Marketing Test Final Ch 1-8 &18

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A group that has the willingness, ability, and authority to buy a product is a?


Many marketers are concerned about the number of potential customers within a certain area of land because of the different requirements to serve dissimilar areas. What is this segmentation variable called?

Market density

Disney decided to run its new commercials for all of its them parks several times a day for three weeks and then not at all for two weeks. it will then run the commercials again for three more weeks. Disney is using a _________ schedule for its advertising.


Systems such as PRIZM and Acorn provide companies with lifestyle and demographic information about neighborhoods throughout the United States. This information is used to aid?

Geodemographic segmentation

A culture can be divided into subcultures according to?

Geographic regions or human characteristics, such as age or ethnic background.

Pharmaceutical companies have at times been accused of acting unethically by taking advantage of customers in the area of?


During which stage of the consumer buying decision process does a consumer decide from which seller he or she will buy the product?


The two least common competitive structures are?

pure competition and monopolies

In today's market environment, you might pay $15 for a physical CD by your favorite musical artist. Approximately how much of that price goes to activities related to marketing (promotion, distribution profit margins)?


According to the consumer bill of rights, the idea that consumers' interests should receive full and sympathetic consideration in the formulation of government policy is known as the right to?

Be Heard

Marketers primarily focus their environmental analysis on _______ competitors.


In a classroom discussion, Jacob with Marcie that consumers generally want biodegradable beverage cups. However, he says that businesses in that industry must evaluate whether?

Consumers are willing to pay higher prices for them

The focal point of all marketing activities is?


The forces that other people exert on one's buying behavior are called social influences. These come from reference groups and opinion leaders, social classes, culture and subcultures, roles, and


_________ competitors provide very different products that satisfy the same basic customer need.


The three basic forms that a product can take are?

Services, Ideas, and goods

Opportunity provides a pressure that may determine ethical decisions in marketing. Opportunity is best thought of as?

a favorable set of conditions that limit barriers or provide rewards.

A business advantage of the concentrated targeting strategy for any company is that it?

allows a firm to develop a special marketing mix for a single market segment

The Decca Electric Corporation produces light bulbs that are used in refrigerator manufacturing. Currently, only three other companies produce bulbs used in the production of refrigerators, with Decca as the leader in market share. In this case, Decca Electric Corporation would be considered?

an Oligopoly

An advertising campaign is typically developed by an individual or a few persons within the firm, an advertising department within the organization, or?

an advertising agency

An ethical issue is?

an identifiable problem, situation, or opportunity requiring an individual to choose from among several actions that must be evaluated as right or wrong.

St. Jude's Hospital decides to redo its kitchen with new flooring, cabinets, counters, and appliances. The hospital compiles a description of the project and then asks sellers to submit bids. After determining the most attractive bids, the hospital will then work with two or three companies to determine who will get the contract. This is an example of using ________ for a purchase decision.


An expected level of performance against which actual performance can be compared is a?

performance standard

Product specifications are best described as?

physical characteristics and level of quality.

The two major types of product advertising are?

pioneer and competitive

Wonder introduced a new bread made with light whole wheat and packaged in smaller loaves as a response to the number of health-conscious customers who live alone. In this case, Wonder was most likely following the _________.

production concept

What are some of the common price-related ethical issues?

predatory pricing and price fixing

General Mills used a panel of consumers to evaluate its Cheerios campaign featuring children who read the cereal box and try to persuade their parents to watch their cholesterol. These consumers judged the advertisements prior to the execution of the advertising campaign. This is an example of a(n)?


General Electric calculates that the total number of light bulbs sold to consumers in the next year by all light bulb producers is 1 billion, given anticipated marketing efforts by the firms involved. This figure represents the industry's?

sales forecast

Which method of business buying is necessary when products are highly homogenous and examination of each item is not feasible?


Which of the following is the biggest drawback to using psychographic variables?

they are difficult to measure

Companies that market products with similar features, benefits, and prices to the same customer group are known as __________ competitors.


__________ competitors are the most significant to marketers because buyers see the different products of these firms as direct substitutes for each other.


after the target audience for an advertising campaign has been identified and analyzed, marketers should then proceed by?

defining the advertising objectives

The Lazy-Boy Furniture Company collects information about a wide variety of competitive, economic, political, legal and regulatory, technological, and sociocultural forces that affect its marketing activities. this process is called?

environmental scanning

The first step in the marketing control process is to?

establish performance standards

Within the scope of her job, Sue Hanson gives ethics advice, disseminates a code of ethics, reviews the code of ethics, and takes action on ethics violations. Sue is the _____ in her company.

ethics officer

Most markets for products are made up of individuals or groups with diverse needs for products and are called _______ markets.


Extended problem solving is the type of consumer problem-solving process that?

is the most complex problem-solving behavior, which comes into play when a purchase involves unfamiliar, expensive, or infrequently bought products.

The primary advantage of a concentrated targeting strategy is?

it allows a firm to specialize to meet specific customer needs

When a consumer purchases products occasionally or needs information about an unfamiliar brand in a familiar product category, he or she will most likely engage in?

limited problem solving

Any group of people who, as individuals or as organizations, have needs for products in a product class and who have the ability, willingness, and authority to buy such products is a(n)?


