leadership exam 1

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The first phase in the development planning process is to conduct a GAPS (goals, abilities, perceptions, standards) analysis which involves the following steps:

-Identifying your career objectives -Identifying your strengths and development needs related to your career objectives -Determining how your abilities, skills, and behaviors are perceived by others based on 360-feedback or performance reviews -Determining the expectations your boss or organization has for your career objectives

______: Generally associated with words like: efficiency, planning, paperwork, controlling, procedures, regulations, and consistency.


The phrase __ _____ _____ conveys the idea of voluntary butdetermined efforts to improve leadership skills. First, theirapprehension about doing something new or different graduallydecreases. Second, leaders will broaden their repertoire ofleadership skills. Third, because of this increased repertoire, theireffectiveness will likely increase. And finally, leaders regularly takinga 10 percent stretch will model something valuable to others.

10 percent stretch

______ ______: Allows one to avoid self-contempt for behavior by comparing it to an even more heinous behavior by others.

Advantageous comparison

: this follower thinks extremely well, but for some reason often snipes from the sidelines. They have got stuck where they are, are very negative and feel they have lost their power. They have seen 'too much', have become bitter in their work from being passed over for promotion, or from having stayed too long in one position.


_____ of _____: An attempt to justify immoral behavior by claiming that it was caused by someone else's behavior and not their own.

Attribution of blame

_______ leadership: Leadership that is characterized by exhibiting a consistency between values, beliefs, and actions.


____ Power Potential to influence others through the administration of negative sanctions or the removal of positive events Reliance on this power has inherent limitations


______: this follower type is very busy, but doesn't necessarily engage their brain to think through what it is they are doing. They participate very willingly but don't question orders. They will avoid conflict at all costs and take the quietest path, but will defend their boss to loyal extremes. Kelley originally named this follower type "The Yes-People". *Kelley's basic styles of followership


________` approach: Views leadership as combined acts of leading and following by different individuals, whatever their formal titles or positions in an organization may be


________ of ________: People are able to violate personal moral standards by attributing responsibility to others (i.e., people who are merely carrying out orders).

Displacement of responsibility

_____: a follower who is both a critical, independent thinker and active in behaviour. They exhibit consistent behaviour to all people, regardless of their power in the organisation, and deal well with conflict and risk. They cope with change, put forward their own views, and stay focused on what the organisation needs. They understand how others see them - so are mindful. They make acts of leadership often, and use their referent, expert, network and information power often in service of the organisation. Kelly called this group originally "The Stars". *Kelley's basic styles of followership


Make real contributions to their organization's performance

Effective managers

_______ _______: Dissociating behaviors from one's espoused moral principles by using "cosmetic" words to defuse or disguise the offensiveness of otherwise morally repugnant or distasteful behavior.

Euphemistic labeling

Aspects of followers that affect the leadership process:

Expectations-Personality traits-Maturity levels-Levels of competence-Motivation

_____ Power Power of knowledge • Some people are able to influence others with their relative expertise in particular areas Followers may have more ____ power than leaders at times • If different followers have considerably greater amounts of ____ power, the leader may be unable to influence them using ____ power alone

Expert Power

Leader should gather more information, determine the direction, and finalize the appropriate structure and staffing for the team for the next six weeks Tasks to be performed include: • Gathering benchmarking information from other organizations • Meeting with key external customers and suppliers • Meeting with the former team leader, if appropriate

First Two Months: Strategy, Structure, and Staffing, 1

New leaders need to be able to articulate: • Where the team has been and where it needs to go over the next one to three years • What the team needs to accomplish and what changes will be needed to make this happen • Their expectations for team members Once the proposed changes have been agreed to, new leaders need to have one-on-one meetings with all team members affected by any strategy, structure, and staffing decisions • New leaders should seek feedback from peers and recruiters

First Two Months: Strategy, Structure, and Staffing, 2

New leaders should meet people both inside and outside the team • Key objectives for these meetings are: • Learning as much as possible • Developing relationships • Determining future allies

First Two Weeks, 1

One-on-one meetings with key team members should provide the leader with answers to critical questions • What is the team member working on? • What are the team member's objectives? • Who are the "stars" a level or two down in the organization? • What are the people issues on the team? • What can the team do better? • What advice do team members have for the new leader, and what can the new leader do to help team members?

