PC -Smart cards for verification/access -Fingerprint readers

Tree Network Topology

-logical, not physical -combines Star Topology and Bus Topology characteristics -consists of groups of stars connected to a linear bus backbone cable -allows for expansion of existing network


-low frequency -short distances -15-ft or less -common in TV remotes

Material Data Safety Sheet

-made by manufacturer of equipment -provide details about potential environmental hazards and proper disposal methods

Minimizing Risks: Loss of Service

-maintain a secondary computer that is data-synced with your primary computer -maintain a bootable external storage device -store data and user profiles centrally, allowing users to work from any networked computer

Integrity (I of CIA Security Triad)

-maintaining the data as it should be, without allowing unauthorized users to modify or delete it. This includes data in transit over a network as well as data stored on hard drives, optical media, tapes, or other media

File server

-makes stored data accessible


-malicious software -most common types are grayware, spam, viruses, Trojan horses, and worms


-manage network resources (like printers and email) -provide central storage and services

Green IT: Use of Equipment: Power Management

-manage power settings w/in organization by setting policies and procedures for shut down -shutdown scripts can provide an opportunity for daily data backup: automatically copy specified files from HD to an internal, external, or networked storage each time powers down -computers can be configured to automatically power off in Standby mode after a certain time of no activity

Cleaning Removable Media Devices

-manufacturer recommended kits and solutions, lint-free cloth, compressed air

Full Duplex

-means the device can send and receive at the same time

Half Duplex

-means the device can send and receive but not at the same time

Security Threats (local computer)

-mitigated through user awareness -Backup Media, Screen Visibility, Cookies, Pop-Ups, Accidental Misconfiguration

Satellite Television (WAN Transmission Media)

-modern receivers are small, can receive more channels, and do not need to be moved -again, for rural folks -DirectTV and DISH are big players in US

Router (WAN Device)

-most common and popular WAN device -connect networks to each other -most common use for household is to connect a HAN (SOHO) to a WAN

SCSI Chain

-most mobos don't have an SCSI connector, so a separate SCSI host adapter must be installed -typical internal SCSI devices connect to a 68-pin ribbon cable with multiple connectors (like a PATA cable) -external devices can use 50-, 68-, or 80-pin connectors. (D-shaped) -externally, chain is connecting one device to another in a DAISY CHAIN up to 15 devices -the SCSI ID is a number from 0-15 that is assigned to each device on the chain

Cloud Computing

-moves routine tasks into the hands of specialists instead of people at every individual company -provides services such as data storage, email, and applications (Google apps)

WAN Switch (WAN Device)

-multiport internetworking devices used in carrier networks -operates at Data Link layer (layer 2) -switches are different depending on WAN type

Backup Media Theft or Loss (Security Threats)

-must be kept physically secure -data in them should be encrypted -periodically copying to a new media is necessary to prevent data loss


-network latency is the amount of time a packet takes to get to its destination and is measured in milliseconds

Monitoring Networks: Monitoring and Managing Tools

-network monitoring software color codes the status of the devices & sends out alert messages -common to manage networks with software on a server or a hardware device that is dedicated to the task of monitoring and managing equipment -usually has a lot of visual displays of the network -gives network admin good look at structure -visual indicators such as yellow or red equip gives good snapshot -notify correct people of alert -software can make calls -more common to page, text, or email network admins

Green IT: Solid State Drives

-no moving parts -quieter -faster -more rugged -smaller and lighter -consume less power and generate less heat

Ring Network Topology

-nodes connected along a single wire with no endpoints -a PHYSICAL ring has no technical advantage in LANs, so rarely used there; however, logical rings with star physical layouts (Token ring and Fiber Distributed Data Interface) are both used in LANs -used in WAN environments where a fiber cable ring around a city provides a connection for telephone companies to service voice and data networks

Inkjet Printer

-non-impact -processes an entire page before printing (page printer) -common problem is for ink inside jets to dry when not in use (park position prevents this) -low cost, so usually most effective to replace rather than repair


-not backward compatible -came out after 802.11b -operates in 5 GHz range -less prone to interference because that range is less popular -great throughput of 54 Mbps speeds -range suffers, topping out at 150 feet -not widely adopted until after g came out -24 usable channels = great for high-density environment with many devices


-not meant to compete with wireless -not designed to be full-functioning networking solution -3 Classes with different power usage and distance --1 100 mW, 100 m --2 2.5 mW, 10 m --3 1 mW, 1 m

File Compression Tools (Maintaining Software)

-not recommended if disk space is not an issue -saves significant disk space


-often a computer running Windows, Mac, or Linux -also, game consoles, tables, smartphones, DVRs, etc

Small Computer System Interface

-older than USB, FireWire, and eSATA and has fallen out of favor, but the newest SCSI is still faster than the best SATA -was used for scanners and printers -various types -SCSI-2: Uses a 50-pin connector instead of a 25-pin connector, and supports multiple devices. It is one of the most commonly used SCSI standards. Data transfer speeds are typically around 5 MBps.


-one way to green workers

Data Classification and Compliance

-organizing data according to its sensitivity -keeping hardware and software as uniform as possible -compliance means that members of an organization must abide by all of the rules -for a tech; software related is most common, such as what sort of software users can be allowed to install

Cell Processors

-originally made for games -very small share of market but growing -advantage is ability to share computing resources with other cell processors -EX: computer, smartphone, HDV can all share computing resources and increase performances -power supply diff from AMD and Intel CPUs

Presentation Layer of OSI

-performs 3 main functions: -data formatting: converts data to/from standardized formats -data compression/expansion: reduces large amounts of data into smaller file sizes -data encryption/decryption:makes data unreadable w/o the correct key (apps don't understand encryption, so this layer does it) -responsible for presenting information to the application layer in the manner expected -AKA layer 6

Run an Anti-Virus Scan (Resolve Security Breach Step 1)

-personal firewall software -make sure definitions are current

LaserJet Printer

-photoconductive (particles of toner conduct electricity when exposed to light) -some use LED instead of laser -some support duplex -non-impact page printer -capable of 2400x2400 dpi


-piece of code inserted in an executable program as a temporary fix of a bug aka fixes or hotfixes (a service pack is a bundle of patches and constitutes a major software update)

Traffic Sorting (Port Numbers)

-port numbering tells the computer what type of data is being received so it can be sorted -each type of data is assigned a port number that are mostly standardized for common types of traffic -1,024 common ones, though they actually range from 0-65,535 (16-bit) -some well-known ports are: --80 for HTTP --110 for POP3 email receipt -the IP Address + the port is the "socket" -A field in a TCP or UDP header that identifies the application that either sent (source port) or should receive (destination port) the data inside the data segment.

Power Management: Standby Mode

-power-saving state in which a computer's processing functions are powered down w/just a small amount of power maintaining memory in RAM (NOT saved to HD) -computers can be configured to automatically power off in Standby mode after a certain time of no activity -can come out almost instantly

Use a Surge Protector or UPS (Maintain Hardware)

-prevent voltage spikes -use UPS (Uniterruptable Power Supply), which is a surge protector and battery backup

Browser Config: ActiveX and Java

-programming languages that can be integrated into Web sites to allow interactivity -ActiveX is specific to IE in Windows -Java applet is similar but runs on any system and is not as flexible but more secure -both act as subprograms w/in a program requiring less code to be written -never allow to run from untrusted sites


-programming the computer to perform a specific task -when it runs, for example, the computer will shut down, etc.


-programs that intrude into your computing experience but don't actually do any damage to your systems or data -3 basic types --pop-ups, spyware, and adware

Troubleshooting Networks: Advanced

-protocol analyzers capture and analyze data traffic to discover problems with the protocol -cable testers check cable continuity

Advanced Network Troubleshooting: Protocol Analyzers

-protocol problems exist in the data link layer (layer 2) -usually a mistake from manufacturer or software vendor -reads the actual data being passed between 2 devices -can be used on wired or wireless networks -displays the actual protocol, right down to the binary level -analysis is a specialized skill set and not every network admin can do it properly


-provide points of connection between networks -determine the route for the data packet to take from the source network to the destination network -home, or broadband routers, often have Wireless Access Points and Switches built in

Browser Config: Anti-Phishing Features

-provide protection from inadvertently connecting to a malicious phishing site or maliciously downloading software -IE's SmartScreen is one example

Frame Relay switches (WAN Device)

-read DLCI (data link connection identifier) numbers in the Frame Relay header, used to switch the frame through the switch

Maintenance of Equipment: Choosing Cleaning Supplies

-read labels, reduce toxins - lists products certified as green for MSDS for cleaning supplies and products

Cleaning Monitors

-refer to manual -vary from IPA (Isopropyl alcohol) to Hexane or Petroleum Benzene to Palmolive -don't press on LCDs - they scratch and crack


-refers to verification of a user's identity. 3 factors: -something you know (username/password) -something you have (picture ID, ATM card) -something you are (finger print, retina scan, voice recognition)

Troubleshooting Your System: Common Operational Problems

-related to issues with hardware OR software


-repeats the frame of data down every network cable attached, hoping one is the correct recipient -half-duplex -simple central connectivity device -operates at layer 1 (physical), so it doesn't understand addressing

Disposal of IT Equipment: Toner Disposal

-replacable cartridges -hazardous -clean toner with an electronics vacuum -never clean with regular vacuum -brush off and wash with cool water -refill/recycle -NO AMMONIA BASED CLEANERS

WAN Devices

-routers -switches -modems -CSU/DSUs

Broadband Router

-routers operate at the network layer of the OSI model (layer 3) and read logical addresses (IP) -home broadband routers do more: --provide DHCP --provide wired and wireless connections --provide firewall functions

Web Servers

-run specialized software to to provide Web sites -Web browsers access them by using HTTP on port 80

Application server

-runs programs across the network

Power Management: Hibernation Mode

-saves everything in memory to hard drive just before power off -when woken, displays all programs and files that were open

Regular Antivirus and Malware Scans (Resolve Security Breach Step 4)

-scan periodically -train users to do so -scan any file opened from an outside source

Monitoring Your System: Event Viewer

-see logged activities, events, warnings, and error messages -review regularly to recognize common, harmless messages and distinguish them from problems -Start>My Computer>Manage>+Event Viewer --4 categories: Application, Internet Explorer, Security, System

Packet-Switching on a WAN

-sends the data packets over any available path -packets are re-assembled into the original message at the end device based on their numbers -more modern than circuit-switched -paths followed by packets are called Virtual Circuits -each packet has a # in the header to tell switches in the cloud to switch the frame -each packet takes a different destination based on availability and speed -Main Advantages --sent over fastest path --paths are available for other transmission whenever there is a lag -Main Disadvantages --packets have to wait for an available path --greater chance of packet loss because of all the different routing Technologies Include: -X.25 -Frame relay -ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) -MPLS (Multiprotocol Label Switching)


-serial -performs much better than serial -PC Card devices can't work in this socket -54 mm or 34 mm wide -75 mm long, 5 mm thick -connects to hi-speed USB 2.0 or PCIe -USB max throughput of 480 Mbps -PCIe version max throughput 2.5 Gbps -power = 1.5 V or 3.3 V -plug and play, so doesn't require socket or card services; plug and play (own drivers)


-small circuit boards with a row of connectors on each side at the bottom and RAM chips on 1 or both sides. DIMMS - Dual In-Line Memory Modules;most common type in desktops; about 4 inches wide SODIMMS - Small Outline Dual In-Line Memory Modules; most common in laptops; about 1/2 the size of DIMMS (OLD RAM was SIMMS - single...)

Hardware Authentication

-smart cards and biometric devices Smart cards -credit-card sized cards with circuitry that can identify the bearer (like a subway/mass transit card) -fairly uncommon in computers Biometric devices -keyboards, key fobs, retinal scanners, or PC cards for laptops can all be biometric devices if they require some sort of physical, flesh-and-blood authentication They can be combined ( ex: key fob with RFID for identifying bearer and fingerprint scanner).

Handheld computing devices

-smart cellular phone -ebook reader -portable digital music player


-social engineering by physically entering the building under the guise of someone else Tailgaiting = infiltrating by following someone through the door


-social engineering by trying to get people to reveal their usernames/passwords by pretending to be someone else online

Telephone Scams

-social engineering via the phone


-software program that can copy itself and infect a computer but does not need a human to install -often exploit security flaws in OSes, so updating security patches is as important as running anti-virus software (IE: patch management)

Domain Name Service servers

-special computers that keep databases of IP addresses and their corresponding names

Consolidating Drives: Terminal Servers

-store and control apps on a network-based server using Thin Clients -AKA Thin Client Computing

Antivirus Programs

-sword and shield -uses a library of signatures to detect viruses -signature=code pattern of a known virus -sometimes legit programs can bear the signature of a virus, so the antivirus program's creator has to provide a patch

Minimizing Risks on Computers

-take steps to reduce the risk of data loss, loss of services, and damage to equipment

Application-Specific Integrated Circuits

-technology on switches that bridges used to perform only much faster (hardware instead of software)

Cellular Telephone Standards (WAN Transmission Media)

-the "G" or "generation" in the name of cellular technology is used to signify significant changes -1G: analog; used into early 2000s -2G: digital, encryption-enabled, intro 1991; increase phone capacity per cell tower; allowed SMS -3G: includes tech for data transfer and streaming services -4G: fully based on TCP/IP; all voice is packetized for transfer as data

World Wide Web

-the addressable set of files, images, and other resources located on the Internet -a standardized language and file system used over the Internet

Users and Groups as Security Measure

-the bedrock of access control -locally, Windows user is limited, power, or admin, and using NTFS with it allows highest level of control over data Networked -Principle of Least Privilege -don't use the default groups; set up your own -reduces work of network admins by allowing them to add people to groups instead of permissions to people -allow you to keep track of your user accounts and make sure people can only access what you want them to

Effective permissions

-the combined permissions an individual user has based on his/her assignment to more than one security group

Fat Client

-the computer that workers use to connect to the network in a traditional client/server network -has all computing power built in -worker can still work locally if network goes down


-the first step of properly implemented security -how a computer determines who can or should access it and, once accessed, what that user can do -computers can authenticate through software, hardware, or both

Network Topology

-the geometric arrangement of the physical layout of the computers (and other network devices) in a network -categorized in 2 ways: --Physical: physical connection between nodes (points of connection) EX: Wiring and connection devices --Logical: the way communication takes place between nodes EX: path data will take; the way the wires are laid out is not necessarily the way the data flows

Incidence Reporting

-the human factor: telling your supervisor what you found

Patch Panel

-the non-technical connection point of a wire from a node on a LAN star ethernet network -used to connect to the hub or switch

Domain Name

-the part of the url that represents a recognizable name for humans to remember (i.e.; Domain Name Service servers match these names to IP addresses -they must be registered and kept with a fee


-the practice of connecting a computer network with other networks through the use of gateways that provide a common method of routing information between networks -the result is an internetwork, or internet

