Cultural psychology test

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What is the highest level of universality ?

Accessibility universal

Your friend recently, entered a few chess competitions but lost them all badly, which of the following statements is he most likely to make if he possesses an entity theory of self

I just wasn't born with the "chess gene"

Lara has a low SES and lives in a low SES neighborhood. Larry has a low SES but lives in a high SES neighborhood...

Lara will have a longer life expectancy

What is the key difference between and integration and an assimilation acculturation strategy ?

The integration strategy has more positive attitudes toward the heritage culture than the assimilation strategy

Research on the perception of phonemes by infants reveals that

The lack of exposure to a language can lead people to be unable to distinguish between two phonemes from that language as they get older

Which of the following is an example of ethnocentrism

Those people from culture X are weird. Rather than using forks to each like we do, like there suppose to they like roe at by picking up things by using sticks

Kartika believe that people should have emotional "smoothness" this means that she

Tries to avoid strong displays of emotion

Romantic love which is discussed within context of monogamous human relationship in the textbook..

True, more children from parents who experienced romantic love survive pass on their genes, compared to children of parent s without romantic love

Despite malgri, angonrias, koro, and dhat all being described differently, they all have an underlying similarity

True, they all share the element of anxiety

Which of the following statements about subjective well-being across cultures is true?

Greater equality of opportunity in a country is associated with greater subjective well-being

Which is an example of a culture bound syndrome


What is the problem with relying too much on WEIRD societies for samples in psychology research?

WIRED sampels represent a very narrow slice of the worlds population

Research reveals that the French parAdox is due in part to the French

Consuming fewer calories

Depression is a condition that is

Found in every culture that has been explored

A research study by Williams and Best examined gender equality by asking men and women from 14 different countries to answer questions about how each gender should act. Which of the following is an accurate description of their findings ?

In most counties, men had more traditional views on gender than women

According to research by Shweder and others, the most important consideration in deciding sleeping arrangements in both Indian and American culture is

Incest avoidance

whereas analytic thinking is related to______, holistic thinking is related to ________

Independent self views, interdependent self views

Jaden has a strong sense of his own identity and does not see a strong dived between strangers he has just met and his family members. What is this characteristic?

Independent theory of self

Cultures that tend to encourage self consistency also tend to support the belief that success comes from

Innate abilities

adolescent rebellion

Is more pronounced in societies with greater numbers of distinction and opportunities

Wendy, an American patient with depression reports feeling suicidal...

Less likely to report depressed mood

The self serving bias_____. This explains why spencer an American college student is likely to recall more ____ compared to Hirohito,...

More common among westerns than East Asians, success memories, failure memories

You are a therapist who is hoping to treat a patient by asking him to understand his own past to accept that his past is apart of him...

Naikan therapy

You have a set of photographs of Fore people from papa New Guinea displaying happy, disgust, sad, and fear. You present these photos to a group of participants from the United States , .....

People form all cultural groups will be able to identify emotions correctly in the majority of the photographs

Research suggest that the emotion of ______ is also universal but is expressed with the whole body, not just the face


Which of the following people may have particularly bad health incomes ?

Ronaldo, who is low SES but lives in a high SES neighborhood

Recent fieldwork suggests that the Saami people (an indigenous people living in parts of northern Europe) have almost 100 words to describe various kinds of reindeer. English, on the other hand, has only a tiny fraction of words used to describe reindeer. According to the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, what cultural difference between English and Saami speakers would result from this disparity in reindeer-related vocabulary size?

Saami speakers are better able to categorize reindeer than English speakers.

Gregory has been diagnosed with depression by his psychiatrists, he does not really report experiencing a negative affect...


According to the textbook which of the following is true about culture and parenting styles?

Strong parental control is more associated with postive outcomes in east Asia than in the west

Molly and Marvin live in two different societies and they both want to each some nuts...

The average size of the nut packages that are sold in local stores

How do the color-blind and multicultural approaches compare to each other ?

