Government Final

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the first female speaker of the house was

Nancy Pelosi

the ____ is the only federal court established by the constitution

US Supreme Court

what are the four joint committees in congress

economic, taxation, library, and printing

a U.S. senator has a ___ year term


what is cloture

the process by which three-fifths of the senate can end a filibuster

the lower house of the Oklahoma state legislature is called the house of representatives, and its ___ members distributed among separate house districts and serve ___ year terms of office

101; 2

members of the Oklahoma state legislature are subject to term limits and may serve not more than ___ total year sin the legislature, regardless of which legislative chamber in which they serve


women won the right to vote in


there are ____ amendments to the US constitution


forty-eight states, including Oklahoma, hold gubernatorial elections every ____ year


the number of seats in the house of representatives has been fixed at

435; 1929

the Oklahoma senate is comprised of ___ members that are elected from separate state senate districts and serve ___ year terms of office

48; 4

large media conglomerates, such as the Hearst, McClatchy, and Gannett corporations, own approximately ___ of daily newspapers


approximately ___ of the ____ bills introduced in a typical congressional session dies in committee

85%; 10,000

how many justices currently serve on the supreme court


in 2018, about ___ of US house incumbents won reelection


which of the following supreme court cases illustrates the use of litigation by an interest group

Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka Kansas (1954)

what is a good example of media monopoly


which US president promoted his policy agenda to the American people through "fireside chats"

Franklin D. Roosevelt

___ warned Americans against the dangers of partisan politics in his farewell address

George Washington

the first two states to hold a presidential primary or caucus are

Iowa and New Hampshire

Interpret the Constitution


the Latino voter is often referred to as "the sleeping giant" because

Latinos and Latinas vote at low rates relative to the group's size in the population

declare war


make laws


regulate commerce


in 2010, Oklahoma elected ___ as its first female governor

Mary Fallin

what did the new jersey plan propose for congress

Representation would be equal for each state.

a political ideology is best defined as

a cohesive set of beliefs that form a general philosophy about government

an iron triangle is made up of an alliance between

a congressional committee, an interest group, and an executive agency.

which of the following is a good example of broadcast media outlet

a local television station

which of the following is the best definition of the elastic clause

a part of the constitution that empowers congress to make all laws "necessary and proper" to carry out its enumerated powers

a party platform

a party document that contains the philosophy, principles, and positions of the party

which of the following statements best characterizes media ownership in the United States

a small number of giant, privately owned corporations control most of the country's television networks, movie studios, record companies, cable channels, book publishers, magazines, newspapers, and digital media sites

what comes closest to describing the political system favored by the American founders

a system of representative democracy in which the ability to vote for elected representatives would be limited to the middle and upper classes

direct democracy is best defined as

a system that allows citizens to vote directly for laws and policies

which of the following is more likely to lead to a two-party system

a system with winner-take-all elections

how can congress override a presidents veto

a two-thirds vote in both chambers

Senators' longer terms of office and larger, more heterogeneous constituencies makes them more

a. attuned to the needs of groups and interests organized on a city-or countywide basis b. insulated from the pressures of individual, narrow, and immediate interests c. likely to serve existing interests than to bring together new coalitions of interests B

if a member of congress always votes according to the interests of the majority of her constituency, what kind of representation best describes her behavior?

a. delegate b. bicameral c. trustee d. unicameral A

a major risk of the delegate model of representation is that

a. no new laws will be passed because all representatives must agree before a bill can be enacted b. elected officials will spend too much time attempting to raise money for their next campaign because they must seek re-election so frequently c. elected officials will completely ignore their constituents preferences because they are following their own beliefs about which policies are best d. the voices of only a few active and informed constituents will be heard because most people do not pay close attention to every issue D

a senator who votes based on what she thinks is best for her constituency is called a

a. whip b. trustee c. delegate d. constituency B

All of the people living in a congressional district are the ____ of their member of Congress

