MHR 4020 CH14 EXAM

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cultural intelligence (CQ) -Cognitive CQ (head) -Physical CQ (body) -Emotional/motivational CQ (heart)

Refinement and expansion of cultural sensitivity is _________: an outsider's ability to interpret someone's unfamiliar and ambiguous gestures the way that person's compatriots would. (A divergent learning style contributes to the development of this.) -The 3 facets of this are:

-values or cultural -behavior

-One way to understand how national cultures differ is to examine their ______________ dimensions or __________.

-English -multilingualism

-To facilitate communication in international enterprise, a growing number of companies have declared________ as the official language for conducting business. -A key argument for an English-only policy in companies involved in cross-cultural activity is that ________ without restriction interferes with accomplishing business goals. Without clearly understood communication, sales are lost, physical accidents occur, and post-merger cultures are difficult to integrate

-sensitivity to cultural differences and being cultural adventurous -deficits in emotional intelligence

-Two traits were specifically related to success in conducting international business: _____________________&_______________________. The adventurous aspect refers to a willingness to take a chance and experiment with a new culture. -A study demonstrated that _________________________ contributed to executive failure on assignments in Latin America, Europe, and Japan. Being able to read emotions is particularly helpful when evaluating how well the person from another culture is accepting your propositions.

-speak, read and write well in his or her language -charisma

-When you are trying to influence a person from another culture, you are most influential if you can... -A command of a second language also enhances the person's _____

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

A word of caution here is then an English-only policy may not legally permit a manager to insist that all workers speak only English when they interact with each other during working hours or on break. In general the _______________ states in its compliance manual, "An English-only rule is justified by 'business necessity' if it is needed for an employer to operate safely and efficiently."

competitive advantage

According to research and opinion, managing for diversity also brings the firm a ______

Emotional-motivational CQ (heart)

Adapting to a new culture involves overcoming obstacles and setbacks. You need the self-confidence and courage to keep trying even though your first few attempts at adapting your behavior to a group of foreign workers went poorly.

1. (marketing advantage): Managing diversity well offers a marketing advantage 2. (recruiting talented people): Companies with a favorable record in managing diversity are at a distinct advantage in recruiting and retaining talented people 3. (creative advantage): Heterogeneity in the workforce may offer the company a creativity advantage, as well as improve its problem-solving and decision-making capability 4. (help local economies): Diversity and inclusion programs help local economies thereby boosting social responsibility 5. Enhancement of team performance

Advantages of managing for diversity 1. A representational workforce facilitates the sale of products and services, and the need for such a workforce appears to be increasing. A major component of the marketing advantage of diversity is that a workforce that matches the diversity of a company's customer base has an edge in appealing to those customers. (diversity brings a good reputation and can drive business development) 2. Those companies with a favorable reputation for welcoming diversity attract the strongest job candidates among women and racial and ethnic minorities. Also, a company that does not welcome a diverse workforce shrinks its supply of potential candidates. (An organization that strives for diversity in recruiting simply has a larger talent pool in which to search for candidates) 3. Creative solutions to problems are more likely to be reached when a diverse group attacks a problem. (innovation takes place at the intersection of differences, even if getting there may bring some tensions at first. Diversity and inclusion are the key drivers of creativity, innovation and invention) 4. Many large companies take the diversity initiative of purchasing from local, minority, as well as female suppliers. The substantial purchase aid the local economy in terms of flow of money as well as employment. 5. Similar to creativity advantage, cultural diversity can enhance team performance, often because diverse backgrounds are associated with diverse information, knowledge, and perspectives that can be used to solve problems. (cultural diversity is more likely to enhance team performance when team members have a high learning approach orientation to attaining goals. Diversity brings collaboration, creative insights, and developing new skills)

-product name

Another global leadership skill is to be mindful of how a ____________ might be interpreted in another culture. A leader or manager cannot be expected to do everything working alone, so it is best to use skilled translators who know that target language quite well. Checking out the use of a ___________ with a few native speakers is another helpful safety check

Cognitive CQ (head)

The first facet of cultural intelligence is the ability to pick up some factual clues about relevant behavior such as the importance of deadlines

