Emt ch9 quizzes

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The correct answer is: apply direct pressure to the wound.

A 39-year-old male sustained a stab wound to the groin during an altercation at a bar. As you approach the patient, you note that he is conscious. He is screaming in pain and is attempting to control the bleeding, which is bright red and spurting from his groin area. You should: Select one: A. administer 100% supplemental oxygen. B. ensure that his airway is patent. C. elevate his legs and keep him warm. D. apply direct pressure to the wound.

The correct answer is: pressure waves through the arteries caused by cardiac contraction.

A palpable pulse is created by: Select one: A. the pressure of circulating blood against the walls of the arteries. B. the pressure that is caused when venous blood returns to the heart. C. electrical conduction in the heart producing ventricular contraction. D. pressure waves through the arteries caused by cardiac contraction.

The correct answer is: airway, breathing, and circulation.

An elderly patient has fallen and hit her head. Your initial care should focus on: Select one: A. airway, breathing, and circulation. B. providing immediate transport. C. obtaining baseline vital signs. D. gathering medical history data.

The correct answer is: Opens eyes in response to pain, uses inappropriate words, withdraws from pain

An injured patient is assigned a total score of 9 on the GCS. He is assigned a score of 2 for eye opening, a score of 3 for verbal response, and a score of 4 for motor response. Which of the following clinical findings is consistent with his GCS score? Select one: A. Opens eyes in response to voice, makes incomprehensible sounds, localizes pain B. Opens eyes spontaneously, is confused when spoken to, exhibits abnormal flexion C. Eyes remain closed, makes incomprehensible sounds, exhibits abnormal extension D. Opens eyes in response to pain, uses inappropriate words, withdraws from pain

The correct answer is: before exiting the ambulance and before actual patient contact.

During an EMS call, you should take standard precautions: Select one: A. before exiting the ambulance and before actual patient contact. B. immediately after completion of your primary assessment. C. after it has been determined that the patient is bleeding. D. before you load the patient into the ambulance.

The correct answer is: lips or oral mucosa.

In patients with deeply pigmented skin, changes in color may be apparent only in certain areas, such as the: Select one: A. back of the neck. B. lips or oral mucosa. C. dorsum of the hand. D. forehead and face.

The correct answer is: the reason why the patient called EMS.

Reassessment is performed to determine all of the following, EXCEPT: Select one: A. whether or not the patient is deteriorating. B. the nature of any newly identified problems. C. the reason why the patient called EMS. D. the patient's response to your treatment.

The correct answer is: most serious thing the patient is concerned about.

The chief complaint is MOST accurately defined as the: Select one: A. most serious thing the patient is concerned about. B. condition that exacerbates an underlying problem. C. gross physical signs that you detect on assessment. D. most life-threatening condition that you discover.

The correct answer is: locate injuries not found in the primary assessment.

The goal of the systematic head-to-toe exam that is performed during the secondary assessment is to: Select one: A. detect and treat all non-life-threatening injuries. B. locate injuries not found in the primary assessment. C. definitively rule out significant internal injuries. D. assess only the parts of the body that are injured.

The correct answer is: 60 to 90 seconds.

The rapid exam of a patient that occurs following the primary assessment should take no longer than: Select one: A. 30 seconds. B. 120 to 180 seconds. C. 60 to 90 seconds. D. 90 to 120 seconds.

The correct answer is: patients with a significant MOI and unresponsive medical patients.

The systematic head-to-toe assessment should be performed on: Select one: A. patients with a significant MOI and unresponsive medical patients. B. all patients with traumatic injuries who will require EMS transport. C. responsive medical patients and patients without a significant MOI. D. stable patients who are able to tell you exactly what happ

The correct answer is: all the patients have been triaged.

Treatment and transport priorities at the scene of a mass-casualty incident should be determined after: Select one: A. the number of patients is known. B. a physician arrives at the scene. C. area hospitals have been notified. D. all the patients have been triaged.

The correct answer is: introduce yourself to the patient.

Upon arriving at the scene of a patient with difficulty breathing, you determine that the scene is safe. You enter the residence and find the patient sitting in a chair in respiratory distress. Your first action should be to: Select one: A. assess the patient's airway status. B. ask the patient what's wrong. C. introduce yourself to the patient. D. obtain a set of baseline vital signs.

The correct answer is: Jaw-thrust maneuver

What maneuver should be used to open the airway of an unresponsive patient with suspected trauma? Select one: A. Jaw-thrust maneuver B. Head tilt-chin lift C. Head tilt-neck lift D. Tongue-jaw lift

The correct answer is: tidal volume is markedly reduced.

When a patient's respirations are shallow: Select one: A. oxygenation occurs more efficiently. B. chest rise will be easily noticeable. C. carbon dioxide elimination is increased. D. tidal volume is markedly reduced.

The correct answer is: ensure that the patient can see you approaching him.

When approaching a 32-year-old male who is complaining of traumatic neck pain, you should: Select one: A. ensure that the patient can see you approaching him. B. assess his mental status by having him move his head. C. stand behind him and immediately stabilize his head. D. approach him from behind and ask him not to move.

The correct answer is: subcutaneous emphysema.

When assessing a patient's abdomen, you will evaluate for all of the following, EXCEPT: Select one: A. gross bleeding and tenderness. B. subcutaneous emphysema. C. rigidity and obvious bleeding. D. open wounds or eviscerations.

The correct answer is: cyanosis.

When assessing the skin of an unresponsive patient, you note that it has a bluish tint to it. This finding is called: Select one: A. flushing. B. cyanosis. C. pallor. D. mottling.

The correct answer is: repeating statements back to him or her.