Realizing an increase in both the number of consumers who are environmentally-conscious and the number of consumers who are seeking vehicles that use less gasoline, several car manufacturers have developed hybrid automobiles. This is an example of identifying and capitalizing on a _________ while the strategic window is open.

market opportunity

The adoption of a strategic focus for fulfilling the economic, legal, ethical, and philanthropic social responsibilities expected by stakeholders is called?

marketing citizenship

In shopping for a new laptop computer for her masters degree program, Jocelyn has narrowed the alternatives to four brands. she is considering Dell, Toshiba, Sony, and Hewlett-Packard. These four brands make up Jocelyn's?

Evoked set

the 1990 Nutritional Labeling and Education Act directly prohibits?

Exaggerated health claims on food packages

Which of the following products would probably require extended problem solving before a purchase?

Expensive products

Which of the following is essentially an uncontrollable factor in developing a marketing mix?

Government regulations

Which of the following refers to a firm's specific development, pricing, promotion, and distribution of products that do not harm the environment?

Green marketing

According to the Boston Consulting Group, question marks are characterized as products?

Having a small share of a growing market requiring large amounts of cash to build market share.

Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) is a group that works to change attitudes and laws about driving under the influence of alcohol. MADD primarily markets?


Who drafted the Consumer Bill of Rights?

John F. Kennedy

What type of competitive structure exists when just a few sellers control a large portion of the supply of a product?


Deciding to ad gel insoles to its running shoes would be a change in the _______ element of the marketing mix for Nike.


As far as prices are concerned, environmentalist believe prices should?

Reflect the direct cost as well as the cost of air, water, and soil used.

Which of the following regulatory groups is a system of nongovernmental, independent, local regulatory agencies supported by local businesses?

The better business bureau

DeShon has just become the new marketing analyst for a company that produces vinyl siding for homes. In an effort to forecast his firm's sales for the coming year, he needs to find where the greatest opportunities are for selling his product. DeShon looks at the sales for the last five years and calculates and growth trend. He then collects data from a combination of other factors, such as population density, family size, home ownership, and per capita income. Finally, DeShon looks at the correlation between the sales trend data and the various combination of demographic data. DeShon is employing the _________ forecasting method for the sales growth trend and the ________ method for the correlation.

Time series analysis; Regression analysis

Which of the following would represent a brand competitor for Volkswagen's Touareg Hybrid sport utility vehicle?

Toyota's Highlander Hybrid

According to the text, marketing ethics refers to principles and standards that define?

acceptable conduct in marketing

Selective exposure refers to?

admitting only certain inputs into consciousness.

the total amount of money a marketer allocates for advertising for a specific time period is the?

advertising appropriations

Suppose State Farm Insurance stated, "we want our advertising to increase our customer base for home and automobile insurance 10 percent by the end of the fiscal year." this would be considered a(n)?

advertising objective

When Anheuser-Busch ran an advertising campaign featuring the slogan " know when to say when" it was using?

advocacy advertising

An advertising platform is the?

basic issue or selling point that an advertiser wishes to include in and advertising campaign

Managing customer relationships requires identifying patterns of ________ and then using that information to focus on the most promising and profitable customers.

buying behavior

Using the breakdown approach to sales potential, estimates are made?

by starting with general economic conditions

a major benefit of using even sponsorship is that it?

can provide large amounts of free media coverage

children often achieve _______ by observing parents and older siblings in purchase situations and then through their own purchase experiences.

consumer socialization

A group of protesters carries signs encouraging people to boycott The Farmer's Market, a small grocery store in an urban area. The protesters claim that Farmer's takes unfair advantage of elderly and minority consumers by charging them as much as 20% higher prices than other locations in the suburbs. This protest is part of what we see today as the?

consumerism movement

The four major competitive structures are?

oligopolies, monopolies, monopolistic competition, and pure competition.

Most marketers operate in a competitive environment of either?

oligopoly or monopolistic competition

an attitude is?

one's evaluation , feelings, and behavioral tendencies toward an object or idea.

A marketing plan document usually begins with a(n)?

opportunity and threat analysis

The identification of an advertisements sponsor is the?


When individuals' behaviors are tracked from television sets to checkout counters using equipment provided by the marketer, this is known as?

single-source data

The basic issues or selling points that an advertiser wants to include in an advertising campaign is (are) the?

Advertising platform

Problem recognition occurs when a consumer?

Becomes aware that there is a difference between a desired state and an actual condition

The boundary between legal and ethical issue is?


What is primary difference between business and consumer buyers?

Business buyers generally make larger orders than consumer buyers.

Marketers often provide consumers with experience to their products, including free samples and trial offers, to facilitate consumer


Rollins Steel Corporation, a leader in industrial supplies, has identified it auto battery unit as having a dominant market share; however, it has low prospects for growth. The unit currently generates more cash for Rollins Steel than is required to maintain its market share. According to the Boston Consulting Group the auto battery unit would be classified as a _________.