First Two Weeks, 2

New leaders should minimize their personal interactions with direct reports during their first two months on the job • Should discuss the following during meetings: • Their peers' objectives, challenges, team structure, etcetera • Their perspectives on what the new leader's team does well and could do better • Their perspectives on the new leader's team members • How to best communicate with the boss • How issues get raised and decisions made on their boss's team

First Two Weeks, 3

New leaders should make it clear that they want and appreciate their peers' help • Should schedule regular meetings with their peers to build relationships -New leaders should meet with their stars during the first two weeks on the job • Stars can provide ideas for improving team performance and are likely candidates for direct report positions should the new leader decide to change the structure of the team

First Two Weeks, 4

New leaders should try to meet with individuals who were once part of the team but have taken positions in other parts of the organization • Offer unique insights into the history of the team and team members

First Two Weeks, 5

The five major dimensions include openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism.

Five Factor or OCEAN Model of personality.

The second element of the interactional framework—includes concepts like values, norms, and cohesiveness.


The assumption that leadership is a general personal trait expressed independently of the situation in which the leadership was manifested

Heroic Theory:

_____ can be measured by the behaviors or attitudes manifested by followers as a result of a leader's influence tactics


_____: Change in a target agent's attitudes, values, beliefs, or behaviors as the result of influence tactics


_____ ____: One person's actual behaviors designed to change another person's attitudes, beliefs, values, or behaviors • Apart from leaders, followers can also wield power and influence over leaders as well as over each other

Influence tactics

The first element of the interactional framework—includes concepts like personality, position, and expertise.


: •Innovate •Develop •Inspire •Have a long-term view •Ask what and why •Originate •Challenge the status quo


________ is the process of influencing an organized group toward achieving its goals


__________ is a complex phenomenon involving the leader, the followers, and the situation.


______ Power Depends upon on a person's organizational role or his or her formal or official authority Allows exertion of influence through requests or demands deemed appropriate by virtue of one's role and position


____ _______: Involves reinterpreting otherwise immoral behavior in terms of a higher purpose, which can be seen most readily in the behaviors of combatants in war.

Moral justification

_____ ______:When a target is asked to do a favor out of friendship

Personal appeals:

________ ____: • Can be reliably categorized into the five major dimensions of the F F M • Are good measures of leadership potential • Can be used to make predictions about typical behavior at work • Tend to be difficult to change • Are exhibited automatically and without conscious thought • Predispose people to act in certain ways, but behaviors can be modified through experience, feedback, and reflection

Personality traits:

: The degree to which the less powerful members of a society accept and expect that power is distributed unequally.

Power distance

this follower type I think of as the organisational 'canary in the mine-shaft'. They can flip between different followership styles, to suit each situation, and are our early warning system when the organisation's culture is starting to change for the worse. We all know that there are some people who can see the writing on the wall early: identify them and use them to ensure that your work culture remains healthy at all times. *Kelley's basic styles of followership

Pragmatic Survivor:

_____ _____: When logical arguments or factual evidence is used to influence others

Rational persuasion

Leadership includes actions and influences based on: ``

Reason and logic Inspiration and passion

______ Power refers to the potential influence one has due to the strength of the relationship between the leader and the follower. When people admire a leader and see them as a role model, they have referent power. Referent power takes time to develop and can be lost quickly. The desire to maintain referent power may limit a leader's actions in particular situations.


Involves the potential to influence others through control over desired resources •Potential to influence others through reward power is a joint function of the leader, the followers, and the situation

Reward Power, 1

______ leadership: Leadership that stems in part from the teachings of Jesus that says that servanthood is the essence of worthy leadership.

Servant involves the leader taking a supportive role by providing for followers' needs so they can accomplish the goals and objectives of the organization. Ten characteristics are often associated with servant leaders: listening, empathy, healing, awareness, persuasion, conceptualization, foresight, stewardship, commitment to others' growth, and building community.

The third element of the interactional framework—includes concepts like the task, the environment, and stress/crisis.


_____ _____ is used for the benefit of others or the organization and involves self-sacrifice A more emotionally mature expression of the need for power—exercised in the service of higher goals to others or the organization and often involves self-sacrifice.

