Kinesiology in Action Based Practice- Exam 1

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The "true ribs" are attached directly to the sternum anteriorly. These ribs include ribs:


The seventh rib articulates with the ______ and ______ vertebral bodies

5th ; 7th

Ligaments and tendons lose 50% of their tensile strength after how long a period of immobilization?

8 weeks

Which of the following is NOT correct about the thoracodorsal fascia? A. Tension on the thoracodorsal fascia via abdominal muscle contraction will cause it to decrease spinal stiffness. B. The anterior portion is part of the quadratus lumborum surrounding the fascia. C. The erector spinae is surrounded by it. D. The posterior portion has attachments to the latissimus dorsi.

A. Tension on the thoracodorsal fascia via abdominal muscle contraction will cause it to decrease spinal stiffness.

Active muscle force increases with all of the following EXCEPT: A. increased length of muscle B. increased number of cross-bridges formed C. increased number of motor units recruited D. increased speed of eccentric action

A. increased length of muscle

when one moves the leg away from the midline, the motion is called


All of the following occur in response to exercise except: A. bone deposition increases B. high magnitude loading induces fibrocartilage formation C. hyaline cartilage damage repairs itself to the previous structure D. number of collagen fiber cross linkages increases in the tendons

C. hyaline cartilage damage repairs itself to the previous structure


Contraction of the diaphragm causes:

the portion of the sarcomere that contains only myosin fibers without overlap

H- Band


The manubriosternal joint is attached to rib:

The costovertebral joint is an articulation between the ________ and the ________.

Vertebral body ; rib head

The clavicular portion of the pectoralis major muscle CANNOT:

aid in exhalation if the arms are overhead

"The humeral head rolls up and glides down on the glenoid fossa" is an example of:

an arthrokinematic description of what happens during shoulder abduction

The outermost portion of the intervertebral disc is known as the:

annulosum fibrosum

During deep inspiration, the upper rib cage expands more in a(n) ____ direction and the lower rib cage expands more in a(n) ____ direction.

anterior; lateral

Which of the following DOES NOT limit thoracic flexion? A. approximation of anterior vertebral bodies B. facet joint capsule C. interspinous ligaments D. posterior longitudinal ligament

approximation of anterior vertebral bodies

ligaments attach bone to _____ and are composed of primarily _____

bone, collagen

In the human adult spine, lordotic curves naturally occur in the:

cervical and lumbar regions

The spinous process is bifid in the:

cervical spine

If ankle dorsiflexion range of motion is limited,

closed chain knee flexion will be limited.

The central tendon of the diaphragm becomes stabilized by:

compression on the abdominal viscera

The best description of the atlanto-occipital joint is:

convex superior joint surface on concave inferior joint surface

The transverse atlantal ligament is part of the:

cruciform ligament

A characteristic unique to the thoracic spine is:


The zagapophyseal joints are:


when a muscle lengthens under load it is known as a/an _______ action


when the biceps is used to lower the elbow to a straight position, it is called

eccentric contraction

The active contribution of the lateral pterygoid in relation to the disc is it:

eccentrically controls posterior translation of the disc during elevation.

Actions of the medial pterygoid include

elevates and contra laterally deviates

individual muscle fibers are surrounded by


The orientation of the lumbar zygapophyseal joints favors what motions?

flexion and extension

The intervertebral disc DOES NOT consists of:

granulosum centrosome

A muscle fiber that fires more slowly typically has a _______ capillary density and is called a type _______.

higher ; type 1

the articular cartilage covering bone in a synovial joint is

hyaline cartilage

The structure that tethers the disc from moving too far anteriorly is the:

inferior retrodiscal lamina

The ligament that connects spinous processes above and below is the:


The muscle that has attachments to the articular disc is the:

lateral pterygoid

Which muscles contract concentrically to produce right thoracic rotation?

left external oblique and right internal oblique

Muscles contracting during mandibular deviation to the right include:

left medial and lateral pterygoid

Anterior pelvic tilt is often accompanied by:

lumbar extension and hip flexion

a large motor unit has ______ muscle fiber contractions and the muscle it is part of typically has a relatively _______ number of motor units.

many ; small

Muscles that can cause ipsilateral deviation

masseter abd temporalis

Muscles of mandibular elevation include:

masseter and temporalis

The plane that splits the body into 2 symmetrical halves


"Ball and socket," "saddle," and "hinge" joints are _____, _____, and _____, respectively.

multiaxial, biaxial, uniaxial

the thick filament portion of a myofilament is the


Contraction of the diaphragm results in all the following EXCEPT: A. negative pressure results in the lungs. B. negative pressure results on the abdominal viscera. C. the dome-shaped muscle descends. D. the lower ribs expand laterally.

negative pressure results on the abdominal viscera.

fibroblasts that specialize to create bone are called


Muscles NOT attached to the superior and inferior borders of the ribs.

outermost intercostal

When turning a screwdriver in a clockwise direction with the right hand, the supinator is the ______ and the pronator teres is the ______.

prime mover ; antagonist

With reciprocal clicking, the first click is ______ and the second is ______.

recapturing; dislocating

The arthrokinematic motion during mandibular depression is ______ in the INFERIOR space and ______ in the SUPERIOR space.

roll; glide

The vertebral column contains fused vertebrae of the:

sacral spine

Cervical flexion occurs in what plane?


Which muscles would tend to be short and weak in a patient with forward head posture?

sub occipitals

Which of the following best describes the sacroiliac joint?

synovial joint anteriorly and syndesmosis posteriorly

when a cross bridge forms in a muscle

tension is developed

Ribs 8 through 10 are "false ribs" because:

they do not attach directly to the sternum.

A characteristic unique to the cervical spine is:

transverse foramen

Cervical retraction is a combination of which cervical movements?

upper cervical flexion and lower cervical extension

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