Cash cow

If starbucks were to donate 5 percent of every coffee purchase to shelters for victims of domestic abuse for one month, this would be an example of?

Cause-Related marketing

After purchasing a new Lexus, Brandon sees an Infinity pass by on the street and begins to wonder if he mad the right choice. Brandon is experiencing?

Cognitive dissonance

Target's Take Charge of Education program donates 1 percent of customer's total purchase to the school of his or her choice. What social responsibility issue does this program address?

Community relations

All marketing mix decisions must have two characteristics: __________ and _________.

Consistency and flexibility

According to some environmentalists, what the three types of products that all products should be reduced to?

Consumables, Durable goods, and unsalables

When Hunter Ceiling Fans buys electrical wire for use in producing its ceiling fans, Hunter is part of what type of market for electrical wire?


After several children became ill while playing with toys imported from outside the U.S., medical researchers found several illegal chemicals, including lead in the paint. These toys were sold primarily through websites on the Internet. Which of the following agencies would most likely have jurisdiction over the problem with lead in the paint of children's toys?

Consumer Product Safety Commision

_________ strategy determines the means for utilizing resources in the functional areas of marketing, production, finance, research and developing, and human resources to achieve the organization's goals.


Marketing is the process of?

Creating, distributing, promoting, and pricing products to facilitate satisfying exchange relationships with customers and to develop and maintain favorable relationships with stakeholders in a dynamic environment.

L.L. Bean uses technology to help them identify specific customers, establish interactive dialogues with them to learn about their needs, and combine this information with their purchase histories to customize products to meet those needs. L.L. Bean is using the ________ approach.

Customer relationship management

The Pillsbury company defines all individual consumers who are purchases of flour as its target market. It also defines all businesses who purchase flour as its target market. What targeting strategy would be most appropriate in this case?


At times, large retailers such as Walmart may be accused of coercion in dealing with intermediaries because of the amount of power and control these large companies have over many of their suppliers. This is most potentially a ______ related ethical issue.


________ buy products from manufacturers and then resell the products to other firms in the distribution system.


When is the best time to deal with marketing exchange problems concerning ethics?

During the strategic planning process

What are the four major categories of factors that influence business buying decisions?

Environmental, organizational, interpersonal, and individual.

Barry Gluckman of WP International, a major marketer of work-processing software, calls the secretary of Renee Dorchette, director of purchasing for MMK, Inc. He sets up an appointment to discuss an upcoming purchase of software. The secretary plays the role of _______ in this purchase decision.


Mia is pet-sitting for a friend's dog while he is on vacation. Her friend has given Mia all sorts of information, including the veterinarian's name and phone number, pet emergency center location, and the dog's favorite bedtime snack. The first evening of the vacation, Mia realizes that her friend did not bring the dog's food over, and she has no idea what the dog eats. Her friend's cell phone is "out of range" at the moment, so Mia must go to the grocery store and show for dog food, even though she has never bought it before now. In this case, even though Mia is not a dog owner, she is likely to be part of the market for dog food for all of the following reasons except ______.

Her ability to purchase the dog food is questionable

Jack has just joined a law firm as its purchasing agent for all supplies, equipment, and service contracts. In his previous position at another company, Jack could make decisio0ns for any purchase up to $1 million; however, at the new law firm, he can only make decisions for purchases less than $500,000. Recently, Jack has been working with a sales representative from a computer software firm about a contract for a new program to process the firm's billing statements. Jack signs the contract, even though it is for $950,000. In this case, Jack ________ part of the market for the software because _________.

Is not; he does not have the authority to purchase

Safeway Foods Corporation is involved in identifying and analyzing a target market. The firm then develops a marketing mix to satisfy individuals in that market to gain long-term competitive advantages. Based on this example, Safeway is creating a?

Marketing strategy

The ________, of Coleman's social class categories, includes approximately 40 percent of the population, shops for bargains, and buys sports and recreational equipment.

Middle class

An organization's business goals should be derived from its?

Mission statement

Luis likes shopping at Stein Mart, a discount department store, because he likes the prices, products, and services the store provides. His selection of this store as a regular stop when shopping is influenced by _______ motives.


When, in their information search, consumers focus on communication with friends and relatives, they are utilizing___________ sources.


The Boston Consulting Group's matrix is based on the?

Philosophy that a product's market growth rate and its market share are important determinants of its marketing strategy.

Maslow's hierarchy of needs refers to the five levels of needs that humans seek to satisfy, from most to least important. These needs, in order from most to least important are?

Physiological, safety, social, esteem, and self-actualization

What is P.E.S.T.L.E.

Political, economical, sociocultural, technological, legal and regulatory, environmental

The forces of the marketing environment include?

Political, legal ad regulatory, sociocultural, technological, economic, and competitive.

Claire is beginning to wonder if she has made the right decision about purchasing a new HP laptop after she sees a friend with a new Dell. Claire's doubt whether she made the right decision occurs during the ____________ of the buying decision process.