a. whips b. agents c. delegates d. constituency D

the thirteenth amendment

abolished slavery

privately owned media companies in the united states earn most of their revenue from


the fifteenth amendment to the constitution guarantees

african american men the right to vote

___ is the power the media has to shape what issues Americans think about, and ____ is the power the media has to influence how Americans think about hose issues

agenda setting; framing

the power of media have to bring public attention to a particular issue is known as


which of the following stories would an American news outlet that relies primarily on advertising revenue be least likely to cover

an economics professor providing testimony to a congressional committee on the effect of tariffs

the annexation of texas happened as a result of

an executive order

if the federal government passed a law that did not provide money to state and local governments but required them to construct wheelchair lifts at all train stations, it would be an example of

an unfunded mandate

imagine that canada is threatening to invade the united states over disputed territory. the united states decides to cede some of the territory to canada in order to forestall the war from happening. this is an example of


the president can influence the federal judicial process in several ways, including

appointing federal judges and issues pardons and amniesties

the process of allocating congressional seats among the states is called


the amount of money approved by congress in bills that each agency of government can spend is called


a push poll involves

asking loaded questions in order to subtly shape the respondent's opinion

in order to win the presidency, a candidate must win

at least 270 electoral votes

the term 'public opinion' is used to describe

attitudes about political issues, leaders, institutions, and events

in the last few decades, executive orders have

become routine instruments of presidential governance rather than emergency wartime measures.

Congress is a ______ legislature with ______ members.

bicameral; 535

a proposed law that has been sponsored by a member of congress is called a


establish and maintain courts

both state and federal

the complex structure of offices, tasks, rules, and principles that organize all large-scale institutions to coordinate the work of their personnel is


the ___ is the informal designation for the heads of the major federal government departments


the ____ is the informal designation for the heads of the major federal government departments


the secretary of education, secretary of defense, and secretary of the interior are all members of the


the constitution gives the president several powers. which of the following is not one of them

call for new congressional elections

if a national survey finds candidate A leads candidate B by 5% in the upcoming election and the margin of error in the survey is 3%, it means that

candidate A leads candidate B by anywhere between 2 and 8 percentage points

when employees who work for Maryland's Motor Vehicle Administration administer the skills test required for individuals to obtain a driver's license, these employees are

carrying out their responsibilities, exercising discretion, and implementing public policy

impeachment offenses are

charged by the house and tried in the senate, with the chief justice presiding and a two-thirds vote needed for conviction

The President's power to veto an act of Congress is an example of

checks and balances

the first test for determining when the government may intervene to suppress political speech was called the ___ test

clear and present danger

the north atlantic treaty organization, organization of american states, and souteast asia treaty organizations are all examples of

collective security arrangements

the president's military powers can best be observed in their role as

commander in chief

____ powers exist when both the state and national governments share authority in certain domains


a ____ is a system of government in which member states retain almost all of their sovereign and delegate limited powers to a weak central body


suppose that a major piece of legislation is being considered by congress. the house and the senate have passed similar versions of the bill, but important differences remain. which committee would be in charge of working out a compromise between the two chambers

conference committee

the size of the us supreme court is set by


one difference between a veto and a pocket veto is that

congress can override a regular veto but cannot override a pocket veto

one difference between a veto and and pocket veto is that

congress can override a regular veto but cannot override a pocket veto

an individual who strongly supports military intervention and the maintenance of American military power is more closely associated with which political ideology


a member of the house of representatives that helps a constituent apply for social security benefits is engaging in

constituency service

a government that is formally limited by laws and rules is called


shays rebellion was significant because it

convinced many that the articles of confederation created an ineffective government

since 1950, the compared of employees who work in the federal bureaucracy has ___ and the number of employees who work in both state and local government has ____

decreased; increased

the military services in american ultimately remain under civilian control and are housed in which part of the executive branch