French managers

Based on European styles of management, __________ (who work in a strong emphasis on class) tend to behave like they are part of an elite class, in a superior, authoritarian, and bureaucratic manner. The traditional style of manager would expect obedience and high respect from group members and would tend to emphasize bureaucracy (A greater number of French managers are more egalitarian)


Because the focus on diversity includes giving many types of people an opportunity to participate fully in the orgnization, the word _______ is often used to replace diversity

emotional intelligence (a) produced by the culture in question (b) peculiar to particular individuals (c) found in all human beings

Cultural intelligence is similar to to___________, yet it goes one step further by enabling a person to distinguish among behaviors that are:

every culture

Despite culturally differences in leadership style, certain leadership practices are likely to work in__________, including giving people clear directions and administering appropriate rewards for attaining goals. (Culturally-based differences in leadership style are not as important as practices that work in every culture, for all businesses.​)

-lower key and more interested in relationship building(people-oriented) -efficiency and getting tasks accomplished quickly (more brusque and task-oriented.​).

Differences in cultural values between regions of a large country such as in the United States can also have an impact. -Mangers in the southern U.S. are___________________ than are their brusque counterparts in the north. Leaders from the south perceive such behavior as rude, pushy and short on relationship building. -Leaders from the north have a reputation for...

1. Recognition of nuances in customs 2. Being a multicultural worker 3. Recognizing potential problems of cultural misunderstanding 4. Transgender employees 5. Flexibility in dealing with others

Five aspects of cultural sensitivity are: 1. A person with cultural sensitivity will recognize certain nuances in customs that will help build better relationships with work associates from another culture. Another aspect of cultural sensitivity is being tolerant of the subtle differences between cultures. 2. Cultural sensitivity is also important because it helps a person become a multicultural worker. These people help one be accepted by a person from another culture. The concept of them also refers to an employee who identifies with two more cultures. These people are well suited to the global workplace. 3. misunderstandings such as language differences, religious differences, work habits, gender differences, acceptable personal appearance and behavior, and generational differences. 4. must be culturally sensitive to transgender people, such as tolerance, prouncing the right pronoun, etc. 5. Cultural sensitivity is enhanced by cultural training, and also by simply listening carefully and observing. A key principle is to be flexible when dealing with people from other cultures. (Cultural sensitivity is also enhanced by asking questions, such as whether it is reasonable to expect people to work on Saturday and Sunday)

1. performance orientation 2. Assertiveness 3. Future orientation 4. Time orientation 5. Human orientation 6. In-group collectivism 7. Gender egalitarianism 8. Power distance 9. Uncertainty avoidance 10. work orientation

Key dimensions of differences in cultural values which are based on attitudes toward time and work orientation: 1. degree to which a society encourages and rewards group members for performance improvement and excellence (U.S & Singapore are high on these dimensions while Russia and Greece are low) 2. the degree to which individuals are assertive, confrontational, and aggressive in their relationships with one another. Assertive people enjoy competition in business, in contrast to less assertive cultural groups who prefer harmony, loyalty and solidarity. 3. the extent to which individuals engage in future-oriented behaviors such as delaying gratification, planning and making investments for the future 4. the importance of nations and individuals attach to time. People with an urgent time orientation perceive time to be a scarce resource and tend to be impatient. People with a casual time orientation view time as an unlimited and unending resource and tend to be patient. 5. the degree to which a society encourages and rewards and should encourage and reward individuals for being fair, altruistic and caring to others 6. the degree to which individuals express, and should express, pride, loyalty, and cohesiveness in their organizations and families. 7. the degree to which a culture minimizes, and should minimize, gender equality. 8. the degree to which members of a society expect and should expect, the power to be distributed equally. Individuals who accept power and authority expect the boss to make the major decisions. These same individuals are more formal; however, being more formal toward people in positions of authority has decreased substantially throughout the world in recent years. 9. the extent to which members of society rely on social norms, rules, and procedures to lessen the unpredictability of future events. The stronger the desire to avoid uncertainty, the more likely people are to seek orderliness, consistency, and laws to cover situations in daily life. 10. the number of hours per week and weeks per year people expect to invest in work versus leisure, or other nonwork activities