Post-purchase evaluation phase

When Ikea showcases rooms of furniture on its website, it lists each item in the room. However, if customers like all of the items, they can purchase them as a bundle. Which of the following aspects of the marketing mix is Ikea likely altering?


Toyota has developed aluminum car bodies that are 100 percent recyclable and light enough to help conserve fuel. What kind of response is this to environmental forces?


Stefanie is shopping for groceries at her local supermarket. As she picks up laundry detergent, she see the display of bathroom cleaners and remembers that she is about to run out of it at home. Stefanie tries to remember the specific brand that she used last time, because she thought that was the best in terms of performance and value. In terms of the consumer buying decision process, Stefanie's remembering that she was almost out of bathroom cleaner is the _________phase of the buying decision process, where trying to remember what brand she last used was an example of the ___________phase.

Problem recognition; internal information search

A marketing manager decides what combination of variables is needed to satisfy customers' needs for a general type of product. What the essential variables that the marketing manager combines?

Product, price, distribution, and promotion variables

When DuPont develops new carpet fibers that are highly stain-resistant and durable, it must educate consumers about the product's benefits. This calls for activity in which of the following marketing mix variables?


The three purposes for which individuals or groups can use products in order for it to be considered a business market are?

Resale, use in daily operations, and direct use in producing other products.

Snappy Tools, Inc., purchases hammers, bolts, and other hardware items from a variety of manufacturers and sells them to hardware stores at a price that includes a profit for Snappy Tools, Inc. The company would be part of what type of business market?


the U.S. Army recruits soldiers based on the slogan "An army of one," implying that people can reach their full personal potential in the U.S. Army. this is an appeal to what need according to Maslow's hierarchy of needs?


In its advertisements for Bud Light beer, Anheuser-Busch has decided to include a statement saying "know when to say when." this is an example of which one of the following types of regulatory forces affecting marketing efforts?


the three major categories of influences on the consumer buying decision process are?

Situational influences, social influences, and psychological influences.

Dave is an owner and manager of three apartment buildings in northern Minnesota. During an exceptionally hot summer the temperatures soared and the toll on the window air conditioners was to much. Seventeen of them have broken down already, and more are probably going to have to be replaced. He has a total of seventy-five apartment units. Dave is now in the process of deciding how to repair the air conditioning. Should he buy new window units for all the buildings, or should he install central air conditioning? What type of decision is Dave facing?

Situational involvement and extended problem solving

Which of the following statements about social responsibility is correct?

Social responsibility refers to a company's obligation to maximize its positive impact and minimize its negative impact on society.

Jessie is out with a group of friends this evening for dinner at a local restaurant and then a movie. While the service at the restaurant was slow, and the food just ok, Jessie still had a great time and left with a positive opinion of the restaurant experience. Jessie's purchase decision was likely influenced by _______.

Social surroundings

Volkswagen purchases upholstery for the interiors of its vehicles from various suppliers. This upholstery must have a set of characteristics that is expressed by Volkswagen. This set is called?


John Deere's strong name recognition and solid customer demand for its farm and garden equipment are two elements of the firm's?


A commercial for the drink Sunny D explains how nutritious it is in comparison to other, more "sugary" drinks. While children under 12 are the most likely consumers of Sunny D, the commercial is aimed at mothers. These Mothers represent SunnyD's?

Target Market

While playing soccer, Bryan fell and broke his arm. Needing to get to the hospital, he was not only interest in the nearest location, but also the shortest emergency room wait time. He remembered seeing a billboard for The Cleveland Clinic promoting their time-text service where he could call the number GET-TXT-TIME and they would text him the approximate waiting time at the closest three hospital locations. The Cleveland Clinic is providing enhanced service to its patients by capitalizing on which environmental force?


The cost per thousand (CPM) indicator shows?

The cost to expose 1,000 people to a one-page magazine advertisement

Consumerism is?

The efforts of independent individuals, groups, and organizations to protect the rights of consumers

When an organization uses an advertising agency, who usually develops the advertising campaign?

The firm and the agency working jointly

The government decides to purchase a new fleet of fighter jets for the U.S. Air Force. What types of buying procedure is the government most likely to use?

The government will select a few firms and enter into negotiations with them until the contract is awarded.

Distribution, price, promotion, and product are all elements of?

The marketing mix

Why would a company use the undifferentiated strategy?

The needs of individual consumers in the target market for a specific product are similar, so the organization can satisfy most customers with a single marketing mix

A market opportunity results from?

The right combination of circumstances and timing that permit an organization to take action to reach a particular target market.

The accumulation of past income, natural resources, and financial resources Is known as?


The marketing concept is?

a component of the marketing mix

When a business has a relatively small number of customers, a preferred method of forecasting is?

a customer forecasting survey

According to the text, a market is defined as?

a group of individuals and/or organizations that have needs for products in a product class and have the ability, willingness, and authority to purchase these products.

Changing people's attitudes toward a firm and its marketing program is?

a long, expensive, and difficult task that may require extensive advertising campaigns

When Disney World wants to have at least 90 percent of its customers indicating they had a memorable and satisfying experience at the park hotels, this is an example of?

a marketing objective

Inelastic demand simply means that?

a price increase or decrease will not significantly change the demand for an item.

