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how many Americans reported a. midlife crisis


A number of studies of persons with outstanding accomplishments have found that their creative achievements rise during young adulthood and peak in the ____ then gradually decline.

30s and early 40s

how many emerging adults are living at home in the US


Which of the following terms best describes an ethnic group or ethnicity?

African American, Chinese Canadian, Turkish dutch

What type of love involves the pledge to love someone over the long run, through the ups and downs that are often part of love?


In what part of the world are students required to determine their course of study before they arrive and only study that subject while at the university?


In the United States and Europe, the most important criteria is for becoming an adult is ____, whereas in Asia it is ____.

Financial independence

The age of ____ is an age when people explore various possibilities in love and work as they move toward making enduring choices.

Identity exploration

What are five characteristics that distinguish emerging adulthood from other age periods?

It is the age of identity exploration, instability, being self focused, feeling in between, possibilities

You are talking to an exchange student about the different styles of education that occur in the United States and her country. She told you that grades matter very little and standards for performance are very relaxed. In fact, they have four years of university-sanctioned leisure to think and to explore. What country is she most likely from?


Which of the following emerging adults have a high degree of pressure to develop an identity that places an emphasis on obligation to parents and others?

North American European Australian Asian Asia

In what countries are older adults more likely to live in nursing homes, assisting living, or other institutional care facilities?

US, Canada, Northern Europe

Your grandmother did not want medical personnel to attempt to prolong her life if her heart stopped or she stopped breathing. What type of agreement did she have to communicate these wishes?

a Do Not Resuscitate provision (DNR)

In Western countries, who consistently is more likely to provide care for elderly parents?

a daughter

When your little sister, who is a freshman in college, comes home to visit, she sleeps all weekend. Why? She has accumulated ____.

a sleep debt

According to Kübler-Ross, in what stage would a person who is facing imminent death find a feeling of peace as resistance to death is abandoned, or no feeling at all, but only a sense of disengagement and a desire to be with only a few people most valued?


Those emerging adults who remain virgins because they have chosen to wait rather than because they had no opportunity for sex are referred to as ____.

active abstainers

Who tends to have considerably higher earnings, occupational status, and career attainment over the long run?

adults who acquire tertiary education

when do most divorces occur

after 10 years of marriage

when does hearing decline

after 55

According to scholars, when are people capable of producing creative work?

after expertise has been established

Patrick is an emerging adult. For a time period he lived with a group of friends from high school, then he moved back home with his parents, and now he has an apartment of his own. Which of the following characteristics of emerging adulthood best describes Patrick's situation?

age of instability

According to the text, marriage has more often been seen by cultures as ____.

an alliance between two families

Britney is 23 years old and has been working full-time for the past two years. She has her own apartment, a balanced checkbook, and a substantial savings account. This is not by chance, because Britney's parents instilled in her the idea that wise financial decisions are important in life. The way things are headed, it looks as if Britney will be able to purchase her own house in a few years. Which of the following markers of adulthood has Brittany achieved?

becoming financially independent

What is the experience of losing a loved one to death?


Because of globalization, more young people around the world now have one part of their identity rooted in their local culture while another part stems from an awareness of their relation to the global culture. What do scholars call this type of identity?

bicultural identity

When does synaptic pruning no longer take place at a high rate?

by the late twenties

What do experts call a person who is able to put ideas or materials together in new, culturally meaningful ways?


Both in the near and long term, the death of a parent places children at risk for emotional difficulties, especially ____.


The time period of emerging adulthood is more likely to be seen in ____.

developed countries

Regular exercise in young adulthood reduces the risk of a variety of illnesses and diseases in middle adulthood, including ____.

diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and several types of cancer

____ involves a growing awareness that problems often have no clear solution and two opposing strategies or points of view may each have merit.

dialectical thought

Which of the following is James Marcia's identity status, in which the individual lacks exploration and commitment to an identity?


The ability to keep track of more than one information source simultaneously is referred to as _____.

divided attention

The goal of emerging adults' self-focusing is learning to stand alone as a self-sufficient person, but emerging adults ____.

do not see self sufficiency as a permanent state

Older adults seek to maintain and develop relationships that are low in conflict and high in mutual enjoyment, and drop the rest. This is as also known as _________.

emotions based social relationships

What means "good death" and is the term for the practice of ending the life of a person who is suffering from an incurable disease or severe disability?


As a response to a diagnosis of terminal illness, Langner (2002) and Krikorian et al. (2012) found that a common response to a diagnosis of terminal illness was ______.


According to the triangular theory of love, intimacy is best described as ____.

feelings of closeness and emotional attachment

Subsequent research that has examined Kübler-Ross's theory has found that ____.

few terminally ill patients go through her stages in sequence if at all

As they drift about the cell in their unstable state, what molecules cause damage to the DNA and other structures the cell needs to function?

free radicals

The maturity of what brain area promotes the kind of focused attention and goal-directed behavior that leads to expertise?

frontal cortex

In some people, fluid builds up in the eye and the pressure damages the optic nerve, leading to loss of peripheral vision. What is the name of this condition?


What is the intense psychological response that often accompanies losing a loved one to death?