Social Engineering

-the process of using or manipulating people inside the networking environment to gain access to that network from the outside -humans using other humans to gain unauthorized information, such as a password, login, credit card #, etc


-the security tab of Event Viewer -pretty much already configured in Win 7, but not in XP -must be set up to do event auditing (when someone tries to login) and object access auditing (when someone tries to open a file)


-throughput of up to 11 Mbps (actual speeds of 4-6 Mbps) -comparable to 10BaseT speed -max range 300 ft -uses very popular, crowded 2.4 GHz frequency -only 3 channels

Browser Config: Plug-ins

-tiny pieces of software that add functionality to a browser -often able A/V content -be careful! only install well-known, reputable plugins like Adobe Flash or Microsoft Silverlight -millions available, many for free


-to provide redundancy in digital communication -increases reliability -message takes up more space, so less actual data can be transmitted (but information is repeated, so STOP! becomes STOP! STOP! STOP! STOP!) -systems like WiFi employ multiple coding schemes: --simple w/less redundancy when signal is good --complex w/more redundancy when signal is bad


-transfer speed of a (54 Mbps) with range of b (300 ft) -backward-compatible with b -only 3 usable channels (bad for high-density areas)


-transforming plaintext (raw data) using an algorithm called a cipher into an unreadable format to all except those who possess the key. Used in 2 ways: -make data on storage devices unreadable -scramble data while in electronic transit

Trojan Horse

-true, free-standing programs -does something other than what the user thinks it does (virus masquerading as anti-virus program) -Ex: once installed, allows an unauthorized user to access computer by unlocking firewall and remote access tools

Satellite Internet (WAN Transmission Media)

-two-way satellite communication allows Internet access from almost anywhere in North America -heavy cloud cover or rain can obstruct the signal -meant to serve rural and remote areas -used to be upstream via phone and downstream via satellite -receiver can be fixed or mobile -high latency caused by long distance of travel -last resort for people who can't get Internet any other way

Physical and Logical Bus Network Topology

-unreliable and difficult to troubleshoot; has been replaced -was used in a LAN where multiple computers were connected on a single wire w/exactly 2 endpoints -endpoints had to have TERMINATORS, which are devices that absorbed the extra electrical energy of a message at the end point so it could not echo and flood the wire -if a single computer's wire became unplugged, it created an unterminated endpoint, causing the echo effect, and no one's computer could communicate -easy to know problem; hard to locate; caused frequent outages


-unsolicited email -huge % of Internet traffic -set up filters or filtering software -don't post email address publicly

Keep Applications and OS systems up to (Resolve Security Breach Step 5)

-updated with latest updates and patches -most software updates are about security

Infrastructure Wireless Network Mode

-use one or more WAps to connect the wireless nodes to a wired network segment

Monitoring Your System

-use tools such as the Task Manager and Event Viewer provided in Windows -learn to recognize and diagnose problems

Spanning Tree

-used in an environment when 2 switches are connected -rather than having only one connection between the switches (where a failure of that connection means an entire segment of the network goes down), you have multiple connections between them, but that can cause loops -the spanning tree avoids loops by ensuring that only one link is used at a time; provides redundancy if another switch goes down -spanning tree decides priority and only allows transmission over one link at a time -if one link goes down, it switches to the other -gives a level of reliability between switches

Modem (WAN Device)

-used to connect a digital output device (like a computer) to an analog transmission line (like dial-up)

Troubleshooting Networks: with Ping

-used to test connectivity -sends a simple packet to a destination by IP address (network layer; layer 3) -called an echo request, and the device on the other end responds with an echo reply -if you get a reply, that means the connection to the device is working -if you get "Request Timed Out," it means there is something wrong PING TESTS OSI LAYERS 1-3. Single greatest troubleshooting tool in networking

Client/Server Network Architecture

-user computers are connected to central computer(s) that is used for data storage, resource security, and backup -the data SHOULD be stored on the server so the failure of any 1 user's computer will not result in the loss of any data accessed by others (in reality, people still save locally) -uses CENTRALIZED authentication to access resources


-uses MIMO -up to 4 antennae -officially 600 Mbps but much less in reality -standard is to run on 2.4 GHz BUT with a dual band WAP, can run at 2.4 and 5 GHz, so it is backward compatible with devices built for all previous standards -a bit more expensive

Monitoring Networks: Baselining

-uses monitoring and reporting software to record network utilization and traffic patters during smooth operation -allows you to set alerts in the software -establishes what network performance should look like

Solid State Drive

-uses the same chips as memory cards (many stacked inside a hard drive enclosure) -uses same connectors as traditional drives (usually SATA)


-usually implies a program compatible with the 32-bit instruction set (codebook) of Intel's series of CPUs that ended in -86. (Intel 8086, 80386, etc) -This is why Program Files x86 folder in Win7 64-bit houses the 32-bit programs

Unauthorized Access

-when a person accesses resources without permission -resources = data, applications, and hardware -not always malicious -can be gained through intrusion (trying passwords or Dumpster Diving)

Shoulder Surfing

-when people spy on you from behind, watching what you type

Transport Layer of OSI

-where raw data from upper layers gets split into manageable pieces -every layer has a different name for these pieces; at transport layer, they are called "segments" -checks that data was delivered properly and not damaged or lost -separates data by types: email, IM, Internet downloads -AKA layer 4

Network Layer of OSI

-where real addressing occurs -"segments" of data are called "packets" -packet is appended with an address ("logical address") -performs error-checking but can only reject, not ask for resend or indicate that it didn't receive the packet like transport layer would -provides info for QoS (prioritization of traffic) -AKA layer 3

Administrative Access

-you have full control over just about every aspect of the computer

Top-level Domains

.com, .edu, .net, .gov, .biz, etc.

Bluetooth Class ___ uses 100 mW of power and has a maximum distance of 100 meters.


A PCI-X port's max speed is _____.

1 GBps (1000 MBps)

Universal Symbols of On and Off

1 and 0

Bits & Possible Combinations

1 bit --> 0 or 1 2 bits --> 00, 11, 01, 10 3 bits --> 000,001,010,100,011,101,110,111 4 bits --> 0000, 0001, 0010, 0100, 0011, 0110, 0101, 0111, 1000, 1001, 1010, 1100, 1011, 1110, 1101, 1111 1 bit = 2^1, so 2 combos 2 bits = 2^2, so 4 combos 3 bits = 2^3, so 8 combos 4 bits = 2^4, so 16 combos 8 bits = 2^8, so 256 combos (0-255)

5 Main Parts of Processing

1. Hard Drive - stores data but is too slow to interact w/CPU directly 2. CPU - "the brain", handles the majority of processing tasks 3. RAM - CPU must load the OS onto it (as well as any other software stored on the HD that it needs to use) 4. OS - series of programs and code that create an interface for the user to interact w/the computer 5. Application - enables user to complete a specialized task

5 Basic Computer Hardware Components

1. Input devices (keyboard, microphone, mouse) 2. Output devices (monitor, printer, speaker) 3. Processing devices (CPU) 4. Storage Devices (Hard Drive) 5. Communication pathways connecting all other components (motherboard, buses)

4 ways of getting beyond 4 GHz CPUs

1. Move from 32-bit to 64-bit computing 2. Add multiple cores to a single CPU 3. Refine how CPUs work w/programs 4. Use RAM specialized to optimize CPU operation (cache)

3 advantages of HDD over SSD

1. Price (2TB HDD <$100; 1TB SSD >$3000) 2. Capacity 3. Electronic Longevity (SSDs get worn out after many overwrites)

Steps of Recognizing and Resolving Security Breaches

1. Run an anti-virus scan 2. Quarantine the virus when possible 3. Escalate to an IT professional when needed 4. Conduct regular antivirus and malware scans 5. Keep applications and operating systems up to date

2 Key Points about RAM

1. You can't mix stick types or technologies. (DDR2 has different connector notches from DDR3.) They only fit the motherboard designed for that technology. (Mobos are designed for DDR2 or DDR3 - read manual.) 2. You can always install RAM that is "too fast" for the Mobo, but you can NEVER install RAM that is too slow. PC will read dead.

Pinging Strategy

1. start with the nearest device on the network and work your way out 2. to troubleshoot connectivity problems, first test the connectivity on devices closest to your computer; Ping a device on your network 3. If that comes back good, ping the router (default gateway) 4. If that is functioning, ping other devices until you find an unresponsive device (hard for user to know all the IPs needed)

USB pin counts

1.1 and 2.0 A and B - 4; the rest of 1.1 and 2.0 have 5; 3.0 uses 9 or 11 pins (to provide extra power)

4 advantages of SSD over HDD

1.Speed 2. Physical Durability 3. Energy Use 4. Storage Efficiency (no need to defrag-disable)

MOBO form factor: MicroBTX

10.4x10.5 inches; fewer expansion slots

MOBO form factor: PicoBTX

10.5x8 inches; only 1 or 2 expansion slots

When referring to resolution, the term XVGA represents ______.


What speed of DDR3 RAM does a 133 MHz motherboard need?

1066 MHz

Modern Ethernet Networks

10baseT (10 Mbps) 100baseT (100 Mbps) - CAT 5 cables 1000baseT (1000 Mbps (1 Gbps)) - CAT 6 cables

MOBO form factor: Mini-ATX

11.2x8.2 inches; same power and mounting holes as ATX

POP3 is port # ____.


USB transfers data at speeds of 1.5 bytes or ___ bits per second.


Power Conversion by the PSU: 3.3., 5.0, 12.0V

12.0V current to power motors on devices such as hard drives and optical drives; 5.0V and 3.3V current for support of onboard electronics

A IPv6 address is ____-bit


A Windows 7 video card needs at least ____ of RAM to run the interface properly.

128 MB

MOBO form factor: AT

12x13.8 inches; an original; CMOS appeared

A PCI port's max speed is _____.

133 MBps

6-pin, 400 Mbps FireWire is called _____.


9-pin, 800 Mbps FireWire is called _____.


MOBO form factor: Baby AT

13x9 inches; was very popular

IMAP4 is port # ____.


SATA Power

15-pin; L-shaped; can also use a 6-pin slimline connector with a 9-pin micro connector

eSATA runs at either ____ or ____ MBps, making it faster than USB or FireWire

150, 300 (1.5 Gbps, 3 Gbps)

Max # of bytes in an Ethernet frame


64-bit CPU can support ___ amt of RAM

16 exabytes



SNMP is port # ____.

161, 162

SDRAM DIMM form factors

168-pin most common; Laptops had 68-pin, 144-pin, or 172-pin micro-DIMMs or 72-pin, 144-pin, or 200-pin SO-DIMMs


18-, 22- or 24-pin; DVI-A (analog); DVI-D (digital-only); DVI-I (integrated)

DDR SDRAM DIMM form factors

184-pin DIMMs; 200-pin SO-DIMMs; 172-pin micro-DIMMs

Master Boot Record

1st bit of code on an MBR-formatted disk; contains the partition table

Bluetooth Class ___ uses 2.5 mW of power and has a maximum distance of 10 meters.


WAN Communication

2 Basic Methods: Circuit-Switched and Packet-Switched -WANs commonly use point-to-point topology

Mesh Network Topology

2 Kinds: True and Hybrid True -all nodes are connected to every other node -expensive, so rarely done Hybrid -some nodes are connected to every other node, but not all nodes are connected together -redundant connections do exist but not all nodes are required to connect to every other node

Monitoring and Troubleshooting Networks

2 approaches: Proactive (monitoring) and Reactive (responding)

Access Control Methods

2 categories: Physical and Software -physical should always be first layer of control


2 major manufacturers: Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) and Intel own most of market -CPUs plug into mobos & are brand specific, so mobos are designed to work with either AMD or Intel (or other) CPUs. -CPUs worth is based on speed (Intel) and efficiency (AMD) -manufacturers are trying to optimize: speed, sophistication, and electricity usage/heat output (greenness) -CPU speed = how many calculations/cycles it can do @ once under perfect conditions. -Today, CPU speed is measured in GHz (billions of cycles per second)

CPU Operational Characteristic: Multicore Processing

2+ CPUs (or cores) on a single chip with 2+ execution units (sets of pipelines) but shared caches and RAM

Mac Addressing is part of layer ____.

2, the data link layer

An AGP 8x card can move data at _____

2.1 GBps (2048 MBps)

If a motherboard runs at a bus speed of 100 MHz, and the CPU has a 25x multiplier, at what speed does the CPU run?

2.5 GHz (or 2500 MHz)

FTP is port # ____.

20, 21

P1 Power Connector

20- or 24-pin MOBO power connector

Power Supply: ATX 12V 1.3

20-pin P1 mobo power + 4-pin P4 mobo power to give more 12V power (now, all power supplies with a P4 connector are ATX12V)

IP Address Class D

224-239; for multicasting

Power Supply: ATX 12V 2.0

24-pin connector; backward compatible w/20-pin; requires 2 12V-rails; requires SATA HD connectors

IP Address Class E

240-255; for experiments

DDR3 SDRAM DIMM form factors

240-pin DIMMS; 204-pin SO-DIMMs

DDR2 SDRAM DIMM form factors

240-pin DIMMs; 200-pin SO-DIMMs

SMTP is port # ____.


SCSI connections

25-pin, 50-pin, 68-pin, or 80-pin connectors depending on type; found in server, not client (usu);

A PCIe 1x card can move data at up to ____.

250 MBps

ASCII defines __ # of characters

256 characters are defined by ASCII

An AGP 1x card can move data at ____

266 MBps

The ___ Cellular Telephone Standard allowed SMS, and the ____ CTS is completely based on TCP/IP.

2G, 4G

Bluetooth Class ___ uses 1 mW of power and has a maximum distance of 1 meter.


A PCIe 16x card can move data at up to ____.

3.9 GBps (4000 MBps)


30% less power than DDR2; 8-bit buffer so grabs 2x as much data every cycle as DDR2; can be over-clocked with extended memory profile; higher density

An IPv4 address is ___-bit.


An SSID is ____-bit


16-bit PC cards are one type, and the other type, called CardBus are ____.


10 Versions of Windows Vista

32-bit: Home Basic, Home Premium, Business, Ultimate, Enterprise; 64-bit: Home Premium, Business, Ultimate; Enterprise

5 Versions of Windows XP

32-bit: Home, Pro, and Media Center; 64-bit: 64-bit Edition, Pro x64 Edition

9 Versions of Windows 7

32-bit: Starter, Home Premium, Pro, Ultimate, Enterprise; 64-bit: Home Premium, Professional, Ultimate, Enterprise

How many pins are on a Floppy Drive's ribbon cable?


32-bit CPU can support __ amt of RAM

4 GB

A WEP uses ___-bit encryption.


What speed of DDR2 RAM does a 100 MHz motherboard need?

400 MHz

HTTPS is port # ____.