High Gliding Air Academy is developing its marketing mix for the coming year. Its managers know that they must first select ________ which may be the most important decision they make in the planning process.

a target market

Strategic window is?

a temporary period of optimum fit between the key requirements of a market and the particular capabilities of a firm competing in that market.

The marketing plan is?

a written document detailing activities to be performed to implement and control marketing actions

The strategic planning process begins with?

analysis of the marketing environment

cognitive, affective, and behavioral are the three major components of?


Warnings on television commercials for prescription drugs include a list of sometimes grotesque side effects that are possible when taking that particular drug. The consumer right to _______ most applies to these commercials.

be informed

All companies have a responsibility to ______ so they can provide a return on investment to their owners and investors, create jobs for the community, and contribute goods and services to the economy.

be profitable

Crest tooth paste is available in several different versions, such as Crest Whitening, Crest Tartar Control, Crest Whitening with mouth wash, and Crest Total Effects. given these different variations of the product, it appears that the marketers of Crest are segmenting the market by using __________ segmentation.


Mattel views the toy market as composed of four age groupings, each with different needs and desires. Mattel is using a(n) _______ targeting strategy for its groups, which are known as _______.

differentiated; market segments

Pedigree is a leading brand of dog food in the united states. Suppose the make of Pedigree decided to extend its line of products by offering a different version made with more natural ingredients. Pedigree must be sure that its marketing communications distinctly position this product or the result could be?


In a traditional organization, marketing decisions are likely to be?

centralized at the top levels of organization

Codes of conduct are also frequently known as?

code of ethics

Soft Drink companies advertise their products beat the competition in national "taste tests," and they refer to the rival brands name. This type of advertising is best described as?


Amazon's pricing, service, continuing investment in improving its website with additional product offerings give it a(n) ______ over many other retailers.

competitive advantage

When marketers define their target market, they simultaneously establish a set of?


The ProMark Company manufactures a pencil that is about five inches long and has no eraser. It sells the product primarily to golf courses and universities. What type of targeting strategy is the ProMark Company using?


Tiffany's markets its exclusive jewelry and gifts to high-income individuals interested in high-quality products and a well-known brand name. It uses the same marketing mix to reach this market. Tiffany's uses a(n) ______ strategy.

concentrated targeting

Several mothers in Atlanta wanted to get the message to their city government that they were not happy with nutritional quality of the food the city's school system served their children, especially at the current cost for a lunch. One of the mothers suggested they organize a protest at City Hall to get the lawmakers' attention. Another mother in the group suggested they all use their smart phones to go on Twitter and let others know the time and date of the protest. This small group was surprised at the number of other parents who were equally concerned about the food program, and so this small group decided to organize a flash mob. Over two hundred people showed up in a flash mob in front of City Hall many of them with signs and banners. These mothers and other individuals are engaging in?


Advertising appropriations are largest for which type of product?

convenience goods

A set of values, beliefs, goals, norms, and rituals shared by members of an organization is called?

corporate culture

At his new job, Carlos notices that everyone places high values on their families and each others' families, birthdays are always celebrated, and flexible schedules are permitted to facilitate family involvement as long as the work is still getting done. Everyone is very relaxed and friendly. Carlos has made several observations about the?

corporate culture

A firm's unique symbols, personalities, and philosophies comprise its?

corporate identity

A tool that allows an advertiser to compare the costs of several media vehicles within a specific medium relative to the number of persons reached by each vehicle is called a(n)?

cost-comparison indicator

Many well-known restaurants and corporations are changing to a completely smoke-free environment, and fewer restaurants offer smoking and nonsmoking sections. These firms are responding to changes in?

cultural values

The marketing mix is built around the?


Long-term relationships with profitable customers is the key objective of?

customer relationship management

The Kingtel Corporation is expanding operations into countries outside the United States. To improve local managers' responsiveness to local conditions, Kingel's senior management has decided to delegate decision-making authority further down the chain of command. Acme is?


Kelly's Kids is a home-based business that sells high-quality children's clothing at premium prices using in-home parties. These in-home parties typically cater to families with small children and middle-to upper-middle-class income. Kelly's Kids is using ________ variables to segment its market.


Many Health care companies are making adaptation to meet the needs of an aging population as the demand for medical services and products such as diabetes supplies increase. this change in marketing strategy is best explained by a change in?


After a firm has identified an appropriate targeting strategy, the next step in the target market selection process is?

determining which segmentation variables to use

After and organization has determined which of the many segmentation variables it will use, the next step in the target market selection process is?

developing market segment profiles

Proctor & Gamble markets Cheer detergent to young singles and couples and Tide detergent to families. Proctor & Gamble is using a(n) _______ targeting strategy for laundry detergents.


Smart Balance produces a line of milk products that are lactose-free. The milk comes in pint, quart, and half-gallon cartons as well as 16-ounce glass bottles. Smart Balance sells its pint cartons to school systems, its quart and half-gallon cartons to grocery stores, and its glass bottles to vending machine operators. Smart Balance appears to use a(n) ________ strategy in marketing its product to a target market that is likely to be _________.