The color blind approach ignores group differences, while the multicultural approach fouces in group differences

According to the James-Lange theory of emotion...which of the following precede an emotion scenario where Ed meets his boss for the first time

The profuse perspiration that Ed experiences on seeing his boss

Celebrating birthdays is a functional universal. This means that in two cultures, the purpose of birthday is _____ across the cultures and the amount of birthdays are celebrated is _______across the cultures

The same, different

Which of the following is an example of secondary control ?

You conceive yourself that taking the bus to work is not so bad after all

You work at your university's tutoring center, where you are tutoring two students taking the same nursing course: kim a European and Meillin an Asian student.....

You would encourage Kim to verbally describe how she is assessing and treating each injury but you would encourage meilin to remain silent as she assessed and treats each injury

Analytic thinking is argued to be associated with

dispositional attributions

With which of the following is a low-context culture most closely associated ?

Explicit communication

According to research by Alesia and colleagues, regions that used _____ in farming centuries were found to have _______ today.

Plow cultivation, less egalitarian gender norms

Jamie an Asian American is from New York experienced identity denial yesteday

Someone of European descent not believing that Jamie was born in New York and insisting that he must have been born somewhere in Asia

According to evolutionary theory, facial features such as clear complexion and bilateral symmetry are considered universally attractive because

They are believed to indicate a person good Heath and therefore imply that future offspring are also likely to be healthy and survive

A person who takes dialectical view on life is least likely to say :

"When faced with contradictory information, a person needs to decided what is right and what is wrong"

A research is conducting some of the first health investigations in a society that has not yet been widely studied. There is a majority group...

Discrimination against people in the minority group leads to stress that in turn creates risk for hypertension

According to research which of the following could at least partially explain why children at East Asian schools tend to do better at math than children at American schools

East Asian teachers tend to use more concrete examples when teaching math than American teachers

Patients with schizophrenia living in less developed societies should move to more developed societies if they want to have the best prognosis

False, the prognosis is better in less developed societies than in more developed societies

You are a committee tasked with hiring new employees. Given what you know about the self serving bias, you are concerned that applicants...

Focus your attention on qualifications that are clearly observable and backed by concrete evidence

Analytic and holtisc thinking differs in that analytic thinking involves_____ and holistic thinking involves_____

Gaining knowledge by applying fixed, abstract concepts, gaining knowledge through experience

A key difference between cultural psychologist and general psychologist is that

General psychologist believe that the mind is independent from context and content, whereas culture psychologist believe that the mind cannot be separated from context and content

Megan's baby is crying and she is trying to understand why. Megan would be making the fundamental attribution error if she were to conclude that her baby

Has a cranky temperament while disregarding the fact that the baby has a soiled diaper

Your health psychology professor says "suppressing intense emotions will negatively affect your health " do you agree

It depends, research shows that's suppression is associated with poorer health for North Americans but unrelated to health for East Asian

Which of the following statements best describes the sleep pattern in medieval Europe

It matches the pattern found for American adults in a room that is kept dark the majority of the time

Leticia knows Spanish as her native language and learned English as a very young child, English is as her native language and leavened Spanish as an adult, which is true

The same location of Leticias brian will be activated when she processes English or Spanish

In western cultures _____ . In East Asian cultures ____

The social world is viewed as more changeable than are individuals, individuals are viewed as more changeable than the social world

One positive mechanism thought to explain higher rates of somatization in certain cultures is

The tendency in some cultures to foucus attention away from emotions

cross-cultural researching math achievement at school reveals that

Americans are more satisfied with their math performance than East Asian

According to the propinquity effect, which of the following people are most likely to become friends ?

Amy and Alyssa, who interact with each other at the bus stop everyday

Research finds that the big five model does not provide a complete list of the personality traits in all cultures. Which of the following is false regarding the additional personality factors found in various non-us cultures

An ambition factor found in Spain

Compare anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa, which is culture bound

Bulima nervosa, because it requires surplus of food and privacy

Heine and colleagues 2011 studies immigrants in Vancouver, Canada, ....

But only if they came as children

The four parenting styles described by western and psychologist are combinations of which of the folwling diemestions

Warmth and parental control

Which of the following is reliably associated with reduced acculturative stress ?