A MAC address is ____-bit.


Modern scanners can do ___-bit scans.


USB 2.0 transfers data at speeds of up to ____ Mbps


An ExpressCard that plugs in to USB 2.0 gets a speed of _____; whereas a PCIe ExpressCard gets _____.

480 Mbps, 2.5 Gbps

SuperSpeed USB transfer data at speeds of up to ____.

5 Gbps (500 MBps)

Virus Recovery

5-step process: 1. Recognize - look for strange network traffic 2. Quarantine - cut the computer off from the rest of the network 3. Search and destroy - get to a safe environment like Windows Safe Mode to run anti-virus software - do the most comprehensive scan; check all removable media (also computers of people who received email from the machine) 4. Remediate - fix things the virus harmed; usually means replacing corrupted or destroyed files with backups like the Backup and Restore applet in Windows Control Panel 5. Educate - show the user the problems and how to prevent them (scheduling antivirus runs, etc)

DNS is port # ____.


Common HDD speeds

5400, 7200, 10,000, and 15,000 rpm

Ethernet Standards for RJ-45 connectors

568A and 568B -Set by TIA/EIA -each color goes with its "white on" match to make a pair 568A - wires to pins 1-8 -WG -G -WO -BL -WBL -O -WBR -BR -pins 1, 2, 3, and 6 used to transmit data 568B - wires to pins 1-8 -WO -O -WG -BL -WBL -G -WBR -BR -pins 1, 2, 3, and 6 used to transmit data

PCIe Power Connector

6-pin or 8-pin with 2 that come off (some high-end PCIe come with an 8-pin socket)

MOBO form factor: mini-ITX

6.7x6.6 inches; designed in 2001 to consume less power; needs less cooling b/c of this

When referring to resolution, the term VGA represents ______.


SATA drives connect via a __-pin cable.


Open Systems Interconnection Model

7 layers -certain processes performed @ each layer -each layer builds upon another -the top 3 layers can be thought of as "upper" and are controlled by applications -the bottom 4 layers can be thought of as "lower" and are controlled by the network 7 Application 6 Presentation 5 Session 4 Transport 3 Network 2 Data 1 Physical

A strong password should be at least __ characters and contain letters, numbers, and special characters.


Ethernet Cabling

8 wires in 4 twisted pairs Pair 1 -blue -white on blue Pair 2 -orange -white on orange Pair 3 -green -white on green Pair 4 -brown -white on brown for MOST Ethernet standards, only these pairs are used for signal transmission: (Pairs 2 and 3) --orange & white on orange --green & white on green

HTTP is port # ____.


What is another name for a PATA cable?

80-pin ribbon cable

When referring to resolution, the term SVGA represents ______.


standard keyboard

84 (XT, AT), 101 (AT E), or 104 (Windows) keys

How many times per motherboard clock cycle does DDR3 RAM transfer data?


MOBO form factor: NLX

8x10 or 9x13.6 inches; designed to replace LPX for better memory and graphics; unpopular and replaced by micro-ATX, FlexATX, and Mini-ITX

DB/D-Shell/D-Sub connectors can have this range of pins/sockets

9-37 pins or sockets, though you rarely see more than 25

MOBO form factor: micro-ATX

9.6x9.6 inches; w/integrated graphics, popular for home entertainment PCs; backward compatible with full size--same chipsets; fewer I/O ports; needs external drives more often

MOBO form factor: LPX

9x11 or 9x13 inches; designed for low profile and slimline cases; uses riser cards; has a Mini-LPX version at 8x9 or 10x11 inches

A byte represents values 0 to 255

A byte is made of 8 bits. Bits (or binary digits) can only be 1 or 0. A byte can be any combo of 8 1s & 0s, from 00000000 to 11111111 or anything in between. When converting to base 10 (decimal), the numbers are: 00000000 = 0 11111111 = 255, or [(2^7x1)+(2^6x1)+(2^5x1)+(2^4x1)+(2^3x1)+(2^2x1)+(2^1x1)+(2^0x1)] 10111010 = 186 01001011 = 75

Program (basic definition)

A series of commands sent to the CPU in a specific order for a CPU to perform work

Green IT

AKA Green Computing -movement toward more environmentally-friendly use of technology -goal is to combine social responsibility with cost-effective use of power and technical resources, minimizing negative effects on environment -refers to considerations for individuals, companies, communities related to manufacture,use, maintenance, and disposal of computer equipment

Escalate (Resolve Security Breach Step 3)

AKA Incidence Reporting -the human factor: telling your supervisor what you found -even if you have eliminated or quarantined the threat, write the report

bus speed

AKA front side bus rate -The specific clock speed (measured in MHz) at which the mobo runs -CPU runs @ some multiple of that speed (clock multiplier) such as 10x or 25x -if the Mobo runs @ 100MHz & CPU has a 25 multiplier, the CPU runs @ 2500 MHz (2.5 GHz)


AM = Amplitude Modulation -changes in the height of the wave FM = Frequency Modulation -changes in the length of the cycle of the wave (over time--how often a cycle occurs)

This brand of CPU has pins; the socket has holes.


Which CPU company calls the South Bridge the Fusion Hub?


CPU Socket: F

AMD's version of LGA for Opteron and Athlon 64 FX; older; 1207 pins

CPU Socket: FM1

AMD; Fusion and Athlon II; 905 pins

CPU Socket: AM3+

AMD; aka AM3b; more efficient, less power use; 942 pins

CPU Socket: AM3

AMD; not backward compatible b/c of pin layout; 941 pins

CPU Socket: 940

AMD; primarily for 64-bit servers; Opteron and Athlon 64 FX

CPU Socket: AM2+

AMD; replaces AM2 and is similiar; 940 pins

CPU Socket: AM2

AMD; uses DDR2; Athlon 64, etc; 940 pins

External Bus Form Factors

ATA/IDE/EIDE - 1st industry standard to attach storage peripherals; 80 or 40 wires and 40 pins (80w40p is faster than 40w40p); PATA is one kind SATA - faster, more efficient, 7-pin, female, serial SCSI - (Small Computer System Interface) "scuzzy" - usually servers and not PCs; many different types; some have 50, 68, or 80-pin connectors (or other); supports 7 or 15 drives, depending on the type; SATA will probably replace it

Asynchronous Transfer Mode switches (WAN Device)

ATM -uses numbers called VCIs (virtual circuit identifiers) and VPIs (virtual path identifiers) to switch ATM cells

Touch Screen

ATM, grocery store, restaurant

What is the name for the 24-pin main power connector on the motherboard?



Accelerated Graphics Port -old, small, often brown, moves several times per mobo click -AGP 1x up to 266MBps thru AGP 8x up to 2.1GBps -Faster than PCI and PCI-X

Active PFC

Active Power Factor Correction; extra circuitry that smooths out the way the power supply takes power from the power company and eliminates harmonics

______ and ______ are programming languages, one native to IE and the other to any browser. They are dangerous because they can allow they can run malicious code.

ActiveX, Java


Add Hardware Wizard in Vista/7

Address Bus Patterns to RAM Rows

All 0s (all off) means the CPU wants the 1st row. All 1s (all on) means the CPU wants the last row, and every pattern in between

System Tools: Character Map

All the weird symbols like ¿Øдờ۞€; can be customized


American Standard Code for Information Interchange is one of many binary codes that represent the letters on the keyboard.

Multi-Core CPUs

Another way we got beyond 4 GHz CPUs Each core can pickup the slack when the other gets too busy. Multicores can be offered in dual-, quad, hexa, or octa

CPUs handling of programs

Another way we got beyond 4 GHz CPUs This is called the CODEBOOK or INSTRUCTION SET. Programmers write APPs in different computer languages that are translated into code understood by that CPU's Instruction Set Processors work w/incoming commands and data differently. So, 2 diff CPUs might process an image. A beats B. But then B beats A when copying a bunch of files. This is why efficiency is as important as speed. BTW, very $$$ Intel holds both speed and efficiency records just now.

Internet Explorer's Smart Screen is one example of a browser's __________ feature.


OSI Layer 7


The OSI layer that contains the networking application protocol that carries and presents the data is the ____ layer.


Local Area Networks

Arranged in different physical arrangements called Topologies

Software Controls (Access Control Methods)

Authentication -proper passwords (8+ numbers, letters, symbols) Screensavers Parental Controls One-time passwords (new pw every time)

Windows boots when...

BIOS looks for the MBR, which finds the boot code that launches bootmgr.

backup files in Vista

Backup Status and Configuration

backup files in Win7

Backup and Restore

Green IT: Disposal of IT Equipment

Battery Disposal CRT Disposal Toner Disposal Recycle or Reuse


Bayonet Neill-Concelman; radio equip; aviation electronics; video signals; 50 or 75 ohms

Binary Notation aka Base-2

Binary notation uses zeros (0) & ones (1) to denote two values. Starting from right to left, the first placeholder is __x2^0; the second is __x2^1; the third is __x2^2; the fourth is __x2^3 and so on. Whether a 0 or a 1 is in each place will determine the final math. So, 110101 in base-10 (decimal) is [(1x2^5)+(1x2^4)+(0x2^3)+(1x2^2)+(0x2^1)+(1x2^0) --> 32+16+0+4+-+1 = 53

Program Files

C:\Program Files - where all the programs/apps store their files Windows Vista and 7 64-bit have 2 versions: C:\Program Files = 64-bit programs C:\Program Files (x86) = 32-bit programs

Troubleshooting: Read/Write Failure

CHKDSK to attempt to recover data; use Device Manager to look for indications of drive failur

What are the minimum requirements for Windows Vista 64-bit?

CPU: 1 GHz x64 RAM: 1 GB HD: 15 GB

What are the minimum requirements for Windows 7 64-bit?

CPU: 1 GHz x64 RAM: 2 GB HD: 20 GB

What are the minimum requirements for Windows 7 32-bit?

CPU: 1 GHz x86 RAM: 1 GB HD: 16 GB

What are the minimum requirements for Windows XP (32-bit)?

CPU: 233 MHz RAM: 64 MB HD: 1.5

What are the minimum requirements for Windows Vista 32-bit?

CPU: 800MHz x86 RAM: 512 MB HD: 15 GB

Lead, Phosphorous, and Mercury are all found in which computer component?

CRT (Monitor)

Carrier Sense Multiple Access

CSMA -most common form of data coordination on a network -Carrier Sense: "listening" to the medium to see if it is busy or okay to transmit -Multiple Access: taking turns on the shared medium (one at a time can talk)

Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance

CSMA/CA -PROACTIVE -Available on 802.3 (Ethernet) and 802.11 (Wireless) -came about because some devices (wireless ones) cannot listen and transmit at the same time -uses randomization to decide when to transmit, so the time lost in counting down (microseconds) makes CA slower than CD

Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection

CSMA/CD A network's access method specified for use by IEEE 802.3 networks. Each node waits its turn before transmitting data to avoid interfering with other nodes' transmissions. If a node's NIC determines that its data has been involved in a collision, it immediately stops transmitting. Next, in a process called jamming, the NIC issues a special 32-bit sequence that indicates to the rest of the network nodes that its previous transmission was faulty and that those data frames are invalid. After waiting, the NIC determines if the line is again available; if available, the NIC retransmits the data -REACTIVE -only available on 802.3 (Ethernet); wireless cannot detect a collision -uses randomization after a collision occurs to decide when to resend -faster than CA because countdown only occurs if there is a collision

Channel Service Unit/Data Service Unit (WAN Device)

CSU/DSU -device used to connect a LAN-based device like a router to the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN)'s Time-division Multiplexing (TDM-based) digital system. -the LAN uses 2-voltage-state signalling, but the PTSN uses a TDM based on alternate mark inversion, which is a different signal system. -So, the DSU translates the signaling scheme and the CSU filters the voltage spikes -Operates at the PHY layer (layer 1)

Dual Band

Capability of 802.11n devices to run on both 2.4 and 5 GHz frequencies

Multi-Card Readers

Card reader that is attached to a computer and can read many form factors of solid state memory -USB 2.0 for desktops; often built-in to laptops -EX: can read camera SD cards, Sony voice recorder Memory Stick, etc


Category 5 Shielded Twisted Pair -must be used if electromagnetic interference from light ballasts, radios, appliances, motors, etc are a problem -protective metal sheath around the 4 enclosed pairs, as with a coax cable -highly immune to EMI


Category 5 Unshielded Twisted Pair -copper core can be stranded or solid -stranded is usually for outside the wall where fragile solid could break after much bending -solid core is for permanently installed wiring -TIA/EIA standards should be used for running UTP in buildings -Fire codes require plenum grade, Teflon-coated


Cathode Ray Tube -high pwr consumption (about 30,000 volts still in hours after being powered down) -contains lead, mercury, and phosphorus -DO NOT OPEN; DO RECYCLE -very high resolution -relatively cheap -VGA port -considered legacy

What is the name of the CPU, developed by IBM and others, in the XBOX 360?


Which CPU has the advantage of being able to be share resources with other computers?


Steps of the Laser Printing Process

Cleaning; Erasing; Charging/conditioning; Writing; Developing; Transferring; Fusing

Green IT: Use of Equipment: Consolidating Drives

Cloud Computing Terminal Servers Virtualization Network Attached Storage

Web-delivered services are a form of _______ and Google Drive is a type of Web-delivered service called SaaS, or _____.

Cloud-computing, Software as a Service

Types of Software Licenses

Commercial - usu 1 computer (multi-user and site available), read fine print, some allow install on a 2nd machine if uninstalled on 1st, some don't Shareware - trail/eval period, expiry, multiple computers ok, usually limited features w/o upgrading/paying Freeware - usu. under GNU Public License (GPL), multi-installs ok, can modify but must share and cannot profit from modifications

Optical Disc Technologies

Compact Disc (CD) Digital Versatile Disc (DVD) Blu-Ray Disc (BD) -Each format has read only, writable, and rewritable formats, but not all named the same -CD-ROM = read only -Multi-Drive = DVD+-R -BD-ROM = read only -BD-R = write 1x -BD-RE = write multiple CD = 700 MB DVD Single Layer = 4.7 GB DVD Dual Layer = 8.5 GB BD Single Layer = 25 GB BD Dual Layer = 50 GB Double-sided Dual Layer DVD (rare) = 17 GB Connected by PATA + molex power or SATA + SATA Power

Compatibility Tools: Windows 7

Compatibility Center

Which tool allows programmers to share objects between apps and computers?

Component Services

Power supplies wsill not start if they are not ____.

Connected to a MOBO

Backside Bus

Connects the CPU to the L2 (external) cache

Permissions for moving and copying files/folders

Copy inherits the permissions of the destination wherever the copy is made-ALWAYS; Move only inherits the permissions of the destination if on a different partition or drive, if on the same partition, it retains its original permissions

6 Basic Types of Connections in the Back of the PC

Cover most of the 50+ different connectors you might see: DIN (Deutsche Industry Norm) or Mini-DIN aka PS/2 aka DIN-6; USB; Firewire/IEEE1394; DB (D-shell, D-sub, D-subminiature)- includes parallel, serial, VGA, etc; RJ-; Audio (3.5mm)

A connnection with fifteen pins in 2 rows that control a joystick is call a _____ connection.