In order to be considered a market, people do not have to have?

discretionary income to purchase the product

Which category of income are marketers most interested in?

disposable income

Lindsay was reviewing her bank statement for last month. She had paid her rent, her car payment, electric and phone bills, and made three trips to the grocery. Lindsay had also bought tickets to a Katy Perry concert and new clothes to wear to the concert. The money spent on Lindsay's rent, car, electric and phone bills was likely from her _________, while the money spent on the concert tickets and new clothes was from her _________.

disposable income; discretionary income

Mario and his friend have been talking about their love of Bose headphones and speakers. Mario's friend mentions a consumer report that he read the week before that stated Bose products had higher prices but lower quality than in previous years. Mario thought to himself that perhaps his friend had misread the report, because Bose had always been the best. This perceptual process is known as selective?


Issues of inventory levels and storage costs are both concerns relating to the ________ variable of the marketing mix.


The purpose of market segmentation is to?

divide a total market to enable a marketer to develop a more precise marketing mix

After purchasing a product, postpurchase evalutation may result in cognitive dissonance. Cognitive dissonance is?

doubts that occur because the buyer questions whether the decision to purchase the product was right

The marketing environment is best described as being?

dynamic and changing

To monitor changes in the marketing environment effectively, marketers must engage in?

environment scanning and analysis

After Home Depot gathers information related to its marketing environment, it attempts to define current environmental changes and predict future changes. This determines possible opportunities and threats facing the company. It illustrates the process that is called?

environmental analysis

By offering both credit and financing through its GMAC division, General Motors is trying to help consumers?

expand current buying power at the expense of future buying power.

An advantage of the arbitrary approach for determining the advertising appropriation is that it is?


What is the main problem with using a market test as a forecasting tool?


The make of huggies diapers is developing a media plan that involves trying to expose its target audience to its new advertisement about ten times. This is advertising?


Subaru is producing a new seven-passenger van with all-wheel drive. Which of the following would be the best variables for segmenting the market for this new model?

geographic location and family life cycle

Alpine Ski Shops is looking for new markets for both its brick and mortar retail stores and its catalog division. Alpine Ski Shops would most likely use a(n) ________ base for market segmentation of its stores and a(n) _________ base for market segmentation of its catalog division

geographic; behavioristic

Which type of business market tends to have the most complex buying procedures?


An Ad's _______ is designed to attract readers' attention and develop interest so that they will read the entire advertisement.


Todd is developing a print advertisement for Afflac. He knows that the ________ is critical component of the copy because__________.

headline; it is often the only part of the advertisement that is read

Megan knows that whether she decides to interact with her customers in person, by phone, online, facebook, twitter, or by fax, that ________ should ultimately drive the marketing strategy.

her customers

The ________ design element of an advertisement is used to attract attention, communicate an idea quickly, or communicate ideas that are difficult to put into words; the ________ is the physical arrangement of the illustration, headline, subheadline, body copy, and the signature.

illustration; layout

Companies that incorporate ethics and social responsibility into their strategic plans are likely to experience?

improved marketing performance

It is possible to improve ethical behavior in an organization by?

improving the organization's standards and eliminating unethical persons

The amount of money received through wages, rents, investments, pensions, and subsidies is called?


A person's buying power is a function of?

income, wealth, and credit

Three factors that influence the ethical decision-making process in marketing include?

individual factors, organizational factors, and opportunity.

Advertising that aims to create a more favorable view of a company as a whole in the eyes of various stakeholders is called ________ advertising.


When charitable organizations such as the American Cancer Society, Second Harvest Foodbank, and the Red Cross make purchases for goods and services to use in their daily operations, they would be considered to be ________ buyers.


The university of Iowa runs a series of ads throughout the Midwest on how friendly and helpful its faculty, staff, and students are as well as how outstanding its academic programs are. This type of promotion would best be characterized as?

institutional advertising

Within the information search step of the consumer buying decision process, what two primary aspects exist?

internal search and external search

King Auto Supply sells car and truck parts, as well as tire replacement and balancing services. As King places its order for truck tires with Michelin, it must also place an order for valve stems and balancing weights for the tires. Such business products are characterized as having _______ demand.


Shane spends most of his free time participating in extreme sports and traveling to exotic locations with a group of close friends who share his interests and opinions about most things. this is a description of Shane's?


When the right combination of circumstances occurs at the right time to allow an organization to take action toward a target market, the firm is faced with a ?

market opportunity

The Sara Lee Company is attempting to forecast sales for a new ice cream cake. To come up with an accurate forecast, Sara Lee places the product in Atlanta supermarkets for a period of four months. In this instance, Sara Lee is using which forecasting method?

market test

Which of the following is the most specific and detailed type of business strategy?


The process of putting marketing strategies into action is called?

marketing implementation

Organizing a marketing unit by regions works well for a company that?

markets products throughout the nation

Retail-site location analyses, unique product offerings, and special advertising campaigns are all examples of the use of?