As cited in the text, which of the following might be related to whether or not a person can be classified as high in morningness or eveningness—that is, their preference for either going to bed early and waking up early or going to bed late and waking up late?

growth hormones

What is the principle that indicates that after about 50 doublings, cells lose their ability to replicate?

hay flick limit

What has symptoms that include acute pain, weakness, dizziness, confusion, and shortness of breath?

heart attack

You and your roommate were discussing life after death. She told you that she had no worries about the afterlife as she believes in reincarnation. What is her likely religion?


What type of care is most consistent with the following description? "Care aims to address not just medical issues but the physical, emotional, social, and spiritual needs of dying persons and their families."


In Erik Erikson's theory of development, each stage of life has a central crisis, and in adolescence the crisis is ____.

identity versus identity confusion

What type of love involves a heightened level of sexual desire, but without emotional closeness or an enduring commitment?


Within the United States, which religion had the lowest percentage agreement to the question, "Do you believe in life after death?"


In general, marital satisfaction tends to be the highest during _____.

late adulthood

When is death anxiety at its lowest?

late adulthood

If a culture were to promote individualism, it would emphasize the importance of ____.

learning to stand alone as a self sufficient person

One national American study of adults ages 18 and over found that adults over age 55 were less likely than any younger age group to report symptoms that fit the diagnosis of _____.

major depressive disorder

What is one of the reasons that wives tend to outlive their husbands? Women tend to live longer and men tend to _____.

marry later

During which time period are individuals most susceptible to heart disease and cancer?

middle and late adulthood

Neurons are dying and being generated anew throughout life. What happens in late adulthood?

more neurons die than are being generated

According to David Buss (2003), what trait ranked first among marriage criteria across countries?

mutual attraction and love

Which of the following best describes a "semi-arranged marriage"?

parents introduce a potential mate to there child. if the young person has a favorable impression of the potential mate, they date a few times. if they agree that they are compatible, they marry

A century ago, the elderly were the ____ segment of the population; however, currently, in developed countries they are now the ____ segment.

poorest; more affluent

As compared to novices, experts tend to be ____.

quicker and more efficient in solving problems

Which of the following are factors related to marital satisfaction?

realistic expectations, shared interests, shared roles and responsibilities, and shared power

According to Erikson, an individual who experiences ego integrity has _____.

reflects upon his or her and has accepted its outcomes

According to Erikson, an individual who experiences ego despair has _______.

reflects upon his or her life and is experiencing regret and bitterness

As cited in your text, which of the following best describes why few people in India or Africa are affected by dementia?

relatively few people live into late adulthood

Smith and Snell found ____ among emerging adults to be related to ____ well-being and ____ rates of participation in a variety of risk behaviors.

religious beliefs and participation:higher: lower

As aging occurs, what happens to people's ability to concentrate on a task for an extended period of time? In laboratory tests, older and younger adults were presented with a series of stimuli and were required to press a key only when they saw a particular pattern. Compared to younger adults, how did older adults do on this task? Older adults ____.

responded more slowly and made more errors

How are individuals in gay or lesbian couples like heterosexual couples? Gay and lesbian couples _____.

seek long term relationships based on love., affection, and mutual respect like heterosexual couples

In late adulthood, the brain ____ and total brain mass ____.


Which of the following are examples of factors that influence secondary aging?

smoking, exercise and cognitive stimulation

Because conversations are strenuous and stressful when a person experiences hearing loss, loss of hearing can lead to ____.

social withdrawal

What is one explanation for the dramatic rise in the typical ages of entering marriage and parenthood today in developing countries?

society does not encourage early marriage

Older adults often believe that they can remember events of long ago with special clarity. Research has found that there are ____.

substantial declines in episodic memory

What part of the chromosome is thought to be the location where cells lose their ability to replicate?


Research on emotions and the self-concept of individuals during late adulthood has speculated that positive emotions and self-esteem tend to be high because older adults _____.

tend to be more accepting of their past and present selves

Which of the following are two aspects of cognitive development that occur during young adulthood?

the acquisition of expertise and creativity

In every religion, the determination of the soul's destiny in the afterlife depends on ____.

the kind of moral life the person led

Which of the following best describes Erik Erikson's notion of intimacy?

the uniting of ones newly formed identity with another person in an enduring, committed intimate relationship

Brianna is a 30-year-old woman who lives in a very low SES neighborhood and raises her two children alone. Within a mile of her apartment, there are several fast food restaurants and some convenience stores. Like many of her neighbors, Brianna is obese and her children are overweight. What makes Brianna and her children typical or atypical among low-SES families?

unhealthy foods are the most convenient and least inexpensive to purchase

Which of the following dramatically reduced death rates due to infectious diseases during the 20th century

vaccinations, antibiotics, and better sanitation

What type of memory, which involves memory for information that is the current focus of a person's attention, declines with age?

working memory

Post stages of late adulthood

young old 65-74 old old 75-84 oldest old 85+

You are speaking with your 67-year-old grandfather, who is jokingly telling you that he is about as old as one can get. Remembering your developmental class, what do you know about his age in reference to the lifespan? He is actually in the ____.

young old group

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