Geography Study Guide 2

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Which Northeast Asian country is technically a Christian country, with close to 30 percent of its population adhering to Christianity?

South Korea

What is Aokigahara?

forest around Mt. Fuji- people go there to commit suicide; sound is blocked out. People do this if they feel they are a burden or for financial reasons usually

What defines the population patterns of the Korean peninsula?

most of the population is in the western plains because most of the mountains are in the east

What are the exceptions to China's Policy of Birth Planning?

one child policy- exceptions: 1. if you are a minority 2.if you are an only child yourself 3. if you live in a rural community (unofficial)

What economic activity have some of the rebel groups in Karen state used to fund its opposition against the Myanmar government?

opium which they turn into heroine

How did the Korean pop group Girls Generation attempt to bridge the gap between Northeast Asia and Western markets?

they focused on international sales. They hired Korean American girls to try to overcome the language barrier

In what ways has South Asia generally avoided the Malthusian catastrophe?

they started having less children and delayed marriage. Malthus was a product of his time and lifestyles changed when occupation started to change due to the industrial revolution. World grain production kept up with the population.

In the early 2000s, what general purpose was the sport of cricket used by India and Pakistan?

to end hostilities between the countries

Though more violent than other groups in southern Philippines, what is the ultimate goal of the terrorist group Abu Sayyaf?

to promote an independent islamic state

What was the cultural revolution?

trying to push Chinese culture and communism- if you didn't go along with it you disappeared

In what way does the populations of South Asia and East Asia differ?

very high population density. People tend to have a lot of kids.

What is a primate city?

when the largest city is many times larger than the other cities in that region

What is the caste system?

(Vaishyas through Brahmins are the twice born groups) Brahmins- priests Khsatiyas- warriors, princely- most powerful Vaishyas- merchants, landowners, artisans- skills Sudras- servant, most of population untouchables- outside of this system, below humans, unclean, most discriminated against -caste system today is illegal, socially it still exists -reservation- more people from the lower castes are being accepted to universities; shows stereotype towards lower castes

Why does Japan use two different alphabets in its written language?

1 set is used for Japanese origin words. The other is used for foreign words.

Know the 4 dynastic periods of China

1. Qin- origin of China, great wall build during this time 2. Han- what most Chinese identify with 3.Ming- last great dynasty, pushed Mongols out, Exploration was at its height 3. Ch'ing- outsider dynasty, last dynasty, not ethnically chinese, most expansive geographic area

What was the Chipko movement?

A movement between deforestation- like Haiti, India is a poor country where people have cut down large amounts of trees. Large corporations have come in and cut down large amounts of lumber. Women and children hugged trees in order to stop deforestation and it worked.

The present day division of Korea into two countries is based on what?

After WWII there was hope that Korea could unite as one. But they were handed over to the US (south) and Soviet union (north) line is all that divides them- but the north invaded the south but the US pushed them back and then China pushed again- now this arbitrary line is what separates them today

Why does the Indian state of Assam restrict immigration into its territory?

Assam- well known for its tea production; they wanted to make sure that their state preserved Assamese culture. They limit the number of people that can move there because they want to keep the demographic balance.

What major event took place in Bhopal, India?

Bhopal gas tragedy- pipes were not kept well and the leakage got out and affected the community. Most deaths due to a gas leak in history.

Why did the British introduce sports to South Asia?

Britain attempted to bring their colonized people into the British empire

What influence did the Chinese language have on neighboring languages?

Chinese language came from pictures that were used to represent different things. First language in the world in speakers. There was an attempt to unite the Chinese languages by one of the earlier dynasties. The writing process became the unifier. Cleanliness and education came from this too.

What role did physical geography play in the creation of the early chinese dynasties?

Chinese rivers and early settlement- two separate civilizations were created- when these two came together this is the beginning of Chinese history-Qin Dynasty. Became the most dominant country in the world.

The Division of Korea cut off which traditional economic benefit from North Korea?

Democratic People's republic of Korea (NK)- isolated and can't export anything- forced labor to have enough food to survive. Desires for unification- families were divided because of the line. During the olympics they came together. There is an argument that the US is keeping them from unifying. Post war economics- south has grown- could be a problem if they try to reunify with NK.

Know the two disputed islands discussed in class in relation to Japan

Dokdo (What SK calls island)/Takeshima (What Japanese call the island) there might be petroleum underneath. Kuril islands- russians took them from Japan during WWII- but Japan still claims them- pushes for them to be returned

Suggested by SK and China, what other name is being used for the Sea of Japan?

