MGIS Exam 3 Study Guide

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CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing Test)

A test to tell people from computers

SWOT Analysis

Evaluates the impact of each possible strategic opportunity. Strengths= Core competencies and resources Weaknesses= Areas of sub stranded performance Opportunities= Potential for new markets or innovation Threats= Potential for losses

What are examples of privacy laws?

HIPAA= Health related privacy laws Sarbanes-Oxley= Standards for publicly held firms

What are the limitations of an Expert System?

Limited focus, inability to learn, cost

Knowledge Engineering

A knowledge engineer is the specialist who works with the expert to build an Expert System

The Systems Development Life Cycle

A multistep, iterative process to designing systems, very popular. 5 phases: Investigation Analysts Design Implementation Maintenance

What is a project?

A set of activities with a beginning and an end, has goals and tasks, may have contraints

Goal of Security Management

Accuracy, integrity, and safety of all information processes and resources


Actions by a nation-state to cause damage or disruption to another nation-state

Adware Vs. Spyware

Adware= Allows internet advertisers to display ads without the consent of the user Spyware= Uses the network connection without the user's knowledge or permission, collects and distributes information about the user

Human Factors Feasibility

Assess the degree of approval/resistance to the new system

Information Technology Architecture

Blueprint that contains: Technology Platform= Complete infrastructure supporting strategic use of IT for e-commerce and business/IT apps Data Resources= Databases and data warehouses Application Architecture= Business Apps IT Organization= Organizational structure of the IS function within a firm

Strategic Development

Business strategies that support a firm's business vision

What are the benefits of an Expert System?

Captures expertise of a specialist in a limited problem domain


Causing physical, real-world harm or severe disruption of infrastructure

What-If Analysis

Change variables and relationships among variable to see changing outcomes

What are the 3 domains of Artificial Intelligence?

Cognitive Science= how humans think and learn Robotics= machines with intelligence and human-like physical capabilities Natural Interfaces= speaking to a computer in a normal voice

Optimization Analysis

Complex goal-seeking; finding the optimal value for a target variable

MBA Applications

Cross selling= offer associated items to that being purchased Product Placement=related items physically near each other Affinity Promotion= promotions based on related products Surgery Analysis= useful to analyze questionnaire data Customer Behavior= associate purchases with demographic and socioeconomic data

Global IT challenges

Cultural= Differences in language, religion, customs, and attitudes Political= Laws are different in each country Geoeconomic= Dealing with the realities of geography and economics

DSS Components

DSS relies on model bases as well as data bases

Expert System Applications

Decision Management= consider alternatives, recommendation Diagnostics/Troubleshooting= infer causes from symptoms Design/Configurations= help configure equipment components Selection/Classification= help users choose products/processes Process Monitoring/Control= monitor/control procedures/processes

Technical Feasibility

Degree to which current technical resources can be applied to the new system


Designing healthy work environments that are safe and comfortable

Knowledge Uncertainties

Elements we consider uncertain or unknowable

Inter-Networked Security Defenses

Encryption= Using a mathematical algorithm to encode a message before transmission and descramble it for reception Firewalls= A hardware or software gatekeeper that keeps unauthorized transmissions out of a system Denial of Service Attacks= Using zombie/slave computers to overload another system with large volumes of service requests E-mail Monitoring= Firms watch employees use of email

Post implementation review

Ensure the new system meets established business objectives

Strategic Management

Executive level, long range plans, organizational goals and policies, and objectives.

Product and Service Transformation

Extensively networked internally and externally

Geographic Information System

Facilitates use of data associated with geophysical location

Global Market Penetration

High external connectivity and use of IT

Performance Improvement in Business Effectiveness

High internal but low external connectivity, need to improve collaboration

Feasibility Studies

Identify needs, resources, costs benefits

Turing Test

If a human communicates with a computer and does not know it is a computer, the computer is exhibiting artificial intelligence

Business Intelligence (BI)

Improving business decision making using fact based support systems (PLANNING)

The process of Project Management

Initiation and defining= State the problem an identify objectives and resources, explore costs/benefits Planning= identify and sequence objectives/activites Executing= Put plans into motion Controlling= Ensure project objectives and deadlines are met Closing= Install deliverables, release resources, end the project

Business Analytics (BA)

Iterative exploration of a firm's historical performance to improve the strategic planning process (LONG TERM)

Slicing and Dicing

Looking at a database from different viewpoints

Cost and Efficiency Improvements

Low internal/external connectivity and low use of IT

System Maintenance

Making Changes to the system: Corrective= Fix Errors Adaptive= Adding new functionality Perfective= Improve performance Preventative= Reduce chances of future system failure

Cyber Theft

Many computer crimes involve theft of money; many firms do not reveal that they've been victims due to bad publicity

Balanced Scorecard

Measuring a company's activities in terms of its visions and strategies; not based on proven economic theory or decision sciences

Tactical Management

Mid-level management, medium and short range plans to support objectives made by executives, and allocation of resources and performance monitoring of organizational subunits

Market Basket Analysis (MBA)

One of the most common and useful types of data mining.

Management Reporting Alternatives -- MIS reports:

Periodic Scheduled Reports -- supplied on a regular basis (weekly payroll, cash burn rate) Exception Reports -- created only when something out of the ordinary happen (something breaks) Demand Reports and Responses -- available when requested Push Reporting -- reports sent without being requested (periodic schedule reports)


Purchasing products/services that were previously provided internally; 5 main reasons: Save Money Focus on Core Competencies Achieve Flexible Staffing Levels Gain Access to Global Resources Decrease Time to Market

Data Visualization System

Represent complex data using interactive 3-D models, asset in discovery of patterns, links and anomalies

Goal-seeking Analysis

Reverse of what-if; changing variables to reach a target goal of variables (Example calculating GPA)

What is the number one problem with e-commerce?

Security; the internet was developed for interoperability not impenetrability

Spamming Vs. Flaming

Spamming= Indiscriminate sending of unsolicited email Flaming= extremely critical, derogatory, vulgar email

Sensitivity Analysis

Special case of what-if; change one variable at a time to see the effect on a pre-specified value

What is the goal of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Stimulate the ability to think --- reasoning, learning, problem solving

Technology Architecture

Strategic IT choices reflecting an IT architecture that supports a firm's e-business and other IT initiatives.

Resource Management

Strategic plans for managing or outsourcing a firm's IT resources

Economic Feasibility

The extent to which the proposed system will provide positive economic benefits to the organization.

OLAP Examples

The real power of OLAP is the combining of data and models on a large scale, allowing solution of complex problems

Knowledge Trends

Things we think we know something about

What are the 4 information qualities?

Timeliness- was information present when needed Accuracy- was the information correct & error free Completeness- was all the needed information there Relevance- was the information related to the situation

What are the three decision structures?

Unstructured - executive level, infrequent, little information available Semistructured - managerial level (most business decisions are here), not as frequent, less info is available Structured - Operational level, occur frequently, much information available

Enterprise Information Portals (EIP)

Web-based interface with integration of MIS, DSS, EIS, etc., to give intranet/extranet users access to a variety of applications and services

Operational Feasibility

Will the proposed system fit existing business environment and objectives?

Drill Down

displaying details that comprise the consolidated data

Operational Management

short range plans, day-to-day operations, direct the use of resources and performances of tasks

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