When interviewing a patient, you can show him or her that you understand the situation by: Select one: A. maintaining constant eye contact with him or her. B. interrupting him or her as needed for clarification. C. using medical terminology whenever possible. D. repeating statements back to him or her.

The correct answer is: rapid.

When palpating a patient's pulse, you note that there is a short interval between pulsations. This indicates that the pulse is: Select one: A. slow. B. thready. C. irregular. D. rapid.

The correct answer is: Posterior

When performing a rapid exam on a supine patient, what part of the body is typically assessed last? Select one: A. Posterior B. Abdomen C. Extremities D. Anterior chest

The correct answer is: any situation that causes vasoconstriction or loss of red blood cells, such as anemia or bleeding, may result in an inaccurate or misleading value.

When using the pulse oximeter as part of your assessment of a patient, it is important to remember that: Select one: A. carbon monoxide has no effect on pulse oximetry readings because the pulse oximeter presumes that oxygen is saturating the hemoglobin. B. any situation that causes vasoconstriction or loss of red blood cells, such as anemia or bleeding, may result in an inaccurate or misleading value. C. as long as the patient's oxygen saturation is greater than 95%, oxygen is usually not necessary, even if the patient is experiencing respiratory distress. D. pulse oximetry is especially useful in patients who have cold extremities because vasoconstriction forces blood to the capillary beds.

The correct answer is: constricting.

When you inspect a patient's pupils with a penlight, the pupils should normally react to the light by: Select one: A. fluttering. B. constricting. C. dilating. D. enlarging.

The correct answer is: become smaller.

When you shine a light into one pupil, the normal reaction of the other pupil should be to: Select one: A. not react. B. become larger. C. dilate. D. become smaller.

The correct answer is: Stridor

Which of the following abnormal breath sounds indicates obstruction of the upper airway? Select one: A. Rhonchi B. Stridor C. Rales D. Crackles

The correct answer is: Rapidly assessing a patient's respiratory status

Which of the following actions would NOT be performed during the scene size-up? Select one: A. Asking a neighbor to secure the patient's dog B. Notifying the dispatcher to send fire personnel C. Noting the position of a crashed motor vehicle D. Rapidly assessing a patient's respiratory status

The correct answer is: Acute anxiety

Which of the following conditions would be LEAST likely to cause an altered level of consciousness? Select one: A. Poisoning B. Acute anxiety C. Inadequate perfusion D. Drug overdose

The correct answer is: Beta-blocker medications

Which of the following factors would MOST likely cause a patient's pulse rate to be slower than normal? Select one: A. Beta-blocker medications B. Anxiety or severe stress C. Lack of a regular exercise routine D. Internal bleeding from trauma

The correct answer is: A 61-year-old female who is unconscious with facial cyanosis

Which of the following scenarios does NOT involve the presence of any symptoms? Select one: A. A 55-year-old male with a severe headache and 2 days of nausea B. A 49-year-old female with blurred vision and ringing in the ears C. A 44-year-old male with abdominal pain and severe dizziness D. A 61-year-old female who is unconscious with facial cyanosis

The correct answer is: The MOI may allow you to predict the severity of a patient's injuries.

Which of the following statements regarding the mechanism of injury (MOI) is correct? Select one: A. A significant MOI always results in patient death or permanent disability. B. A nonsignificant MOI rules out the possibility of serious trauma. C. The MOI may allow you to predict the severity of a patient's injuries. D. The exact location of a patient's injuries can be determined by the MOI.

The correct answer is: The secondary assessment should focus on a certain area or region of the body as determined by the chief complaint.

Which of the following statements regarding the secondary assessment is correct? Select one: A. A secondary assessment should always be performed, even if you must continually manage life threats that were identified in the primary assessment. B. The secondary assessment should focus on a certain area or region of the body as determined by the chief complaint. C. During the secondary assessment, the EMT's primary focus should be on taking the patient's vital signs and obtaining a SAMPLE history. D. The secondary assessment should be performed en route to the hospital, regardless of the severity of the patient's condition.

The correct answer is: position yourself in between the patient and the gun and ask your partner to request law enforcement assistance.

You are assessing a 72-year-old man with abdominal pain. The patient is sitting in a chair; he is conscious, alert, and calm. As you are talking to the patient, your partner discreetly directs your attention to a handgun, which is located on a nearby table. You should: Select one: A. document the presence of the weapon, including its specific location, and continue your assessment of the patient. B. direct your partner to move the gun to a safe area and then advise the patient that his weapon has been secured. C. position yourself in between the patient and the gun and ask your partner to request law enforcement assistance. D. immediately cease all patient care, carefully back out of the residence, and request law enforcement assistance.

The correct answer is: provide assisted ventilation.

You are dispatched to the county jail for an inmate who is "sick." When you arrive, you find the patient, a 33-year-old male, unresponsive. His airway is patent and his respirations are rapid and shallow. Your initial action should be to: Select one: A. request a paramedic unit. B. provide assisted ventilation. C. apply a pulse oximeter. D. assess his blood pressure.

The correct answer is: start CPR and attach the AED as soon as possible.

You respond to the residence of a 62-year-old male who is unresponsive. Your primary assessment reveals that he is apneic and pulseless. You should: Select one: A. start CPR and attach the AED as soon as possible. B. perform CPR and transport the patient immediately. C. notify dispatch and request a paramedic ambulance. D. ask the family if the patient has a terminal disease.

The correct answer is: has bradycardia and diminished muscle tone.

You should suspect that a patient is experiencing respiratory failure if he or she: Select one: A. is anxious, tachycardic, and leaning forward. B. has an increased heart rate and retractions. C. has bradycardia and diminished muscle tone. D. is restless and is working hard to breathe.

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