East Sea

Know the two Christian countries in Southeast Asia

East Timor and Philippines

As Karl was interested in the gadgets of Japan, what "invention" did he come up with while there, an accomplishment that he claimed is "more of a fulfilling achievement than climbing Mt. Fuji"?

He had 15 pairs of polka pump pants made up and a short stint on a TV shopping channel where he sold the lot. (He made massive pants called Pilko Pump Pants).

Know what explains the high birth rates in Philippines, East Timor, and Laos.

High poverty rates and Catholicism

Most of Asias major rivers are sourced in which physical geographic region?


What is the origin of Nepal's unique flag, which is the only non-rectangular country flag in the world?

Hindu flags, which are triangular

Hinduism is primarily focused in which two countries?

India and Nepal/Bangladesh

What 1974 event led to the temporary end of hostilities between India and Pakistan, an era of relative peace that eventually ended in 1999?

India-Pakistan cricket matches- the two countries rarely play in each others countries. They decided to have a Friendship series in order to relieve pressure- it humanized the other side and both countries cheered for each other

How did Malaysia and Indonesia differ in their approach to deforestation on the island of Borneo?

Indonesia banned logging on their section making it a national forest- Malaysia got logs from other areas

What was peculiar about the hotel he stayed in while in Japan?

It was a capsule hotel. small boxes lined in a corridor 3 boxes high and ten across. It felt like a morgue. They were mainly used for businessmen who worked late, go for a drink, and stay in a capsule in town.

What is Shinto?

Japans own religion; ethnic religion. It explains the origins of Japan. The concept is that all living things have spirit. It is a way of life more than a religion.

During which Korean dynasty was the Hangul writing system created?

Joseon dynasty

Because of Japan's physical geography, what steps has the country taken in terms of building its most recent airports?

Kansai international airport- built on an artificial island

What territory is claimed by both India and Pakistan, which has led to conflict?

Kashmir- was ruled by a Hindu priest but most of the people were Muslim- there were no problems until partitioning. 3 options: become part of Pakistan, India, or become independent- but they could not vote for independence. Pakistan sent military in and India did too to protect the Priest. India got a nuclear weapon and later Pakistan did too- neither side have used theirs

Which river of Southeast Asia runs through or borders all mainland Southeast Asian countries and is known for its giant catfish?

Mekong River

What is transmigration?

Moving from densely populated area to a less densely populated area

Though not the sole reason, the eruption of what volcano aided in the closing of Clark Air Base?

Mt. Pinatubo

What role did the Maratha play in helping preserve Hinduism in South Asia?

Mughal (muslim) had over reached and the Maratha pushed back. This is why Hinduism is in India.

Know the two areas where Islam is the dominant religion in China

Ningxia- muslim autonomous religion; ethnically chinese and speak mandarin Xinjiang- people are Turkic people- not ethnically Chinese; more similar to central Asian people. Uyghur- main people to live here- often labeled as terrorists

Be able to explain the general north and south divide in India

North is more poverty-stricken; south is more affluent. North is more illiterate; south is more educated

What role did Prithvi Narayan Shah play in the creation of the present-day Nepal?

Prithvi Narayan Shah- seen as the father of modern day Nepal united the Gorka Kingdom

Sikhism is primarily concentrated in which state in India?


What complicates the international recognition of the country of Taiwan, which at present only has diplomatic relations with 22 countries?

Republic of China-China had a civil war that was led by nationalists. Mao Zedong started a movement in rural areas to fight communism. in 1949 the communists had control over much of the country- Nationalists fled from mainland China and moved to Taiwan. People's republic of China was founded back on the mainland. Republic of China- Taiwan People's republic of China- China

What is the Malthusian theory?

Rev. Thomas Malthus- an essay on the Principles of Population. This theory looked at the growth rate of resources (grow arithmetically) while population grows geometrically. Eventually there are too many people for the amount of resources available. How to avoid catastrophe- delay marriage, have fewer kids

According to Karl, for what reason do the Japanese want robots to evolve>

Robot ASIMO- (advanced step in innovative mobility) world's most famous humanoid robot. Performs to crowds in a car showroom a few times a day. want them to evolve to take care of elderly who live alone, aging population needs support and can't rely on humans. Robots help around the house at a cheaper, private care- lack of children would mean lack of care of elderly and therefore need for robots

What physical geographic feature generally contributes to the annual flooding in Bangladesh?

Snow melt from Himalayas causes flooding

Why has South Asia avoided heavy influence from outside Asian nations?