DB-15; pins 4, 11, 12, 15 receive from display; pins 1, 2, 3, 13, and 14 send to display

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol

DHCP -creates a pool of addresses that are given temporarily -network equipment and servers should never acquire addresses by DHCP. The server/network admins should assign them static IPs

A monitor connection with up to 29 pins is known as a ____.


3 Types of DVI connectors

DVI-D (digital); DVI-A (analog); DVI-I (both digital and analog)

A LAN bridge works in the ____ OSI Layer.

Data Link

OSI Layer 2

Data Link

The switch works in the _____ OSI Layer.

Data Link

The only OSI Model Layer with Sublayers is the _____

Data Link Layer, or Layer 2

Measurements: Data Speed vs. Data Storage

Data Transfer Speed is measured in bits (b) per second, whether bps, kbps, mbps, gbps, etc. The b is bits. Data Storage is measured in Bytes (B). (Remember: a Byte is 8 times the size of a bit.)KB, MB, GB, TB, etc 256 Megabytes = 256 MB 256 Megabits = 256 Mb

What computer maintenance tool is found by going to My Computer or Computer, right-clicking the drive, going to Properties, and choosing the General tab?

Disk Cleanup

Which maintenance tool is run automatically in Windows Vista/7?

Disk Defragmenter

diskmgmt.msc aka fdisk

Disk Management - primary tool for partitioning and formatting drives after installation; CTRL Panel>Computer Management> OR Start>Run>diskmgmt.msc (XP) | Start>dskmgmt (Win7);

PC Hardware: Ventilation, Dust, and Moisture Control

Dust -open towers and use compressed air to blow out dust, focusing on CPU heatsink and fans -dust is an insulator -clean ventilation openings and power supply fans Moisture -humidity should be 40-60% -not good for laptops to go from A/C to a hot summer day -use 2 cases to help prevent and let it sit between transitions to allow moisture to evaporate

File Systems in Windows

Each file system has a different effect on HD capacity FAT16 allowed HD partitioning up to 2 GB (because it could only look as deep as 2 GB worth of code--remember binary); compatible with many OSes; no security FAT32 is more efficient than FAT16. Incompatible w/many non-Windows OSes; partitioning up to 2TB; no security NTFS (New Technology File System) security = has file compression, encryption (using Encyrpting File System - EFS), and file/folder permissions; up to 16TB


Error Correction Code RAM is typically used in bank servers; suffers slowness from error checking; has an extra byte (8 bits) for error checking; requires a special MCC and, therefore, special MOBO


Ethernet network speed of 1000Mbps (aka Gigabit Ethernet); starbus and UTP CAT 5e or greater cables


Ethernet network speed of 100Mbps; starbus and UTP CAT 5 cables


Ethernet standard that determines the type of wiring (such as twisted pairs) and connecting devices (such as hubs and switches) used in a LAN -set by IEEE after development by DIX -physical star topology -logical bus topology -CSMA/CD collision handling

Green IT: RoHS Directive

European Union's Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive -took effect in 2006 -restricts the use of hazardous materials in the manufacture of electronic and electrical equipment, specifically restricts: Mnemonic: Lonely Moms Control Horribly-Crazy People-Because Parents-Dictate-Everything -Lead -Mercury -Cadmium -Hexavalent chromium -Polybrominated biphenyls -Polybrominated diphenyl ether -other regions are starting to follow

Auditing via a Security Log can be set up in _______ in Windows.

Event Viewer


Every OS has strengths & weaknesses, so many companies use different OSes for different things -Virtualization partitions the resources on one physical machine and makes each OS think that it is on a physical machine by itself -reduces hardware, electricity, and maintenance costs. -service separation -can divide multi-core CPU and give each OS a core -downside: single point of failure for multiple services

IP Address Classes

Ex of A:; Ex of B:; Ex of C:

Multimedia Device Installation Considerations

Expansion card slots; device drivers; cables and connectors; camera direct vs card reader

The serial version of the PC card is called the ______.



External Data Bus - communication between the inside of the CPU and everything outside of it; contains the clock wire (CLK) through which voltage tells the CPU data is waiting; each charge is called a clock cycle; one part of the Frontside Bus


External Serial Adv Tech Attach -connector is called a bus -cable can be up to 6ft -hot-swappable -runs as fast as internal SATA -- either 150 or 300 MBps -great for ext hard & optical drives like Blu-Ray drives

File Allocation Table

FAT -oldest format of the 3 Windows file formats

File Transfer Protocol

FTP -ports 20 (for data exchange; command, NOT the actual download), 21 is "listening" port -used to share files -must use an FTP client software to access an FTP site ( -usernames and pws are not encoded (security risk) SFTP does exist, though


Fans draw in cool air and expel warm air, but they also move air across the heatsinks of components -A heatsink is a piece of hardware designed to efficiently transfer heat from a heated component to air or water to keep the component cool

4 Basic Stages of Processing w/in CPU

Fetch (get data from EDB); Decode (figure out what needs to be done); Execute (do it); Write (send data back to EDB); now some CPUs have up to 20 stages (some involving cache), but these are the 4 all have

FAT stands for _____.

File Allocation Table

Solid State Storage

Flash memory devices are solid state products, while hard drives are not. -uses electric charges to perform the same functions -seen as more durable than hard drives. -often used in portable products such as cameras -has a lifetime because as you write to each cell over and over again, it eventually loses its charge -NOT good for archival purposes

FDD connection

Floppy Disk Drives have 2 connections via 34-pin flat ribbon cable (parallel) for data and power


Fn button to install mass storage device drivers during XP installation

NTFS vs Sharing

Folder permissions (sharing) only applies on the local machine. NTFS applies whether accessed locally or over the network; defaults to most restrictive when both applied (so, if I login to this computer and NTFS allows write but Sharing allows read

Disk Management Statuses

Foreign drive - a dynamic disk moved from another computer (right click-Import Foreign Disks); Formatting; Failed - damaged or corrupt; Online - healthy and communicating; Offiline - corrupted or not communicating

3 Types of partitioning supported by Windows

GUID partition table (GPT); Master Boot Record (MBR); Dynamic Disk (proprietary to Windows)

Aspects of Connectors

Gender - male or female Shape Size Function Communication Type (Serial or Parallel)

GUID Partition Table

Globally Unique Identifier Partition Table - newer, less limited than MBR; unlimited primary partitions (Windows only lets 128); no size limit (well, zettabyte); doesn't have to trick the BIOS; can be bootable on Vista and 7 64-bit if using UEFI instead of BIOS

CPU Operational Characteristic: Integrated GPU

Graphics Processing Unit is integrated within the die of the CPU so you don't need a dedicated graphics card; reduces NRG use, size, cost

Color coding system for encrypted and compressed files in Windows

Green - encrypted by EFS; Blue-compressed; Black- regular; Red-files only Windows can access

A monitor connection that supports both video as well as 8-channel audio is known as an ______.


Digital cameras plug into Hi-Speed USB, FireWire, or ____ ports.


Hypertext Transfer Protocol over Secure Sockets Layer

HTTPS -Port 443 -secure web browsing

Power Supply: ATX

Had mobo power connector and soft power (set in CMOS - means power button doesn't actually shut down; prevents losing data)

USB 2.0 is also called ____ USB.


Most important factor in a fast computer

High RAM capacity


High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection - stop piracy; monitor and every part of the connection btwn the video card and the monitor must support it (HDMI and DVI do; VGA does not)

Media Center is on which Vista versions?

Home Premium and Ultimate

Central network box that makes all computers share bandwidth


What is another name for a PATA?

IDE (integrated electronics drive)

Most commonly used with cameras and external drives, this port type comes in 6-pin with a speed of 400 Mbps and 9-pin with a speed of 800 Mbps (also called FireWire).

IEEE 1394

FireWire connection

IEEE 1394 standard; can support up to 63 devices on one port; 400 Mbps 6-pin or 800 Mbps 9-pin connector; FireWire is Apple's name for it b/c they were the primary promoter

Internet Message Access Protocol version 4

IMAP4 -handles incoming mail -more features than POP3: --allows searching on server and choosing which to download --has provisions for low-speed links so only headers are downloaded instead of whole msgs -no encryption, so security has to be provided by ISP -Port 143

Internet Protocol

IP -computers use it to determine packaging and labeling of data -OS uses it to determine how to package, say, an email, and the receiving OS, how to unpack it (rebuild the data into an email) because of IP -used to put a numerical destination and return address (IP addresses) onto the packets -responsible for fast transfer of data w/in the network -does not check for errors -connectionless protocol


IPv6 is a new IP protocol with 128-bit addresses (IPv4 was 32-bit) -written in "hexadecimal colon" notation -since each hexadecimal symbol needs 4 binary bits to represent it, the 128 bits become 32 hexadecimal characters -characters are grouped into 8 groups of 4 characters each, separated by a colon. -a typical address EX: 210A:14f2:2BBD:1CE4:0216:3AFF:FE4A:3B29

Industrial, Scientific, and Medical Radio Bands

ISM 2.4 GHz is one; 5.8 GHz (known as 5 GHz) is another

What happens to permissions when you copy from NTFS to FAT32?

If you copy the file this way, such as from an encrypted HD to a FAT32 flash drive, it loses all permissions--a problem for top secret files

System Image Recovery

In Vista, it's called CompletePC Restore

Systems Software

Instructions and data that are used by the computer to manage its resources EX: operating system, device drivers

CPU Operational Characteristic: IMC

Integrated Memory Controller - moves the MCC off a mobo chip and into the CPU die itself; allows faster control of things like the L3 cache; this means the CPU is made for certain types and capacities of RAM, so you must check

This brand of CPU has contact points; the socket has pins.


Problems with power supplies are always ____.


Proxy Server settings

Internet Options>Connections>LAN settings

IP Address

Internet Protocol Address -used to group devices on a network -IPv4 is: -32-bit (4-byte) binary number w/each byte separated by a period -states of being static or dynamic is what makes it a logical, rather than physical, address -breaks down into the network ID and the host ID, and however many digits are used by the network determines how many are left for hosts. So, if the network (group) ID is 172.16., there are 16 bits available for hosts (computers). so, network 172.16._ _ _._ _ _ can have 65,534 computers on it. (2^16 - 2)--Minus two because the 0 slot of the last byte is reserved for the network and the 255 is reserved for broadcast. -IPv4 and IPv6 on separate cards (4 vs 6 affects network layer only)

Measurement: Internet Connection Speed vs Data Download Speed

Internet connection speed (reported by ISPs) is measured in bits per second (bps). Data download speed is measured in bytes of data being downloaded (kBps) a 512 kbps internet connection may download 64 kBps of data. (Convert bits to bytes--> 512/8=64; 8 bits in a byte)

In what unit might we measure a CPU's L1 Cache?


Binary Prefixes

Kilo --> 2^10 = 1024, not 1000 Mega --> 2^20 = 1024x1024 --> 1,048,576, not 1,000,000 Giga Tera Peta Exa data storage is measured on binary, not decimal

Router has 2 IP addresses; one connects to your ____ and the other to ____.

LAN's switch; next network


Land Grid Array (Intel) vs Pin Grid Array (AMD) types of CPU packages

What are the 6 substances banned by the Restrictions on Hazardous Substances Directive?

Lead, Mercury, Cadmium, Hexavalent Chromium, Polybrominated Biphenyls, Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers

Windows Interface: Navigation Pane

Left hand folders list in Vista/7 Windows Explorer


Liquid Crystal Display -small, thin, light -VGA or HDMI -no radiation (greener) -resolution not as good as CRT but improving -offers 16x9 aspect ratio (widescreen)

Two Jobs of NICs

Logical Link Control, Media Access Control

In what unit might we measure a CPU's L2 Cache?


dual-channel architecture

MCC alternates between 2 sticks to increase speed of data retrieval (2 processes/cycle)

Green IT: Maintenance of Equipment

Managing Dust Choosing Cleaning Supplies Repairing Equipment Heating and Cooling Office Space -Telecommuting

Pipelining (CPU)

Means that each of the circuits completing a processing stage (fetch, decode, execute, or write) is doing it simultaneously w/the others instead of 1 at a time. This took a process from 4 clock cycles per to 1 process per clock cycle; allows the ALU and FPU to work at the same time, for example


Memory Controller Chip - retrieves whatever RAM row the CPU wants and puts it on the EDB, where the CPU can act on it


Microsoft console window known as Device Manager


Microsoft's first OS; from 1986; command line only

CPU Selection Factors: Compatibility

Mobo - AMD, Intel, or other?; voltage may need to be configured via jumper settings or in CMOS (too high will destroy CPU)

MOBO form factor: ATX

Mobo form factor; power supply has single 20-pin connector; CPU closer to cooling fan on power supply; mobo is accessible; 12x9.6 inches; can't be used in baby AT or LPX cases


Most electronics need DC, but all power companies provide AC b/c AC travels long distances more efficiently


Most powerful and diverse operating systems in computing history are some variation of Unix -originally developed @ MIT, AT&T, & Bell Labs -runs a significant portion of Internet servers -extremely stable and preferred for companies running real time applications

CPU Operational Characteristic: MMX

Multimedia Extensions is a set of additional instructions (another register), called microcode, to support sound, video, and graphics functions


Multiple-In/Multiple Out -enables devices to make multiple simultaneous connections with multiple antennae

POST Criteria: Memory

Must be able to read by the CPU, and the first 64 KB of memboery must be able to hold the POST code

POST Critieria: Input/Output (I/O) bus or I/O controller

Must be accessible, and must be able to communicate with the video subsystem

POST Criteria: CPU

Must exit Reset status mode, and must be able to execute instructions

Simple file sharing (turning off)

My computer (in Explorer)>Tools>Folder Options>View>[scroll down to "Use Simple File Sharing" (uncheck)] to be able to see File Sharing and NTFS on the Security Tab when you right click a folder>Properties

Consolidating Drives: Network Attached Storage

NAS -designed for home and business -dedicated to managing file sharing -contain HDs that consume less power than HDs in a typical file server

Network Attached Storage

NAS -helps green servers by replacing general-purpose servers used as files servers with specialized devices for serving -most are controlled with a highly-customized version of LINUX -the only thing you can do on it is store and retrieve data -most are a box of HDs with a small mobo and electrical and ethernet connections

Legacy Ports

NOT HOT SWAPPABLE Serial aka DB-9 -male, 9 pin, D-shaped, old, now only used for some network devices Parallel aka DB-25 - female, 25-pins, D-shaped, only use today is receipt printers,some laser printers, fuschia

File Encryption

NTFS in Windows has a built-in file-encryption tool called Encrypting File System (EFS)

Network Time Protocol

NTP -synchronizes IP-based devices with master clocks -NTP retrieves and transmits the proper time as indicated by the atomic clocks maintained by the United States military -can be extremely accurate -Port 123

OSI Layer 3


The OSI layer that packages and prioritizes data, appending packets with an IP address, is the _____ layer.


