Geology Exam 2

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Give an example of a place currently undergoing continental rifting.

East african rift

What kind of a melting do you expect at a subduction zone?

Flux-induced melting

Dikes and sills are

High-angle and low-angle igneous intrusions

what is the primary factor that keeps the mantle rocks melting at very high temp of ~3000 C

Overburden pressure

Metamorphic grade implies

P, T conditions of a rock environment

Metamorphism implies

P, T, Stress, Fluids, conditions of a rock environment

Burial metamorphism is common in

Sedimentary basin

Bowen's Reaction Series

Shows that minerals in a cooling magma crystallize, in a predictable order

Which is the correct sequence for increasing grain size inside the Earth?

Slate, phyllite, schist, and gneiss

Which is the correct sequence for increasing metamorphic grade inside the Earth?

Slate, phyllite, schist, and gneiss

Regional metamorphism is typical of

mountain belt

How would you get a metamorphic rock from an igneous rock


What is the dominant mineral composition of marble


Given an example of LIP in continental US

Columbia River Flood Basalt

Vesicle in vesicular textures are remnants of

Volatile passages in an igneous rock

The rock type produced by contact metamorphism is called


A metamorphic rock contains the minerals coesite and diamond. what can you infer about the P/T conditions of the rock?

very high pressure

Which of the following is a possible metamorphic temperature?

450 C

Which of the following situations are impossible in nature?

A granite rock olivine and a metamorphic rock with marine shell fragments

Which of the following rocks would you expect to react with acid? A. Micrite B. Fossiliferous limestone C. Chalk D. All of them

All of them

Extrusive, igneous rock texture can be

Aphanitic or glassy fragmental texture

Which of the following words may be used to describe portions of rocks with for porphyritic texture

Aphantic, phenocrysts, groundmass

Which of the following melt compositions do you expect to travel long distances?

Basalt melts

What would you call a rock that has purple size angler clasts


Two magma chambers of similar size are undergoing crystallization. Chamber A is tubular. Chamber B is spherical which chamber cools faster

Chamber A

All phaneritic textures are:

Coarse-grained, derived from magma, and cooled slowly

List three tectonic and or mental processes that trigger decompression melting

Continental rifting, sea floor spreading, mantle plume

mafic igneous rocks tend to have color shades


Graphite in a metamorphic rock is stable up to a certain P/T condition. Imagine metamorphic rock containing graphite is subjected to more intense P/T conditions, such that the graphite becomes unstable at the new P/T conditions. What will be the resulting new mineral phase?


Which of the following tectonic processes cools rock inside the Earth?


pyroclastic flow occurs in

Felsic melt flows Extrusive settings

All aphantic textures are

Fine-grained, derived from lava, called faster

The characteristics mineral for subductions zone metamorphism which imparts a blue hue to the subduction zone metamorphic rock is


Which of the following rocks contain banded foliations?

Gneiss, Migmatite

Porphyritic rocks are named for the size of

Ground mass grains

Given an example of a location experience hotspot, it is volcanism


With increasing pressure, inside the Earth:

High density mineral are formed

Intra-plate volcanism is seen at


A dike intrudes into:

Igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks

A porphyritic texture is one in which

Individual crystals are a mix of coarse and fine-grained crystals

A phaneritic texture is one in which

Individual crystals can be seen with the naked eye

An aphanitic texture is one in which

Individual crystals cannot be seen with the naked eye

Porphyritic textures indicated

Initial slow cooling, and then fast cooling

A metaphoric rock specimen contains the minerals Muscovite and biotite but no chlorite. What cna you infer about the P/T conditions where the rock formed?

Intermediate P/T

Flood basalts are characteristics of

Large igneous province


Large igneous province

Hot rock melts on the earths surface is called


Felsic igneous rocks tend to have. color shades


Hot rock melts inside the Earth is called


What kind of igneous rocks do you expect at mid-ocean ridges

Mafic fine-grained

Composition of the earths mantle is

Mafic to Ultramafic

Which of the following is a mixed rock?


Which of the following rocks have banded foliations?


During metamorphism in a compressive stress field, how does the minerals acquire preferred orientation?

Mineral long axes align normal to the direction of maximum compressive stress

During metamorphism recrystallization, there is a change in:

Minerals composition of the protolith and texture

How does molten rock move upwards through the earths mantle?

Molten rock is less dense than the surrounding solid rocks

Which of the following rocks displays a stunning, black, glassy texture


Which of the following minerals crystallizes via the discontinuous reaction series?

Olivine, pyroxene, and amphibole

Coarse green crystals in for porphyritic texture are called


A vesicular texture is one in which

Pores are abundant

Another name for fragmental texture is

Pyroclastic texture

When a sandstone is metamorphosed, it turns to:


Which if the following metamorphic rocks are coarse-grained?

Quartzite, gneiss, schist

How would you get a gneiss from phyllite?


Which of the following metamorphic rocks have visible mineral grains?


Which of the following rocks may be a protolith of gneiss?

Schist, shale, and granite

Which of the following minerals is found in the impact craters only?


Listing for tectonics settings, where igneous activity occurs

Subduction zones, mid ocean ridges, continental rifts, hotspots

formation of migmatite is an indication of:

The rock has just entered the zone of melting the Earth

Shock metamorphism is associated with

Ultrahigh P/ high T

Which of the rocks is not derived from an igneous rock melt


Which of the following melt compositions are arranged in the order of increasing volcanic explosivity

Ultramafic < mafic < indeterminate < Felsic

Which of the following melt compositions are arranged in the order of increasing velocity

Ultramafic < mafic< intermediate < Felsic

An English rock contains less than 45% SiO2 is called

Ultramafic rock

Fragmental texture is formed from

Volcano, ash, and volcanic rock debris

And a flux induced melting, which of the following can act as a flux

Water vapor, carbon dioxide, sulphuric dioxide

I'm magma that is rich in volatiles is called

Wet magma

which of the following pairs of minerals are part of the continuous reaction series in the Bowen's reaction series

ca rich plagioclase and na rich plagioclase

A low grade metamorphic rock containing chlorite biotite muscovite is subjected to higher P/T conditions. Which of the following minerals will be replaced first during Neo crystallization?


Which of the following processes can turn a sedimentary rock into a metamorphic rock

contact metamorphism, subduction metamorphism, and burial metamorphism

What kind of melting do you expect in a continental rift tectonic setting?

decompression melting

What kind of melting do you expect just under a mid-ocean ridge

decompression melting

quartzite and marble lack foilation because they have

equant mineral grains

a course-grained magmatic igneous rock with 65% SiO2 and containing minerals like quartz, K-feldspar may be called


Chemical alteration of ocean floor basalts is an example of

hydrothermal metamorphism

Felsic magma

is more viscous than mafic magma.

What is the parent rock for marble


How would you get an igneous rock from another igneous rock


All intrusive igneous rocks have

phaneritic texture

In most types of metamorphism, bulk element composition of a parent rock is:

same as that of the parent rock

How would you get a conglomerate from a granite?


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