South Asia has been well protected because of the mountains. They have little outside influence.

Know the three major outside influences discussed in class

South Asia, Chinese, and Islamic

What territory lays claim to the longest continuous Buddhist country in the world?

Sri Lanka

How do the Gobi and Takla Makan deserts different from Sahara?

Takla Makan- exclusively in China- once you go in you never come out; one of the harshest deserts in the world; cold desert- extremely dry (remember deserts are defined by lack of precipitation not temperature)

What is the general source of division in Sri Lanka, one that led to the 25 year civil war that ended in 2009?

Tamils in Sri Lanka- moved from India to Sri Lanka (they are Hindu). They see themselves as ethnically different. Tamils are seen as second class citizens. Two sides went to war. Tamil Tigers (LTTE)- Tamil Terrorist group. India supported them until the 90s. They declared independence- though no one recognized them (made their own stamps).

What is the main difference between Taoism and Confucianism?

Taoism- more of a way of life. Lao Tzu- founder of Taoism. Passive- we are all a drop of water in a river- go with the flow, avoid confrontation, the world needs balance Confucianism- about relationships (ex: mother to child) Confucius was a teacher- instead of being passive you should be aggressive

What is the concept behind the Zen Buddhist puzzle of counting the stars, as explained by Mastuama?

The Zen answer is to just count one, two, three, and so on. To just start because so many people give up before they have even started anything. We think the problem/job is too much so we give up before we even do anything. The concept is just to try.

What influenced Japan to construct its road system to drive on the left side, which is opposite in the US?

The samara walked the left side of the road to avoid slashing swords with other warriors. This translated into how they decided to drive.

Know the differences between the three primary branches of Buddhism

Theraveda, mahayana, Vajrayana

Vajrayana Buddhism

Tibetan Buddhists, Daly Lama is seen as similar to the pope. They listen to everything he says. Life is about giving up the material world. A lot of meditating and very simple lifestyle

What is the primary focal point of the 2014 demonstrations in Hong Kong?

Umbrella Revolutions- protest broke out, they felt that they were going to be able to direct elect their president but Beijing influenced their choices and were only going to allow communist options

Which southeast Asian language's written language was designed by French missionaries and thus today uses a Latin based alphabet and script?


Chinese civilization developed around which two rivers?

Yangtze and Huang rivers

While visiting the Zen Buddhist, what activity does Karl initially partake in, one that functions to help them think of nothing?

Zen Buddhism. He mops and cleans to become the mop and clear the mind by thinking of nothing but perfecting the mopping and cleaning

What is the principle purpose of the Yasukuni Shrine in Tokyo, Japan?

anyone who died in WWII is shrined there. Even war criminals are honored. celebrated the war. Shows justification in what the Japanese did and it enrages neighbors.

What was the basis for partitioning of South America?

based on where religions were concentrated

Compared to the Pacific Ocean, why was the death toll from the 2004 Sumatra Tsunami so widespread, affecting all regions along the Indian Ocean rim?

because of the ring of fire, it affected all countries touching the Indian ocean

Why have farmers from the island of Java struggled to reproduce farming practices on other islands, such as Borneo?

because the soil there sucks because it is a rainforest area and they are used to volcanic soil which is not present here

What is funazushi?

delicacy that is an ancient preparation of sushi that involves packing fish with lots of salt, then fermenting it for up to 6 years.

Know the focal points of the initial ancient South Asian civilizations

early settlers came through the low lands near the coast into the Indus River Valley. Water is a great place to grow a civilization around.

What function does Chimi Lhakahang serve in Bhutan?

fertility temple- women go there to try to become pregnant

What is the philosophical foundation for Buddhism?

focuses on the life of an individual who would later become known as Buddha. It is from his life where we get the main concepts. The 4 noble truths that come from the Buddha himself. He saw suffering. The truths- to live is to suffer, suffering is caused by desire, there is a way to end this suffering, to end it you have to follow the eightfold path. There is a belief in reincarnation

What is the significance of Mt. Kailas?

holiest place in Hinduism- earthly home of Shiva. It is off limits and no one has ever climbed it.

what is keiretsu?

how culture has affected business; conglomerate of corporations that work to produce things in Japan ex: Mitsubishi which makes cars, computers, tvs

In what ways does Confucianism impact daily life in Northeast Asia?

if things go wrong it is the people's duty to rise up against emperor sports teams have a lot of respect for teammates and opponents. The older groups teach the younger. Respect for older people. Cleanliness- students are often the ones cleaning the classroom. Wash hands and mouth before entering a temple.