The router works in the ____ OSI Layer.


This OSI layer provides information for Quality of Service.



Network Address Translation


Network Operating System (Such as Windows 7)

WANs work in the ___, ___, and ___ OSI Layers.

Network, Data Link, Physical

NTFS stands for ____.

New Technology File System

Motherboard - North and South Bridges

North Bridge is a chip used exclusively for data to/from the RAM and CPU (now integrated into the CPU die itself). Also provides access to CPU from South Bridge (other part of the core chip set). South Bridge implements slower capabilities. Soon to be on the CPU as well. Handles all input/output. Called Input/Output Controller Hub by Intel and Fusion Controller Hub by AMD.

Motherboard Buses

Northbridge and Southbridge make up the chipset that controls the flow of information over the buses. Buses include: -Frontside Bus/system bus (FBS) connects CPU to RAM -Backside bus connects CPU to its L-2 cache -Peripheral or external (I/O) buses that connect to external devices such as hard drives, CD/DVD drives, and USB ports NOTE: External means not built into the Mobo, not outside the tower necessarily


OS developed by Linus Torvalds on the notion of open-source software, that is, the code is freely copied or modified by anyone. -mostly found on servers, not PCs -was very unpopular until it got a GUI -currently the OS for the 2nd fastest computer in the world, the IBM Roadrunner

When to partition

OS installation on a new computer; when adding a drive

Greener CPUs

One of the things, along w/speed and sophistication, that manufacturers of CPUs strive to optimize is greenness. (If you need more elec, you make more heat, which is bad.) 2 ways to improve elec (energy) consumption: -make components smaller -refine the way the CPU processes its codebook (instruction set) More efficient CPUs can have lower clock speeds and use less power while still out-performing.

64-bit computing

One way we got beyond 4 GHz CPUs -32-bit architecture CPUs can handle data up to 32-bits in complexity (i.e. can work with numbers up to about 4 billion) and can handle an OS or App w/= # of lines of code -64-bit doubles the complexity at 33, at 34, and so on. So, when you get to 64, it can handle an App or OS w/18,744,073,709,551,615 lines of code. 64-bit CPUs are MUCH more powerful, even when working with 32-bit OSes or Apps

3 Main Types of UPSes

Online = constantly powered through UPS's battery; Standby = devices connected to UPS receive battery power only when the AC sags below 80-90 V; Line-Interactive handles moderate sags and surges without switching to battery

Optical drives connect via SATA or which other type of connector?


Motherboard to Hard Drive Connectors

PATA (Parallel Adv Tech Attachment) -each connection can handle up to 2 drives (2 connectors on cable) -must move the shunt if connecting 2 so HD controller can recognize both. (Can be master & slave or cable select and cable select.) -Shunt is on HD side of connection SATA (Serial ATA)-find a free SATA port

A parallel type of expansion card for laptops is called a _____ or PC Card.


Post Office Protocol version 3

POP3 -an email protocol within the TCP/IP suite -the POP3 requests and receives mail from an e-mail server -usernames/pws not encrypted, so security risk over an unsecured connection -uses port 110

POST code errors 020-029

POST codes related to the power supply

Which utility provides details on the processor, RAM, hard drive, and network connection?

Performance Monitor


Peripheral Component Interconnect Express -current, long, slim, many colors -multiple lanes (ie.many wires) to increase data transfer rate -PCIe 1x up to 2.5 GBps thru PCIe 16x up to 3.9 GBps -Faster than PCI, PCI-X, and AGP

Which snap-in will monitor performance data while you are away?

Perofrmance Logs and Alerts


Personal Digital Assistant -less processing power -solid state (flash) memory, as opposed to disk-based -WiFi capable -Usually no external ports -Smartphone = PDA & Cellphone

CSU/DSU works in the ____ OSI Layer.


The hub works in the _____ OSI Layer.


Point-to-Point Network Topology

Physical -2 nodes connected by one single physical connection -typically doesn't connect computers but can -more commonly connects 2 LANs w/in a WAN -if connecting just 2 computers, use a crossover cable

OSI Layer 1


Steps of the Impact Print Process

Pin strike; Ink transfer; Printhead move; Letter quality pass

What are the 3 main types of grayware?

Pop-ups, spyware, adware

Portable Flash Memory Card Formats

Popular Ones: -CompactFlash -Secure Digital (SD), SDHC, SDXC, miniSD, microSD -xD-Picture Card -Memory Stick -formats NOT interchangeable

Green IT: Use of Equipment

Power Management Replacing Drives Consolidating Devices Printing Considerations Voice over IP


Power over Ethernet; used by advanced WAPs in corporate settings; one cable provides power and ethernet


Power-On Self Test checks your hardware to ensure everything is present and functioning properly

Gaming PC Requirements

Powerful processor; high-end video card and GPU; high quality sound card; high-end cooling w/liquid; MAX RAM; fast Interent connection; real-time video/audio I/O; HDMI output; specialized peripherals like steering wheels or goggles

Steps of the Inkjet Printing Process

Preparation; Ink Dispersion; Ink Deposit; Paper Advance

OSI Layer 6


The OSI layer that formats, compresses, and encrypts the data is the ____ layer.


Addressing Schemes

Private IP Addresses can be used freely on internal networks; not routable; Public IP Addresses are shared on the Internet - to protect individuals, router uses NAT to broadcast 1 external address and translate to/from internal/private addresses; APIPA - Automatic Private IP Addressing of Windows enables a DHCP client computer to configure itself with a random IP address in range of when DHCP is not working/available - not routable


Processed by the GPU or VPU -most computers have a card that holds the processor and some dedicated RAM -others have an integrated video processor right on the motherboard -Two major slot types are AGP (older) and PCIe (current)

Pros and Cons of Networking

Pros -enhanced communication and collaboration -easier sharing of files and resources -increased personal productivity -lower costs because of the sharing -easier management of machines in the network Cons -security risks -cost for servers, cables, and network cards -human cost (server manager)

Which type of memory is volatile?


Who slows down for whom--the motherboard or the RAM?

RAM (You can install RAM that is too fast but not too slow.)


RAM - RANDOM ACCESS MEMORY -is volatile; lose power, it forgets -stores programs from the HD for the CPU to work w/in the present -comes in many sizes, types, speeds -a mobo can have only 1 size/type but many speeds ROM - READ ONLY MEMORY -stores info about how the computer works -It is not volatile; does not forget w/o power

RAM Technologies and Speeds

RAM has not only capacity (EX: 512MB) but also speed rating, which measures how fast it can transfer data. 4 common types (each 2x faster than one B4): SDR - Single Data Rate; runs @ high clock speed; synced to CPU bus; SDR has 168-pins DDR - Double Data Rate; 2x per clock cycle; (100 MHz Mobo needs @ least 200 MHz DDR RAM);184-pins DDR2 - runs @ 4x per clock cycle; 100 MHz Mobo needs @ least DDR2-400; 240-pins DDR3 - runs @ 8x per clock cycle; 100 MHz Mobo needs @ least DDR3-800; 240-pins

Rambus RAM

RDRAM; handled up to 800 MHz; sticks called RIMMs; introduced dual channel architecture; needed a CRIMM for a blank slot; came for Pentium 4; generally not adopted due to expense; 184-pins

The name for the network port on a NIC is the ____.


Which type of memory stores important information on how the computer works?


Wireless Device Connection Types

Radio Frequency (RF) receivers must be on same channel as antennae; Bluetooth - max 8 connections at a time - called a piconet connection 4 classes at different ranges and power usage; Infared (IR) - requires a line of presence


Redundancy Array of Independent Disks -Hard drives are the predominant storage technologies in network environments -Network configurations require performance, integrity, and redundancy, and configuring multiple hard drives in various arrangements can provide those benefits -RAID appears to the OS as a single hard drive (usu) 2 ways to implement: --Hardware solution: All drives controlled thru RAID controller --Software solution: RAID controlled thru OS, which is aware of all drives

Registration, Activation, and DRM

Registration - give personal data, get some tech support Activation - ties your computer to the software; an anti-piracy measure; popularized by Microsoft Digital Rights Management - one way is logging into a website/account to run an app

Coax RG- ratings

Relevant ones are RG-59 and RG-6; both have a 75-ohm resistance

Troubleshooting: Failure to Boot XP

Repair or Restore or Rebuid


Research in Motion (Blackberry)

Compatibility Mode

Right click executable of the program>Properties>Compatibility (see checkbox)


Robust File Copy; copy files and folders from one computer to anotehr across a network

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

SMTP -SENDs email to the server -port 25 -unencrypted content, usernames, and pws; security risk

Secure Mail Transfer Protocol

SMTP -the SMTP server handles outgoing email -same or close to the same name as the POP3 server

Simple Network Management Protocol

SNMP -uses UDP, which is connectionless -allows you to monitor and manage network equipment remotely via programs if the devices themselves are capable -uses traps that notify a management systems if a specific set of circumstances occurs -also used to perform automatic updates to a set of equipment at the same time -before SNMPv3, considered a big security risk -must be properly configured or still a risk -Port 161

Service Set Identifier

SSID -32-bit identifier broadcast by your WAP that is meant to be unique; however, many WAPs ship with the same SSID -once the node has the SSID, the data packets that are broadcast include the SSID in the header; packets without the SSID are dropped

Secure Sockets Layer

SSL -used to create a secure connection to Web sites -HTTP over SSL is HTTPS -ensures authentication and encryption


Safe variance range of PC power supply voltage

Schedule maintenance in XP with ___ and Vista/7 with ___.

Scheduled Tasks, Task Scheduler

Android OS 4 vs iOS 5

See Phoenix Logical book 395-396


Separate Video - 2 signals (brightness and color); analog; 480i or 576i resolution

Keyboard and mouse connections and cables

Serial (obsolete); Standard DIN (obsolete); PS/2 (6-pin mini-DIN); USB; Wireless Infrared (IR); Wireless Radio Frequency (RF); Bluetooth

Serial Cables

Serial communication cables transfer data 1 bit at a time.

OSI Layer 5


The OSI layer that establishes, maintains, and continues a conversation between 2 devices is the ____ layer


Tokens work in the ____ OSI Layer.


Troubleshooting Networks

Should follow the layered approach: start with Physical Layer and work your way up -physical layer is 80% of problems -full outage is easier to troubleshoot than intermittent performance

Screen Visibility (Security Threats)

Shoulder surfing -handled by proper placement of monitors, education of users, warning signs, and physical screen covers

Dynamic Disk Volume Types

Simple - like primary; Spanned - use unallocated space on multiple drives to create a single volume-risky; Striped - RAID 0; Mirrored - RAID 1; RAID 5 - needs 3+ disks w/equal space; making a disk dynamic from basic is fine but the reverse erases it

2 kinds of optical fiber

Single Mode -expensive -capable of long distances -higher data transmission rates -used for WAN (wide area network) applications Multimode -capable of high throughput in shorter distance -significantly less expensive -used in vertical floor runs in buildings (and between buildings on a campus)

Display selection criteria to consider

Size; Technical needs; Efficiency; Cost

What are two other terms for a port?

Socket Connector

CPU Socket: LGA 1366

Socket B; Intel; X58

CPU Socket: LGA 1155

Socket H2; Intel; Sandy Bridge and Ivy Bridge

CPU Socket: LGA 1156

Socket H; Intel; Core i3, Core i5, Core i7, Xeon, Celeron, Pentium

CPU Socket: LGA 2011

Socket R; Intel; Sandy Bridge and Ivy Bridge

CPU Socket: LGA 775

Socket T; Intel; Pentium 4, Celeron D, Core 2 Duo, etc

Network Protocol

Software that exists in every OS that creates unique identifiers for every system and a set of communication rules for issues like how to handle data chopped up into multiple packets and how to ensure those packets get from one subnet to another. The most famous is the TCP/IP suite.

How to open Control Panel

Start>Control Panel; My Computer>Control Panel

Windows Interface: Logon Screen

Starting with XP has a Welcome Screen but will be classic logon screen if you are using Pro with a domain login

Troubleshooting: Failure to Boot Vista/7: Using Windows Recovery Environment

Startup Repair (fixes almost everything); System Restore; System Image Recovery (7) or Windows Complete PC Restore (Vista); Windows Memory Diagnostics; Command Prompt

What feature of Ease of Access enables you to set up key combinations that allow the users to press one key to execute multiple keys?

Sticky Keys

IP Address Class A

Subnet Mask:; 16,777,214 nodes; network ID is 1st octet only; 1-126

IP Address Class C

Subnet Mask:; 254 nodes; network ID is 1st 3 octets; 192-223

IP Address Class B

Subnet Mask: 255:255:0.0; 65,534 nodes; network ID is 1st 2 octets; 128-191; (127 is used for loopback testing)

USB 3.0 is also known as ___ USB.



SuperVGA aka Ultra VGA (UVGA) -actually refers to a collection of different SVGA standards that eventually superceded even XVGA -when referred to as Resolution Specific, it typically refers to 800x600; however, there are many higher resolutions allowed by it

Windows Interface: Aero Desktop

Supported by all versions of Vista and Win7 except Vista Home Basic and 7 Starter. Has transparency, Flip 3D; must have a video card that supports it

MBR Partitioning

Supports up to 4 primary partitions; partitions can be no bigger than 2.2TB; can have primary or extended partitions but only primary are bootable (can boot an OS); can have 4 primary with a different OS each; active partition loads by default

Central network box that makes each port its own network so call computers run at the network bandwidth



System File Checker - scans, detects, and restores important Windows system files, folders, and paths; restore a corrupt Windows environment; uses cached DLLs to replace corrupted or missing files; run with sfc/scannow; can repair errors that chkdsk cannot


System Information tool; collects info about hardware resources, components, and software enviro; troubleshoot and diagnose issues and conflicts

Where do you enable System Restore in Vista/7?

System Properties>System Protection

Where do you increase virtual memory?


Windows OS Folders: System Folder

SystemRoot; where Windows is installed; command prompt: cd %SystemRoot%

Transmission Control Protocol

TCP -controls the sending and receiving of information -computers use it to make a connection and handle the flow of data between them -connection-oriented protocol -provides error-checking at the destination end to see if data arrived safely and completely; if not, requests resend

Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol Suite

TCP/IP are the core protocols in the suite -suite of commands and controls for networks to use -rules and guidelines (standards) for electrical signals, packaging of information, and so on -common tongue of the computer world -includes many protocols: TCP, IP, UDP, and many more -refers to Data Link Layer (Layer 2)

Which Windows app allows you to see other logged in user accts and to log them off?

