History Chapter 13 Section 1-4

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what event signaled the final defeat of the central powers

-bulgarians and ottoman turks surrender -revolution swept through austria-hungary -a mutiny on germany

which nation was fist to declare war in the Great war


which nations heir to throne was assassinated in 1914 by serbian nationalists


who annexed Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1908


which 2 non-Balkan nations competed for dominance of the Balkans

-Austria-Hungary and Russia

where were the battles of Marne, Somme, and Verdun fought

-French soil

Kaiser Wilhelm II

-German emperor -forced Bismarck to resign -was a proud and stubborn man -wished to share his power with no one -let his nations treaty with Russia lapse -built up German navy so they would challenge Britain

Bismarck was part of what nation


assassination in Sarajevo

-a serbian nationalist, Gavrilo Pirincip, shot and killed Archduke Ferdinand and his wife, Sofia

purpose of Gallipoli

-allies were to secure the Dardanelles -then take Constantinople -defeat the turks -establish a supply line to russia


-allowed people to decide for themselves under what government they wished to live


-an agreement to stop fighting -brought an end to WWI

triple entente (1907)

-an alliance formed between Britain, France, and Russia -it ensured Britain would not fight against France and Russia -during WWI -ALLIES

trench warfare

-battle strategy in which soldiers fought from deep pits dug into the ground -armies traded huge losses of people for small amounts a land gain -primarily used on the western front

why did the czar's government collapse

-bc Czar Nicholas stepped down do to war related shortages of food and fuel

why did US enter the war

-bc of the public outrage over germanys unrestricted submarine warfare, strong economic ties with Allies, and the Zimmerman note, which was the last straw -germany sinking the british boat Lusitania with US passengers on board

treaty of versailles

-between germany and allied powers -adopted wilson's 14 points -created the league of nations

causes of WWI why US entered war effects of war

-causes: nationalism: all the european nations wanted dominance and power over each other, territorial fights -causes: imperialism: rivalry and mistrust between the nations, competed for colonies in africa and asia -causes: militarism: led to formation of large armies, which scared the people, and then led to military alliances -US entered the war bc of the public outrage over germanys unrestricted submarine warfare, strong economic ties with Allies, and the Zimmerman note, which was the last straw -also bc germany sunk the british boat, Lusitania, with US passengers on board -effects: many people dead and wounded on all sides, economies devastated, weaker and furious germany due to league of nations, left behind a lot of destruction never seen before

concerns and aims of france and britain

-concerned with national security -wanted to strip germany of its war-making power

how did the triple entente increase tension among european countries

-created 2 rival camps in Europe: the triple alliance and the triple entente-a dispute between the 2 could draw all the nations of europe into war

triple alliance (1882)

-created by Bismarck -he wanted to isolate France and create an alliance between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy -CENTRAL POWERS

14 points

-created by Wilson -they outlines a plan for achieving a just and lasting peace


-deep devotion to ones nation -serves as a unifying force within a country, but can cause intense competition among nations, each wanting to over power the other

treaty of brest-litovsk

-ended war between russia and germany

how did imperialism increase tension among european countries

-european nation's sense of rivalry and mistrust of one another deepened as they competed for colonies in Asia and Africa

alliance system

-forming of all the alliances

according to Bismarck what nation was the greatest threat to peace in europe


Schliefen Plan

-german battle strategy for the 2 front war that called for a quick defeat of france in the west and then attacking Russia in the east

effects of russia mobilizing along the german border

-german government declared war on russia -russia looked to its ally france for help, but germany didn't wait for france to react

second battle of the marne

-german military was weak -allied forces began to advance steadily toward germany -central power began to crumble

effects of russian forces attacking austria and germany

-germany counterattacked and forced russia to retreat -many russian soldiers were killed -austria defeated the russians and eventually pushed them out of austria-hungary

in what ways did the treaty punish germany

-germany lost substantial territory -had severe restrictions placed on its military operations -had to pay reparations to the ALLIES -had to take responsibility for war -forced to pay huge amounts of money to war victims

what did the zimmerman note expose

-germanys plan to help mexico regain US territory

which of the great powers did not have a large army

-great britain

effects of germany declaring war on france

-great britain then declared war in defense of france on germany -much of europe was now locked in battle