Cultural fit

The tendency for Indians to sometimes bite their tongues an expression ..

A ritualized display

Your friend pedram is planning to immigrate somewhere and wants to go to a place where he will have the best chance of adjusting to new culture ..

A society that expouses values that match pedrams personality

Research discussed in the textbook reveals that the relation between socioeconomic status and health is explained by

All of these options are correct

Which of the following defines culture according to the textbook

Any info learned from other members of ones species that can influence an individuals behaviors

Which of the following statements is true about the relationship between talking and thinking? Eastern culture traditions emphasize that talking and thinking

Are unrelated, such that more talking does not necessarily reflect more thinking

The basic emotions can best be characterized as

At least functional universals

Schachter and singers 1962 study of emotions found that people

Attend to situational cues to interpret their bodily sensations

Which of the following statements about relationships between authoritative and authoritarian parenting styles is true

Authoritative parenting uses more democratic reasoning than does authoritarian parenting.

Which of the following statements is true regarding findings on cultural influences on primary and secondary control

Both Japanese and us participants report that primary control experiences feel more powerful than secondary control experiences

People in culture A breastfeed their children from birth until at least age 3, and people in culture b never breastfeed their children and instead feed them formula from birth. People in both cultures think the other culture is feeding their children the wrong way. Which is the following most describes this example

Both cultures are ethnocentric in their views

According to research, what cultural shift has been directly associated with changing rates of eating disorders

Changes in norms about the ideal body as reflected in cultural products

The immigrant paradox refers to finding that

Children of immigrants tend to experience greater negative outcomes in educational achievements and health compared to their immigrant parents

The fact that people from some cultures lack an enzyme that allows them to digest milk reflects the fact that

Cultural practices can affect human evolution

How does culture distance differ from culture fit?

Culture distance refers to culture-culture matching of variables whereas culture ft refers to person culture matching variables

According to the textbook, which of the following has not been noted as a result of becoming more acculturated to North American culture

Decreased risk of coronary heart disease

Engai is a memeber of the Masai indigenous group in Kenya and Joseph is an American college student. Based on your knowledge of Ma and schoenemans study on self descriptions how is each person most likely to finish the statement

Engai: I am a memeber of the elders council, Joe: I am outgoing

Sending your boss a Christmas card after he has first sent you one would he's be seen as an example of

Equality Matching

Your research team found evidence that people in multiple cultures walk with their shoes on their heads, but "shoe-on-head" way of walking is activated for different reasons across cultures. This would be evidence of an

Existential universal

The research evidence for self-enhancement motivation shows that stronger self enhancement motivations are associated with

High scores above the midpoint on self esteem questionnaires

Which of the following statements accurately describes the relationship between social class and individualism

Higher social class is associated with interdependence in eastern cultures

Maria perceives the world around her as an integrated whole. This suggest that maria is an _____ who would also attend to_______\

Holistic thinker, how centers figures relate to the background of a scene

Mia loves visiting foreign counties and travels every chances she gets ...

Honey moon stage

Which of the following is an example of the epidemiological paradox?

Immigrants to the United States from certain counties (Mexico) can have lower SES than locally born people but still have better health

The acculturation strategy that predicts the most favorable outcome is


Your chatting with a stranger at a coffee shop. Every time you ask him soemthing about himself, he talks about associations which he belongs and clubs he has joined....

Interdependent view of self

A certain country has been experiencing huge gains in its economy. Based on reseach about economic effects covered in this textbook, which of the following is the most likely consequence of these gains

On average, newborns in that country will group up to b taller

Among people who immigrate before they are adults, self esteem is related to acculturation in that

Peoples self esteem comes to approximate the self esteem norms in the host culture as they acculturate

Someone with incremental theory of the self

Thinks that he or she could be a different person in the future

Leslie is going on a date with Jessica. While planning the date leslsie thinks, "I really want jessica to feel happy with me" Leslie decides to take jessica to watch a highly rated comedic film....

Two factor theory of emotions

What does the acronym "WEIRD" stand for

Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, Democratic

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