Human Development Exam 3

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prejudice against others because of their age, especially prejudice against older adults, is known as --. ageism adultism racism adultcentrism


identify the possible double jeopardy of elderly ethnic minority individuals sexism and chauvinism nepotism and egotism adultism and adultcentrism ageism and racism

ageism and racism

individuals with an anxious attachment style: are hesitant about getting involved in romantic relationships, but are committed once they are in one demand closeness in relationships and are more emotional are less likely than others to have one-night stands tend to distance themselves from their partner

demand closeness in relationships and are more emotional

-- is the global term for any neurological disorder in which primary symptoms involve a deterioration of mental functioning paranoia dementia schizophrenia alzheimer's disease


which of the following biological theories of aging states that people age because their cells' normal metabolism produces unstable oxygen molecules? cellualr clock theory free-radical theory telomerase injection theory horomonal stress theory

free-radical theory

Erikson proposed that middle-aged adults face a significant issue which he termed--. intimacy vs isolation integrity vs despair generativity vs stagnation autonomy vs shame and doubt

generativity vs stagnation

Bill wants to know how he can prevent drug abuse by his adolescent son. You would suggest that Bill: have family dinners most nights of the week discourage his son from making more friends at school engage in lesser parental monitoring cease to emphasize educational success

have family dinners most nights of the week

according to Erik Erikson, which of the following stages occurs during early adulthood, after individuals are well on their way to establishing stable and successful identities? Identity vs identity confusion generativity vs stagnation integrity vs despair intimacy vs isolation

intimacy vs isolation

older adults especially perform well when decision making: is not constrained by time pressures does not hold any meaning for them involves high risks requires high perceptual speed

is not constrained by time pressures

in middle age, the role of work -- in people's lives. is downplayed is very central lessens is of moderate importance

is very central

the most common predictors of depression in older adults include all the following EXCEPT: poor health lack of disability low social support death of spouse or other loss events

lack of disability

for older adults, social support is linked to an: increased probability of becoming institutionalized higher socioeconomic status increase in mortality rates reduction in symptoms of disease

reduction in symptoms of disease

the timetable according to which individuals are expected to accomplish life's tasks, such as getting married, having children, or establishing themselves in a career is known as the --. interval measure life-event calendar circadian rhythm social clock

social clock

which of the following theories explains why older adults spend most of their time with familiar individuals and family? activity theory socioemotional selectivity theory social discontinuity theory disengagement theory

socioemotional selectivity theory

the concept of -- emphasizes that changes in cognitive activity patterns might result in disuse and consequent atrophy of cognitive skills. multiple intelligence mindfulness terminal decline "use it or lose it"

"use it or lose it"

based on the ways cells divide, hayflick places the upper limit of the human life-span potential at about -- years of age. 90-100 100-110 120-125 110-119


in industrialized countries, the # of individuals 100 years or older is increasing at the rate of approx -- % per year. 3 5 7 9


-- is the # of years that the average person born in a particular year will prob live Life expectancy life span Longevity life extension

Life expectancy

religious commitment is linked to lower blood pressure


-- refers to a progressive, irreversible brain disorder that is characterized by a gradual deterioration of memory, reasoning, language, and eventually, physical function. huntington's disease parkinson disease alzheimer disease clinical depression

alzheimer disease

crystallized intelligence is: an individuals ability to reason abstractly an individuals accumulated information and verbal skills an individuals ability to think hypothetically an individuals ability to use deductive reasoning

an individuals accumulated information and verbal skills

research relating to individual temperaments has indicated that children with easy temperaments at age 3-5: are more easily to have learning disabilities in childhood largely do not carry that temperament into adulthood are less likely than other adults to be assertive are more likely to be well adjusted as young adults

are more likely to be well adjusted as young adults

most of us reach our peak physical performance: before the age of 30, often between the ages of 19-26 often between the ages of 15-22 before the age of 20 before the age of 22, often between the ages of 14-19

before the age of 30, often between the ages of 19-26

in order to maintain his status as an admired pianist, the late Arthur Rubinstein during his old age, used special strategies, such as slowing down before fast segments, thus creating the image of faster playing. Which factor of Baltes' theory does this reflect? selection optimization organization compensation


according to Robert J. Sternberg, which of the following is the strongest and fullest form of love? passionate love fatuous love affectionate love consummate love

consummate love

John Horn maintains that in middle adulthood, -- intelligence continues to increase. fluid semantic crystalized multiple


according to E. Mavis Hetherington, the -- were mostly females who "grew more competent, well-adjusted, and self-fullfilled" following their divorce good-enoughs seekers libertines enhancers


remembering the name of your favorite toy when you were a child is an example of -- memory. prospective implicit semantic episodic


the oldest-old today are mostly: male institutionalized married female


when men face stress, they are more likely to respond in a : composed manner fight-or-flight manner stagnant manner tend and befriend pattern

fight-or-flight manner

which of the following is NOT one of the main reasons that grandparents are thrust back into the "parenting" role they thought they had shed? parental divorce adolescent pregnancies drug use by parents filling the "empty nest"

filling the "empty nest"

