Exam 1

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"The upper and most weathered part of the soil profile; the A, E, & B horizons" is the definition of the


"Topsoil" generally equivalent to which soil horizon


A ___ deposit is a transported parent material that was moved entirely due to the force of gravity.


A soil developed in transported parent materials will likely have properties related to the properties of the rock below the C horizon


Alluvium typically results in well-developed soil profiles.

all of the above; water, acidity, temperature

Chemical weathering reactions are influenced by ___.


Climate influences not only the rate of weathering but the type of native vegetation dominant in an area.


Cryoll is an example of which taxonomic category


Examples genetic horizons include kandic, spodic, ochric, mollic and oxic.


Examples of genetic horizons include R, E, O, B, C & A.


Forests would typically have more organic accumulation than grasslands.

A-C -> A-B-C -> A-E-B

Given three soil profile descriptions, A-B-C; A-C; and A-E-B, rank the soils in order of least mature to most mature.

igneous rock

Granite is an example of an


Histosols generally have higher organic matter contents than Mollisols.


In which of the following soil orders would recent alluvium most likely be a common parent material


Lacustrine parent materials are flood plain sediments adjacent to flowing rivers


Loess is an example of a transported parent material


Organic deposits are rarely found in areas of extreme wetness or extreme cold.

material formed by weathering of rocks and minerals in place

Residual parent materials are best described as ___.


Sapric and fibric are terms used to describe mineral parent materials


Select the appropriate epipedon: A mineral horizon that is very black in color due to its high organic matter content. Soil developed from volcanic ash.


Select the appropriate epipedon: A thick, dark, colored mineral horizon (generally > 25 cm) with a base saturation greater than 50%.


Select the appropriate soil order: Characterized by large accumulations of clays the shrink when dry and swell when wet.


Select the appropriate soil order: Organic matter has translocated from the "topsoil" and accumulated in a subsoil zone of illuviation


Select the appropriate subsurface diagnostic horizon: A horizon that accumulates clay that has translocated from above. May include part or all of a Bt horizon.


Select the appropriate subsurface diagnostic horizon: Found mostly in humid tropical and subtropical regions that result in highly weathered soils and very high accumulations of Fe and Al oxides. Contain 10% or less of primary, weatherable minerals.


Soils in the Oxisols order are deeply weathered and have deep subsurface horizons of calcium oxides.


Soils in which order would be dominated by minerals that are the most resistant to weathering breakdown


The C horizon is generally more weathered than the A horizon

Fine, Mixed, Thermic

The White Store Series is a Fine, Mixed, Thermic Vertic Hapludalfs. What is the Family?


The categories of Soil Taxonomy can be listed from the broadest (first) and most specific (last) as: order, suborder, great group, subgroup, series, family.

Iron and aluminum oxides

The end result of intensive weathering is the accumulation of ___.


The suborder for a wet volcanic soil might be an ___:


The subordinate horizon designation ___ indicates a soil horizon with evidence of disturbance by agricultural activities.


Till and outwash are both examples of parent materials readily found in North Carolina


Which horizon of a mature soil profile would you expect to find light colored and leached of clay?


Which horizon would always be present in a Histosol


Which of teh following diagnostic horizons is not an epipedon?


Which of the following categories of Soil Taxonomy provides the greatest specificity of soil properties?


Which of the following diagnostic horizons is an epipedon?

Typic Fibristels

Which of the following is a permafrost soil


Which of the following is an epipedon?

A well-drained forest soil

Which of the following soils is most likely to contain the lowest organic matter content?

Illuvial, B horizon

Which of the following term/horizon combinations describes the zone of maximum clay accumulation in soils of humid regions


Which of these orders would have soil properties dominated by chemical weathering processes?


Which soil moisture regime has the highest soil moisture levels?


Which soil profile horizon is the last to form?

a desert region of Arizona

You would be most apt to look in ___ if you wanted to find a soil where physical weathering dominated over chemical weathering.


___ is a parent material that would show evidence of sorting actions due to wind.


___ is not considered one of the five major factors of soil formation.

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