GMajorMusicTheory 3.1 Note & rest durations
Eighth. 2 in a quarter note.
Name the note. How many equal the duration of a quarter note?
Sixteenth. Four in a quarter note.
Name the note. How many equal the duration of a quarter note?
Dotted half. 3 quarter notes long.
Name the note. How many quarter notes long is it?
Dotted quarter. One-and-a-half quarter notes long.
Name the note. How many quarter notes long is it?
Dotted whole. 6 quarter notes long.
Name the note. How many quarter notes long is it?
Half. 2 quarter notes long.
Name the note. How many quarter notes long is it?
Whole. 4 quarter notes long.
Name the note. How many quarter notes long is it?
This is a quarter note. It is usually one beat long, and a "beat" is usually a duration which is easily conducted or clapped.
Name the note. What is its usual duration?
Four eighth notes. Together they are two quarter-notes long.
Name the notes. Together, how many quarter-notes long are they?
Four sixteenth notes. Together they are one quarter-note long.
Name the notes. Together, how many quarter-notes long are they?
Two eighth notes. Together they are one quarter-note long.
Name the notes. Together, how many quarter-notes long are they?
Eighth. Two in a quarter note.
Name the rest. How many equal the duration of a quarter note?
Sixteenth. Four in a quarter note.
Name the rest. How many equal the duration of a quarter note?
Half. 2 quarter notes long.
Name the rest. How many quarter notes long is it?
Quarter note rest--as long as a quarter note.
Name the rest. How many quarter notes long is it?
Whole. 4 quarter notes long.
Name the rest. How many quarter notes long is it?