Socialized power

Those promoted through the ranks Spend more time in organizational socializing and politicking Spend less time on traditional management responsibilities such as planning and decision making

Successful managers

States that leadership is the result of a complex set of interactions among the leader, the followers, and the situation


The first meeting with the boss happens in the boss's office and lasts an hour • Key topics to address in the meeting • Identifying the team's key objectives, metrics, and important projects • Understanding the boss's view of team strengths and weaknesses • Working through meeting schedules and communication styles • Sharing plans for the day and the next several weeks

The first day - first impression

Things to do include: • Articulating how the team will win • Identifying the what, why, and how of any needed changes • Defining a clear set of expectations for team members Major events for the third month • Meet with the entire team • Meet off-site with direct reports if the team is large

Third Month: Communicate and Drive Change, 1

Key objectives of the off-site meeting • Get agreement on the critical attributes and values of team members • Create a team scorecard • Establish an operating rhythm • Establish task forces to work on key change initiatives

Third Month: Communicate and Drive Change, 2

This component contains personal history, interests, character traits, personality, intelligence, and motivation. H

What does the leader bring to the table as an individual?

• Theory_ asserts that most people need extrinsic motivation because they are not naturally motivated to work A pessimistic view of others resulting in managers who rely heavily on coercive, external-control methods to motivate workers because workers are not industrious or motivated by nature.


• Theory _ asserts that most people are intrinsically motivated by their work A view that most people are intrinsically motivated by their work; rather than needing to be coaxed or coerced these workers value a sense of achievement, personal growth, pride, and respect for a job well done.


Leaders with only_____ or _____ power tend to use coalition, legitimizing, or pressure tactics

coercive or legitimate

_____ of _______: Morally reprehensible behavior is easier to engage in and live with because others are behaving in the same manner.

diffusion ofresponsibility

When new leaders meet with their entire teams the first day on the job, these initial meetings tend to have more interactive dialogue than one-way communication. t/f


The followers' expectations, personality traits, maturity levels, levels of competence, motivation, and group (team) dynamics affect the leadership process. Indeed, leaders and followers who share the same goals, visions, and values are able to develop deeper relationships, create higher levels of commitment, and even influence satisfaction

ideal follower

___-_____: High degree of mutual influence and attraction between the leader and a few subordinates Subordinates feel a high degree of loyalty, commitment, and trust toward the leader Other subordinates belong to the out-group


Actions that focus resources to create desirable opportunities Creating conditions for a team to be effective The ability to engage employees, the ability to build teams, and the ability to achieve results The first two represent the how and the latter the what of leadership A complex form of social problem solving Process by which an agent induces a subordinate to behave in a desired manner Directing and coordinating the work of group members Interpersonal relation in which others comply because they want to, not because they have to


____ _____: When agents make requests based on their position or authority

legitimizing tactics

_____-: •Administer •Maintain •Control •Have a short-term view •Ask how and when •Imitate •Accept the status quo


: think of a two year old who doesn't want to do something and just goes floppy. This is the passive follower. They don't engage their brain enough, nor do they take concrete action. Robert Kelley called this group "The Sheep". While not showing any initiative nor responsibility, this follower type can be the result of micro-managers or a negative, over-controlling and blame-oriented culture. *Kelley's basic styles of followership


_____: Capacity to produce effects on others or the potential to influence others • Function of the leader, the followers, and the situation • Does not need to be exercised in order to have its effect • Attributed to others on the basis and frequency of influence tactics they use and on their outcomes


• Leaders with high amounts of _____ can cause fairly substantial changes in subordinates' attitudes and behaviors


Followers that use coercive power to influence a leader's behavior tend to have a relatively high amount of _____ power among co-workers


Leaders with high _____ power generally do not use legitimizing or pressure tactics


• New hires could end discussions by arranging a follow-up meeting with their bosses to review progress and to ask whether weekly or monthly one-on-one meetings would be helpful • New leaders should also meet with their entire teams the first day on the job

the first day cont.

Leadership makes sense in the context of how the leader and followers interact in a given situation Most ambiguous aspect of the leadership framework This aspect of the model is possibly the most ambiguous and complex of all. This is the case because it can include a wide range of variables from characteristics about the task to significant environmental factors (i.e., weather, business environment, political unrest, etc.). The important point is that the context cannot and should not be ignored when analyzing the leadership process

the situation

Leaders are generally calm and are not prone to emotional outbursts true/false


Researchers assert that four qualities of leadership engender trust: _____, _____ , ____ , ____

vision, empathy, consistency, and integrity.

____ ____: When agents seek the help of others to influence the target

• Coalition tactics

______: When targets are asked to participate in planning an activity

• Consultation

_____: When a target is influenced through the exchange of favors x

• Exchange

_______: When an agent attempts to get a target in a good mood before making a request

• Ingratiation

______ _____: When a request or proposal is designed to arouse enthusiasm or emotions in targets

• Inspirational appeals

_____ ____: When threats or persistent reminders are used to influence targets

• Pressure tactics

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