-ethics -competitive advantage for managing diversity -how cultural factors influence leadership practices -how cultural sensitivity and global leadership skills contribute to leadership effectiveness

Key topics included in managing diversity are:

(1) Hold managers accountable for achieving diversity (2) Establish minority recruitment, retention, and mentoring programs (3) Conduct diversity training (4) Conduct cross-cultural training (5) Encourage the development of employee networks (6) Avoid group characteristics when hiring for person-organization fit (7) Modify products and services for targeted demographic groups (8) Attain diversity among organizational leaders

Leadership initiatives for achieving cultural diversity are: (1) A high-impact diversity initiative is for top-level organizational leaders to hold managers accountable for diversity results at all levels. If managers are held accountable for behavior and business changes in the diversity arena, an organizational culture supportive of diversity will begin to develop. Accountability for diversity results when achieving objectives is included in performance evaluations and when compensation is linked in part to achieving diversity results. (i.e. being promoted to a higher-level position. (2) As essential initiatives for building a diverse workforce is to recruit and retain members of the targered minority group. Because recruiting talented members of minority groups and women is competitive, careful human resources planning is required. High retention approach is necessary because it is a good function of leadership such as offering workers challenging work (3) The purpose of diversity training is to bring about workplace harmony by teaching people how to get along better with diverse work associates. Quite often the program is aimed at minimizing open expressions of racism and sexism (4) a set of learning experiences designed to help employees understand the customs, traditions, and beliefs of another culture. Foreign language training is often included in cultural training. The multicultural leader needs to know that English is spoken differently in the U.S., Great Britain, Australia, and South Africa. (training in cultural intelligence because it is a refinement of cultural sensitivity) (5)The network group is composed of employees throughout the company who affiliate on the basis of group characteristics such as race, ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation, or physical ability status. Group members typically have similar interests and loo to the groups as a way of sharing information about succeeding in the organization. (A caution about employee network groups is that they can result in employees segregating rather than integrating themselves into the workforce, thereby defeating the purpose of diversity initiatives) (6) (Compatibility of the individual with the organization) the compatibility often centers on the extent to which a person's major work-related values and personality traits fit major elements of the organization culture. (i.e. a person who is adventurous and prone to risk results in high performance and satisfaction where these behaviors are valued) (7) Managing diversity often means modifying products and services to increase their appeal to targeted demographic groups. Another approach to targeting products to minority groups is to emphasize purchasing from minority vendors who have the expertise to make the right connections with customers (8) To achieve a multicultural organization, firms must also practice leadership diversity- that is, have a culturally heterogenous group of leaders. Many global firms have already achieved leadership diversity with respect to ethnicity and sex. An organization with true leadership diversity also has a heterogeneous group of leaders in such positions as supervisors, middle managers, and team leaders.


Some people may regard the policy as an affront to their cultural identity and some may _______ the implication that English is the superior language. One approach the leader can take to demonstrate cultural sensitivity in this area is to emphasize that English-only policy applies mostly to formal meetings, and he or she wants to listen to the sound of another language at other times. Also, if the leader speaks another language well, he or she might exchange a few words in that language before the formal meeting gets started.

German managers

Strong performance orientation was found to be the most pronounced ___________ cultural values. ________ managers tend to avoid uncertainty and are dispassionate(not considerate of others) and assertive. The show little compassion and their interpersonal relations are straightforward, and stern.​

ethical and socially responsible goals

The ______&________________ of leaders and their organizations include providing adequately for members of the diverse workforce. Ethical leaders should therefore feel compelled to use merit instead of favoritism or bias as a basis for making human resource decisions

individualistic versus collectivist

The anchor values in clusters of values studied were....


The characteristic leadership style of ___________ managers is instructive because other asian managers use a similar style. ___________ emphasize collective well-being (collectivism) and display a strong humane orientation within a society that respects hierarchal difference (high power distance). The culture discourages aggressive, confrontational behavior, preferring harmonious relationships. The preferred organizational leadership style is therefore for managers to show compassion, while at the same time be more autocratic than participative. Managers act logically, decisively, and remain resolute.​ Managers adopt a more formal, diplomatic style to avoid conflict and show consideration of others.​

-profitability and productivity -continuity and efficiency -commitment and morale -adaptability and innovation

The general model of global leadership skills is important because they improve a company's reputation and contribute to sustainable competitive advantage. Excellent global leaders have a leadership style that generates superior corporate performance in terms of four criteria.

employee network (or affinity) groups

The network group is composed of employees throughout the company who affiliate on the basis of group characteristics such as race, ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation, or physical ability status.

