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Cross contamination happens when harmful bacteria are passed from contaminated food, dirty utensils, _____, counters, dish towels, ect.


People can have bacteria on their _____ and skin or in their mouths.


Cooking or baking foods for the right amount of time until they are very____will kill bacteria


When entertaining serve hot food buffet style, use a chafing dish of _________ to keep good hot

Slow cooking

To remove bacteria that causes food born illness from your hands, wash them with ____ and running water for at least ____ seconds

Soap and 20

Was hands with ____and _______ before food preparation and after food preparation

Soap and warm water

Fruits and vegetables can be contaminated on the farm by the bacteria from the ____ , water from ponds or rivers, and _______

Soil, animals

Use a clean _____ when tasting food


______________ is important as food countinues to cook after it has been removed from the microwave

Standing time


Symptoms include, vomiting, headaches, and stomach cramps.


Symptoms- doubled or blurred vision , slurred speech, difficulty swallowing, and muscle weakness. Usually results in death. Sources are improperly prepared home canned foods.


Symptoms- fever , muscle aches, and diarrhea


Symptoms-severe diarrhea, fever, and abdominal cramps. Sources include raw and undercooked eggs.

At a high enough __________ to kill harmful bacteria that cause foodbron illness


Once food is cooked we can control the regrowrh of bacteria by keeping foods at a temperature of_____

140 degrees or above

Use a food thermometer to make sure ground beef has reached a safe temperature of

160 degrees

Cook poultry to _______ as measured by a good thermometer

165 degrees

Reheat cooked foods to at least ___

165 degrees

Food that is in room temperature for more than _______ should be ______

2 or more hours, thrown away

Store foods safely- make sure your fridge is at ________

40 degrees or below

The temperature "danger zone" is the temperature range between _______ and _____

40 degrees, and 140 degrees

The most important way to prevent people from getting sick from food is to be sure that ____ that comes in contact with food is clean


Sometimes when ______ get into food, the food can make us sick


______ can be spread to food by people with dirty hands, by people who cough and _____ on food.

Bacteria, sneeze

Sanitize with ____ solution


Liquid foods, like soups, can be reheated until they____


Use a _____ while grilling meat, poultry , or fish

Clean plate

Use a _____ to tell if the food is properly cooked

Clean thermometer

Dirty _____ can bring dirt and bacteria into food preparation areas


____ temputures will either slow down growth of bacteria or stop them from growing but will not _____ them

Cold and kill

For food to be safe it's I'mportant to keep

Cold food cold and hot food hot

Make sure there are no _____ in food. Stir and rotate for even cooking

Cold spots

___ is not an indicator of whether food is safe to eat


Sauce that is used as a marinade should not be used on ______ foods. Unless boiled before serving


Always marinate food in the refrigerator not on the _______


food borne illness can be a result of

Cross contamination

Was the _______ throughly between uses in the _____where the hot water will sanatize

Cutting board, dishwater

Wash hands often. Clean counters, _________ and cooking utensils before preparing food and after preparing each different type of food

Cutting boards

Bacteria grow rapidly in the

Danger zone

uncooked hamburger or raw meet is a symptom to


To avoid cross contamination when setting the table, do not touch ____ surfaces with bare hands


Cook _____ until the yolk and white are firm


Food should be measured with a

Food thermometer

Harmful bacteria are more likely to be found on raw meat, poultry, fish or eggs, and raw _____ and vegetables


Cross-Comtamination is___

How bacteria is spread

It is important to cook for to a safe ____

Internal temperature

By storing meat below ready to eat foods this prevents ____ from the meat, fish or poultry that could caintain bactreria, to drip onto other foods


Throughly cooking foods at high temperatures will _____ most bacteria


Bacteria ________ in number by dividing in 2, then in 2 again. They grow very fast. To grow, bacteria need food, water, warmth, and time. Many bacteria grow best at _____ temputure

Multiply, room

Rinse fresh fruits and vegetables dry with a

Paper towel

Place meats, poultry and fish in ______ to separate them from other foods

Plastic bags

Don't eat _____

Raw eggs

When ___, _____,or_____ touches salad greens during preparation, bacteria may be spread from the meat to the salad

Raw meat, poultry,or seafood

You can prevent cross contamination when foods are stored in the __________ by always storing meat fish or poultry on shelves _____

Refrigerator, below ready to eat foods

Many harmful bacteria grow at _____ temperature


It is important to keep your hands clean because you cannot ______ or _____ or feel bacteria

See , smell

We cannot tell by just looking at the food if it can make us sick. The bacteria are just too small to ____ and you cannot ____ them

See and smell

Use _____ cutting boards


When shopping ____for raw meat, poultry, and fish from other foods in your grocery cart


________ uncooked meats and poultry from vegetables, cooked foods, and ready to eat meals


Always clean dishes and utensils to ____ food


Most prepared foods are microwave foods, and are not ready to eat right out of the container, but must be cooked through. Read _______

The package directions

Foods are properly cooked when they are heated for long enough


Don't wipe hand soap on_____or ______

Towel, dirty apron

Keep surfaces and ____ clean


Don't ____ raw poultry


Not all microbes will make us sick. Some bacteria (____) are used to make foods that we eat, including _____, bread, Salami, and pickles

Yeast, yogurt

It's a good idea to wear a clean_____ owner clean clothed


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