Task Manager>Users tab

Where can you find the Process Identifier (PID)?

Task manager; Processes Tab; (not shown by default)

Telnet (Telecommunication Network)

Telecommunication Network -allows admins to remotely connect to network devices (mostly routers and switches to troubleshoot or change configurations) -not a secure protocol and is considered obsolete from a security perspective -Port 23

Windows 9x

Term referring to all of Windows 95, 98, 98 SE, and Me lumped together

P1 or ATX

The 24-pin connector from power supply to Mobo for primary power. Some also use a 4-pin (P4) connector to help run more stably.

Default Gateway

The IP address on the LAN port of your router used to send data to anything outside your network ID

Domain Controller

The Server system that is running Windows Server and on which the administrator has created a domain

What is the UAC consent prompt?

The User Account Control consent prompt is the pop-up seen when someone is trying to perform a sensitive task (like software install) in Windows 7. Admin sees "Are you sure?" or "Continue?"' others see an Admin accts prompt

Hard Disk Drive

The actual disk(s) are called platters. -Platter rotation speed affects data transfer rates. (Solid State hard drives move faster.) -Size of the cache helps overall performance. -Speed measured in rpm (revolutions per min) -Common speeds: 3600, 5400, 7200 (most) -Modern have a small amt of RAM (cache) of 8, 16, or 32 MB to help get data to/from drive

bit aka binary digit

The basic unit of information used in computing


The broadcast address: what a NIC sends out onto the wire when it wants to request the MAC address of a computer it has never sent to before. It uses an IP address or hostname to target.

Which part of a Laser Printer failing could cause ghost images?

The drum failing could cause ghost images in laser printing because it is not holding a charge

Modern Interface

The modern interface benefited from 2 technologies: -the Graphical User Interface (GUI, "gooey") -the mouse

Address Space (CPU Address Space)

The number of combinations of 1s and 0s that can exist on the address bus given its # of wires (20 wires can do 1,048,576 or roughly 1 MB of address space)

chkdsk [drive letter] /r

This command can locate bad sectors on the desk and recover and readable information.

chkdsk [drive letter] /f

This command can repair the file system data; it cannot fix system files -- SFC does that

TV Tuners

To watch TV on a computer, you need: a tuner device, an antenna or cable connection, a tuning application, and a program guide Tuner Hardware: -many expansion card varieties; some plug into PCI or PCIe; PC Card or ExpressCard for Laptops; or High-Speed USB (card comes with a coaxial connection for satellite or cable) -application can be something like Windows Media Center or a 3rd party software -the antenna strength is important. If for stationary computer, consider outdoor antenna

Green IT: Production of IT Equipment

Toxic eWaste (Electronic Waste) -refers to discarded electrical or electronic devices -rapid pace of obsoletion results in growing amt -According to EPA, US discards 2 million tons per year -frequently contain toxic substances

DVI single link vs dual link

Transition Minimized Differential Signaling (TMDS); transmits serial data over high-speed connection; single = 1 cable; dual = 2, so dual can transfer larger images more quickly

OSI Layer 4


The OSI layer that segments and separates data and does error-checking with the ability to request resend is the ____ layer.


Which type of malware is not the program it appears to be?

Trojan Horse

USB cable connectors

Type A is the computer end; device end may be Type B, Mini-A, Mini-B, Micro-AB, or Micro-B

Having many standards and speeds, one of the most common connectors for external peripherals is the _____ port.


Mini, A, and B are varieties in the form factor of which socket?

USB 2.0

ExpressCards can connect to a ____ bus or a ______ bus.

USB 2.0, PCIe

USB connection

Universal Serial Bus connection that enables the connection of multiple peripherals (up to 127) to a single port with minimal device configuration (plug-and-play)

Optimizing a Device

Update Drivers (w/signed drivers); Use Device Manager; Performance Options; Hardware Profiles - XP only (could make 2 for laptops; when wireless, do this; when in dock, do this.);

File Systems as Security Measure

Use NTFS, not FAT32

Punch Down Tool

Used to secure UTP connection to a 11-punchdown block in a patch panel

What feature of a standard user account acts a gate keeper to sensitive Windows settings and allows the administrator to know what happens on the computer?

User Account Control (UAC)

What is the advantage of USMT over FSTW?

User State Migration Tool allows much more control over advanced configurations for the new computer than Files and Settings Transfer Wizard.

Common RAID Levels

Usu. have to sacrifice performance/capacity for reliability or vice versa -Level 0 - data split into stripes and spread over all drives. If 1 fails, all data is lost. Good for speed w/o concern for data loss -Level 1 - complete redundancy; 2 drives w/identical data, aka "Disc Mirroring", no speed or capacity advantage; best used for operating system partitioning on servers -Level 5 - more discs = more efficient; uses striping like Level 0 but also: each drive has a fraction (called parity) of the data from the other drives. So, if one fails, the others can rebuild its data; however, if more than one fails, you are out of luck. Increases capacity & speed

A monitor connection with 15-pins in 3 rows is known as a ______.


Virtual Local Area Network

VLAN -group computers that are not necessarily connected to the same network and make them act as if they were -possible to relocate computers geographically while still maintaining their connections and resources, such as shared folders -segregate a large LAN into smaller networks for each office and department -switches resolve data collisions -multiple logical resources on a single physical resource -members of VLAN 1 cannot "talk" to those on VLANS 2-4 until the data goes through the router, which uses IP addressing to connect the nodes (p 8-9 in GK book)

Virtual Private Network

VPN -a secure connection to a private network, such as your LAN, that travels over public links, such as the Internet -Works by wrapping encrypted local traffic in a piece of data that is understandable by the Internet. -device @ your company, called a concentrator, unwraps and de-encrypts the data and sends it to the LAN

Monitor Connections to Mobo

Video Card = Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) or Video Processing Unit (VPU) chip on Mobo 3 Connections btwn that and Monitor: VGA - Video Graphics Array, oldest, 15-pin DVI - Digital Video Interface, up to 29-pin HDMI - High-Definition Multimedia Interface, audio (8-channel) and video, started on TVs


Video Graphics Array -standard display interface -max resolution of 480x640

XP Mode

Virtual machine to run XP-based apps; can do it on Win7 Pro or better; is a separate download

Features of Versions of Windows: Vista Enterprise

Vista version for businesses that improves on Vista Business with BitLocker Drive Encryption and support for 2 CPUs; purchased only throuhg Microsoft (not in stores)

Features of Versions of Windows: Vista Home Basic

Vista version that is like XP home

Features of Versions of Windows: Vista Home Premium

Vista version that is like XP media center

Features of Versions of Windows: Vista Business

Vista version that is like XP pro

Features of Versions of Windows: Vista Ultimate

Vista version with game performance and DVD-ripping

BitLocker Drive Encryption full drive encryption is available in which versions of WIndows?

Vista/7 Ultimate and Enterprise


Vista/7 version of boot.ini, which contains instructions for the bootmgr on the OS and how to load it

Windows Interface: C:\Users

Vista/7; XP; subfolders: All Users - settings that apply to everyone (install for? Me or Everyone -- when you pick Everyone, the app settings go here); <User Name> - settings defined user by user (has 4 important subfolders: Desktop, Documents, Downloads; and Start Menu)

Service Pack in Use is found in...

Vista: System window or System Information window; XP: System Properties window

Windows Interface: Windows Sidebar

Vista; can add gadgets like weather, clock, etc; Win7 removed the sidebar area but kept the app sidebar.exe. It just allows gadgets anywhere on the desktop

CPU Operational Characteristic: VRM

Voltage Regulator Module; replacable; used to regulate the voltage fed to the CPU

Wired Equivalent Privacy (Type of Wireless Encryption)

WEP -40-bit encryption used to scramble data packets -many vendors support 104-bit encryption

Wireless Encryption

WEP and WPA (and WPA2)

The wireless configuration utility in Windows Vista/7 is called ______.

WLAN AutoConfig

Wireless Protected Access (Type of Wireless Encryption)

WPA -replaced WEP as a more secure standard -offers user authentication through Extensible Authentication Protocol -uses encryption key integrity-checking

The _____ wireless security protocol uses encrypted usernames and passwords; whereas, ____ does not.


Wireless Protected Access 2 (Type of Wireless Encryption)

WPA2 -uses Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) -more secure than WPA

Green IT: WEEE

Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment -another term for e-Waste

CMOS Fan Options

Where to turn on temperature alarms and adjust fan options

Windows Interface: Libraries

Win7 only; NOT folders but collections of folders; To create more: Windows Explorer>Right Click Libraries>Select New; to add a folder to a Library, right click it and choose "Include in Library" or right click the Library and choose Properties and use "Include a Folder"; to remove, right click the folder and choose "Remove from Library" 4 DEFAULT LIBRARIES: Documents, Music, Pictures, and Videos

Windows Interface: Jump List

Win7 only; shows context menu info about whatever is on your task bar; right-click icon or click and drag up to see

Features of Versions of Windows: Windows 7 Enterprise

Win7 that can only be bought through Microsoft; large business; network searches, app security; data protection w/BitLocker (Pro on steroids)

Features of Versions of Windows: Windows 7 Ultimate

Win7 vers has it all: adv networking, backup, security tools, RDC, etc

Features of Versions of Windows: Windows 7 Home Premium

Win7 vers that is most-widely used; media func and adv network FNs

Features of Versions of Windows: Windows 7 Professional

Win7 vers that supports domains, XP mode, and RDC

Features of Versions of Windows: Windows 7 Starter

Win7 version that is a stripped down edition for netwbooks; focused on Internet Access; the only one not to come in 64-bit


WinRE command that repairs the master boot record, boot sector, or BCD store


WinRE partitioning tool; diskpart /clean wipes all partitions/volumes on drive

Version of Windows that has USB as an install option

Windows 7 has USB DVD Download Tool

Compatibility Tools: Windows XP

Windows Catalog and HCL (Hardware Compatibility List)

Compatibility Tools: Windows Vista

Windows Logo'd Products List

Backup Status and Configuration

Windows Vista program that has a Complete PC Backup

Which version of Windows does not have a Services tab in Task Manager?

Windows XP does not have a Services tab in Task Manager


Windows XP's Backup Utility; can backup to network, local, tape, and USB, but not Optical discs (not default install in Home)

Windows Interface: %SystemRoot%\System32

Windows's most critical programs live here; 64-bit editions also store in %SystemRoot%\SysWOW64

Printer Drivers: PostScript printer description (PPD)

Windows, Mac, or LPD (Line Printer Daemon); renders print jobs into the PostScript printer language; displays specific information about the printer and its options to the user

The wireless configuration utility in Windows XP is called ______.

Wireless Zero Configuration

Wireless Peripherals

Wireless-wireless mice and keyboards -receiver plugs into USB port, & transmitters on the mouse/keyboard connect @ 2.4MHz -good for 6-ft or less Bluetooth -extends range up to 30 ft -requires a receiver (built-in or USB connect) -can connect multiple devices to 1 receiver to create a PAN (Personal Area Network)


XP Program that backs up individual files and settings

What is the major difference regarding partitions containing boot files and systems files for booting XP vs Vista/7?

XP allows the boot files and system files to reside on different partitions; Vista/7 does not

Features of Versions of Windows: XP

XP version better than 2000 b/c of built-in CD-writer and interface

Features of Versions of Windows: XP Home

XP version that is stripped down XP Pro; no domain, no encryption, only 1 processor, basic home Sharing instead of NTFS (no security tab on properties menu of a file)

Features of Versions of Windows: XP Pro

XP version tuned for the office/business; multiple users on single computers; only version of XP that can connect to a server (domain),NTFS file encryption, multiple physical processors; RDC

Features of Versions of Windows: XP Media Center

XP version with Personal Video Recorder (PVR) withTV Tuner Card allows you to watch and record TVs; geared to organize media like photos and music; otherwise like home

Automated System Recovery (ASR)

XP's last line of defense when restoring; back up boot and system volumes as well as Registry, boot files, and critical system files; has all apps and user data on ONE DRIVE ONLY; cannot be used without a non-bootable ASR floppy that has the restore info; also need XP install disc

How to see hidden files in diff vers of Windows

XP: Windows Explorer>Select C:/ drive>Tools>Folder Options>View>Choose "Show Hidden Files, Folders, and Drives" and uncheck "Hide protected operating system files">Click apply. Vista/7: Windows Explorer>Organize>Folder and search options>View>Choose "Show Hidden Files, Folders, and Drives" and uncheck "Hide protected operating system files">Click apply.

How to show file extensions in diff vers of Windows

XP: Windows Explorer>Tools>Folder Options>View>uncheck "Hide extensions for known file types" Vista/7: Windows Explorer>Organize>Folder and search options>View>same box

Windows Interface: C:\Documents and Settings

XP; subfolders: Default User (hidden)- template; All Users - settings that apply to everyone (install for? Me or Everyone -- when you pick Everyone, the app settings go here); Shared Documents - XP Simple File Sharing folder; <User Name> - settings defined user by user (has 4 folders: Desktop, Documents, Application Data (hidden), and Start Menu


__ is the file that contains info about errors during OS installation


a Network Hardware Protocol adopted by most of the world; beat out Token Ring and others

patch panel

a box with a row of female connector ports in the front and permanent connections in the back

Floating Point Unit (FPU)

a chunk of CPU circuitry that handles complex numbers

Two-State Communication

a computer, or any electronic device, understands 2 states: on/yes/one and no/off/zero. That's it. Morse code is a 2-state communiation (dash or dot). So was 1 (lantern) if by land, 2 if by sea.

mount point

a drive on which you mount another drive as a folder instead of giving it a letter (ex: my photos is too much for your C:/ drive. By another HD and mount a partition as a folder w/in my photos; files put there will be stored on the new drive)


a feature on many modern NICs and switches that allow older, half-duplex devices to communicate -senses the duplex mode and the speed of the connected devices so that the network can transfer data at the fastest possible rate

Frame Check Sequence (FCS)

a piece (about 4 bytes) at the end of a frame of data that they receiving NIC processes using a cyclic redundancy check to verify that the data arrived in tact

Printer control language (PCL)

a print driver protocol used to render print jobs into PCL and transfer data from the CPU to the printer; standard used by HP; laser, thermal, and dot matrix

Network Technology

a term defining everything necessary to get data from one computer to another: practical application of a topology and other critical standards like frame type, cabling, and connectors

Hosts Files

a text file that contains a list of computer names and tehir associated IP addresses; pre-DNS; practical only on very small and stable networks

toner (network)

a tools used to trace a particular network cable or port; actually 2 devices used together--a tone generator and a tone probe (aka toner probe); generator connects to the cable and sends an electrical signal along the wire at a certain frequency; probe emits a sound when near a cable connected to the tone generator (Fox and Hound is one brand)