league of nations

-international association whose goal would be to keep peace among nations

how did the triple alliance increase tension among european countries

-it created an unstable alliance which had problems such as Germany having enemies on both sides during war

how did the assassination in Sarajevo increase tension among european countries

-it gave Austra-Hungary an excuse to punish serbia and start a war on them -this leads to the conflict between Austria and Russia

how did militarism increase tension among european countries

-led to the formation pf large armies which scared the people -later also led to military alliances

palace of versailles

-location of meetings to determine conditions of peace after WWI

costs of war

-many people died or wounded -economies devasted -countries still remained under control

new countries created

-mostly around the Baltic Sea -Austria-hungary and the Ottoman empire were separated into new countries/independent nations -Austria-Hungary empire turned into: Austria, Hungary, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, and Yugoslavia -Ottoman Empire gave up almost all of their former empire, they only had the territory of what is now Turkey -german land taken to form Poland

new war technology military strategies how war spread

-new technology: machine guns, tanks, poison gases, submarine, and airplanes. -new tools didn't speed up war like expected -just killed more people -strategies: Schliffen Plan: german battle strategy for the 2 front war that called for a quick defeat of france in the west and then attacking Russia in the east -strategies: trench warfare: battle strategy in which soldiers fought from deep pits dug into the ground -how war spread: Germany making the US angry caused them to join the war, different countries wanting to seize other countries land


-new warship introduced by the germans that used underwater missiles

poison gas

-new weapon that caused blindness, blisters, and choking

georges clemenceau

-part of big 4 -represented France at paris peace conference -wanted to punish germany and make them pay money

woodrow wilson

-part of the big 4 -represented the US at paris peace conference -had idea of league of nations -created the 14 points

war guilt clause

-part of the treat of versailles that placed responsibility for the war solely on germany

unrestricted submarine warfare

-policy by Germany where their submarines would sink any ship around Britain w/out warning -Germany wanted to keep cargo ships from reaching great britain

terms of peace treaty problems arriving at terms

-punish germany by restriction their military operations q, pay reparations to war victims/ALLIES, and had to take responsibility for the war -problems: the 4 major allies had different peace goals

social, political, and economic changes caused by war

-social: led to deaths of many civilians by starvation, disease, and slaughter. survivors had a sense of insecurity and despair, women began working mens jobs(factories, offices, and shoppes) -economic: drained the treasures of european countries. destroyed farmland,homes, villages, and towns, economy crippled -political: germany became weak

eastern front

-stretch of battlefield along german and russian border


-system where people could only buy small amounts of items needed for war -limit purchases of consumer goods

how did nationalism increase tension among european countries

-tensions grew among european nations, Germany, Austria-Hungary, Great Britain, Russia, Italy, and France, for materials and markets -there was territorial disputes -they all wanted industrial dominance and power


-term for postwar territories expected to be governed by the league of nations -help nations become independent and self-governing

"power keg" of europe

-the Balkans


-the policy of glorifying military power and keeping an army prepared for war

western front

-the region in france that became a bloody stalemate -deadlock region


-the triple entente: great britain, france and russia -japan later joins

why did US reject the treaty and league of nations

-they believed they should stay out of european affairs

how did rejection affect the league of nations

-they couldn't take action and help find peace around the world


-this is when nations fiercely compete for colonies

effects of the allies defeating the germans in the battle of marne

-this left schlieffen plan in ruins, so a quick win in the west seemed impossible -germany had to fight on both sides -france won battle of marne

central powers

-this was Germany and Austria-Hungary -known as this bc of their location in the heart of europe -Bulgaria and Ottoman Empire later join them -italy refuses to join

effects of the allies being unstable to ship war supplies to russian ports

-this was bc they were unindustrialized and near collapse -so as a result russian armies were constantly short on food, guns, ammunition, clothes, boots, and blankets


-used by the government -one sided information designed to persuade, keep up morale, and support the war -media blows things out of proportions/exaggerates -lies to the public to get people to believe

why did many countries feel bitter and cheated as a result of the treaty

-war guilt clause left bitterness and hatred in the germans -people of africa and asia were mad at the way the ALLIES disregarded their desire for independence -Japan and italy gained less land then they wanted


-what germany had to pay Allies because of war guilt

total war

-where countries devoted all their resources to the war effort -WWI became a total war

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