department of defense

all of the following are responsibilities of a party's national committee except

determining committee assignments for members of congress

individuals with home high-speed internet access and the skills to use it are called

digital citizens

the supreme court rules that the second amendment provides a constitutional right to keep a loaded handgun at home for self-defense in

district of columbia v. heller

which of the following best represents the timeline of the evolution of federalism, from earliest in american history to most recent

dual federalism, then new federalism, then cooperative federalism

what is the most important factor in predicting whether an individual votes

education level

oversight can best be described as the

efforts of congress to supervise the manner in which its laws are implemented by the executive branch


emphasizes freedom and voluntary association with small government

the black lives matter movement has many goals, but it was first started in ferguson missouri, in order to

end discriminatory treatment of african americans by the police

In 2015, the Environmental Protection Agency charged Volkswagen with cheating on emissions tests of its diesel vehicles. This is an example of bureaucratic


the goal of social security is to

ensure a basic income to all workers once they retire

the merit system

ensures that civil service jobs are awarded to individuals who are qualified for the job and protects them from political interference after they are hired

if a television state sold commercial time to a republican candidate for governor but refused to sell time to the democratic candidate for governor, this state would be in violation of the

equal time rule

presidential elections are held in the United States on the first Tuesday of November ___ years

every 4

the ____ rule forbids the introduction in trial of any piece of evidence that has been obtained illegally


appoint ambassadors


appoint judges


veto bills


the office of management and budget and the council of economic advisers are both parts of the

executive office of the president

the office of management and budget and the council of economic advisors are both parts of the

executive office of the president

one of the main resources and distinguishing characteristics of the federal bureaucracy is


____ powers are specifically established by the language of the constitution


lawrence v. texas the supreme court

extended privacy rights to homosexual couples.

coin money


conduct foreign relations


the system of shared powers, divided between a central government and the state governments, is called


in his attempt to manage the federal bureaucracy, the president can use all of the following tool except

firing low-level civil service employees for failure to express loyalty to the president

in order for the supreme court to decide to grant certiorari

four justices must vote in favor of certiorari

the constitutional basis for the nationalization of the bill of rights is the ___ amendment


freedom of speech and of the press have a special place in the american system because

free and open debate is an essential mechanism for determining the quality and validity of competing ideas

the ___ clause of the first amendment protects an individuals right to believe and practice whatever religion he or she chooses

free exercise

in order to overcome the ____ interest groups often provide ___ to their members

free-rider problem; selective benefits

when was the era of dual federalism

from the founding until the new deal

in the ___ election, voters select who they want to fill a political office. in the _____ election, voters choose each party's candidate to compete for a political office

general; primary

a representative democracy (also known as a republic) is a system of government tat

gives citizens a regular opportunity to elect government officials

since 1950, compared with the entire workforce, the number of federal employees has

gradually declined

which event was most influential in triggering the rise of a more active national government

great depression

a constitutional right to privacy was established in

griswold v. connecticut

the supreme courts decision in obergefell v. hodges was significant because it

guaranteed same-sex couples the right to marry in all states and required states to recognize same-sex marriages performed in other jurisdictions

the fourteenth amendment

guarantees equal protection and due process

During the 2016 campaign, Hillary Clinton received

half the amount of media coverage as Donald Trump.

The president is America's presence on the global stage, representing America at official ceremonies and functions. In this role we would say that in the United States, the president is the

head of bureaucracy

the president is americas presence on the global stage, representing america official ceremonies and function. in this role we would say that in the united states, the president is the

head of state

what is it called when a state grants a city the ability to govern its own local affairs

home rule

the most common method of passing and ratifying an amendment to the constitution is passage

in both houses of congress by a two-thirds vote, followed by a majority vote in three-fourths of the state legislature

an overwhelming majority of court cases in the united states are heard

in state courts

Why is Marbury v. Madison (1803) an important case?