In what region did Buddhism initially develop?

it started in south asia but slowly spread into the east

Mahayana Buddhism

largest Buddhist branch. It is possible to break the process of suffering in one lifetime. Located in Northeast Asia. Second oldest.

What is unique about the North Sentinelese?

last group that has not been contacted by outsiders- they kill anyone who tries to come up on the island

What steps did Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping take to help open up China to the world?

lead economic reform; brought in elements of capitalism. Started to make relationships with the US and Canada- made China an economic power. In terms of population they are still very poor- but economy is strong.

Theraveda Buddhism

located in southeast Asia, believes that everyone must suffer- you have to be reincarnated to end the suffering. Nirvana- enlightenment/heaven

What effect did partitioning have on the Indian city of Kolkata?

lost its prestige in the world, during British rule of South Asia it was the capital- good stopping place for ships because it was on a river. But after partitioning the state of Bengal was split in half. This caused Kolkata to lose a major trading area and the capital was moved to New Dehli. Now it is one of the poorest large cities in India.

Despite possessing the highest per capita GDP in South Asia, Maldives faces an uncertain future. What is the greatest threat to the survival of the Maldives?

low elevation- tiny islands. Europeans buy islands exclusively for Europeans- usually for honeymoons. Male-capital city. Facing a lot of pressure from rising ocean waters. They are trying to build islands that can adjust to rising water levels- mostly being used for benefit of Europeans

How do the population patterns of mainland Southeast Asia differ from that of Insular Southeast Asia?

mainland population focuses around the rivers and they don't have volcanic soil

What demographic impact has the One Child policy had on china?

many Asian cultures favor boys over girls- usually the son takes care of the parents when they get old. If they have a choice if only one child they will usually want a boy- if it is a girl it is usually aborted, killed after birth, or put up for adoption. There are not enough girls in the country.

Taiwan's indigenous population is concentrated in the eastern portion of the country. What explains this pattern?

many of the people here are close to Chinese. They usually never cross the mountains so there are indigenous people here too

What "justification" is generally used to explain why the Ganges is both a sacred river and one of the world's most polluted?

people believe that the river is so sacred that it can even cleanse the trash/pollutants that are thrown into it

Why were the hibaksuha considered to be no longer Japanese?

people who were effected by the bombs were no longer seen as Japanese because they shouldn't have lived- because of birth defects many of them did not get married and had a hard time getting hired.

What unfortunate problem is Mt. Everest facing today?

pollution from trash and dead bodies are left there to be mummified from cold and elevation

How does Japan's strict immigration policy and xenophobia affect its population issues?

population quandary- japan is losing population- not enough kids being born. This is bad because there will not be enough young people to take care of the younger generation. They treat outsiders horribly and exclude them.

Who are the Rohingya?

predominantly Muslim ethnic minority group; shunned and some people say they belong in Bangladesh

What criteria is used in the formation of the various states of India?

religions in that area

What led to the Koreans to make Kimchi spicy?

salt was expensive so they began to use cheap red pepper

What is a monsoon?

seasonal wind; high pressure areas spin in different directions. During the summer wet monsoons occur and bring rain- come off the ocean. Dry monsoons come from the continent itself.

What ancient Chinese groups were responsible for the various overthrows of dynasties, including helping create the modern-day country of China and are said to be involved in the government of the Republic of China?

secret societies- operated on the need to survive. they would overthrow emperor when he lost mandate of heaven and put in place a new one usually from the soceity; like mafia

What post independence plan did Mahatma Gandhi initially prefer for South Asia?

some wanted South Asia to remain united after WWII- Gandhi was behind this

What activity did Karl participate in where he needed a mawashi?

sumo wrestling

Notably different from Japanese pop culture, how has the Korean wave known as hallyu helped spread Korean pop culture?

the idea is after they develop something local- go to developing countries. The Jewel in the Palace- a Korean drama that was popular in Iran. Psi- Gangnam style- brought Korean culture to American quicker than they wanted to

Why is Hinduism such a difficult religion to define?

there is not one unifying philosophy. Also because it is collection of ancient Indian religions/

How are food customs different in Northeast Asia vs. Western Society?

they eat all parts of the animal, they share food, they have food markets, puffer fish is a delicacy but you have to prepare it the right way or it is toxic, eating alone is strange, if there isn't rice it is not a meal

Due to their behavior, worshippers of the Hindu goddess Kali gave us what present day term?

thugs- people who follow a particular deity- they follow Kali. Kali killed Shiva. People thought they were following Kali by robbing and killing people.

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