Driver's Ed continued.

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Blind Spot

Know the type of braking system installed in your vehicle. If it has anti-lock brakes, be sure to read and follow the instructions in the owner's manual.

Directional Arrows

Wide white arrows painted down the center of the traffic lane indicate the direction that the vehicle must travel.

Stop lines

Wide white lines painted across a traffic lane mark where you must stop the vehicle at intersections.

Solid white

lines mark the right edge of the road. Often called fog lines. used to separate lanes of traffic moving in the same direction.

Controlling Your Speed

must drive at a "careful and prudent" speed in all driving conditions. You must drive at a speed that always allows you to stop within the clear distance ahead.Anticipate trouble ahead. Be ready to stop safely.

Broken yellow lines

A single broken yellow line usually marks the centerline of a two-way roadway where a vehicle may pass if it is safe.

Dashed white lines

Dashed white lines painted across a roundabout's traffic lane indicate you should yield to traffic.

Solid yellow lines

If a solid yellow line is on your side of the centerline of a roadway, do not cross over it to pass. On a four-lane divided roadway or a

Center lane, left-turn-only

Many roads have a center left-turn only lane to help traffic flow more smoothly

Center lane, left-turn-only

Many roads have a center left-turn only lane to help traffic flow more smoothly.

Broken white lines

On roadways that have more than one lane moving in one direction, broken white lines separate traffic lanes. Drive between these lines. Never straddle them.

Crosswalk lines

Solid white lines mark many pedestrian crosswalks.


This marking assists bicyclists in determining the appropriate line of travel.

Blind Spot

Turn your head to check the blind spots before every lane change. You cannot get rid of blind spots, but can make them smaller by properly adjusting the mirrors.

Blind Spot

When driving out on a louge, road of a street or freeway your blind spots are Left, right and front of you. Be sure that you have a clear view for all sides

White triangular symbols

When you see white triangles painted across a traffic lane, be prepared to stop and yield to traffic.

Bicycle Lanes

a portion of the roadway with pavement markings and signs exclusively for bicyclists. This lane shall not be used by

Pavement marking

a white or yellow and, like highway signs, warn, regulate, and inform drivers.

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