Anderson Distribution Company has purchased 15 forklifts over the past two years. As it plans to place its next order for another five machines, management wonders if additional features may be needed in order to handle changes in the products lines it carries. For Anderson, these new forklifts represent a _________ purchase.

modified rebuy

Most business purchases can be classified as belonging to one of the three types:

modified rebuy, new-task, or straight rebuy

J. Pitner Clothing is a medium-size specialty men's and women's clothing store in a market with many other specialty stores, department stores, and discounters. It has established a reputation for offering high-quality, fashionable merchandise with quality service. J. Pitner's competitive environment would best be characterized as?

monopolistic competition

What type of competitive structure exists when a firm produces a product that has no close substitutes?


Buyers' actions are affected by one or more internal energizing forces geared toward satisfying needs, which are called?


if a company segments its market on the basis of their reasons for purchasing a particular product, the primary segmentation variable in use is?


When a business is making its initial purchase of an item to be used to perform a new job, it is known as a ________purchase.


Which of the following is the most commonly used type of publicity-based relations tool?

news release

As a firm fulfills its basic economic responsibilities, it must simultaneously?

obey laws and regulations

Evaluative criteria for brands within the consideration set are both?

objective and subjective

If Target were to base its advertising appropriation on the amount that walmart spends, it would be using the ________ approach.


Carrie, a new sales person for Brenham Foods, calls in and order for twice the amount of merchandise that Corner Market requested because she knows that it will increase her sales and will not be noticed by Corner Market This is an example of how _______ influences ethical decision making.


Marketers who attempt to use reference-group influence in advertisements are most likely to succeed when messages indicate that?

people in specific group buy the product and are highly satisfied by it.

The target audience for an advertising campaign is the?

people toward whom the advertisements are directed

McDonald's supports and funds Ronald McDonald houses for the families of terminally-ill children to stay in to be near their loved ones. McDonald's action demonstrates the fulfillment of _________ responsibility.


Texas rice farmers wish to get their product into the Japanese market but are hindered by a complex maze of regulations imposed by the Japanese government. the farmers are most likely to attempt to influence which aspect of the marketing environment?


If researchers at Merck Pharmaceuticals develop a cure for prostate cancer, the best way to announce this to the public and get wide media coverage would be through a?

press conference

individuals and business organizations that purchase products for the purpose of making a profit either by using the products to produce other products or by using them in their operations are classified as ________ markets.


_______ competitors are those that compete in the same product class, but their products have different features.


Suppose that Proctor and Gamble introduced a new, larger-sized can of Pringle's potato chips using the words "new size" on the label. However, in actuality, the can is larger while the contents are slightly smaller. The correct weight is printed on the can. In this case, a ______ ethical issue exists.


_______ ethical issues generally surface when companies fail to disclose risks associated with a product or information regarding its function, value, or use.


Beth is responsible for the product line of Avenger Transformer action figures. In testing her firm's new TV ads, Beth discovers some children think many of the toys can actually fly. Beth knows that there are only a few children in the groups age 3-5 that believe this, so she decides to use children over age 5 as her target market. Since the ads will be shown on programs that have her target market as its viewers, Beth decides to include a statement "figures do not actually fly" on the bottom of the screen. However, she still faces an ethical decision regarding which element(s) of the marketing mix?


During which stage of the business cycle is unemployment low and total income relatively high?


According to the marketing concept, an organization should try to?

provide products that satisfy customers' needs and allow the organization to achieve its goals.

Toyota's sponsorship of a major Professional Golf Association tournament would be an example of a(n) _______ tool.

public relations

____ is a broad set of communication activities used to create and maintain favorable relations between the organization and its stakeholders.

public relations

During the duration of an advertising campaign, Verizon Wireless ran television advertisements at a steady rate throughout the week and intensified its message with newspaper advertising in many major newspapers in the sunday paper. Verizon Wireless used a(n) _______ Media schedule.


The percentage of consumers in the target audience actually exposed to a particular advertisement in a stated period of time is the definition of?


Marketers who view political forces as being beyond their control are taking a(n) ______ response toward these forces.


Which of the following is the most important consideration when choosing an event to sponsor?

reasonable associating between the event and the company's product

Publix Supermarket is revising its marketing plan for the upcoming quarter. Publix typically focuses on its wide variety of products and its high quality customer service, having very few weekly "sales." However, during the upcoming quarter, Publix plans to focus on price and value, and promote weekly "values" instead. Publix is most likely in a(n)?


Jason owns a small landscaping business called GreenScapes. When Buying a new pickup truck for his landscaping business, Jason negotiated with Palmetto Dodge, a dealer, with the agreement that GreenScapes would be the service company Palmetto Dodge used for all its landscaping needs. this is an example of?


The stages of the business buying decision process, in order are?

recognizing the problem, establishing product specifications, searching for products and evaluating possible suppliers, selecting suppliers, and evaluating performance

Consumer confidence and willingness to spend begin to increase during periods of _______, and marketers must remain very flexible to make the necessary adjustments.


the advertising campaign for crest toothpaste lets consumers know about its newest flavor, and also mentions its history as an established brand. The ad also mentions Crest's advantages and benefits. Crest's advertising would be classified as?