in this case, the justices authorized the supreme court to exercise judicial review over laws passed by congress

Cases ________ are NOT part of the original jurisdiction of the U.S. Supreme Court.

in which more than $1 million is at stake

federalism is best defined as a system of government

in which power is divided between a central government and regional governments

a senator or representative running for reelection is called the


the jurisdiction of standing committees

is defined by the subject matter of legislation, which often parallels the major cabinet departments or agencies

the CDC

is in charge of monitoring outbreaks of disease and implementing prevention measures

what was a major reason that the slogan "states rights" became tarnished in the 1950s and 1960s

it had been used by southern opponents of the civil rights movement to support laws favoring racial inequality

which of the following statements about the impeachment process is most accurate

it is a political exercise

what is a government corporation

it is an agency that performs and charges for services usually provided by the private sector

Though used at times by justices on both sides of the partisan divide, which judicial philosophy posits that the Court should go beyond the words of the Constitution or a statute to consider the broader societal implications of its decisions?

judicial activism

Though used at times by justices on both sides of the partisan divide, which judicial philosophy posits that the Court should go beyond the words of the Constitution or a statute to consider the broader societal implications of its decisions?

judicial restraint

Through the exercise of ________, the Supreme Court has held actions or laws of the executive and legislative branches unconstitutional.

judicial review

if the supreme court were to decide to review a case that alleges president trump's antiterrorism initiatives violated a citizen's civil liberties, the case likely would be an example of

judicial review of executive power

in lawrence v. texas the supreme court ruled that

laws criminalizing sexual behavior are a violation of the right to privacy

what were jim crow laws

laws enacted by southern states following reconstruction that discriminated against black americans

what were the alien and sedition acts

laws passed in the 1790s that made it a crime to say or publish anything that would defame the government of the united states

gideon v. wainwright established the right to

legal counsel in felony cases

the president plays a major role early in the lawmaking process though the use of

legislative initiatives

the vast majorities of Americans describe themselves as

liberal, conservatives, or moderates

the decline in political efficacy in the united states is

likely to have negative effects on American democracy because it will lead to less citizen participation in government

In the Senate, the most senior leadership role is ________. In the House, the most senior leadership role is ________.

majority leader; speaker

american democracy rests on the principle of

majority rule with minority rights

which of the following is an example of the "gender gap"

men are more supportive of Donald Trump's presidency than women

regularly scheduled congressional elections that do not coincide with a presidential election are called

midterm elections

if the government decides to offer a subsidy to the solar industry to help people buy solar panels, that would be an example of ____. on the other hand, if the federal reserve took steps to expand the amount of credit available in the economy, that would be an example of ____

monetary policy; fiscal policy

what best summarizes Americans' political knowledge

most Americans know little about how politics works or what current issues are under debate

when two sides of an international conflict possess such enormous arsenals of nuclear missiles that each has the ability to destroy the other in the event of war, it is called

mutually assured destruction

which of the following is an example of a media outlet that receives funding from the government

national public radio (NPR)

Colonial protesters of the Stamp Act and the Sugar Act rallied around which slogan?

no taxation without representation

for ___ seats, political parties are especially interested in identifying strong candidates and encouraging them to run


the written explanation of the supreme court's decision in a particular case is known as the


which of the following requires an FCC license in order to legally broadcast in the United States

over-the-air television stations

which of the following are the three most major factors that influence a voter's choice

partisan loyalty, issues, and the characteristics of candidates

the fact that democratic party leaders have become more liberal and republican party leaders have become more conservative is important because

partisans in the public tend to rely on party leaders for cues on the appropriate positions to take on major political issues

'marble cake federalism' is associated with the

pattern of intergovernmental cooperation that has blurred the lines between the states and the national government