according to research by Baltes and his colleagues, which of the following statements about wisdom is true? wisdom does not require experience, practice, or complex skills wisdom increases dramatically from midlife to late adulthood cognitive factors are better predictors of wisdom than personality-related factors high levels of wisdom are rare

high levels of wisdom are rare

why are older adults more likely to forget what items they wanted to buy at a grocery store (unless they write down on a list and take it with them) than they are to forget how to drive a car? perceptual speed declines with age implicit memory is less likely to be adversely affected by aging than explicit memory source memory is more likely to decline with aging than prospective memory explicit memory declines more rapidly with aging then implicit memory

implicit memory is less likely to be adversely affected by aging than explicit memory

one study reported by Gillum & other revealed that religious attendance at least weekly compared with never was linked to a: higher risk of mortality lower risk of mortality lower risk of Alzheimer disease higher risk of depression

lower risk of mortality

Silas is a man who is in his late 70s. He has a condition characterized by hypertension, obesity, and insulin resistance, otherwise known as... diabetic neuropathy metabolic syndrome internal atrophy neurodegeneration

metabolic syndrome

-- is the developmental period that begins at approximately 40-45 years of age and extends to about 60-65 years late adulthood middle adulthood early adulthood emerging adulthood

middle adulthood

according to research by Rossi, which of the following were found to have the closest relationships during their adult years? fathers and sons mothers and sons fathers and daughters mothers and daughters

mothers and daughters

which of the following statements about older workers is TRUE? older worker have more accidents than younger workers older worker have higher rates of absenteeism than younger workers older workers are of considerably less value to a company that younger workers older workers experience more job satisfaction than younger workers

older workers experience more job satisfaction than younger workers

one study by Sharp & other revealed that -- was related to superior cognitive functioning and IQ across the life span. agreeableness openness extraversion neuroticism


women are especially vulnerable to --, which is the leading cause of broken bones in women osteoporosis arthritis osteomalacia muscular dystrophy


Stacy is a director of a senior center. Every week she leads a group where the elders discuss past activities and experiences. the members of the group are encouraged to share anecdotes, old pics, and other family memorabilia that remind them of significant events in their past. Stacy's group is a form of: cognitive behavioral therapy past life regression therapy reminiscence therapy rational emotive therapy

reminiscence therapy

-- refer to services that provide temporary relief for those who are caring for individuals with disabilities, illnesses,or the elderly respite care hospice care palliative care home health care

respite care

which of the following is NOT a biological theory explaining aging? cellular clock theory free-radical theory mitochondrial theory reverse neurogenesis theory

reverse neurogenesis theory

-- love has strong components of sexuality and infatuation, and it often predominates in the early part of a love relationship companionate affectionate consummate romantic


the -- are characterized by individuals were motivated to find new mates as soon as possible after their divorce. good enoughs enhancers seekers defeated


the term-- refers to the ability to focus on a specific aspect of experience that is relevant to the task at hand while ignoring others that are irrelevant. divided attention selective attention attention deficit sustained attention

selective attention

female friendships involve more -- than male friendships competition outdoor activities self-disclosure sharing of useful info


the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (2002) has identified __ among older adults as the "invisible epidemic" ins the US substance abuse clinical depression bipolar disorder schizophrenia

substance abuse

each of the following explanations have been given to explain the longevity of persons living in Okinawa EXCEPT: eating a diet that is heavy in grains and veggies the elderly retire early from their jobs high spirituality among the elderly a low-stress lifestyle

the elderly retire early from their jobs

D'Angelo and his wife just had their child move out of the house. He and his wife has lived vicariously through their children, letting their sports activities and various achievements dominate their lives. Now they may experience --, which includes a decline in marital satisfaction after children leave the home. meaning of life dilemma chronic discontent the empty nest syndrome alienation

the empty nest syndrome

in a classic study, Judith Rodin and Ellen Langer found that an important factor related to health, and even survival, in a nursing home is: the provision of emergency geriatric care the availability of trained staff to care for the oldest olds the patients feelings of control and self-determination the opportunity to interact with family members during the stay

the patients feelings of control and self-determination

all of the following are myths about gay and lesbian couples EXCEPT: they have a large # of sexual partners they do not have long-term relationships one partner assumes a masculine role, and the other the feminine role they prefer long-term, commited relationships

they prefer long-term, committed relationships

"Amelia's all excited about this new guy she met," say julie. "I guess it makes sense because he's really a geek." based on the concept of consensual validation, we can expect that julie: thinks that amelia is also a geek is an intellectual and charitable person believes that amelia is not influenced by her friend's opinions is providing consensual validation for amelia's taste in men

thinks that amelia is also a geek

over 3/4 of the aged are healthy enough to carry out their usual activities


which of the following is a major difference between Levinson's and Valliant's view on midlife? according to levinson, only males experience midlife crisis valliant maintains that only a minority of adults experience midlife crisis levinson maintains that the transition period to midlife is 6 years, while valliant holds it to be 8 years valliant study was mainly focused on white, middle-aged male population within the upper SES of society

valliant study was mainly focused on white, middle-aged male population within the upper SES of society?

Guillermo has taught his apprentices all the specialized techniques he has developed over the years as a carpenter. According to Erikson, he has achieved -- generativity. biological parental work cultural


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