Packet filter

a type of firewall that analyzes the contents of the packet and decides whether to forward or drop the packet; can read send and receive info so can allow a known reply to a request from w/in LAN

CPU Operational Characteristic: Throttling

adjusting the CPU speed (down) when the computer is idle or there are hardware problems


advanced boot features; all OSes installed; change OSes default or delete an OS; safe boot; adjust CPU cores and memory

PATA connections

aka ATA, IDE, EIDE, UDMA; connect internal HDs, ODs, or Tape drives to the Mobo; 2 sockets provide connetions for up to 2 drives per socket; 40-pin cables with 40 or 80 wires

Windows Stop Error

aka Blue Screen of Death (BSoD); catastrophic failure; look up the stop code online

Dynamic Storage Partitioning

aka Dynamic Disks; creates partitions, but they are called volumes; not limited to 4 per disk; can do RAID; all Windows Pro and above support this

Troubleshooting: Missing Graphical Interface

aka Failure to Load GUI; restore from backup or rebuild from the installation media

Aritmetic Logic Unit (ALU)

aka Integer Unit is a chunk of CPU circuitry that handles integer math (no decimals)

Static RAM

aka SRAM aka CPU Cache; preloads instructions and keeps copies of already run instructions and data in case the CPU needs to work on them again; used b/c CPU runs much faster than system RAM

CPU Operational Characteristic: Hyperthreading (HT)

aka Simultaneous Multi-Threading; Intel feature that makes 1 physical CPU appear as 2 logical CPUs; adds 2 registers beyond the general purpose ones to overlap instruction streams; increases performance by about 30% (isn't double the performance because the systems resources aren't doubled); OS and apps must be designed to allow it


aka System Configuration Utility - can help with long load times by disabling unwanted applications/services and modifying how the computer boots

Troubleshooting: Failure to Boot Vista/7: Accessing Windows Recovery Environment

aka System Recovery Options; aka Windows RE; access in 7: boot from CD and choose repair, f8>Repair Your Computer (Vista does not have this option), or create your own disk for it ahead of time

World Interoperability for Microwave Access (WAN Transmission Media)

aka Wi-MAX -802.16 protocol -point-to-point and point-to-multipoint -provides point-to-point data connectivity for "last mile" data access (not a physical mile; just the last distance to user's location) -not very developed in US -$$$ -has a licensed frequency

Windows Preinstallation Environment

aka WinPE or Windows PE; the graphical 32- and 64- bit graphical install enviro (Vista and later)


aka Windows Boot Manager; boot loader for Win7

peer-to-peer wireless

aka ad hoc; decentralized free-for-all forming an Independent Basic Service Set (IBSS); good for <dozen computers for transferring files/sharing printers in a temporary situation; doesn't need a WAP

Expansion Card

aka adapter card, I/O card, add-in, add-on, or board

Directory Services

aka network directory; centralized data base of objects such as servers, clients, computers, user names, and passwords; stored in 1 or more servers and avail throughout the enterprise; provides centralized admin and authentication

Peripherals: Digitizers

aka pen tablet; enables users to paint, ink, pencil, or otherwise draw on a computer

Star Network Topology

aka. Hub and Spoke -all nodes are connected together via a central connectivity device that facilitates communication between nodes -most commonly used topology in a LAN -central device can be passive or "smart" and decide the correct traffic paths -in Medium to large networks, stars are often connected to other starts through a local point-to-point connection linking the 2 central connection devices

Portable Media Player

aka. MP3 Player -embedded CPU -flash (solid state) memory -must be attached to a larger computer to transfer files on/off (usually)

PCMCIA cards

aka. PC Cards (stands for Personal Computer Memory Card International Association) -1/2 size of credit card -adaptors include: memory cards, hard drives, modems, ethernet adaptors, USB & Firewire Adaptors, SCSI cards--wireless card is the most recent type -68-pins -connected to Mobo using parallel bus communications -replaced by Express Cards, which use serial bus communication on the Mobo


aka. main board, system board, mobo -serves to connect all other components of the computer -has input jacks and external expansion ports -hardware and expansion ports are interconnected with multiple system buses -northbridge connects RAM directly to CPU -southbridge connects all inputs/outputs

Windows Interface: %SystemRoot%\Fonts

all installed fonts live here

CPU Cache: Instruction

allows CPU to retrieve and execute instructions faster

CPU Cache: Data

allows CPU to retrieve and store data quickly

CPU Cache: Translation Lookaside Buffer (TLB)

allows faster address translation for the CPU's Instruction and Data caches


allows single sign-on

System Tools: Disk Defragmenter

also in Computer Management Console; make the HD run faster by reorganizing bits of data on the HD so related bits are closer (never done on an SSD)

System Crystal

although a CPU may have a maximum speed rating, that is not the actual speed at which it will run when installed in a MOBO. The actual speed is determined by the ______, which is a quartz oscillator soldered onto the Mobo; it sends out an electric pulse that goes through a clock chip (which increases the pulse by a multiple the CPU can handle) and then to the clock wire (CLK), setting the beat for the CPU's activities (like a metronome)


amount of electrons moving past a certain point on a wire; current; amperage


amt of amps and volts needed so a device will function (VxA=W)

Volt-amps (VA)

amt of power the UPS could supply if the devices took power from the UPS in a perfect way.


an algorithm used to encrypt raw data (plaintext)

Extended Unique Identifier (IUE-48)

another name for a MAC address or Mac-48

Network Resource

any device, file, or application that can be accessed from another device

The different areas of the Control Panel that allow you to change features are called _______.


Media Access Control (MAC)

attaches the NIC's MAC address to frames and sends frames onto the network cabling A sublayer of the Data Link Layer


audio connection (Sony/Phillips Digital Interface Format) that can be coaxial or optical and replaces all the mini-audio ports on your computer if your surround speaker system is also compatible for it

You risk exposing your computer to malicious software if you turn of Windows _________.

automatic updates

Native Resolution

automatically the crispest resolution for LCD

The first step of upgrading an Operating System is to check compatibility. The second step is to ________.

back up

System Tools: Backup

backup selected files and folders (in VISTA, you can't. It has Backup Status and Configuration, which is only personal data on home versions or the whole PC on business versions)

Baseband vs Broadband

baseband means a single signal sends data using the entire bandwidth of the transmission media, devices cannot simultaneously send and receive data; broadband provides high throughput by splitting communications into multiple channels transmitted simultaneously; neither is necessarily faster; no std for broadband speed but 1.5 Mbps is typically used

USB 3.0 looks different from 2.0 only in that it is _____.


Troubleshooting: Failure to Boot XP: Repair w/ Recovery Console

boot from install CD; press r; press 1; provide Admin password; No Boot Device: use fxmbr NTLDR bad or missing: use cd\ to get to the root directory and use copy to copy it from your CD Boot.ini is gone or corrupted: use bootcfg /rebuild

Primary parition

bootable; gets a drive letter;

boots Vista/7


_____ is the term given to a computer component's failure within 30-days of installation

burn-in failure

Display installation considerations

cables & connectors; expansion cards; drivers; power source

Laser printer: crooked, mis-colored

calibrate printer

RSA token

can be a physical device located in a smart card or key fob to communicate with a security system

Extended partition

can contain multiple logical drives; can't boot from it; partition itself does not get a drive letter but drives w/in it do

System Tools: Easy Transfer (Vista/7)

can copy user accounts and other settings in addition to files done by FSTW

Network Attack Risks

can occur at various stages of communication Risks: -Social Engineering (ex: dumpster dive) -Viruses -Unauthorized Access: Hackers/Crackers,, Phishing, Malware, Spyware, Adware -Identity Fraud -Worms -Trojan Horses -Logic Bombs -File and Folder Sharing -Web Browser Risks: Phishing, Fraudulent sites, Applets, Executables, Caches -Operating System Vulnerability -Theft -Open or Free Networks

Frame size

can vary, but typically holds about 1500 bytes of data

bootrec /fixboot

can write a new boot sector and replace the bootmgr files in Win7/Vista

Distortion control

caused by EMI or hardware defect with the video card or cable; remove interference source or adjust settings on the display device itself


change directory command (chdir)

Laser Printer: transfer corona wire

charges the paper for the toner to attract to it; if it fails, the page will be blank

What is the command prompt for error checking?


Logic Bomb

code inserted into software that executes if certain conditions are met


command for diagnosing problems with DirectX


command line command to see all system info


command line utility (aka NetBIOS or TCP/IP Statistics);


command line utility for activating or deactivating ActiveX controls

net use

command line utility for mapping network shares


command line utility for opening Remote Desktop


command line utility that enables you to view a network quickly;

Chckdsk /R

command line utility that verifies the integrity of a disk and can fix lost (or orphaned) files

icponfig /flushdns

command line utility to fix a failing DNS

User State Migration Tool (USMT)

command line version to move user state information to/from computers


command that tells you your computer name

attrib +[attribute] [file name and ext]

command to add attributes to a file

attrib +[attribute] *.[ext] /s

command to add attributes to all files of that type in the current directory

attrib -[attribute] [file name and ext]

command to remove attributes from a file

shutdown /?

command to shutdown


command utility that can be used to initiate chkdsk at boot time


command-line program to partition drives; Disk Management is the graphical Windows equivalent; can use to partition


compatible with the DVI standards; 19-pin; 50+ feet; 8 audio channels; HDTV, SDTV, EDTV modes

Access Control

composed of 4 interlinked areas: -physical security -authentication -users and groups -security policies

Windows Interface: %SystemRoot%\Temp

contains files for running applications to access quickly; deleted when app is closed; NEVER save here


copy multiple directories at a time

CPU Operational Characteristic: CPU Speed

core clock speed (inside the CPU) and bus clock speed (transfer rate of instructions to the system board affect the overall CPU speed

CPU Operational Characteristic: Cores

cores read and execute instruction data from apps; single chip with 2 ore more cores that process simultaneously is multicore; 10+ cores is Many-Core, not Multi-Core

System Restore

create a restore point (XP); found in Accessories>System Tools; in Vista/7 does it auto but can go to Computer>Properties>System Protection>Tasks>System Protection tab>Create

System Restore

creates restore points that deal with settings

Windows SIM

creates the answer files for unattended installs in Win7/Vista

Setup Manager

creates the answer files for unattended installs in XP

Windows Interface: (My) Network Places

current network connections available to you

CPU Operational Characteristic: Clock Speed

cycles per second; technical rating that can be different in reality; aka performance

Recovery Console - Expand

decompresses a file as it copies it to the hard drive from the install CD

CPU Operational Characteristic: Cache

dedicated high-speed static RAM for storing recently used instructions and data

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

default for making phone calls and transferring data via the Internet on a smartphone

Universal print driver (UPD)

designed to support multiple printers and MFDs with one driver; only available by some brands

You can plug a USB ______ to a Hi-Speed USB _____, but not the other way around.

device, port


difference in intensity between adjacent colors in an image

Serial transmission

disassembles bytes into bits on the sending end; sends bits on wires; reassembles bits into bytes at receiving end

Administrative Tools: Computer Management

disk management, users and groups, and even viewer are some tools found here


displays the Local Group Policy Editor where you can make changes to the OS

Which type of optical storage disk can hold up to 17 GB of data

double-sided dual DVD

Printer resolution measurement

dpi (dots per inch

Scanner resolution is measured in ____.

dpi (dots per inch)

SATA connections

drive connection standard that enhances PATA; 7-pin connectors; smaller, thinner, more flexible cables than PATA

You can fix some hardware-related critical errors by updating the _____.


DIP Switches

dual in-line package switches work like jumpers to configure older motherboards; these hardware solutions have been replaced by software solutions on newer mobos

External drives frequently connect with this port that is faster than USB and FireWire by far.



eXtended Video Graphics Array -resolution 1024x768


electronically, a spreadsheet; physically, group of semi-conductor chips soldered onto small cards; allows the addressing of each row of memory for the CPU so it can easily jump to any line of stored code at or near the clock speed of the CPU

Windows Interface: Recycle Bin

empty it first when your HD is low on space


enable or disable any startup programs

Msconfig cannot stop services, it can only

enable/disable services

Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)

enables OSes and apps to access directories; in Windows Servers with Active Directory, Windows uses LDAP to do anything w/AD; when you add a computer to the AD domain, Windows uses LDAP commands to update the AD w/the computer info; you don't see it

Address Bus

enables the CPU to say which row of RAM it wants from the MCC by turning the address bus wires on and off in different patterns; 1 part of the Frontside Bus

del [file name and ext]

erase a file

Administrative Tools: Computer Management>Event Viewer

events and problems recently occuring on computer

System Unit

everything inside the tower (CPU): internal hard drive, memory, etc.

Riser Card

expands motherboard capabilities the way a power strip increases the capabilities of electrical outlets


faster than DDR due to buffering and cache; clock-doubles the input/output circuits to 4x per cycle; 4-bit buffer

PCIe, AGP, PCI-X, PCI are all video expansion slots are a listed in order from _____ to _____.

fastest, slowest

Ethernet connection from switch to data center

fiber optic

TCP/IP Command Line Utilities: tracert

followed by IP or hostname; shows the route a packet takes to get to its destination

TCP/IP Command Line Utilities: ping

followed by an IP address or DNS name, to send packets to it

TCP/IP Command Line Utilities: nslookup

followed by hostname; determine what info the DNS server is giving you about a specific host name

IPv6 Global Addresses

for now, begin with 2; used to access Internet (as opposed to a link-local address)

Power Supply: EPS 12V

for servers; 24-pin main mobo power; many other aux power; didn't remain popular long; most important intro was rails

Power Conditioning

found in better surge suppressors; filters out EMI and RFI

Virtual reality goggles/glasses

gaming use

ipconfig /?

gives all possible commands related to ipconfig

Parity RAM

gives the MCC an extra bit at the end for data check but can't correct it and doesn't always work

Scanners come in 8-bit, 12-bit, and 16-bit ______ varieties.


Broadcast Domain

group of computers connected by one or more switches; a LAN is almost always one

Tech Utilities: Control Panel

handles most of the maintenance, upgrade, and configuration aspects of Windows; contains many applets like Device Manager

What does the abbreviation HDD stand for?

hard disk drive

USB, FireWire, and eSATA are all ways to connect external _____.

hard drives


hardware interface that you can use to connect devices to a computer

Network-connected printer

has a built-in network adapter card and connects directly to a network cable; jobs are sent using a network protocol such as TCP/IP

3 main parts of a liquid cooling system

hollow metal block, a pump to move the liquid, a device to cool the liquid (minor parts: liquid, hosing)

UTP solid core is used for ___.

horizontal cabling - inside floors/ceilings

PS/2 is different from most modern sockets in that it is not _______.

hot-swappable (or hot pluggable)

Applets: System Tools

houses tools like System Information and Disk Defragmenter; access via - Start>All Programs>Accessories>System Tools

Wireless Network Adaptors

if not built in, it can be added via PCI, PCIe, or usb wireless NIC -most are plug-and-play and so immediately recognized by windows

Touch Screen: Optical Imaging

image sensors detect touch based on shadows created when screen is touched

how to access a hidden partition

in BIOS; it's usually a backup copy of the OS just in case (aka factory recovery partition)

Small Arrow in lower left of icon

indicates it is a shortcut

MOBO form factor: BTX

intended to replace ATX in 2005; low profile; better airflow; better hardware mounting points; ended in 2006

Proxy server

intermediates between a hostile (Internet) and a controlled (LAN) environment -LAN requests go through proxy, which decides whether to accept request. EX: many workplaces block internet radio and other distractors


is a protocol that allows certain programs (video, sound, network, input devices, etc) to access cards/hardware directly without going through Windows (Ex: video game tweaking video card for max results);

PS/2 or mini-DIN (purple) connects a ____.