In America, much of our politics results from a pattern of struggles among interest groups for influence. This is fundamental to the theory of


individuals who are selected by the president to serve in a handful of positions at the very top of the bureaucracy are called

political appointees

the belief that citizens can influence what government does

political efficacy

the process by which political values are formed is known as

political socialization

the belief that political authority shoudl rest with the people themselves is called

popular sovereignty

a pocket veto is used by the


what is the general tendency of a president's approval rating

presidents usually start out popular and decline over the next four years

a filibuster allows members of the senate to

prevent a vote on a bill

the policy of striking a nation that might be contemplating hostile actions is called

preventative war

if the federal government decided to hire google to provide email services to all of its employees rather than maintaining its own, in-house email services, this would be an example of


priming refers to the

process of preparing the public to bring specific criteria to mind when evaluating a politician or issue

when new countries gain access to nuclear weapon capabilities, we refer to this as


what best summarizes the supreme courts ruling in brown v. board of education

racially segregated schools can never be equal

conference committees

reconcile differences between a bill passed by the house and senate

During the 1980s, the Republicans added ________ to their coalition.

religious conservatives and working-class whites

although the united states is an ___ at the federal level, there are provisions for ____ democracy at the state local levels

representative democracy; direct

From the end of the Civil War to the 1890s, the ________ Party was the party of the North, while the ________ Party was the party of the South.

republican; democratic

according to the voting rights act of 1965 a state cannot

require voters to take a test to prove they can red and write in order to vote

the supreme courts decision in obergefell v. hodges (2015) was significant because it

required that all states offer marriage licenses to two people of the same sex

If a radio station aired a personal attack against a candidate but refused to allow the same candidate the opportunity to respond to that attack on its station, the station would be violating the ________.

right of rebuttal

the small group selected by pollsters to represent the entire population is called a


in a proportional representation electoral system

seats in the legislature are allocated to political parties based on their share of the total vote cast in the election.

the two primary goals of american foreign policy are

security and prosperity

affirmative action

seeks to redress past injustices by making special efforts to provide access to employment and education opportunities

when presidents nominate justices to the supreme court, presidents make an effort to

select justices who share their political philosophies

during the last 50 years, the american population has

shifted as a result of people leaving the northeast and midwest and moving to the south and southwest

in the sphere of foreign policy, which of the following is not a constitutional power

signing executive orders

the president can influence the federal judicial process in several ways, including

signing treaties and issuing pardons and amnesties

a ___ is a method used by pollsters to select a representative sample in which every individual in the population has an equal probability of being selected as a respondent

simple random sample

The fact that survey respondents overreport voting in elections and the frequency of their church attendance is an example of the ________ effect.

social disrability

what are agents of socialization

social institutions, like family and school, that shape an individual's basic political beliefs and values

what policy is currently the most costly to the government

social security

american foreign aid

sometimes has a humanitarian purpose, but more often is used to promote security interests or economic concerns

if the government ____ more than it ____, that will lead to a budget deficit

spend; brings in revenue

conduct elections


ratify amendments to the constitution


which level of government writes the majority of criminal laws

state government

in District of Columbia v. heller, the united states supreme court held that the district of Columbia's handgun ban was an unconstitutional violation of the second amendment. in writing the majority opinion, the late justice Antonin Scalia looked predominantly to the words of the second amendment of the constitution in interpreting its meaning. this judicial philosophy can be described as

strict construction

the right to vote is called


the ____ affirms that national laws and treaties are "the supreme law of the land"

supremacy clause

the ____ is established by the constitution and cannot be abolished by a congressional law

supreme court

which amendment preserves a strong role for the states in the american federal repulic


the bill of rights was adopted because the

the Antifederalists demanded it as the price of ratification of the Constitution.