-Those over which we have little or no control​ -Those over which we have some control​

The sources of our individual variations are complex, but are generally grouped into two categories:​ -Biologically determined - race, sex, age, certain physical attributes, the family and society we are born into, etc.​ -Through our conscious choices and deliberate efforts​ Work, background, income, marital status, military experience, political beliefs, geographic location, education, etc.​

(1) understanding key dimensions of differences in cultural values (2) the influence of cultural values on leadership style

The two topics that help a leader learn how to manage in a culturally diverse workplace are:


The values embedded in a culture influence the ______ of leaders and managers as well as the ______ of other workers. ​Relationships between people in a society are affected by the values programmed in the minds of these people.​ Because management deals heavily with interpersonal relationships, management and leadership are affected by cultural values. Management and leadership processes may vary from culture to culture, but, being value-based, these processes show strong continuity in each society.

-diverse -Globalization -greater numbers. -international experience and skills

Workforce trends include: -work forces are becoming more _______ and cultures of inclusion are becoming more common.​ ​-_________ is compelling businesses to send more workers to other countries.​ ​-Leaders are traveling and working abroad in _________ ​-Workers with __________&_____ are increasingly more sought-after in the workplace.

Physical CQ (body)

Your actions and demeanor must prove to your foreign hosts that you have entered their world by adopting people's habits and mannerisms. (kiss on both cheeks for Frenchmen and not shake hands with the Japanese

cross cultural training

a set of learning experiences designed to help employees understand the customs, traditions, and belief of another culture. Foreign language training is often included in cultural training. The multicultural leader needs to know that English is spoken differently in the U.S., Great Britain, Australia and South Aftica

Cultural Sensitivity

an awareness of and a willingness to investigate the reasons why people of another culture act as they do

multicultural worker

an individual that is convinced that all cultures are equally good and enjoys learning about other cultures. They are usually people who have been exposed to more than one culture in childhood

public policy or marketplace strategies

diversity can provide new perspectives on dealing with ________ or _________or developing the next generation of robotic rovers to explore Mars

A divergent learning style

emphasizes concrete experience and reflective observation. Individuals with this are often imaginative and emotional. As a result, they can attach their feelings to the experience. People with a ______________ tend to have broad cultural interests and show a strong interest in obtaining international experiences. (part of motivational (CQ).

diversity training

has become a widely used method for enhancing diversity within organization. A forms of____________ center on increasing people's awareness of and empathy for people who are different from themselves in some important way.

multicultural leader

is a leader with the skills and attitudes to relate effectively to and motivate people across race, gender, age, social attitudes and lifestyles. To influnece, motivate, and inspire culturally diverse people, the leader must be aware of overt and subtle differences

Tolerance for ambiguity

is important for a leader in general, and especially important for developing global leadership skills. Another are where ______________ is a success factor lies within providing leadership to cross-cultural teams. One of the more pronounced cross-cultural differences is that various members of the team nay have differing attitudes toward hierarchy and authority (or power distance). Team members from some cultures may have difficulty with the flat structure of most teams

Behavioral complexity

is the term given to this ability to attain all four criteria of organizational performance. Excellent global leader are able to understand complex issues from the four perspectives and to achieve the right balance. Thr global leader must tap into a deep, universal layer of human motivation to build loyalty, trust, and teamwork in different cultures.

leadership diversity

o achieve a multicultural organization, firms must also practice _________________- that is, have a culturally heterogenous group of leaders.

global leadership skills

refer to the ability to exercise effective leadership in a variety of countries. The definition stems from the idea that the essence of global leadership is the ability to influence people who are dissimilar to the leader and stem from different cultural backgrounds. Such skills would include concepts such as cultural sensitivity, being a multicultural worker, and cultural intelligence.


​ Human characteristics that make people different from one another.​ ​Leaders should be the champions for valuing the inclusion of these differences.

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