ExpressCards use ____ power than CardBus cards

less (1.5-3.3 V vs 3.3-5 V)

UTP stranded core is ___.

less stiff than solid core but not as good a conductor; computer to wall


lists tools and utils; event vwr, perfmon, cmd, etc; found in other places

If you travel a lot, you'll want to make sure you use the _________ mechanism for the scanner light assembly on your scanner.


HDDs top SSDs in price, capacity, and ______.

longevity (electronic longevity)

Frontside Bus

made up of the Address Bus and the EDB (connecting the CPU, MCC, and RAM)


make directory command

Is a worm malware or spyware?



measured in lumens

time-domain reflectometer (TDR)

measures impedance in network cabling; (Fluke is one brand)

Power Cycle message

message on the printer when self-diagnosis fails; requesting shutdown and restart of the printer

Which 3.5 mm ports support speakers, microphones, and an audio line in?


All PATA drives use a 4-pin power cable called a _______.


Cathode Ray Tube CRT

monitor that produces electromagnetic radiation

Liquid Crystal Display LCD

monitor that uses cold cathode fluorescent lamp as its backlight source

Light Emitting Diode LED

monitor that uses dynamic RGB or white edge LEDs as a backlighting source; uses less NRG than LCD but is more $$

Organic Light Emitting Diode OLED

monitor that uses organic compouds that emit light when electricity is present; advantage is variety of dimensions that can be used


monitor tht uses xenon and neon rays; high contrast, brightness, and vibrant colors from many angles

Dvorak keyboard

more efficienct layout

Where is the first place you should go when upgrading your RAM?

motherboard manual

PS/2 or mini-DIN (green) connects a ____.


System Tools: Files and Settings Transfer Wizard (XP)

move settings and files from old computer to new one; won't copy programs or files for anything other than IE or Outlook

System Configuration Utility

msconfig - to troubleshoot OS and program startup and services; in XP, it could edit boot.ini; in Vista/7, it can't

Another name for a site license is a ____.

multiuser license

POST Criteria: BIOS Memory

must be readable (BIOS Memory)

POST Criteria: BIOS

must be readable (BIOS)

POST Criteria: Power Supply

must be turned on, and must supply its "power good" signal

TCP/IP Command Line Utilities: ipconfig

network settings /all is more useful in DHCPS; /release and /renew are helpful

Backup and Restore (Center) - Vista/7

no backup types other than files or computer (system image); no tape backup; backup files in Vista will NOT do apps or OS; 7 is better - will do an image with apps; Vista was all users; 7 lets you pick; 7 has Create a System Image

Classless Addressing

no strict dividing line btwn groups of addresses, and the network address/node address division is determined entirely by the number of 1 bits in the subnet mask

Backup Options - XP

normal - full, every selected file; copy - full backup with archive bits left on; incremental - only files with the archive bit on (only files changed since last backup), turns off archive bits; differential - like incremental but does not turn off archive bits; daily - (aka daily copy) - makes copies of all files changed that day without changing the archive bits

boots XP


Color depth

number of bits used to store the color of a pixel: the more bits per pixel, the more colors can be displayed

Windows Interface: (My) Documents

on C:/ drive; includes subfolders for pics, music, etc; called "User's Files" in Vista/7

Archive bit

on when changes have been made since file's last backup; off when file has been backed up

Automated System Recovery (ASR)

option in XP that backs up the System State and other data

Windows Interface: %SystemRoot%\Offline Files (Offline Web Pages)

pages saved for offline browsing; auto-deleted from time to time

A legacy printer probably connects via a ______ port.


Another name for a DB-25 connector is a _____.

parallel port

Logical Link Control (LLC)

part of the NIC that talks to the NOS, places data coming from software into frames, and creates the CRC on each frame; it also processes incoming frames by sending the correctly address ones to the NOS and erasing incorrectly addressed ones A sublayer of the Data Link Layer

Partition Table

part of the master boot record that describes teh number and size of partitions on the disk

Windows Interface: Quick Launch Toolbar

part of the taskbar in XP and Vista; to enable, right click taskbar, select Properties, check "Show Quick Launch"; or Start>Settings>Control Panel>Appearance and Themes>Taskbar and Start Menu, check box; drag icons on/off; blended with running programs area in Win7 creating "pinned applications"


part of unattended installations that modifies the installs so every computer gets a unique SID, etc.

Laser Printer: Development Phase

phase to check for blank pages (how the toner is/is not applied) -- leads to toner cartridge

ping - f

ping with "Don't Fragment" flag set

ping -t

pings a target until stopped

ping -n

pings with a specific amt of packets instead of default 4


pixels that make up the dimension of the display; given as horiz by vert or width by height; usually 4:3

Cable Tester




Loopback plug


Toner probe


Wire stripper


Binary ANDing

placeholder p312

NetBIOS Port

port 137


port 389


port 69

Media Design Workstation Requirements

powerful processor, high-end video card with integrated GPU, large flat panel display or multiple monitors, max RAM for mobo and CPU

Printer speed

ppm (pages per minute)


pressure of electrons in the wire

CPU Operational Characteristic: Performance

price vs performance; know your client

Windows Interface: Desktop

primary interface underneath whatever apps you have open; also a folder in your computer; know how to get to it!

Uninterruptable Power Supply (UPS)

protects computer in an evente of power sag or surge;measured in watts and voltage-amps; they would be equal of devices took all power of the UPS


read the boot.ini configuration file to load Windows XP


real name: IEEE 1394 standard -hot-swappable -1394a - original, up to 400 Mbps (6-pin) -1394b - current, up to 800 Mbps (9-pin) -great for video transfer, HDs, real time storage

Administrative Tools: Computer Management>Performance Monitor

real time and cached performance data; can add counters to test something in particular (like a new NIC you've installed -- measure it's download speed)

ping -a

regular ping with hostname and IP

PC Cards (PCMCIA cards) can offer connections for ________ media.

removable (such as SD cards)


remove directory

ren [old file name and ext] [new file name and ext]

rename a file


renders print jobs into specialized plotter language for making large-scale drawings with X-Y coordinates

Laser printer: shadowy/ghost image

replace drum (may be w/in toner cartridge itself)

Laser printer: smeared image

replace fuser


replaces a workgroup on a network with a server; login to this, not the local machine; 1 account per user, not per machine

Touch Screen: Resistive

resistive layer screen; pressure of finger creates charge between layers

What unit measures hard disk drive rotation speed?

rpm (revolutions per minute)

2 types of command lines

run>command is 16-bit; run>cmd is 32 or 64-bit

CPU Operational Characteristic: Overclocking

running the system board at a higher clock speed than the CPU is rated to handle; done by geeks; can fry your CPU due to overheating


same as services tab in Task Manager; enable or disable any service

Administrative Tools: Computer Management>Services

see status of all services on system (running or not); change startup type of services to Automatic, Automatic (Delayed), Manual, or Disabled; also start, stop, pause, or resume


select the type of startup you want for next boot

Touch Screen: Dispersive Signal

sensors detect vibrations when screen is touched

A legacy port that transfers data one bit at a time, has 9 pins, and is still used for some network devices is a _____ port.


Another name for a DB-9 connector is a ____.

serial port


set of instructions understood by the CPU

Which filetracks hardware as it is installed during Windows install?


Which file tracks the WIndows installation process?


Network-based printer

shared print device managed by a network computer called a print server that holds the queue

Windows Interface: System Tray

shows programs running inteh backgorund (Have no open window)

Which type of optical storage disk can hold up to 25 GB of data?

single Blu-Ray


slowest Ethernet network speed; 10Mbps; starbus and UTP CAT3 cables

Power Supply: SFX 12V

small power supply for FlexATX mobos

Power Supply: TFX 12V

small power supply for low-profile ATX systems

Power Supply: Micro-ATX

smaller form factor designed for cases of the same name

Power Supply: Mini ATX

smaller form factor designed for cases of the same name


software or hardware that enforces rules for data traffic -when properly implemented, provide a strong barrier to attack -network firewall is usually a piece of hardware -on servers or personal computers usually software -extremely complex balance of security and network availability


software program that can copy itself and infect a computer but needs a human to install -though many come from Internet, many also come from disks people bring to the network (USB, etc) or from local open networks (coffee shop) -designed to attach itself to a program on your computer (email, Word doc, game, etc) -whenever that program is used, the virus runs, too -can erase the HD -can also steal information or send SPAM through your email

Device drivers

software that enables the OS and peripheral device to communicate

de facto NIC LED indicators

solid green - connectivity; flashing green - intermittent connectivity; no green - no connectivity; amber - collisions on the network

A/V Editing Hardware Requirements

specialized audio and video cards to support CGI and 3D; large,fast hard drive, high-end graphics processing unit; large or multiple displays

Is a Pop-Up malware or spyware?


System Tools: Disk Cleanup

starts automatically when you get below 200 MB of HD space; looks for unnecessary files

RS-232 Null-Modem Connections

std serial interface used to connect devices like modems; replaced by Ethernet; can be used for debugging and close proximity; can be used to connect 2 computers in a simulated dial-up connection

SSDs top HDDs in speed, physical durability, energy use and _______.

storage efficiency

Master boot record

stored in 1st sector of hard drive; 512 MB; aka boot sector of a hard drive that houses an OS; for HDs w/o an OS, boot sector is the volume boot record (VBR);

Master File Table MFT

stored just after the MBR (boot sector); contains metadata info about every file and folder on an NTFS volume

Mini-Connector (Floppy Power)

supplies 5 and 12 V to peripherals; pretty much only used by Floppy Drive; can destroy devices if plugged into one that doesn't use it

Another name for a surge suppressor is a ____.

surge protector


switch used with the winnt32.exe command to install the Recovery Console to the hard drive

Broadcast frames are allowed by ___ but destroyed trying to go through ____.

switches, routers

Windows Interface: Taskbar and Start Menu

taskbar runs along bottom; 4 sections: Start button, Quick Launch toolbar, running programs area, notifications area (aka system tray)

Stop a program from command line

taskkill /pid # or taskkill /name

Command line for Task Manager



the beginning of the name of one of the five visible registry hives

Port forwarding

the best way to ensure external traffic to your website makes it to your LAN's web server (probably going to forward port 80 to the IP of your web server)

bootmgr.exe, winload.exe, and winresume.exe

the combination of Win7/Vista files that replaced NTLDR

What mode of Windows Vista/7 install inclused partitioning and formatting?

the graphical mode of installation

Cyclic Redundancy Check

the math performed by the receiving NIC on the Frame Check Sequence to ensure the frame's data arrived in tact (the math is like division with a remainder; if the numbers match, the data is good)

Computer connection

the physcial access point that enables a computer to communicate with internal or external devices

Type I, II, and III PC Cards differ only in their _____.


Refresh rate

times per sec that monitor is refreshed; measured in hertz

register (CPU register)

tiny storage areas made up of microscopic semi-conductor units that hold charges (charged - on; no charge - off = 1s and 0s in logic)

Troubleshooting in the Control Panel

tool in Win7 that can automatically check for performance issues


transfers Ethernet from one media (like RJ-45) to another (like fiber)

Parallel connection

transfers data at 8 or more bits at a time over 8 or more wires; 25-pin FEMALE connectors; cable has a 25-pin male connector for the system unit and 36-pin male connector; burgundy or dark pink port; replaced by USB; AKA LPT

Serial connection

transfers data one bit at a time over a single wire; support 2-way communication; 9-pin (DB-9) to computer and 25-pin (DB-25) male connection to the device with female cables (legacy)

Power Supply: Rails

transformer takes AC power from socket and converts it into 3 primary DC rails: 12.0 V, 5.0 V, and 3.3. V

Recovery Console - XP

troubleshoot and manage the system; can be installed as a boot option or launch from the XP CD-ROM

Touch Screen: Surface Acoustic Wave

ultrasonic waves that are disrupted when screen is touched


universal driver type


updating firmware electronically

Troubleshooting: Failure to Boot XP: Rebuild

use Recovery CD or Recovery Partitoon to do a repair installation (which really means wiping the disk)


use for diagnosing driver problems


used to designate parallel devices as master/slave or cable select when there are 2 devices on one cable and controller


used to display to a large group of users

Applets: Device Manager

used to examine and ocnfigure all of the hardware and drivers in a Windows PC; organizes hardware into groups called types; enable/disable, upgrade drivers, problem device - right click>Properties>read error code

Remote Desktop

used to perate a Windows computer from a remote location; limited by 1 login at a time; better for management than diagnostics or troubleshooting


used to troubleshoot video issues

Touch Screen: Infrared

uses Infrared LED and photodetectors that create a cross hatch pattern that is disrupted when the screen is touched

Infrastructure Mode

uses one or more WAPs to connect the wireless network nodes to a network segment; a single WAP servicing an area is known as a Basic Service Set (BSS); adding more WAPs to extend the area is Extended Basic Service Set (EBSS)

Touch Screen: Acoustic Pulse

uses unique acoustic sounds associated with a specific location on the screen to determine location

Touch Screen: Capacitative

useus electrical conductors to manipulate screen; screen coated with a conductor, so human body (also a conductor) results in a change to the electrostatic field

CPU Operational Characteristic: Virtualization Support

virtualization software built into the CPU chipset; Intel and AMD; allows CPU to process instructions from multiple OSes quickly & efficiently

Which type of malware needs a human to install it?


Windows Interface: C:\Program Files

where programs install their essential files into a subfolder; C:\Program Files (x86) is the 32-bit program folder on a 64-bit OS

Windows Interface: Windows Explorer

where you manipulate files and folders; in XP, tasks are to the right of the drives/locations displayed; in Vista/7, tasks across the top

CPU Operational Characteristic: Architecture

width of the front side bus; either 32- or 64- (32-bit architecture or 64-bit architecture)


wire's (medium's) resistance to the flow of electrons

Server Message Block (SMB)

works in Application layer and helps share resources; it's old, but it's the reason tools like Network can show you all the computers on the network

Which type of malware does not need a human to install it?


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