the three most important federa lprograms to assist the working poor are

the affordable care act, the earned income tax credit and the supplemental nutrition assistance program

partisanship is ____ indicator of which candidates people will vote for

the best

what is the main funciton of the chief justice of the supreme court

the chief justice presides over the court's public sessions and privat eocnferences

which clause of the us constitution has been most important in allowing the growth of national power

the commerce clause

what does the supremacy clase assert

the constitution and all laws made under it are superior to any state laws

american civil liberties and rights, such as freedom of speech, worship, and trial by jury are listed primarily in

the constitutional bill of rights

what was the overall importance of mcculloch v. maryland (1819)

the court allowed congress to use the necessary and proper clause to broadly interpret its delegated powers

judicial review is the power of

the courts to review the constitutionality of actions taken by other branches of government

how is the speaker of the house determined

the elected leader of the majority party in the house is the speaker

which of the following would be an example of how federal bureaucrats make rules while engaging in implementation

the environmental protection agency requiring that that, under the clean air act, the average fuel economy for new vehicles must be at least 35.5 miles per gallon

what is the social desirability effect

the fact that respondents report what they think the interviewer wishes to hear or whatever they think is socially acceptable, rather than what they actually believe

what best describes the impact of the fourteenth amendment

the fourteenth amendment forced state governments to abide by almost every provision in the bill of rights, but the process took over 100 years

men are more likely than women to prioritize economic and national security issues. women are more likely to prioritize health care and education issues. the difference in who men and women tend to vote for is known as

the gender gap

the distinctive pattern of voting behavior reflecting the differences in views between women and men is known as

the gender gap

the BBC is Britain is owned by

the government but allowed to report whatever it wants

which historical event proved to americans that the economic system is not perfectly self-regulating

the great depression

the electoral college is

the group of electors who formally select the president and vice president

bicameralism is a constitutional

the legislature into two chambers

who has the most real power in the senate

the majority and minority leaders

which of the folloiwng groups receives the most benefit from governments social policies

the middle class and the elderly

what is turnout

the percentage of eligible individuals who actually vote

which of the following is the most important factor in the conduct of american foreign policy

the president

which of the following is the best definition of redistricting

the process or redrawing electoral districts every 10 years

What did the framers call the "least dangerous branch"?

the supreme court

to what does the term jim crow refer

the system of racial segregation in the south after reconstruction

which of the following stateements about k-12 education spending is most accurate

the vast majority of spending for k-12 education comes from the state and local governments, while the federal government contributes a relatively small amount

if a president claims executive privilege, they are saying

their communications with close advisors should be confidential

more affluent and educated citizens wield an outsized influence over policy makers because

they vote at higher rates, and they are more likely to contribute money to political campaigns

which of the following statements concerning third parties is true

third parties often have their programs adopted by one of the two major parties

___ argued that there was a "wall of separation" between church and state

thomas jefferson

during the ratification debates, who were the antifederalists

those who opposed the new constitution because they wanted a weaker national government

during the ratification debates, who were the federalists

those who supported the constitution because it contained a strong national government

what is the primary constitutional task of the vice president, besides succeeding the president in case of death, resignation, or incapacitation

to cast tie-breaking votes in the senate

Before the Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act of 1883, government appointments were made

to political supporters as part of a spoils system

the first court to hear a criminal case involving a violation of state law is called a ____ court


what is required for congress to override a presidential veto

two-thirds vote of both houses of congress

a ____ vote by both houses of congress and a ratification vote of ____ of the states are required to amend the US constitution

two-thirds; three-fourths

the most visible indication of political oversight of the bureaucracy is the

use of public hearings before congressional committees and subcommittees

at the Philadelphia constitutional convention, the proposed plan to create a congress where representation was distributed according to population was called the ____ plan


social security, medicare, medicaid, and temporary assistance for need families are all part of the

welfare state

the populist party appealed to which of the following groups

western mining interests, small farmers, and urban workers

Members of interest groups in the United States are typically people

with higher incomes, more education, and management or professional occupations

angencies like the departments of state, department of defense, and homeland security

work to maintain national security and protect American interests at home and abroad

the last time congress exercised its constitutional power to declare war was during

world war 2

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