Foundations Unit Test Two (Ch. 5-8)

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Young Men's Christian Association

association gymnastics at the YMCA Training School in 1885

English sports

emphasized for upper-class boys for learning values and believed in "playing the game for the game's sake;" British amateur sport ideal


emphasized military supremacy; boys and girls trained physically

Early Athenians

emphasized the Greek ideal; boys attended wrestling schools and music schools; girls had no physical training; adult males trained physically at gymnasiums

Colonial Americans

engaged recreationally in bowling, sleighing, fox hunting, horse racing, hawking, cockfighting, rounders, cricket, and boxing


established a training school to prepare physical directors for developing the all-around man (intellectual, physical, and spiritual)

Johann Basedow

established school for boys based on the naturalistic principles from Rousseau

James Conley

first American to win triple high jump

William Anderson

founded two normal schools for physical education and was pivotal in establishing the Association for the Advancement of Physical Education

Volunteer activities

gaining experiences related to a potential career are invaluable ways to learn which and to what degree activities are personally rewarding and enjoyable

Edward Hitchcock

gave lectures on health, led the light gymnastics program for students, and used anthropometrics to find the average, ideal college male at Amherst College


health stressed to overcome epidemics; embraced the classical ideal of "a sound mind in a sound body"

Johann GutsMuths

his school program was based on naturalism and included natural activities, Greek-type activities, knightly activities, military exercises, and manual labor

Catharine Beecher

offered calisthenics, a course of exercises designed to promote health and thus to secure beauty and strength, especially for females


should be an on-going process that includes a record of all relevant activities and achievements during the undergraduate years

Setting goals

should be specific, measurable, attainable, rewarding, and timely

physical culture/physical training

two names given to early physical education

Hellenistic Period

under Alexander the Great-all Greek city-states united; diffused Greek culture throughout his empire

Homeric Era

upper-class males, who were warriors, competed in funeral games in boxing, chariot racing, wrestling, foot racing, and throwing the javelin and discus

America's physical education

German and Swedish gymnastics; hygiene; medicine; strength development; play and sports


German gymnastics at the Normal School of North American Gymnastic Union in 1866

First big intercollegiate competition

Harvard and Yale rowing competition


Protestant sects regulated physical education to an inferior position; led to the Protestant work ethic in the U.S.


Students should talk formally or informally with professionals in careers of interest to them so they can learn more about the scope of responsibilities, working conditions and hours, educational requirements, salary range, and other unknown areas and begin networking.

Hemenway and Homans

Swedish gymnastics at the Boston Normal School of Gymnastics in 1889


Swedish gymnastics at the Posse Normal School in 1890


a formal supervised period of work in a position related to a potential career provides an excellent opportunity to expand one's knowledge, learn more about career options, build networks, and help prepare for working in a selected field


advanced theoretical and practical curriculum at the Chautaugua Summer School of Physical Education and the Brooklyn (Anderson) Normal School in 1886

Sport communication

careers are available in sport broadcasting, journalism, and photography


careers exist in schools, clubs, camps, recreation programs, and colleges

Sport management

careers exist in schools, colleges, public programs, and professional sports and may include finance, event and facility management, marketing, public relations, sales, and other commercial and sport applications


careers include public and private physical activity and sport programs in a variety of settings


careers may include leadership, instruction, and exercise prescription in clinical, club, and specialized settings


characterized by the Greek ideal of the man of action and man of wisdom

James Naismith

created basketball with peach baskets and soccer balls

William Morgan

created volleyball in 1896

Dudley Sargent

designed individualized programs for Harvard students using exercise machines he designed, taught primarily females at his normal school, and directed the advanced teacher training program in the Harvard Summer School

Franz Nachtegall

developed Danish gymnastics for military (nationalism) and children in schools

Friedrich Jahn

developed German or turner gymnastics to develop strong youth based on nationalism

Adolph Spiess

developed German school gymnastics by adapting Jahn's program for boys and girls

Hjalmar Ling

developed Swedish school gymnastics based on the progressive, precise execution of movements on command

Per Henrik Ling

developed four areas of Swedish gymnastics-military (nationalism); medical; educational; and aesthetics-with an emphasis on formal movements and posture

Olympic Games

honored Zeus; olive wreath for each winner; required to be a Greek citizen; could be from any social class; required to train 10 months and last at Olympia; pledged an oath of fair play; competed in the nude

German gymnastics

introduced at Round Hill School, spread from New York City to the Midwest in isolated enclaves of Germans; not adopted because of its emphasis on nationalism and development of strength using apparatus

Experiential learning

learning is optimized whenever knowledge, skills, and abilities can be developed and enhanced through related work experiences


light gymnastics at Normal Institute for Physical Education in 1861

Late Athenians

lost interest in physical development as they emphasized the man of wisdom

Roman Republic

males trained for war at military camps


meeting and building relationships with individuals in potential careers may be the most important factor in obtaining an entry-level position or advancement opportunity

Heraean Games

one of the only games for women; foot-race competition


only the military class valued physical development

Roman Empire

people entertained at chariot races and gladiatorial contests; leisure time at thermae

Advanced degrees

since graduate degrees are often required for entry into some fields and advancement in many fields, students should examine the job requirements of their potential careers and explore options for obtaining any required or desired __________

Women and sports

some engaged in horseback riding (sidesaddle), walking, dancing, croquet, cycling, and tennis

Native Americans

sport closely aligned with social, spiritual, and economic aspects of life with gambling often associated with sports, such as lacrosse

Middle Ages

squires learned skills in riding, swimming, archery, climbing, jousting, wrestling, and fencing; knights competed in jousts and the grand tourney or melee

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

stressed "everything according to nature" and a readiness to learn physical activities in and through nature

Undergraduate research

students should take advantage of participation with their professors and expanding their scholarly knowledge in their areas of interest

Swedish gymnastics

taught by Hartvig Nissen and Nils Posse and at the Boston Normal School of Gymnastics, primarily to females and children

Dioclesion Lewis

taught light gymnastics, exercises accompanied by wands, rings, bean-bags, dumbbells, and Indian clubs along with music, at the Normal Institute for Physical Education

Men's amateur sports

the socially elite engaged in horse racing, yachting, and gambling; played tennis, golf, and cricket; and formed athletic clubs for track and field


theoretical and practical curriculum at the Sargent School for Physical Education in 1881 and the Harvard Summer School of Physical Education in 1887

Athletic training and physical therapy

these fields require certification or licensure in addition to educational degrees to prepare the specialists who help individuals rehabilitate from sport injuries and debilitating conditions


this representation of a student's or professional's work can help differentiate a person from other applicants for positions because of how its contents illustrate or describe personal accomplishments, experiences, and unique qualities


through demonstrating more extensive knowledge, a person can show greater expertise and commitment while setting oneself apart from other applicants for positions

Delphine Hanna

took anthropometric measurements of college women and instructed Luther Gulick, Thomas Wood, Jay Nash, and Jesse Williams at Oberlin College


warriors trained; dancing was valued in religion


yoga, a system of meditation and regulated breathing

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