Monique reads through her emails containing advertisements for sweaters from H&M, purses from JC Penney, and tennis shoes from Foot Locker. Later while at the mall, she remembers only the shoe ad, thanks to the recent tear in her own Reeboks. Monique has engaged in selective?


Carla is a prosecuting attorney for the city of Cleveland. she is also vice president for the local parent/teacher organization and a coach for her daughter's soccer team. the actions and activities associated with each of these positions constitute Carla's?


Which of the following consumer problem-solving processes will probably be used in purchasing toothpaste?

routinized response behavior

Shortly after moving into their new home, Mark and Katherine Gould purchase and install smoke detectors and an alarm system. The Goulds are concerned about fulfilling their need for?


When evaluating market segments, assessment of competitors is important because?

sales estimates may cause a segment to appear to be lucrative, but there may be several competitors that together have a large share of that segment

Meghan would like to open a house cleaning business and is considering several market segments. She has identified four segments for consideration; young, urban singles, young married professionals, senior citizens, and college students. She ahs just completed an analysis of these four segments by assessing such factors as sales estimates, competition, and estimated costs. Meghan is now ready for the next step in the target market selection process, which is to?

select specific target markets

An open aggregate of people with similar social ranking is referred to as a?

social class

Our society uses many factors, including occupation, educational level, income, wealth, religion, race, ethnic group, and possessions, to group people into?

social classes

A consumer's buying decisions are affected in part by the people around him or her. Such people and the forces they exert on and individual buyer are called?

social influences

If Hefty Bags expresses concern that its products are having too great an impact on the pollution of ground water under landfills, this concern is directly related to the firm's?

social responsibility

Any constituent who has a claim in some aspect of a company's products, operations, markets, industry, or outcomes is known as a(n)?


A representative from Coca-Cola stops by at a local fast-food restaurant once a month to inquire how much soft drink syrup the store will need. The restaurant's orders are an example of which type of business purchase?

straight rebuy

The United States Navy purchases uniforms from a single suppliers. For the last twenty-five years, the trousers purchased from this supplier have not changed and have been bought every six months, in seven different sizes. This example is called a?

straight rebuy

Within a business organization, a profit center that is self-supporting in terms of sales, markets, production, and other resources is known as a ?

strategic business unit

The close relationship of Home Depot's philanthropic initiatives and its business goals is an example of?

strategic philanthropy

Managers at the Longshore Corporation are engaged in a complex process of revising their organization's mission and goals and developing corporate strategy, marketing objectives, marketing strategy, and, eventually, a marketing plan. This process is called?

strategic planning

An analysis of ________ examines internal factors that give the organization certain advantages and disadvantages in meeting the needs of its target markets.

strengths and weaknesses

Successful business organization should take actions to convert internal weaknesses into __________ and external threats into ________.

strengths; opportunities

Because of its highly efficient and low-cost distribution system, Walmart has a __________ advantage over Kmart.

sustainable competitive

Reinforcement advertising is primarily targeted at?

the current users of a particular product

A disadvantage of the concentrated targeting strategy is that?

the firm's financial conditions is tied to a single and specialized marketing mix

Many aspects of consumer buying decisions are affected by the individuals level of involvement. Level of involvement is?

the importance and intensity of interest in a product in a particular situation

The main problem with using objective-task approach to setting an advertising budget is that?

the marketer may experience difficulty when trying to estimate accurately the level of effort needed to achieve goals

Brian works for a manufacturer of sports equipment and is currently developing a company sales forecast for golf clubs. While reviewing data, he discovered a pattern in sales volume over the past ten years that peaked during two months of each year. Brian likely used which sales forecasting technique?

time series analysis

In today's marketing environment, competitors can take on many forms. For example, Diet Coke can be seen as a competitor to Wrigley's Double Mint Chewing gum. In this circumstance, these two products are described as ________ competitors.

total budget

Walmart sells numerous products, including packaged food, produce, automotive maintenance service, eyeglasses, clothing, and toys. Walmart advertises itself as a store where " we save people money so they can live better, " focusing on its low prices as the customer's most important need. Walmart's advertising appears to use a(n)________ strategy to a market that is ______.

undifferentiated; homogeneous

When using personality characteristics as a market segmentation variable, marketers generally?

use a positively viewed characteristic they assume much of their target market has or would like to have

Through marketing newsprint to newspaper publishers and glass manufacturers that use it in packing, International Paper segments its market based on?

use of product

Marketing activities are?

used by all sizes of organizations including for-profit, nonprofit, and government agencies.

Shelby's new job with the federal government provides a comfortable income and a fairly stable income. She would like to buy a new car now that she has a job; however, Shelby hesitates to purchase a new car because she is concerned about how poor economic conditions may affect her position in the future. Shelby Lacks?

willingness to spend

The most basic principles of marketing ethics are?

written as laws and regulations

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