Final Exam

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♣ Describe the series of clues (evidence) that convinced J Harlan Bretz that the Channeled Scablands were created by a catastrophic flood. o Shape of coulees o Gravel bars in coulees o Potholes o Erratics o Giant ripple marks o Loess islands o Plunge pools below dry waterfalls

-coulees: more of a gash, -gravel bars: gravel bars in coulee look more like stream action then glacial -ripple marks: indicate massive amounts of water at fast pace -loess island shape suggest glacier, look like drumlins, but realizes it is soil not till deposits so they arent drumlins

Q Which atmospheric gases are the greenhouse gases? (Look this up - many got this wrong on exam 3).

... carbon dioxide, methane, water vapor, and nitrous oxide,

What are the main gases in our atmosphere?

... co2, ch4

Q What is ethanol? What crops are used to create it?

... corn - US, brazil - sugarcane

Q Name the one type of engine we discussed that does not use a carbon-based molecule at all.

... hydrogen fuel cells, no co2

Q What is the pattern of warm vs cold periods during the Pleistocene?

10,000 warm, 100,000 cold

Q When did the Pleistocene begin?

2 mill years ago

When do you get AC electricity and when do you get DC electricity? If you understand how AC is created in general, that is best

AC, alternating current, copperwire around magnet

Q Write the combustion reaction for coal (Cx).

C8H18 + o2 = co2 +h2o + energy

What limited resources were lupines competing with each other for within their clumps?

N, and Phosphorous,

What are the nuclear particles made of? How many per particle?

Quarks, come in pairs (top and bottom) mass of 1/3, one top and one bottom combine, (up/down, charm/strange, top/bottom) -known parts : top/bottom, strange/charm, up/down

Q What is the difference between how electrons are behaving in AC vs DC?

ac, alternating current

Q How many neutrons are in C-12 vs C-14?

always same number of protons in the element

Q What type of rock makes up the Columbia Plateau?


Why did the lupines in the center of the clump have more fiber in their leaves than the outer edge plants did?

bc these inner plants have higher carbon to N ratios.

Why did the moths prefer to lay their eggs on the plants with lower fiber content?

bc they are mroe nutritious.

Why were lupines able to colonize the pumice plains while other types of plants could not?

because there was not enough N for other plants. However there was for Lupines.

Q What is a hypothesis?

cant be proven right, can be proven wrong * untested or not fully tested idea

Q Sketch the terrestrial carbon cycle. o Include the name and chemical formula of each carbon molecule involved. Label the arrows to capture the processes by which carbon moves from one reservoir to another.

carbon dioxide - co2 glucose - c6H12O6 methane - ch4 coal - cx gasoline - c8H18

Q Sketch the aquatic carbon cycle in the same manner.

carbonic acid - h2CO2

Q What features are unique to alpine glaciers?

cirque, arete, horn, moraines

Q What features are unique to continental ice sheet?

closed depressions, drumlin, striations

Q Which methods of electricity generation create CO2?

coal fired steam plant

Contrast covalent bond with ionic, metallic, and hydrogen bonds.

covalent - full shared electros ionic - opposite charge metallic - loose sharing electrons hydrogen - partial charge

Q Which nutrients can be limiting factors for a community?

crowding, food, water, disease

Q What type of radiation would produce this result?

down two - alpha up one - beta

whats a theory

explanations for patterns observed. Theories are based on reasoning from facts - offer predictions that can be tested *8 explanantion that ties together several phenomena

What secondary consumer arrived to feed on the caterpillars?

generalist predators specialist parasoids

Q What features are created by streams (running water)?

graded beds,

How many electrons are in C? How many are in C+?

if it has Cplus, it hass 1 less electron, if Cplus then one less

Q Where do electrons reside in an energized atom?

jumps to any possible energy level

Q What process created the Columbia Plateau?

lava from large volcanic hot spot flowed across central WA

Q Where do electrons reside in an atom at rest? (include a description of energy levels and orbitals)

lowest energy level that has room for them

What types of plants were pioneer species of the Pumice Plains of Mount St Helens and why was this unexpected? Which types of plants were expected to be pioneers and why weren't they the pioneers?

lupines, N fixers. expected mosses and lichens not legumes (which lupines are). mosses couldnt grow bc they didnt have enough N.

Q Every organism has a limited amount of energy. What is the vast majority of it used for in individuals? (many got this wrong on exam 3 so revisit this topic)

maintain cell function,

Q How do electrons move from one energy level to the next? (be sure to define a photon here)

move up - absorb, move down - emit

Q What are the properties of electrons? (include charge, mass, particle vs wave, etc)

neg charge, negligable mass, behave as BOTH particle and waves

whats a fact

obtained through experimentation and observation

What evidence did Flint base his conclusion that the scablands were glacier features?

odd shape of coulees and absense of a stream

Q What is "Catastrophism"?

one large catastrophic event carved landscape

Q Why was this worldview rejected by geologists in the early 1900's? o Recall that this rejection of catastrophism as a principle of geology was important to geologists' rejection of Bretz's proposal of a catastrophic flood carving the Scablands.

people felt that catastrophic events linked to divine intervention, which people were moving away from

Q What are the trophic levels in a food chain/web?

primary producers, consumers, secondary consumers, etc.

What's in the nucleus?

protons and nuetrons

What are the challenges faced by the pioneer plants? That is, describe harsh environment of the Pumice Plains after Mount St Helens erupted in 1980.

rock = flour like, had little nutrients but lots of N

Define isotope

same number of protons but different number of nuetrons

whats an isotope

same number of protons but different number of nuetrons

Q Carbon creates covalent bonds. What is a covalent bond?

sharing of electron

Q Name all the different ways we get the turbine to turn besides burning coal:

steam, windpower, parabolic troughs, hydropower

Q Where did the loess soil that sits on top of the bedrock come from?

strong winds swirled silt sized particles in dust stroms then deposited on bedrock (as loess islands)

Q How do electrons create a spectral fingerprint?

the light shines through the areas where the photon has been emitted from the atom

What ripple effect did the moth caterpillars have on the lupine's population growth?

they ate the more nutritious plants, meaning that these healthier plants died, and the less nutritious (center)lived.

What ripple effect did the limited resources have on leaf chemistry? • What do lupines do with the excess carbon they end up with? • How does that affect the herbivores who feed on their leaves?

they turn excess carbon into fiber, this makes the leafs of those plants less nutritious.

Q If C-14 underwent beta-decay, what would be ejected from the nucleus? Be specific and descriptive.

tiny neg charged particle with no mass

What features are carved by both continental ice sheets and alpine glaciers?

u shaped, (unsorted and unrounded) till, varvs, erratics

Q If C-14 underwent beta-decay, what element would it become?

up one

Q What is biodiesel? What is used to create it?

waste vegetables, animal oil

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